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Subject   (reply to 128852)
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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 135215802277.png - (94.40KB , 486x750 , 01J8T1.png )
128852 No. 128852
This thread is strictly for content requests, ie newly created media based on specific details by an individual(s). If you're looking for an artist or some other source, check a particular thread related to the subject in question.

1) When requesting some, provide as much detail & reference pics as possible in the initial post.
1a) Check several Rule 34 sites before requesting a series in general (for ideas/references), and glance through this thread to see if your request has already been posted by someone else.
2) Any discussion that does not directly contribute to getting a request fulfilled (especially "me too" posts) will eventually be deleted.
2a) NO DRAMA: Don't harass the artists for any reason; Artists: Don't be difficult. BOTH: Be patient.
2b) Posts complaining about one's request not being filled fast enough/at all and/or posting a lot re-requesting the same thing will be deleted & grounds for a ban. Your original request might be deleted, too.
2c) Failure to shut the hell up if you violate 2a or 2b will be grounds for a ban.
3) Requests not aligned with boards rules will be deleted and the poster possibly banned.

If you are an artist, try being a name/tripfag to make it easier to have requests directed your way.

Old board's thread is at >>108132 (if it's still available) and requests from there should still apply. /cod/-type requests go here: https://plus4chan.org/b/cod/res/1733.html
Expand all images
>> No. 128855
File 135216055938.gif - (144.86KB , 460x646 , 135140117226164.gif )
Human octavia and vinyl scratch in bikinis that are way to small for them. I want come hither looks and maybe a little showing off *if you catch my drift*
>> No. 128857
File 135216115129.png - (625.41KB , 480x546 , 1352058106728.png )
Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew celebrating their friendship with lesbian sex in these outfits.
>> No. 128859
>Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew celebrating their friendship with lesbian sex
aw yeeeeeeaaaaaaa-
>in these outfits.
now you ruined it
>> No. 128860
File 135216439522.png - (356.82KB , 1280x1024 , fuschia crimny 03NOV2012.png )
Figured I'd post this here, considering it was originally a /co/ request.

So here it is, that Sinfest pic I started (with someone else's name, regrettably) back in 2009.
>> No. 128861
I'm sure Mr Ishida would be just shocked at your se><ism and hatred of women

Great pic though, personally I would love to see more of that thirtyfour (I sorta have a thing for shorter slightly nerdy looking lads with taller girls, and who doesn't love these two?)
>> No. 128862
Any of these requests will do. By anyone who wants to do tham
>> No. 128864
Heh. This one took me three years, dude. Who knows when more's gonna be done.

Hopefully soon - I need to build up my Comissions portfolio.
>> No. 128866
File 135217130514.jpg - (154.80KB , 993x1370 , sTTRH.jpg )
Anything with Roxanne, paired with Max, if possible.
>> No. 128867
Finally, good sinfest porn!
>> No. 128869
Gravity Falls request, with pic for reference:


Robbie and Dipper DP'ing Wendy, who is oblivious in ecstasy, while scowling at each other like they did in Fight Fighters (the first pic.)


Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy ala the Thundercats pic (second pic obviously.)
>> No. 128874
File 135217514553.png - (326.77KB , 1049x337 , missHulk.png )
Requesting a pic of Miss Martian and She-Hulk involved in some form of purely lesbian (and consensual) oral sex, plz.
It could be:

-Ordinary cunnilingus
-69 (Standard, sideways, standing, etc)

>> No. 128875
File 135217527451.jpg - (163.70KB , 500x667 , tumblr_m74rmyf2gC1roe2gd.jpg )
Katara and Aang getting it on.

Avatar State or bloodbending during it is a bonus.
>> No. 128877
Reposting from the older thread:

Mrs. Jewls' younger self from the Wayside cartoon (shown in an in-show flashback that's supposed to be about 20 years prior, so I'm guessing she'd be about in her mid/late teens or early 20s) rollerskating in the nude. Like, all she's wearing are the rollerskates and the bow(s?) in her hair.


Thanks in advance, and sorry for not having a better reference image.
>> No. 128908
File 13521848241.png - (2.04MB , 1610x1926 , Zola and Wonder Woman.png )
I have yet to see any Wonder Woman/Zola fanart, this needs to be rectify. I mean, its such a great book with some really good characters.

It can be something that depicts them in some really rough dominant lesbian sex with strap-on and bondage, or perhaps something more cute and sensual involving lingerie and the like.

I will leave this to artist.

Anyway, I think this pic has all the references needed.
Wonder Woman does look to be considerably taller than whats stated there though(at least in her own book), hence the size difference pic.
>> No. 128911
File 135219045614.jpg - (567.94KB , 956x1324 , Tanit.jpg )
Reposting from the old thread:

Tanit, goddess of envy in the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks and adaptations, parting her robes for the viewer with one hand while concealing a dagger with the other.
>> No. 128912
File 135219058160.jpg - (1.16MB , 1211x2059 , Alarielle.jpg )
Alarielle the Everqueen from Warhammer Fantasy being fucked by a Greater Demon of Khorne.
>> No. 128913
File 135219072676.jpg - (266.74KB , 623x828 , Goldmoon & Takhisis.jpg )
And finally, from Dragonlance, Goldmoon masturbating while the evil goddess Takhisis strips for her.
>> No. 128924
File 135220546334.jpg - (125.78KB , 805x654 , Damian Wayne Robin & Hit-Girl.jpg )
I'd like to see some /34/ of Damian Wayne as Robin and Hit-Girl from the Kick-Ass comic. I feel like these characters are so close in age and personality that having them be "intimate" with each other is just kind of a no brainer. Any sort of sexual act would be good, I would prefer to see them in some straight up penetration with a little bit of groping action myself but if anyone agrees that this would be a good pairing and would like to do some art for it more power to them. And also I should mention I'm not really into seeing Hit-Girl covered in blood so if we could leave that part out, this was only the best possible full body shot I could find of her.
>> No. 128930
File 135221074282.png - (726.75KB , 1280x720 , NiceMosquitoBitesMabel.png )
Requesting a Mabel Pines/Pacifica Northwest pic based off this scene.

>“Oh... Nice. Looks like you want some more, huh?” Pacifica sat in the girl's lap, waiting for her to catch her breath after the extended mouth to mouth session. After Mabel stopped heaving, she pushed her chest against Mabel's, their nipples brushing on each other.
>“Oh god, it's like I'm in Japan!” Mabel cried as her mosquito bites were suffocated under Pacifica's larger rack.


If the bondage is too /d/ for here, you can change it to consensual non-bonded making out.
>> No. 128931
File 135221098735.png - (913.59KB , 1280x718 , PacificaHa.png )

Either way, just make sure Pacifica's boobs are squished up against Mabel's DFC.
>> No. 128934
File 135222426386.png - (219.59KB , 516x398 , shezow2.png )
Rule 63 SheZow in undersized boys clothes
>> No. 128945
File 135224364012.jpg - (210.30KB , 806x863 , 1334628903814.jpg )
Spinnerette needs some love.
>> No. 128949

Spinerette and Empowered for maximum sexy.
>> No. 128977
File 135227824847.png - (1.27MB , 1366x768 , OSR reference.png )
/r/ rule 34. Molly or Paradice.
>> No. 128978
File 13522805851.png - (1.30MB , 1082x1298 , kai.png )
Ray and Gabe giving Allie a facial to shut up her motormouth

More Refs: http://www.kaijudo.com/tv/bio/characters/allie.html
>> No. 128979
>> No. 128980
File 135229092133.jpg - (32.47KB , 449x719 , 123726721576251.jpg )
/r/ing an incest pic with Roberta and her son/step son Rhodey and Tony . Was thinkin' maybe sucking them both off and covering her face in their jizz before heading to school. I just like delicious brown women covered in white jizz
>> No. 128985
File 135229958864.jpg - (43.96KB , 621x494 , Crj9s.jpg )
I dare you
>> No. 128986
File 135230513088.png - (311.69KB , 717x360 , OtterBoyAndOtterGirl.png )
3 Choices Of My Request (The Artist can choose the best one out of the 3):
Otter Boy And Girl in Delicious Incest
Milo and Otter Girl
Otter Boy,Milo and Camille

Info on Otter Boy And Girl,With References:
>> No. 129009
File 135232152197.jpg - (355.51KB , 2816x1710 , 1352321182356.jpg )
requesting this Raven, my gosh
>> No. 129036
File 135233719046.png - (204.71KB , 319x392 , Screen shot 2012-10-27 at 12_07_32 PM.png )
Oh my yes... I remember when King Cheetah did 4-5 pictures of that a day for /co/.
So much delicious Dr. Anna, and yet it could never be enough.

Anyway; nameless advertisement pin-up model from Jetsons. Anyone up for it?
>> No. 129062
>> No. 129071
File 135237007697.jpg - (1.46MB , 3840x3956 , enderandvalreferences.jpg )
some 34 from the Ender's Game comic would be nice, particularly some nice Wiggincest.
>> No. 129090
File 135240497787.gif - (18.28KB , 600x450 , katia_quill_reference.gif )
can i get more katia and quill-weave doing lesbian things? i liked that about the last thread
>> No. 129097
...This one's on standby for me.
>> No. 129100
File 135242104442.jpg - (142.27KB , 540x720 , Jinja (monsuno).jpg )
Request some /r34/ of Jinja from Monsuno. There's nothing about her.
>> No. 129104
File 13524290525.jpg - (48.11KB , 640x480 , JuneJack.jpg )
requesting some /34/ of June Darby and her son Jack Darby from Transformers prime screwing.
>> No. 129108
File 135243728868.jpg - (121.91KB , 1024x500 , MarcelineInSpace.jpg )
Bravest Warriors has no porn on paheal. Can someone fix this?

