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No. 388312
>>388231 >I hate that being rich, white, and male means suddenly none of my feelings of self-frustration, of inadequacy and uncomfortability with my lack of dependable friends actually matter, Everyone's problems are unique to them. Just because you're not a rocket scientist does not mean your problems are not difficult on their own, especially as they are relative to your life and your ability.
That said, 2 observations: 1) The qualifyer of "rich, white, male" is usually only presented when white people try to justify inequalities with examples of their own that generally pale in comparison to the amounts of racial inequality in America. It may be wise to examine some of your assumptions about that inequality. This topic is one of those conversation killers that white people seem to stumble over. You have problems, yeah, but the inequalities of the system are much greater if you are not white. Most folks don't want to hear about your problems, because your problems are not theirs. Your problems should be addressed, but appreciate that you will have to be the one to address them, and that most people don't like hearing about other peoples' problems unless it's a problem they fix for money. But trying to compare your problems to being basically profiled by police all day every day is not an argument you can win. It may not make you comfortable but I wouldn't try and defend yourself or make arguments that you don't get a better deal. You do. Whining about it will not get you friends. 2)Lack of dependable friends may be an aspect of your social ability but it may also be an aspect of those friends. WoW players can be a very particular kind of humanity. If you are lacking in player ability, I would suggest studying up. Certain disabilities can be countered with knowledge. However I would also be mindful that these people are not very flawed people themselves. Just because somebody is good at something does not make them a good person. If everyone is *always* a faggot and shitlord to this person or persons, I might reconsider being their friends.
>I hate that it's the same with every social group I know, everyone's throwing around shit and chewing out anything new, and I can't fit in anywhere despite trying. I know I'm not as good as other people but I still wish trying to learn wasn't treated with an equal level of dickery for not being super-aware or following the same blind channels they did. >I hate that sometimes I'll say things because I think it's all in fun but I end up pushing the wrong buttons and fucking everything up, and I hate that it keeps happening every so many months. I can't socialize for shit and then my parents get mad that I don't constantly go, when I just want to be alone until I'm ready to try again on my time. And I hate that the only people that want to hear any of this just want money for the job, and the last person I had for this just bailed on me the minute her shit got in order. Or maybe I scared her off. I don't know.
Social mores can be difficult to learn, especially if you spend most of your time online where the social rules are much more important than real life. That said, I'd pay attention to those topics or jokes that really crash the conversation. Sometimes it's because the joke was uncomfortable to a specific person, sometimes it's because you dropped an opinion on a subject that marks you as ignorant and because of that ignorance, dangerous, re:racism and sexism. This doesn't mean that you have to "hide" your opinions, but rather you should examine them, and ruminate on why they are offensive. You make friends by understanding, not by offhand rejection. And again, if all they do forever is shit on other things, maybe consider getting new friends. On the internet, it's a bit different. Most people come online to vent or to wind down. A higher degree of shitting on things is accepted, but if it's 100% shit all day e'er day, do consider that they may have emotional issues.
If you want to change your life, that's up to you, but it can be useful to understand how other people live their lives first. It sucks about the therapist but she has her own life to live, dig? Everyone can only help you so much before you have to pull your end of the weight.