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No. 381409
>>381406 I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're just unfamiliar with the way the anti-Comic Sans movement. In case you're being serious, I'll fill you in, FONT NERD style:
Comic Sans is probably the most widely misused font in the world. It is a Display Font, (and many would argue, not even one of the better Display Fonts) that gets used for prose, which is just an assault on the eyes in general. Despite being designed in homage to the handwriting of cartoonists, it's not actually all that well suited to comic lettering, lacking the crossbar "I" (as the "rules" such as they are for comics, have it that when you use I as in the first-person pronoun, it should be the Crossbar-I rather than the plain ol' Sans-Serif I) and has poor kerning by default. It also lacks a lot of special characters that professional comic-lettering fonts would have, like breath marks and slightly varied upper case / lower case fonts to avoid repetition of identical characters, but Trebuchet MS doesn't have those either, so it's not relevant to the issue in this case.
It's also just used a lot, and any font that you see too often should probably be avoided if there are equally good alternatives available. As much of a boner as Font Nerds have for Helvetica, for example, if you want your lettering to stand out, Helvetica should be avoided simply because you'll look like everything else if you use it (though that's in reference to long prose works, obviously, not comics--Helvetica does not look good at all in comics in my experience). The overuse element is part of the reason Blambot's AnimeAce is derided among cartoonists as well.
Because of all of this, a year or two ago a movement got really big that jokingly suggested Comic Sans should be illegal. Much of the internet has jumped on that bandwagon. Arguments can be made about whether or not Comic Sans is really as bad as the movement makes it out to be (for example, is Papyrus really that much better in terms of being abused?)
Honestly, hand-lettering is the way to go if you want REALLY impressive textwork in your comic, but it's very time consuming and, while less challenging than artists often assume(when lettering, you're drawing the letters, not using your own handwriting, even though most assume that if their own handwriting is bad lettering is out of the question), it's a work-intensive artform where a lot of your drawing knowledge doesn't carry over. And most artists working in webcomics don't have the spare dosh to throw at pro letterers or even just assistants they can put on lettering duty.
Anyway, Comic Sans is probably NOT AS BAD as it is treated, but its controversy alone is enough of a reason to steer clear of it in anything you're going to show to people whose respect you're interested in. You'll look unprofessional and lazy even if you chose it for perfectly well reasoned and legitimate reasons.
...unless you're writing Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. In which case, Fuck Yeah, Comic Sans!