DannyxBeth (Marceline: Dem Hips version) please.
>> No. 129109
File 135243731039.jpg - (227.72KB , 1024x659 , DannyBravestWarriors.jpg )
>> No. 129112
i second this
>> No. 129113
omg I am excited
>> No. 129144
File 13524853011.jpg - (408.92KB , 700x1085 , MM_19-3-noscale.jpg )
Requesting some 34 of Quake Woman from the megaman comic in her swimsuit. Alone or with Rock, Roll or robot master of artist's choice.
>> No. 129150
File 135249140247.jpg - (9.66KB , 330x239 , Bridget-Tony-from-American-Tail.jpg )
Why do I always get ignored? You guys just don't like mice?
>> No. 129154

No we just don't like you!
>> No. 129171
File 135251303819.jpg - (454.03KB , 1600x1200 , bridget_tony.jpg )
Why do I always get ignored. Do you guys just not like mice?
>> No. 129174
No we just don't like you!
>> No. 129196
File 135256925445.jpg - (54.42KB , 640x480 , Queenie145.jpg )
Queenie from Rescue Rangers
>> No. 129197
File 135256931996.jpg - (51.26KB , 640x480 , Queenie142.jpg )
>> No. 129201
File 135257070279.jpg - (89.33KB , 620x744 , miss solar sys.jpg )
>> No. 129207
Hi, No. 15201! Could I trouble you to tackle this particular request, please?: >>128911
>> No. 129208
File 13525844078.jpg - (10.43KB , 259x194 , image.jpg )
Requesting anything with Malina X Chel
>> No. 129209
File 135258444928.jpg - (56.96KB , 720x480 , image.jpg )
>> No. 129210
File 135258456794.jpg - (31.56KB , 400x241 , image.jpg )
>> No. 129238
File 135265040319.png - (141.20KB , 650x548 , Bonnibel_and_Marceline_-_Rasberry_-_by_Natasha.png )
Requesting Marceline biting PB's ass and sucking out the colour.
>> No. 129252
Go to coq instead.
>> No. 129254

If it's rule 63, then Shezow would be an actual girl, making it /pco/ material.
>> No. 129286
File 135270447174.jpg - (34.08KB , 853x480 , Young_Ms_Jewls(Wayside).jpg )
It looks like the old thread's lost, so here's the reference image from it.
>> No. 129322
File 135277169039.jpg - (419.42KB , 700x1134 , 1214879695033.jpg )
i request some /34/ of helena potato from monster allergy
masturbating would be cool
>> No. 129359
File 135281349434.jpg - (83.69KB , 707x528 , galaxy-high_L04.jpg )
I request some /34/ of Wendy, Gilda, Booey and Aimee from Galaxy High.
>> No. 129396
W-why don't you like me? ;_;
>> No. 129402

>> No. 129419
File 135287721974.jpg - (57.01KB , 500x719 , sdsu2009-04_miracle.jpg )
I guess I'll repost/rephrase my request since the last thread's gone...

Miracle Grohe from "Sit Down, Shut Up" fondling herself in a locker room...she's wearing a bikini, but the top is pulled up and the bottom is hanging down at her knees.

Thanks, and let me know if more/better reference images are needed.
>> No. 129424
File 135288297922.png - (934.89KB , 800x1280 , EmiBed.png )
Lemongrab from Adventure Time having (anal.) sex with Emi from Katawa Shoujo.
>> No. 129425
File 135288823699.jpg - (83.96KB , 930x475 , NickArcade.jpg )
Something with Merlock, Scorchia and Mongo, the Game Wizards of Nick Arcade. Either a 3-way between them, or naked Scorchia by herself.
>> No. 129441
I'm not going to give up that easy! An American Tail deserves better porn.
>> No. 129465
File 135295093529.png - (174.74KB , 1000x506 , katia.png )
First time drawing Katia/Quill-weave
>> No. 129473
nice work
>> No. 129478
very nice
>> No. 129487
Are you the same guy as >>129097
>> No. 129489
Nope. He totally beat me to it.
Might still do something from this, myself. But for now, I'm busy as all hell.
>> No. 129513
File 13529770837.jpg - (165.78KB , 1016x787 , sonic_screw_driver__by_jollyjack-d5l0g6o.jpg )
This version got taken down by DeviantArt (for crying out loud). JJ keeps saying there's a Dr. Who-less version out there, but as usual he's not saying where.
>> No. 129516
File 135298272785.jpg - (76.92KB , 386x699 , abby.jpg )
Something involving Abby from Cubix
>> No. 129524
It would be very appreciated if you did do something. There is no such thing as too much of a good thing. ;D
>> No. 129535
File 135301944845.jpg - (203.55KB , 1047x811 , Chloe ZigZag Sonic Uncensored.jpg )
>> No. 129632
File 135315671895.gif - (51.55KB , 785x302 , autowb969.gif )
I've never posted here before, so please forgive me if I make a mistake. I'm hoping for The Whiteboard related material, preferably Pirta or Sandy.
>> No. 129636

>> No. 129658
>> No. 129687
File 135324002065.jpg - (181.48KB , 900x1325 , Sensational She-Hulk 52 - 01.jpg )
She-Hulk in this outfit, sucking cock(s) with Titania.
>> No. 129688
File 135324006162.jpg - (204.79KB , 900x1347 , Sensational She-Hulk 52 - 06.jpg )
Ref 2.
>> No. 129695

...As in, sucking each other's cocks? Or both sucking someone else's cock?
>> No. 129710
File 135327931246.png - (48.31KB , 149x259 , CandyChiu.png )
Candy Chiu, one of Mabel's friends in Gravity Falls, when, an a sleepover with Mabel. Candy's fucking Mabel with an improvised strapon (maybe made of a belt some duct tape, and an electric toothbrush with the handly pointing out, or just use your own imagination), and saying, "My new improvement of human being appeals to you?"

Mabel's answer is "You're darn tootin' it does!"

Dipper (secretly) and/or Grenda (openly) watching is optional.
>> No. 129725
File 135330538352.jpg - (210.32KB , 1000x1294 , tumblr_m8klywMsQN1rn49cpo2_1280.jpg )
HD = More 34?
>> No. 129740
Either both She-Hulk and Titania sucking the same cock, or the two of them separately sucking cocks. Not requesting futa.
>> No. 129745
File 135334470759.jpg - (18.46KB , 472x352 , 1353160319620.jpg )
Requesting a pic of this chick from Dexter's Laboratory spreading her asscheeks.
>> No. 129746
File 135334677855.jpg - (647.03KB , 1367x1508 , Shulkie.jpg )
>> No. 129747
A request actually getting done?

>> No. 129761
File 135337033916.jpg - (97.64KB , 422x687 , 5-psyme.jpg )
All Wayforward games need more rule 34.
Honestly, their games are pretty boring, but the character designs are hawt.

For example, Psyme from Sigma Star Saga. Note that aside from her boots, she is naked - her "clothes" is a symbiotic parasite alien, groping her body tight.
>> No. 129764
Even more curious, a filled request where the characters aren't prepubescents or adolescents!
>> No. 129768
File 135338156218.png - (121.70KB , 600x1417 , 135335020161.png )
Clairetrap, please!
>> No. 129769
File 135338330274.png - (49.62KB , 900x1151 , tumblr_m5w1s6vxwJ1qd9jlto1_1280.png )
>I... I'm trans
>> No. 129777
File 135339988423.png - (9.32KB , 600x450 , blush.png )
I saw this request on /co/ but there was no filles requests that day. Would someone here be willing to do it?

>Katia with this expression (picture) facesitting on the vampire chick while she licks jelly out of her pussy.
>> No. 129778
File 135340001957.gif - (13.24KB , 600x450 , story893.gif )
vampire chick reference
>> No. 129799
File 135346768434.jpg - (183.97KB , 515x378 , req.jpg )
i request ninjara and mona
in some higly erotic lesbian action
>> No. 129803

I heartily endorse this idea.
>> No. 129812
Requesting a pic with X-23 in her prostitute days
>> No. 129815
File 135351826478.png - (248.48KB , 663x445 , 1353506435124.png )
got any ideas for these two? anything , as log as it's bit saucy and cat suits on.
>> No. 129840
whats this from?
>> No. 129842

Littlest Pet Shop.


Them getting fucked doggie style (lol irony) while being distracted/preoccupied with some catnip.
>> No. 129886
File 135356351678.jpg - (273.66KB , 1000x1294 , tumblr_m8klywMsQN1rn49cpo3_1280.jpg )
More referrals. (prisoners)
>> No. 129927
I'm seeing a distinct lack of mouse sex, here.
>> No. 129928
File 135363482398.jpg - (45.53KB , 640x480 , Gadget-jumpsuit163.jpg )
I request some /34/ of Gadget Hackwrench from Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers.
>> No. 129935
>> No. 129936
File 135363972977.jpg - (23.48KB , 415x315 , 1353605657126.jpg )
i request some /34/ of molly the sister of taz
>> No. 129941
File 135364303132.jpg - (20.61KB , 404x304 , 1347413870040.jpg )
>> No. 129960
>2b) Posts complaining about one's request not being filled fast enough/at all and/or posting a lot re-requesting the same thing will be deleted & grounds for a ban. Your original request might be deleted, too.

Don't be a dick. Other people are waiting for their requests and managing to not complain.
>> No. 130020
File 135379769860.jpg - (216.56KB , 800x940 , violet.jpg )
Violet from The Mask cartoon, wearing The Mask (No, that part isn't optional. Draw her with The Mask or don't draw her at all. Pics on the right should give an idea of the design).

Exposed tits over her blouse while sitting on a desk with crossed legs.
>> No. 130031
I would like to make an alteration to a previous request I made here. Malina from emperors new school and chel from El Dorado lesbian fucking in front of the a mayan calender either both giving the middle finger to the audience or saying something like "12-21-2012 is when we have an orgy for the gods, what did you think would happen" or something like that
refs here
>> No. 130041
File 135385670365.jpg - (122.53KB , 665x375 , 68733.jpg )
dragon tales human characters please
>> No. 130051
File 135387705441.jpg - (24.97KB , 401x600 , stephen-king-it.jpg )
Here's one I'm pretty sure no one has attempted.
Draw the orgy scene from the end of Stephen King's It.
If you haven't read It, I'll try to see if anyone has excerpts of it online.
>> No. 130056
Here's the text.
Whether you want to base your drawing off the descriptions in the book or the movie versions of the characters is up to the artist.
>> No. 130073
Sad to see this thread does not generate any content...
Apparently everyone is satisfied with the result of previous disclosure.
>> No. 130093
File 135392837844.png - (493.31KB , 584x494 , CreepySusieDress.png )

We should be glad we get anything at all.

I just wish there was a way to more easily track which requests were done and which weren't. The way old uncompleted requests don't get buried under a bunch of pictures made for other requests.

But to keep on topic, maybe I'll request some content...

Annoyed Creepy Susan in silly dress giving a blowjob.
>> No. 130098
Is it bad that I started reading your post in her voice?

>We should be glad we get anything at all.
>I just wish there was a way lyto more easi track which requests go unfulfilled and wanting, leading miserable lives of neglect. That way old decomposing requests don't get buried under a bunch fresh corpses of newly dead requests, that will never know the sweet satisfaction of life.
>> No. 130099
File 135393266119.png - (281.17KB , 378x418 , CreepySusie3.png )
Posting another reference pic.


>> No. 130106
>> No. 130121
File 135398760315.jpg - (22.67KB , 640x480 , 1322445378388.jpg )
Cousin Mel from Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer getting a rimjob from Jake Spankenheimer.
>> No. 130122
that would be great.
>> No. 130143
File 13540429894.png - (99.98KB , 500x642 , dragonloli.png )
Not quite 34, but here ya go.
>> No. 130189
Now that you mension it there lack of dragon tales humans character hentai.
>> No. 130191
Now that you mension it there lack of dragon tales humans character hentai.
>> No. 130196
File 135413521783.png - (178.32KB , 700x900 , dragonloli2.png )

Good argument. Here ya go.
>> No. 130200
File 135414602335.jpg - (35.98KB , 638x480 , 638px-Maya_Santos.jpg )
Maya posing in a very revealing bikini two sizes too small. Make her a bit older too. thanks in advance
>> No. 130211
My only request is to see no15201's wonderful drawings from the last thread colored, if possible.
>> No. 130215
File 135416642055.jpg - (96.42KB , 720x484 , 4df92fc06fae1b32644ae1879d826254.jpg )
So I found this pic of the wayforward girls. Do whatever you want.
>> No. 130216
File 135416642049.jpg - (96.42KB , 720x484 , 4df92fc06fae1b32644ae1879d826254.jpg )
So I found this pic of the wayforward girls. Do whatever you want.
>> No. 130279
File 135426429929.gif - (933.97KB , 500x403 , BethSexy.gif )
You know what must be done.
>> No. 130291
File 135427404337.jpg - (32.94KB , 372x480 , Wags.jpg )
Someone please do some 34 of Wags Perplexed Pup
>> No. 130333
File 135432081024.jpg - (424.41KB , 1322x797 , bravest warriors.jpg )
>> No. 130337
Looked for a cap of this forever ago. Thank you.
>> No. 130437
File 13544925244.jpg - (207.51KB , 524x744 , Tanit 2 copy.jpg )

On it
>> No. 130452
Please forgive a potentially stupid question, but would a sketch request for an anthropomorphic character need to be made in the request thread in /cod/, or is it okay to ask here if it's just a softcore sketch?

Thanks, and sorry I've overlooked an obvious rule.
>> No. 130457
Anthro/furry is pretty fluid, so it's allowed on both boards. If it's some completely straight furry, I'd request it here. If it's furry with some added kink/fetishism, I'd put it in /cod/.

If it's all dicks, take it to /coq/.
>> No. 130480
Oh yeah!
>> No. 130496
File 135457099633.jpg - (25.85KB , 350x324 , brownie0.jpg )
Something of the pot brownie from Reefer Madness The Movie Musical
>> No. 130607
can't unsee bobby hill -_-
>> No. 130624
File 135468914423.png - (179.02KB , 640x480 , HankHill_BWAH.png )
>> No. 130672
File 135474561544.jpg - (119.65KB , 784x510 , reference.jpg )
Requesting Korra sucking her mom's tits while her mom says "this is so nostalgic" or something
>> No. 130702
File 135476793977.jpg - (218.97KB , 1024x573 , ArthurCG.jpg )
>> No. 130707
I could get behind this
>> No. 130708
File 135477461552.jpg - (39.96KB , 289x480 , Harmond10.jpg )
Thanks for the clarification (despite my response coming 4 days later).

If it's okay to request furry/anthro material on the normal board as long as it's softcore and not overtly fetish-related, I'd like to see a sketch of Harmond the tiger-chick from TaleSpin relaxing, in the nude, in a hot tub (the water being clear enough that you can see her body).

Thanks to any takers, and I'll gladly delete and move this post to the /cod/ section if it's still breaking any rule(s).
>> No. 130780
File 135490557523.png - (104.71KB , 880x622 , 20121206.png )
Jack and Erin /ss/ plz?
>> No. 130781
File 13549095154.jpg - (395.08KB , 800x1126 , pag00.jpg )
Sonic xxx 2.5
>> No. 130782
File 135490953752.jpg - (316.58KB , 800x1131 , pag01.jpg )
>> No. 130784
File 135491448492.jpg - (264.74KB , 938x1386 , tomboy18.jpg )
Another obscure public domain Golden age comic book superhero... this one's Tomboy, a 12 year old girl with no powers who is somehow feared by the underworld.

She only appeared in four back-up stories, and you can read ALL of them at http://junglefrolics.blogspot.com/2010/07/before-there-was-hit-girlthere-was.html and I think she needs some porn. I'm not picky... she's got an older brother, so I'd love to see one where she fucks him as Tomboy, with him not having any idea it's his little sister, or you could team him up with the Black Cat and Kitten, but really, any kind of porn would do.
>> No. 130792
Requester here. Now I can't unsee it either.
>> No. 130825
this one's for you, dad
>> No. 130840
File 135496026599.jpg - (396.37KB , 1280x998 , tumblr_mdb9e8IFYL1r34y4ho1_1280.jpg )
This panel, redrawn so they're topless and Vampirella is fucking Lady Death with a strap-on. Expressions are already perfect.
>> No. 130843
Is it okay for me to request some Rule 63 of a male character on this thread?
>> No. 130868

Go for it.
>> No. 130875
File 135505556114.png - (144.30KB , 368x276 , Shendu_3.png )

I would like to see rule 63 applied to Shendu and it should be a full body shot.
>> No. 130901
File 135509258934.jpg - (430.46KB , 1600x1130 , elenabating.jpg )

Here bro, hope you enjoy it.

Also i'd like to gently remind that i'm open for commissions and should i add desperetly in need of money, so you guys want something please consider me.

Still i'll do a few more freebies.
>> No. 130902

Fucking great.
>> No. 130907
thanks a bunch dude
>> No. 130908
thanks a bunch dude
>> No. 130910
If you're still doing freebies,could you do either one of these?
>> No. 130919
Would you be interested in doing this one as a freebie?


Thanks in advance for your consideration...it's cool if you want to do another sketch (it's admittedly not the best idea, but there's SO little 34 of the character from what I've seen).
>> No. 130930
Yeah, I probably wouldn't mind hiring you, but keep in mind I tend to commission pics like this >>130020
quite a fuckin' bit.
>> No. 130938

No problem rly, in the end of the day what matter is that i can pay my bills.
>> No. 130955
File 135518606244.jpg - (115.13KB , 558x429 , 135134315220.jpg )
If you're offering freebies, would you mind giving this one a look?

alternatively, Quake Woman/Tempo and Rock in their civvies or just plain naked. Happy sex please. Reference included for their clothes.

I'd totally commission you, but I think my financial situation is in similarly dire straits. Maybe drop a mention in the commissions thread, and see if you get any takers there?
>> No. 130961
"What's Happening to Me?" 1986…youtube thumb
Someone on /co/ posted this sex-ed video.
Do with it what thou wilt.
I suggest doing something with the boy fantasizing about his teacher at 15:07.
>> No. 131016
>"I wonder if there's any interesting smut over on /pco/, I haven't been in a wh-"
>my comic is the opening image
>on a sticky
>> No. 131024
What can I say? It resonated perfectly with this type of thread.
I got it off of /co/ prime, so you should sign your work more often; even one-off sketches.
>> No. 131064
File 135531721187.jpg - (302.42KB , 1105x790 , GosaPP.jpg )
Something with Jack Power and New Mutants ally Gossamyr.


Ironic inclusion of "Girls. Phooey. Ick." a plus.
>> No. 131066
File 13553231252.jpg - (135.03KB , 794x1214 , Power Pack (v1) #046p04.jpg )
I approve of this idea. Another option for straight-shotaing Jack is private detective Dakota North.

>> No. 131098
Though you should totally finish the picture... Just please, modify the face.
>> No. 131099
File 135535342275.gif - (82.63KB , 350x392 , 350px-FFmain.gif )
Though you should totally finish the picture... Just please, modify the face.
>> No. 131196
Going to hell for this request, but...

the CGI girl in this Salvation Army ad, dreaming a "small dream" while having sex with somebody/giving a bj for food money.

Salvation Army 30-second anima…youtube thumb
>> No. 131219
dude, what the fuck
>> No. 131220
Not my bag, but I applaud you contempt for decency and good taste.
>> No. 131258
File 135550376331.jpg - (50.64KB , 667x1000 , NYX_Vol_1_4_Thong_Variant.jpg )
x-23 doing it with her first client
>> No. 131267
File 135551127261.jpg - (133.84KB , 1024x576 , family.jpg )
Alright. So I've searched all over online for some Horrid Henry having some incest action with his mom, but all I could find was 2 yaoi images. Let's change that. The blonde boy is Perfect Peter.
>> No. 131268
File 13555113474.jpg - (100.79KB , 1024x576 , mum1.jpg )
Here's a couple of reference images of her.
>> No. 131269
File 135551148324.jpg - (120.27KB , 1024x576 , mum2.jpg )
>> No. 131270
File 135551186266.jpg - (267.63KB , 573x497 , Horrid%20Henry%20Game.jpg )
Finally, here's an image of Henry himself. I'm not ordering you to draw the images. Still, it would be nice if someone actually makes some proper rule 34 from the British animated series/books. There's a few more girls that would be 34'd. Moody Margret or Sour Susan would be nice.
>> No. 131346
Huh...never heard of this character before.

Seconding this.
>> No. 131471
No. 15201?
>> No. 131488
File 135587255461.png - (94.74KB , 880x622 , 20121213.png )
Requesting some erin winters/Jack from bad machinery.
>> No. 131494
File 13558826193.png - (372.69KB , 744x424 , Ester.png )
Got a new TV show here, so I'm hoping to get the porn flowing straight off the bat, to draw in viewership. I've been all around other boards gathering what I can and I shall post it here.

Pic related, the mission
>> No. 131495
File 135588261935.png - (372.69KB , 744x424 , Ester.png )
Got a new TV show here, so I'm hoping to get the porn flowing straight off the bat, to draw in viewership. I've been all around other boards gathering what I can and I shall post it here.

Pic related, the mission
>> No. 131497
what, no Princess Looma?
>> No. 131498
File 135588343725.jpg - (48.89KB , 288x432 , 1355652920856.jpg )
You guys have much weirder rules for posting...
>> No. 131499
File 135588389881.jpg - (134.98KB , 1280x720 , 1355795619728.jpg )
That's cool too. In fact, if the artist wishes, they could hook me up with some lesbian action. See the red four armed chick? That's Princess Looma
>> No. 131500
File 135588416345.png - (57.12KB , 675x929 , 1355680964023.png )
By the way, the pink one is made out of rubber, so...have fun with that. Also hoping someone could uncensor this piece. The original artist never uploaded the original drawing
>> No. 131501
File 135588433533.png - (105.19KB , 500x500 , 13557888258584.png )
Hmmm...If I could request something specific, it would be for them both in some underwear or naked splashing in a fountain...or pool. Thought just popped into my head. This is all I've got for now. Help me, /pco/. You're my only hope.
>> No. 131569
File 13559734518.jpg - (463.02KB , 874x1240 , Tanit 2 copy.jpg )

Is this face more to your liking?
>> No. 131579
File 135598641843.jpg - (433.28KB , 794x1837 , DoctorHutchison_by_atlas0maximus.jpg )
Dr. Hutchison from Rocko's Modern Life wearing see-through negligee and reclining on a deck chair in a seductive pose of the artist's choice.

(The attached image is fanart, but I like the expression on her face and how her body was drawn in this particular sketch.)

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!
>> No. 131581
Much better! Though perhaps cheekbones and / or a narrower jaw might make her look more feminine?
>> No. 131583
File 135599799268.png - (3.96MB , 1280x3771 , santa_baby_by_vanheist-d5omtn5.png )
This needs a new last panel. Something that fits the first three a little better...
>> No. 131584
File 135600319355.jpg - (78.06KB , 1188x924 , aang-vs-katara.jpg )

I need something to keep me focused as I try to better myself as an artist. What better place than a sorely neglected request thread? Who knows, I might actually churn out something good.

Avatar state + Bloodbending = Infinite boners

Fun fact: In an early episode of the Simpsons, when Marge learns how to bowl and is seduced by Jacque, the moon in the background resembles a bowling ball.
>> No. 131588
>> No. 131614
>I need something to keep me focused as I try to better myself as an artist. What better place than a sorely neglected request thread? Who knows, I might actually churn out something good.

Mission accomplished, sir. Please continue.
>> No. 131617
File 135605370741.jpg - (26.92KB , 253x227 , GameloftLive.jpg )
Who here has an smartphone?
If you do you may recognize this character is a mascot, is from Gameloft live game, there is avatars in that game, not proper characters.


There is 0 porn of that would be nice to get the first from this community.
>> No. 131631

Do want MOAR.
>> No. 131636
I'm not too sure if anyone's gonna do it..
>> No. 131765
Two Sonic fancharacters having sex. If possible, could this be made with the public locked out, 'cause, well, these characters are yet to appear somewhere else and I don't want them to show up anywhere before.
>> No. 131811
how original!
>> No. 131823
File 13569241031.jpg - (12.26KB , 256x256 , 6ec0f7387f516d10a86d4e4b6183e05f.jpg )
>> No. 131829
File 135693387822.jpg - (319.60KB , 900x675 , 1354946238556.jpg )
requesting some porn of this web comic. I looked around, didn't see anything
>> No. 131839
File 135695172652.jpg - (205.11KB , 800x570 , 1321844177713.jpg )
requesting stacy hirano from phineas and ferb, naked, sweaty, and passionately masturbating (or some other sexual thing). bonus points if shes flushed, if theres something in her ass, or if shes in a public place
>> No. 131906
File 135709638725.jpg - (359.75KB , 618x717 , movies_les_miserables_still_8[2].jpg )
Requesting some Rule 34 of Eponine from Les Miserables.

I cannot seem to find this at all.
>> No. 131907
File 135709647384.jpg - (58.03KB , 800x500 , les-miserables-eponine.jpg )
More Eponine reference
>> No. 131908
File 135709657219.jpg - (117.22KB , 770x437 , Samantha-Barks-Eponine-les-miserables-2[1].jpg )
>> No. 131909
File 135709663451.jpg - (8.35KB , 250x314 , axziv5[1].jpg )
>> No. 131910
File 135709666441.jpg - (35.14KB , 448x250 , 0530_samantha-barks-eponine_ob[1].jpg )
>> No. 131911
File 135709669954.jpg - (16.87KB , 300x300 , samantha-barks-sings-on-my-own-in-les-mis-trailer[.jpg )
Last reference pic I can provide.

Thanks in advance!
>> No. 131924
File 135712716425.jpg - (236.32KB , 1049x1488 , Tanit 2 copy.jpg )
>> No. 131931
File 135715618135.jpg - (2.08MB , 3900x2998 , USM 019-Zone-004.jpg )
The hot girl on this page is almost certainly going to be Miles Morales new love interest in Ultimate Spider-Man.

Be the first to 34 her, even before she's been named.

Maybe a shot of her masturbating while imagining Miles?
>> No. 131933
People actually read black Spider-Man?
>> No. 131942
Yes... it's pretty good... slow-paced, but that's Bendis for you.

And it's a hell of a lot better than reading Otto-Spider-Man.
>> No. 131947
If I would be specific about it here, I could as well just post those characters for everyone to see, and that's exactly what I don't want to happen.
>> No. 131956
Believe me, none of us want that either.

But, nobody cares about your "original characters do not steal1!!11!!"

If you actually posted them you might have the very slim chance that the design interests somebody enough to take it on, but if you think an artist is going to agree to tackle your shittastic sonic fan characters, out of the tens of thousands of shittastic sonic fan characters our there, sight unseen, you're dreaming. You might as well have not posted at all.
>> No. 131976
So, is there any chance of this request fulfilled?
>> No. 132035
Requesting Ki, from "Mars Needs Moms" in something sexy that shows off those glorious alien hips.

Character and her hips can be seen in this video. Sorry I can't find a proper reference image, and it seems this movie wasn't nearly popular enough to spark fanart to go off of.

MARS NEEDS MOMS "Meeting Ki" Clipyoutube thumb

As you can see, while the movie might be pretty bad, the character has a nice pair of assets that deserve more 34.

Thanks in advance, whomever takes on this request.
>> No. 132063
File 135736802066.png - (100.25KB , 500x600 , Confused rule34.png )
CON-FUSED-DOT-COMyoutube thumb

No words, Just scream
>> No. 132072
File 13573914561.jpg - (30.79KB , 400x267 , foodfight1.jpg )
Are you a bad enough dude to rule 34 Sunshine and/or Lady X from the hit animatied movie Food Fight?

Foodfight Trailer - Boulevard Ent 2012.wmvyoutube thumb
>> No. 132074
hit movie? the only thing worth mentioning is the cast list that movie sucked its like a 5 year old made it....
>> No. 132075
hit movie? the only thing worth mentioning is the cast list that movie sucked its like a 5 year old made it....
>> No. 132114
There is.

It's called "Paypal"
>> No. 132140
File 135750566479.jpg - (230.97KB , 1049x1488 , Tanit 2 copy 2.jpg )

Fixed her arm
>> No. 132142
File 135750668111.jpg - (453.79KB , 1240x1748 , unnamed goth girl copy.jpg )
>> No. 132144
File 135751257284.jpg - (39.90KB , 576x440 , oh you.jpg )
fucking anon
>> No. 132150
You, sir, are awesome.
>> No. 132152
File 135752759358.jpg - (366.13KB , 1240x1748 , unnamed goth girl.jpg )
>> No. 132153
File 135752799577.gif - (608.72KB , 337x437 , Bustilda.gif )
Princess Bustilda getting roughly double-penetrated by the Starbarians. Bonus points if her legs are up in the air and she has this gag on and/or her arms tied.
>> No. 132154
Hey No. 15201, ny chance you could do this one?>>129208
>> No. 132198
File 135766589972.jpg - (198.99KB , 572x869 , Takio_-_PSA_jpg_650x10000_q85.jpg )
surprised nobody's done any 34 of the sister's in bendis' "takio"
>> No. 132199
Well... there is Moon Over June. It looks a bit like that.
>> No. 132240
File 135778731966.jpg - (174.37KB , 874x620 , ty copy.jpg )
On it
>> No. 132244
File 135779087418.jpg - (150.52KB , 1024x928 , hutchlounge.jpg )
>> No. 132250
>> No. 132307
Thank you. I just want to let you know I apreciate you doing this. Not just my request, but all of the requests you are fulfiling. Thank you.
>> No. 132316
>> No. 132348
Can I request >>129144/>>130955 please, No.15201?
>> No. 132383
File 135806858266.jpg - (144.31KB , 480x720 , raven.jpg )
Where is this from?
>> No. 132406
Mabel from Gravity Falls in the forest getting bukkaked by rainbow cum.
>> No. 132441
Requesting naked Wonder Loli being tortured by mosquitos.
>> No. 132456
File 135822020128.jpg - (143.03KB , 1024x1024 , mabel_rainbowcum.jpg )
>> No. 132462
I need more...
>> No. 132463
That's what she said!
>> No. 132466

Thanks for making it.


Seconded. Mabel is too cute and sexual.
>> No. 132482
>> No. 132484
File 135831519712.jpg - (23.11KB , 311x377 , Tino-the-weekenders-514923_311_377.jpg )
Tvtropes says Tino from Weekenders was briefly rule 63'ed, i can't seem to find the episode, but still...

Rule 63 on Tino, or just plain crossdressing while Lor and/or Tish fuck him/her with straps-on's
>> No. 132488
That latter one is more of a /cod/-type request...
>> No. 132509
File 135836938686.png - (192.83KB , 479x570 , Rook_shar.png )
what about some Rook Shar?
>> No. 132521
File 135839119890.jpg - (1.57MB , 1920x2951 , Saga-09-pg-023.jpg )
Requesting Slave girl, Gwendolyne and The Will in a threesome.
>> No. 132573
>Almost certainly Miles'

I'd disagree. The way I'm reading that it's much more fat asian kid than Miles that she could be reacting to.
>> No. 132593
File 13584951802.jpg - (23.90KB , 530x325 , Pony.jpg )
Pony from China, Illinois as a strictly-restrained ponygirl (a la Papermania) involved in training of some sort. Be creative.
>> No. 132607
File 135853603884.png - (205.81KB , 479x349 , gfghfgh.png )
her name is summer schwartz, shes a background character thats mentioned from time to time in episodes like this

>> No. 132611
File 135854456431.jpg - (338.81KB , 1200x937 , wwandzola.jpg )
First time posting on /pco/

Had a 30mins to kill and this seemed like fun
Hope you like it
>> No. 132655
Oh my god, I had long given up on this getting done.

Thanks a ton, that is pretty hot indeed.

Zola being the dominant makes sense in a weird way.
>> No. 132663
File 135863864595.jpg - (181.22KB , 617x915 , Locke_Key_2.jpg )
There is no rule34 of Locke & Key. This cannot stand! We need some rule34 of the Locke sister shoving a key up her vajayjay.
>> No. 132681
File 135868576232.jpg - (841.83KB , 1280x1980 , lak_02_012.jpg )

Agreed. Or female Dodge.
>> No. 132682
File 135868576271.jpg - (841.83KB , 1280x1980 , lak_02_012.jpg )

Agreed. Or female Dodge.
>> No. 132683
File 135868576222.jpg - (841.83KB , 1280x1980 , lak_02_012.jpg )

Seconded! Or something involving female Dodge.
>> No. 132695
File 135871247084.png - (206.86KB , 422x300 , spiderGirlWoman.png )
Requesting a pic of May "MayDay" Parker/Spider-Girl and Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman doing either some web-slinging 69ing action, or a take on the Spider-Man kiss from the first movie, but instead having them 69, plz.
>> No. 132753
File 13588141476.jpg - (25.41KB , 268x402 , Andersnew'.jpg )
Requesting some 34 of Ellen Anders from Halo Wars.

Since god dammit, there's only like 3 pieces of 34 of her, and she's one of only, like, 3 attractive females in Halo.
>> No. 132761
File 135884894223.png - (99.92KB , 415x646 , 1634e098f42af3a7a4936f3e3ecc8f80.png )

I'm terrible at likenesses BUT I tried
>> No. 132763
File 135885018144.png - (525.15KB , 500x1843 , LoliFrench.png )
Porn of this loli and the teacher/principal? Here is a translation I found on /v/

>Hey boys, wanna see my panty?

>Alright, I'll do it but only if you give me 3€!

>What if we want to do more?
>Well... Let's say 5€?
>Damn it's expensive!

>What the hell am I hearing! Aren't you ashamed??

>Having such a bad idea of the value of money!
>Since that's so, I gave her a 10€ bill
>> No. 132785
Porn of Rude!Dee-dee please?

Dexter's Lab: Dexter's Rude Removalyoutube thumb
>> No. 132788
Well, I appreciate the effort, thanks.
>> No. 132806
so deedee with angry eyes and rough hair...
>> No. 132872
File 13589784432.png - (305.59KB , 1000x1000 , piratesourcil.png )
Here we to go buddy! Done by me freeflyspecter
>> No. 132886
File 135899514541.jpg - (85.68KB , 930x1024 , rudedeedee.jpg )
My interpretation
>> No. 132889
File 135900393230.jpg - (108.92KB , 595x727 , rookshar.jpg )

here ya go!
>> No. 132896
And bad posture.
>> No. 132993
File 135916486034.png - (739.43KB , 536x1125 , r34request.png )
>> No. 132996
File 135916580327.jpg - (413.04KB , 694x671 , req.jpg )
requesting fang incesting with her sister candy
>> No. 133049
awesome thanks
>> No. 133050
All the info of my RQ is in this image.
>> No. 133063
File 135926395265.png - (310.30KB , 771x432 , vlcsnap-2013-01-27-00h46m38s199.png )
what about this cute Kineceleran girl?
>> No. 133067
File 135926601186.jpg - (77.66KB , 545x639 , Kineceleran.jpg )

>> No. 133068
>> No. 133069
>> No. 133074
You forgot the tail and the leg spike was located behind the knee.
>> No. 133075
You forgot the tail and the leg spike was located behind the knee.
>> No. 133082
File 135929349788.png - (256.28KB , 771x432 , vlcsnap-2013-01-27-08h29m06s6.png )
awesome ,thanks

minor stuff like that doent matter
>> No. 133083
File 135929490745.jpg - (130.98KB , 560x420 , RJ029499_img_main.jpg )
Source of this?
>> No. 133086
ppgz doujin ?
seconding the request of this
>> No. 133107
File 135931398475.jpg - (296.50KB , 1080x1111 , fc6288bbe70e0308cbcf4a913553feeb.jpg )
I would love to see how Gwen and Kai playing with Ben and teaching him few new tricks like: fuck her, cum inside her.
Or Gwen can order Ben to rape Kai and he will make from her his own bitch. Gwen can say to Ben something like that: Come on Ben, cum in your bitch and make her pregnant.
>> No. 133111
super speed gonna broke the penis.

great pic by the way.
>> No. 133117
File 135933006677.jpg - (87.62KB , 553x657 , Kineceleran.jpg )
Oops, looks like it needed some edits.
>> No. 133122
File 135933914528.jpg - (153.78KB , 900x637 , Jinmay_10emotions_02_by_zackmolis.jpg )
requesting robot jinmay lesbing out with human jinmay

jinmay it's a robotyoutube thumb
>> No. 133142
File 135939745294.png - (600.65KB , 1360x768 , ultimohi4.png )
I have never found rule 34 of these two girls from the animated "Last of The Mohicans" show.
>> No. 133145

Well that's a damn shame
>> No. 133146
File 135940714597.png - (297.88KB , 640x360 , Princess Looma.png )
what about Princess Looma?
>> No. 133147
File 135940728524.png - (227.90KB , 640x360 , Princess Looma2.png )
and closer pic as reference.
>> No. 133153
File 135941375162.jpg - (139.62KB , 650x727 , Looma.jpg )

>> No. 133155
>> No. 133156
seems to be this one

but i didnt had luck finding it
>> No. 133159
damn that just epic ,the way she have 2 of her hands up and then playing whit her breasts whit the other 2 was a great idea.
>> No. 133211
File 135949456097.jpg - (198.26KB , 535x611 , because fuck you.jpg )
>> No. 133224
File 135951854134.jpg - (140.88KB , 297x700 , Julie_OV_2.jpg )
what about hentai of Julie omniverse design.
>> No. 133265
File 135953377093.jpg - (56.29KB , 625x386 , catwoman356wxe.jpg )
I want to see exactly what the caption asks
thank you
>> No. 133278
File 135956739922.jpg - (347.99KB , 1169x850 , 1359482148996.jpg )
JL8 Batman and Hippolyta /ss/, please!
>> No. 133324
>> No. 133358
File 135971060686.jpg - (319.53KB , 2050x1536 , NASailorMoon01.jpg )
Cels have started showing up from the US Sailor Moon pilot, giving us our first good look at the designs. Naturally, there should be porn of them, and since it was a US production, a request here should be allowable, right?

Here's Sailor Jupiter (black), Sailor Mars (Asian), Sailor Mercury (redhead/wheelchair-bound), and Sailor Venus (Hispanic maybe? I dunno).
>> No. 133359
File 135971077176.jpg - (358.36KB , 1916x1676 , NASailorMoon02.jpg )
And part 2. Full-body "Princess Warriors", Sailor Mercury in her flying battle wheelchair, and Sailor Moon herself.
>> No. 133360
File 135971735793.jpg - (23.13KB , 478x357 , Doozy10.jpg )
Man they just love them some people in wheelchairs, they had one of the kids in the doozybots pilot in a wheelchair too, a show where kids turn into chibi gundams, He was the guntank (Hah!)
>> No. 133404
Eh, that's mostly geared towards to JP series with multiple US productions, but I'm sure we're all interested in seeing something done with these designs. Especially Black Jupiter & Redheaded Mercury.
>> No. 133405
File 135978790573.jpg - (108.31KB , 262x658 , 1359503133418.jpg )
could someone do deathlocket looking at herself naked and seeing how see half robot
>> No. 133407

Holy crap, I had lost hope it would ever get made.
>> No. 133416
...That's some fan-made thing, right?
>> No. 133418
Oh if only. Basically when Dic got the rights to Sailor Moon, someone pitched the idea of shooting live action segments with American/Canadian actors, that would transform into the Sailor Scouts with original animated segments.

Then they realized just dubbing the anime would be cheaper.
>> No. 133419
File 135981799938.jpg - (364.50KB , 1900x1900 , NASailorMoon03.jpg )
Here's the rest of the cast that've shown up in cel form: ancient Prince Darian of Earth, blue-skinned Queen Beryl (and her spaceship), a lava monster, and a cat monster based on Bakene from the anime. Seen also is Sailor Moon on a flying sailboard, because they were going to make the "sailing" part of her name literal.
>> No. 133501
File 135988341752.png - (335.90KB , 684x631 , Karai and April.png )
Requesting Karai forcing April to get on her knees and eat her out.
>> No. 133599
File 136000945221.png - (102.02KB , 180x269 , gwenben.png )
Requesting some sex scene witch teen Gwen and young Ben.
>> No. 133600
>> No. 133603
File 13600160717.jpg - (545.58KB , 1622x2579 , The Bombshells.jpg )
requesting really hot lesbian pic of mother-daughter duo The Bombshells
>> No. 133629
File 136002941725.jpg - (62.92KB , 446x547 , 1359988875425.jpg )
I request bondage of Carmelita Fox. I'd like for her to be tied with ropes with her hands behind her back with some rope going around her body and arms in addition to her hands tied behind her back. Also, her feet have to be tied together as well and her mouth gagged with tape, not unlike pic related.

Draw her visibly struggling with her bonds, preferably with some muscle flexing.
>> No. 133855
File 136028487939.png - (327.44KB , 375x1036 , OlderLilo1.png )
Requesting some Lilo & Stitch 34. specifically of grown up Lilo from Lilo & Stitch the series. (And Stitch).
>> No. 133882
File 136034155689.png - (659.62KB , 1200x900 , hhrq.png )
Now, I'm not asking for every idea to be drawn. Though, I would only ask for one of these five options.
(And I would like some one to reply to this post)
>> No. 133886
File 136034657966.jpg - (366.32KB , 2200x2400 , Tootie more.jpg )
hey plus4chan, looking for someone who can line and color this pic.
have a bunch of FOP pics and comic sketches but never get to them thanks to school/medical problems.
If this is the right place for asking for volunteer colorists hope someone replies ^^
>> No. 133951
File 136044922688.jpg - (120.33KB , 588x874 , toon_1351292713935_tza.jpg )
On the last Rule 34 Request thread, I requested Bai Tsa from Jackie Chan Adventures and this is the picture that was drawn. Even though it has finally appeared on Rule 34 Paheal, I have a question. Has anyone colored this picture?
>> No. 133959
Here's a reply: Look up rule 2b.

We all have requests. We don't all keep bringing them up begging for attention.
>> No. 133960
File 136046051183.jpg - (54.47KB , 322x324 , ___.jpg )
Could anons help me getting some Geers sketches I have missed?
All of them about Spidey universe. I could only find thumbnails...
They are:
- Miles Morales's mom
- Ultimate Jessica Drew
- Squirrel Girl/Carnage blend
- MJ x Jessica Drew lovemaking
- Spidey vs. Power-Girl comic strip (with text)
- Miles and Jessica talking on a rooftop

Any help is tremendously welcome.
>> No. 133972
I posted the image of MJ/Jessica but decided to delete it and post it in the Spider-Man thread so it wouldn't use up another image here, see >>133971
There's also another Geers sketch in that thread in case you've missed it.
>> No. 133997
File 136052053084.jpg - (313.57KB , 1100x424 , Spidey 1312333924359.jpg )
Thank you.
Those are images #2 and #4, and it's highly appreciated.

I got this one too but it's without the text.
Anyone care to help?
>> No. 134011
File 136053202329.png - (2.49MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-02-10-13h31m49s134.png )
Can someone do a picture of Elise putting those dick sucking lips to some good use?
>> No. 134128
File 13607193932.jpg - (62.07KB , 720x1237 , 1272760023585.jpg )
i request some /34/ of loli Sarah Beth Cornwell from Chaotic
enjoying some sex or givin a blowjob whatever you pleases
>> No. 134180
File 136081751519.jpg?spoiler - (464.49KB , 1500x1414 , Clairetrap copy.jpg?spoiler )
This should actually be posted on /cod/, but since I have no fucking clue how to link a post from one board to another I'll just put it her and spoiler it. I anybody is able to tell me how to preform such feats of internet sorcery, I'd appreciate it.
>> No. 134183
>> No. 134191
File 136085441182.jpg - (422.02KB , 841x1000 , 758915 - Abby Cubix Hela_Nemo NitroTitan.jpg )
Better late than never.
>> No. 134226
File 136092568152.jpg - (169.14KB , 720x540 , Absolutely Disgusting.jpg )
>> No. 134239
Too bad. It would be better for free but If you even can find a place where I can buy it, would be awesome.

Thanks again.
>> No. 134418
File 136123214422.jpg - (277.47KB , 1600x3000 , 124722_IZZY.jpg )
requesting Izzy from jake and the neverland pirates
enjoying the pleasures of sex
>> No. 134446

Thanks brah!
>> No. 134537
It's good to see the site working again: I'm putting in votes for these requests, if any artists are still around.
>> No. 134559
File 136339939347.png - (494.29KB , 1360x768 , huntik_receptionist.png )
To anyone willing to take this request, this is a minor character from the second season of Huntik.
>> No. 134650
File 136347937261.png - (110.09KB , 290x456 , Attea2_0.png )
what about some good Attea art?
>> No. 134651
there more images here for reference.
>> No. 134654
>> No. 134811
is there a scooby doo thread?
>> No. 134845
No one in any drawthreads is a bad enough dude to draw Midna hotdigging Toon Link while pull anal beads from her ass with the magical hair hand she has going on.
>> No. 134881
File 13638126188.png - (137.66KB , 824x698 , LtVixen2.png )
Anyone want to do a Squirrel and Hedgehog pic that isn't of Lt Vixen?

A picture of those two rat nurses servicing the weasel commander/captain. One is sitting on his lap, riding his cock, while the other rat is riding on the shoulders of the previous one, kissing the weasel.

Feel free to make the rats smaller or the weasel bigger if the position wouldn't work otherwise.

Refs for the rats:

Refs of the weasel:

Both of them:
>> No. 135036
holy shit midna's hat is hard to draw...
>> No. 135041
File 136401360225.jpg - (4.69KB , 112x230 , Lila.jpg )
Theres literally ONE rule34 pic of the fauns from Spyro 2.

Maybe something with them and Elora?
>> No. 135044
File 136402116952.jpg - (619.79KB , 1351x1500 , Commander Weasel.jpg )
Rather doubt it matters, but what the hell, have a better ref of this dude
>> No. 135238
File 136426199633.jpg - (280.06KB , 1748x1133 , spyro faun copy.jpg )
Just a quick little drawing before I go to bed.
>> No. 135272
File 136437496421.jpg - (122.10KB , 449x400 , madamweb2.jpg )
Requesting Hostess supervillain Madam Web getting some "rich creamed filling" from Spider-Man's dick.

More: http://www.tomheroes.com/Comic%20Ads/hostess%20ads/spiderman_and_madame_web.htm

She is seriously a villain whose only motivation is to fuck Spider-Man.
>> No. 135273
Just like the psychic-old-lady Madame Web, except for the villain part.
>> No. 135317
File 136444166968.jpg - (90.54KB , 1024x768 , midna.jpg )
>> No. 135333
>> No. 135341
File 136447566274.png - (218.43KB , 403x320 , 2334492-screen_shot_2012_05_08_at_10_45_03_am.png )

this is harper row, from the batman comics

chances are she's going to be the new robin

problem is, she's a thoroughly annoying character

i invoke rule 34 on her, preferably her being put in her place by an established batman villain
>> No. 135379
You sir are a bad enough dude to rescue at least three presidents from ninjas.
>> No. 135436
In regards to the Skullgirls stuff, this popped up in a general thread:

>Ms. Fortune/ Robo Fortune
>trying to imagine sex between two women who can freely split apart their bodies
>and one is a robot
"Why was I programed to feel pleasure? Why? WH-ooooooooooooooooooo eh...... mmmmm"
>> No. 135464
File 136457921351.jpg - (39.87KB , 482x618 , mollycuddler34cropped.jpg )
not exactly the request but it piqued my interest from the other thread https://plus4chan.org/boards/pco/res/71109.html#i71155

just in case anyone was wondering i did post it in the recent /co/ drawthread but didn't get any feedback so if anyone has any feedback by all means please tell me.
>> No. 135470
Looks good! I'd definitely like to see a touched-up version of the sketch if you're interested.

Art of her is still pretty sparse, so it's cool to see new material.
>> No. 135475
Thank you and i will try.
>> No. 135801
File 136508084721.jpg - (0.96MB , 891x2036 , 1365059806220.jpg )
Lady Death from Thanos Rising.
>> No. 135802
File 136508100713.jpg - (1.33MB , 1883x956 , 1365059806221.jpg )
Another ref.
>> No. 135827
File 136511459140.png - (369.91KB , 740x551 , Gavin.png )
Gavin fucking his mom. BONUS POINTS if Marge and Bart are also involved.
>> No. 135834
Requesting Paradise with sexy pose (solo naked) or facial.
>> No. 135864
File 136514771476.jpg - (870.30KB , 1600x2496 , 1365130763936.jpg )
Verity Carlo as she appears in Last Stand of the Wreckers. CFNM preferred.
>> No. 135923
File 136522535990.jpg - (401.62KB , 1050x850 , Valjeans reward.jpg )
>> No. 135970
File 136527366584.jpg - (155.13KB , 525x700 , 1365234442629.jpg )
New 52 Carrie Kelly being titfucked.
>> No. 136034
>Gwen Tennison dressed as robin and wearing glasses giving a tit job
>> No. 136073
I gotta second this one
>> No. 136150
>> No. 136178
File 136545607681.jpg - (34.06KB , 402x183 , Aristocats-TV-1-web2.jpg )
I'd like to request the purple cat from the never-made Aristocats tv serires having a threesome with Toulouse and Berloz
>> No. 136180
File 136545620793.jpg - (32.91KB , 400x154 , Aristocats-TV-series-5-web.jpg )
and here's reference of them
>> No. 136271
File 136552593439.jpg - (245.04KB , 950x476 , i-fLBTJLZ-950x10000.jpg )
How about the new Xbox having some cougar sex?
>> No. 136332
File 136560648893.jpg - (2.32MB , 2428x2052 , Carrie Kelly 1.jpg )
More refs.
>> No. 136333
File 136560658074.jpg - (1.35MB , 1010x1754 , Carrie Kelly 2.jpg )
>> No. 136334
File 136560675819.jpg - (1.76MB , 1361x2223 , Carrie Kelly 3.jpg )
>> No. 136335
File 136560688283.jpg - (623.72KB , 886x678 , Carrie Kelly 4.jpg )
>> No. 136336
File 136560700050.jpg - (901.73KB , 902x1455 , Carrie Kelly 5.jpg )
>> No. 136460
File 136573742219.png - (101.90KB , 269x223 , Bingo Girl.png )
How about something with her?
She's from an announcement from a shitty bingo game at facebook.
>> No. 136537
File 136584362399.jpg - (190.44KB , 506x748 , hgbo.jpg )
>> No. 136547
Thank you, HP!
>> No. 136572
File 13658857301.jpg - (425.54KB , 850x1169 , Katt_o_Nine_Tails_by_Krazykrow.jpg )
/r/ing a bukakke drawing of Katt from Spinnerette naked using her nine tails to give nine handjobs to nine lucky guys surrounding her and getting covered in their cum.
>> No. 136592
File 136590529990.jpg - (226.74KB , 1474x1166 , Strip Search - Self portrait The Girls.jpg )
Can someone do a group shot of these girls nude? Bonus points if you can match the style that they drew themselves in.
>> No. 136596
File 136591692141.jpg - (44.95KB , 620x401 , justin-time.jpg )
the world of r34 demands Olive it will complete my sandwich. preferably with w.e that orange cheese thing is lol.
>> No. 136629
>> No. 136672
I'll cheerfully settle for an image of her looking at at the viewer while lasciously licking her green-lipstick'd lips, Anon.
>> No. 136792
File 136618582214.jpg - (358.96KB , 704x750 , ladydeath.jpg )
>> No. 136795
Holy shit, that's awesome! Thanks.
>> No. 136796
Holy shit, that's awesome! Thanks.
>> No. 136805
I'd rather see her getting it on with Justin. Since they always go to different places in the world, how about J & O explore a love hotel in Japan?
>> No. 136818
File 136624428247.jpg - (0.96MB , 900x1500 , 1366228212646.jpg )
Requesting school uniform Magik taking a facial.
>> No. 136828
If you want you can do them individually. As long as it gets done.
>> No. 136884
File 136632293545.jpg - (374.20KB , 794x832 , req11.jpg )
requesting some /34/ of the little girl scout that appears in tasmanian meltdown video

givin a blowjob and masturbating if posible
>> No. 136909
File 13663565864.jpg - (282.60KB , 757x786 , magik.jpg )
>> No. 136914
Your work is incredible! Thank you for this.
>> No. 136920
File 13663811177.jpg - (213.49KB , 650x919 , 2012-10-22[1].jpg )

If artist needed more reference.
>> No. 136921
File 136638111719.jpg - (213.49KB , 650x919 , 2012-10-22[1].jpg )

If artist needed more reference.
>> No. 136948
doing this in comic form, will post in time
>> No. 136949
>> No. 136963
File 136648637243.jpg - (77.59KB , 963x630 , Sofia-cedric02.jpg )
Anyone want to try doinf rule 34 of these two. Sofia can be older but I just want to see it happen cause nobody ever done it before.
>> No. 136964
File 13664863724.jpg - (77.59KB , 963x630 , Sofia-cedric02.jpg )
Anyone want to try doinf rule 34 of these two. Sofia can be older but I just want to see it happen cause nobody ever done it before.
>> No. 136965
File 136649146113.jpg - (184.65KB , 707x1000 , ambush_by_polarityplus_d5valdi.jpg )
Could someone de-censor this drawing?
>> No. 136967
File 136649315821.jpg - (98.57KB , 707x1000 , tumblr_ml4lpsshUt1r8h314o1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 136990
where is this from I want to give it a watch
>> No. 136991
where is this from
>> No. 137006
File 136658117056.png - (1.15MB , 900x713 , refs.png )
Sofia the first.

I know this is pure Caturday material, but there's hardly any Trixie porn. (Not Trixie Tang or the great and powerful one.) This 'Trixie' is a classy business cat from the ultimately mediocre Top Cat film.

I rather prefer Trixie on her own, but if you wanna add TC to the bill, you can do.
>> No. 137010
File 136658725716.jpg - (49.61KB , 342x500 , 9780590258197.jpg )
I don't know if Disclaimer still frequents here or not, but I figure this might be up his alley.

I'm sure everyone remembers his Bailey School Kids pic with Miss Jeppers the "Vampire" Lady.

Anyway the Ghouls don't scoop ice cream book has this girl as her niece.

I was wondering if someone would like to do something with her.
>> No. 137066
File 136668896185.jpg - (15.74KB , 234x233 , Nikki Fictell 2.jpg )
So i recently saw the episode of Venture Bros where Hank actually gets to fuck this chick. But almost no actual /34/ of the deed outside of two crappy sketches.( one of which just has the character standing there naked.)

wondering if some drawfags would like to help fix this problem?
>> No. 137067
File 136668905781.jpg - (34.82KB , 263x507 , Nikki Fictell 1.jpg )
>> No. 137068
File 136668913349.jpg - (160.15KB , 1100x850 , Nikki_mid30s.jpg )
>> No. 137074
File 136669501778.jpg - (233.16KB , 650x1011 , almond.jpg )
Alright... I don't usually fuck with Rule 34 requests, but I'm just gonna throw this out to the aether and see what comes up.

So... How the fuck is there not more Rule 34 of Cucumber Quest? It's a reasonably popular webcomic with outrageously cute character designs and adorable art, and it's popular on /co/ - the perfect storm of Rule 34!! But there exist like 4 naughty pics of any characters across the internet, and they're all PG-13 at best. How? It defies all the known rules of the internet. It boggles the mind.

Surely, SURELY I am not the only fucker evil enough to want to corrupt this webcomic. Surely I am not the evilest son of a bitch on the internet. Surely.

I don't know if I should be more specific in a request than this, but... Something must be done about this. I ought to write my congressman. It's just not right.

Pic related, Almond is mai waifu.
>> No. 137087

its too adorable to make porn of
>> No. 137089
Just out of curiosity, where could I find those "PG-13" pictures you mentioned?
>> No. 137095


Paheal's got three. I don't know about "PG-13", but yeah it's not much.
>> No. 137100
Thanks for the link...they're pretty cute, but it's definitely not much.
>> No. 137105
File 136677764556.png - (114.24KB , 645x765 , paradice2.png )
Anyone want to paint?
>> No. 137118

I'm not the one who requested it, but thats amazing, thanks so much anonymous artist! We always need more Oban.
>> No. 137121
File 136680871656.jpg - (186.37KB , 994x888 , Dani x Karma.jpg )
Dani Moonstar and Karma making out!
>> No. 137122
File 136680908887.jpg - (180.98KB , 873x895 , Diana - Cassie.jpg )
I request this, but with Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark instead of Superman.
>> No. 137124
File 136681379984.jpg - (85.29KB , 1280x720 , Sofia-cedric.jpg )
More refs just incase. Also can anyone make her older though. It would be better that way.
>> No. 137130
whats this from?
>> No. 137132
Seconding this. Karma gets no love.
>> No. 137139
Sofia the First
>> No. 137140
Sofia the First
>> No. 137142
Sofia the First
>> No. 137143
File 136684725932.jpg - (237.51KB , 645x765 , colored.jpg )
>> No. 137144
File 136684759766.jpg - (16.65KB , 320x230 , Mimp05.jpg )
Need some Carrie Raven from Monster in My Pocke.
>> No. 137145
File 136684804683.jpg - (6.58KB , 177x213 , 3985196_std.jpg )
And Charley Davidson from Biker Mice From Mars
>> No. 137154
It's sooo good!
>> No. 137174
File 136690174190.jpg - (213.33KB , 1234x895 , pic.jpg )
Jessica Drew and Storm checking out each others butt!
>> No. 137183
Here's some more. Oh and I almost forgot yes it is from sofia the first.
>> No. 137184
File 136691394312.jpg - (31.12KB , 500x280 , tumblr_mlcs4cWluZ1rn40b5o1_500.jpg )
>> No. 137235
Looking for anything related to Mortis Ghost's OFF, particularly Zacharie with Sucre/Sugar, or The Batter with Vader/The Queen.
>> No. 137243
File 13670079609.jpg - (46.57KB , 500x341 , 306732__UNOPT__safe_oc_toys_raven_teen-titans_pega.jpg )
Anything involving Raven and My Little Pony. (or Pretty Pretty Pegasus)
>> No. 137246
File 136701820260.jpg - (155.44KB , 1920x1080 , cinematic.jpg )
requesting /34/ of the sorceress from Orcs Must Die 2. I have a thing for evil, powerful women.

>> No. 137307
File 136709107921.jpg - (3.85KB , 199x171 , c_1331416134614s_Alice_Eek_the_Cat.jpg )
I am requesting Rule 34 of Alice from the Eek the Cat! episode, Fatal Eektraction. I checked Rule 34 Paheal and there is no rule 34 art of her. Her is a link of the episode for reference:

Eek! Stravaganza - Eek! The Ca…youtube thumb
>> No. 137318
File 136709925765.jpg - (76.14KB , 674x548 , princessandthefrog.jpg )
Requesting some /ss/ with Princess Tania and Prince Ralphie from Disney's Princess and the Frog.
>> No. 137357
File 136716645815.png - (96.34KB , 254x540 , slugterra trixie.png )
trixie from slugterra
>> No. 137393
File 13672615094.jpg - (399.55KB , 744x1049 , cuCUMber quest.jpg )
There ya go sport
>> No. 137449
i tell you why its so unknown. everybody concentrates on the horribly bad stuff like homestuck.
>> No. 137450
front view of her face/ top please
>> No. 137451
File 136736118143.gif - (814.42KB , 325x244 , 1367207978763.gif )
requesting /34/ of this cute little dragon
preferable sucking a dick
>> No. 137492
would you mind doing a cunnilingus version too?
>> No. 137506
why dont you google paheal...
>> No. 137514
no pics of her doing a blowjob as far i saw
>> No. 137519
Has this one been completed?
>> No. 137565
File 136754200019.jpg - (96.26KB , 968x744 , ty 2.jpg )
Thanks for reminding me, I completely forgot to post it.
>> No. 137567
File 13675433986.jpg - (958.98KB , 1240x1748 , cucumber quest 2 copy.jpg )
Fixed a few little things
>> No. 137569
File 136754448770.png - (1.12MB , 956x1728 , harley_quinn_by_brusya-d4s9z7y.png )
harley quinn participating in a facial abuse scene

in case you're unfamiliar... http://www.facialabuse.com
>> No. 137570
Thank you so much
>> No. 137586
Seconding this!
>> No. 137589
File 136761269044.png - (142.79KB , 500x281 , tumblr_inline_mlx7wmiUtp1qz4rgp.png )
If no one wants to do the Sofia and Cedric request I would also like to see these two doing it. They are also from sofia the first and there is none of these two together. Also there names are Bailywick and Violet.
>> No. 137592
true. sorry.
>> No. 137615
File 136763907056.jpg - (131.52KB , 732x732 , the-croods-sq1710_s37_f129_cc_rgb_sq-123fd004003f9.jpg )
I'm rather surprised with the little artwork for the croods. I would like to request these (Eep and Guy) two doing it, with Eep being inexperienced but eager/aggressive.
>> No. 137622

Oh golly. Oh gee.

That's some fuckin top-notch work, amigo. And on-model, too! Your /co/untry thanks you.
>> No. 137632
File 136766345491.png - (445.32KB , 1280x718 , motorcitys115web.png )
Julie, Claire and Foxy from Motorcity having three way lesbian sex.
>> No. 137637
Would anyone happen to have all of Spacy Lucy? Thanks guys.
>> No. 137646
File 136770169373.jpg - (124.13KB , 808x602 , hb0127_s28.jpg )
I know /pco/ is into whatever is new and popular, but can we make an exception for some Pup Named Scooby-Doo? Specifically loli Velma. I don't really care too much about the subject matter, I just think it's a travesty there isn't more loli Velma.
>> No. 137647
File 136770178929.jpg - (81.60KB , 500x394 , 1354924789490.jpg )
Character sheet for reference
>> No. 137649
File 136770256187.jpg - (248.65KB , 1064x1556 , eek 001.jpg )

Work in progress
>> No. 137652
also seen just one pic. bad marketing - nobody watched it but the movie was amazing.
>> No. 137656
looks more like Mags from Turbo Dogs to me although its a show i've seen here and there not really something i watch.
>> No. 137672

Turbo Dogs never heard of it. May check it out for more obscure rule 34 ideas
>> No. 137702
u into obscure chars too crapsketch? i personally enjoy doin those as well and am always lookin out for new obscure chars too.
>> No. 137740
That feels heathenous.
But you did a really good job...

Oh, also. Judging from her twitter.
I THIIIINK Gigi might've seen this. And the prior comments about the porn's all pretty tame.
>> No. 137741
File 136782196015.jpg - (144.66KB , 848x804 , princesstiana.jpg )
>> No. 137749
>> No. 137757
Awesome! Thank you, dude! Prince/ss/ Tiana is soo good!
It's a shame that there's not more of it out there...
>> No. 137758
First time requester here, long time lurker.
That is so incredibly good that i just want to request more Tiana /ss/ !
>> No. 137791
Would love it if hp could please do this one.
>> No. 137793
File 136792026953.jpg - (80.48KB , 556x688 , katt.jpg )
will be back to finish, pic is larger than wip
>> No. 137795
No. 137647
challenge excepted.
ill see what i can do during the week.
need to draw more loli and i always loved Velma. but i am gonna make her appear a bit older.
>> No. 137837
File 136797241580.png - (371.32KB , 834x958 , velma.png )
Drafting. Not sure how i feel bout this. ill get back to ya. Still a draft so I'm aware of any anatomical errors. Also if ya have an idea for a better pose then send it my way, im a beginner at porn stuff relatively
>> No. 137838
awesome job man
>> No. 137844
>> No. 137886
Great job Slade! More of this, please.
>> No. 137895
File 136804569476.jpg - (153.78KB , 530x410 , icgemnbppe_o.jpg )
Cool stuff so far. As for pose ideas, how about Shaggy hitting it from the back while Velma begs him to let her find her glasses. Or you could just draw her awkwardly lifting up her skirt or bent over on a pile of books or something. Whatever floats your boat, bro. And thanks for doing my request, based drawfriend.
>> No. 137902
lol you kidding then it misses the purpose
>> No. 137905
File 136806099931.jpg - (92.41KB , 1064x1556 , eek 001.jpg )
>> No. 137911
File 136806370970.jpg - (113.51KB , 1064x1556 , eek 001.jpg )
>> No. 138042
File 136828604882.jpg - (115.80KB , 362x814 , 351025_ciooo_com.jpg )
Requestin humanized Tawna Bandicoot
>> No. 138044
File 136829217248.jpg - (130.79KB , 1000x1334 , velma.jpg )
>> No. 138049
File 136830055352.gif - (440.86KB , 240x270 , sheep legs.gif )
requesting rule 34 on this right pretty leg of lamb
>> No. 138060
File 136830889050.png - (286.29KB , 1270x1678 , 1362955022619.png )
not porn
but erotic close enough
>> No. 138062
File 136831323862.png - (136.03KB , 842x1000 , sheep girl sheared copy.png )
I know, also this, but it's cheesecake not 34.

The sheep is from this Droopy short btw:
Droopy- 22 Sheep Wreckedyoutube thumb
>> No. 138072
File 136833590198.jpg - (51.54KB , 806x506 , 1368333974420.jpg )
requesting some /34/ of humanized fifi la fume
>> No. 138100
File 136837279573.jpg - (255.77KB , 1111x1468 , 1368372973342.jpg )
>> No. 138101
fckin awesome
>> No. 138132
>> No. 138141
File 136842785260.png - (296.49KB , 1414x925 , 1368366509703.png )
>> No. 138166
File 136846473271.png - (301.93KB , 1414x925 , ren and co colored fix.png )
I fixed the colors on that
>> No. 138167
dude thats so awesome
now i want a pic of /co/nrad saying "no sir, i dont likeit" like that horse
>> No. 138168
File 136848780626.jpg - (180.90KB , 407x696 , Lucia_von_Bardas_(Earth-80920).jpg )
Due to the recent Doom Quest on /tg/ I would appreciate some 34 of Lucia Von Bardas. Pic related
>> No. 138169
File 136848797156.png - (127.07KB , 500x456 , cassie.png )
Made ya a scribble. Is not much, but it is yours.
>> No. 138170
i loveit
good way to start the week
>> No. 138184
File 136852174713.jpg - (235.08KB , 1059x1650 , RR_7_HFB_CPS_025.jpg )
>> No. 138232
wait there are rescue rangers comics? some scans would be great, need gadget references
>> No. 138235
File 136865361035.jpg - (346.87KB , 688x1044 , rescue_rangers__8_by_hueville-d51cdmn.jpg )
>> No. 138236
File 136865388711.jpg - (296.32KB , 900x684 , rescue_rangers__7_by_hueville-d51ce2a.jpg )
>> No. 138237
File 136865409733.jpg - (295.32KB , 1062x1650 , cnd_08_010.jpg )
>> No. 138238
File 136865461738.jpg - (344.54KB , 688x1044 , more_rescue_rangers__8_by_hueville-d51cdrh.jpg )
Hope you enjoy these references.
>> No. 138243
File 136866286475.jpg - (41.17KB , 300x400 , cake mania.jpg )
Anybody got anything of Jill from "Cake Mania"?
>> No. 138245
File 136867037129.png - (592.22KB , 1024x768 , Belfy_e_Lillibit.png )
requesting belfy (the red fairy) givin a blowjob or having sex
whatever you like more
Belfy &amp; Lillibit - Spanish Openingyoutube thumb
>> No. 138246
File 136867068648.jpg - (59.59KB , 396x500 , cqtadzpop008.jpg )
any want to try some /34/ of coqueta y audaz

coqueta y audazyoutube thumb
>> No. 138247
>Doctor X and Doctor Double X's long lost sister, Doctor Triple X, concocts a plan alongside her brother/s to rob the Gotham Pornography Museum! Can Batman, with the help of Power Girl, stop her evil plot from succeeding? Or will he and Power Girl fall prey to the dark magic of Huge Hephner's first camera? Find out on this episode of Batman: The Brave and the Boned!

so basically whatever one might want to make based off of that
>> No. 138258
File 136870242596.jpg - (505.51KB , 975x1500 , RescueRangers_08_REV_Page_5.jpg )
I request some /34/ of Gadget and Glitch together.
>> No. 138286
File 136876971319.jpg - (165.00KB , 550x791 , cable2.jpg )
pics of death from the new Deadpool game are out - I'd love to see some nudes of her (or any sugar skull girls, its pretty hot)
>> No. 138295
File 136878108838.png - (123.75KB , 589x648 , lamb.png )
a quick drawing of that sheep to add to the pile.
>> No. 138338
LOL oh I didnt know this is a bad mary sue OC comic.
thanks anyway. :P
>> No. 138344
File 136892286322.png - (214.66KB , 500x375 , tumblr_mktvp55YZT1rnn5ano1_500.png )
Can someone do a picture of mad mod violateing Starfire with his cane. There is like no r34 of these two and I am surprised that there isn't judging on how much he hit on her in the first part of that "mad mod".
>> No. 138377
File 136903399961.png - (228.38KB , 459x347 , CosmoCon134.png )
Requesting Britney Britney and Timmy's Mom scissoring.
>> No. 138390
File 136907768467.jpg - (58.17KB , 300x986 , url-16.jpg )
Here's a ref of mad mod. I willbe putting one of starfire too.
>> No. 138392
File 136907776429.jpg - (50.79KB , 394x700 , url-11.jpg )
And starfire ref. Also extra points if you can make Robin watch in horror. XD
>> No. 138522
File 136919399936.jpg - (553.42KB , 1024x1431 , Hopper'sClassroom_byFurboz.jpg )
I'd like to request a sketch of Ms. Hopper, an obscure character from T.U.F.F. Puppy, wearing an open bathrobe showing off her entire front body.

Thanks, and here's hoping activity will pick up again soon.
>> No. 138534
File 136922165192.jpg - (284.67KB , 596x743 , Drawfriend-Reference_Peg-And-Roxanne.jpg )
Peg and Roxanne. No PJ, Pete, Goofy or Max. Just Peg and Roxanne. Preferably with Peg fucking Roxanne with a strap-on, but feel free to let your imagination run wild. (No squick plz.)
>> No. 138542
File 136923689299.png - (353.12KB , 1024x689 , Creeper's_pillow.png )
Can anyone make one of these two together? I'm surprised there isn't more of Harley Quinn with the Creeper.
>> No. 138558
File 13692504095.jpg - (37.41KB , 720x480 , 098.jpg )
Oh and here is a ref of Mods cane only incase.
>> No. 138563
File 136926075324.png - (275.30KB , 1000x675 , 1369257487626.png )
>> No. 138564
File 136926078163.png - (255.78KB , 1000x674 , 1369259294082.png )
>> No. 138565
File 136926085378.gif - (847.95KB , 720x865 , 1369239808949.gif )
>> No. 138566
File 136926249261.jpg - (201.77KB , 1000x1178 , anonlook.jpg )
>> No. 138567
File 136926256097.png - (592.56KB , 931x2000 , 52213_2.png )
>> No. 138568
File 136926264756.png - (149.53KB , 740x400 , 1368463421951.png )
>> No. 138577
I saw this thumbnail on Archive.foolz.
mole_girl.jpg was the filename on this, and damn it, it's hard to find, like half the other shit from this show. I

If anyone has the full/larger picture, I'd be extremely grateful.
>> No. 138578
File 13692681614.jpg - (2.37KB , 95x124 , 1358451357176s.jpg )
I saw this thumbnail on Archive.foolz.
mole_girl.jpg was the filename on this, and damn it, it's hard to find, like half the other shit from this show. I

If anyone has the full/larger picture, I'd be extremely grateful.
>> No. 138582
File 136927532969.png - (203.35KB , 949x768 , 1614503-NIJBUC2.png )
>> No. 138583
File 136927603899.png - (196.86KB , 400x555 , 1369275888371.png )
>> No. 138584
File 136927609550.jpg - (277.90KB , 700x1051 , 1369272244199.jpg )
>> No. 138585
do this new ones came from /co/ too ?
>> No. 138589
Yes...from during the short period each thread before the mod gets a power trip and deletes the thread instead of just banning the rabble-rousers that ruin it.
>> No. 138590
dammit , i was following that thread
then got bored and closed it
>> No. 138594
File 136929673029.jpg - (485.09KB , 2880x1000 , BoomBoomBeagle.jpg )
One-shot character Boom Boom Beagle, from the DuckTales ep "Goodmuddas", getting titty-fucked. Cum stream optional.
>> No. 138611
File 136934517490.jpg - (28.84KB , 415x220 , doodle_4_google_2013_-_us_winner-1522006-hp.jpg )
This girl giving this guy a blowjob. Somebody make it happen.
>> No. 138622
File 136935642013.jpg - (155.52KB , 620x877 , 1369353885805.jpg )
>> No. 138623
File 136935650058.jpg - (87.10KB , 1236x1257 , 1369356094175.jpg )
>> No. 138624
You forgot the "in"
>> No. 138625
File 13693576594.png - (127.11KB , 500x1039 , Fifi.png )
>> No. 138629
can somebody color this
>> No. 138634
File 136939092871.png - (325.50KB , 1000x675 , 1369257487627.png )
>> No. 138638
File 13694055963.png - (76.68KB , 390x493 , 1369392662641.png )
>> No. 138639
File 136940562842.jpg - (122.85KB , 600x1419 , 1369396330487.jpg )
>> No. 138640
File 136940566245.png - (90.09KB , 516x561 , 1369401905073.png )
>> No. 138641
File 136940569315.png - (220.30KB , 1000x1000 , 1369398863614.png )
>> No. 138642
File 136940572249.png - (410.65KB , 1000x1000 , 1369402783064.png )
>> No. 138643
File 136940574238.png - (106.43KB , 420x492 , 1369404793987.png )
>> No. 138647
File 136941641569.png - (301.05KB , 1000x1000 , Leggy and Nessie.png )
>> No. 138649

>> No. 138651
File 136942077492.jpg - (634.71KB , 1240x1748 , pretty pretty raven.jpg )
There you go.

From what I've read, I think she was talking about the pics on pixiv.

You honor me /co/mrade.
>> No. 138653
Requester here... thanks for the image, mate.
>> No. 138664
File 136944337020.png - (742.10KB , 2806x2356 , 1369439256938.png )
>> No. 138666
File 136944372843.png - (213.11KB , 1236x1257 , 1369439449492.png )
>> No. 138669
Mods on /co/ seem to have a vendetta against poor sheep girl.
>> No. 138679
File 136945585287.png - (89.51KB , 845x536 , Untitled.png )
I wonder what the problem is with the mods and sheep girl
>> No. 138680
More like...bleat

Am I right?...guys?
>> No. 138681
Any requests in regards to this sheep girl I don't mind drawing her I have plenty of freetime.
>> No. 138683

None of them have full frontal sheared. Why not a rack of lamb?
>> No. 138685
I would really dig her blowing a dude while looking up at him a pov shot.
>> No. 138686
Someone wanted something with the evil twin sheep girl having a boob window and more exposed midriff, I think that would be cool. Porn or nor, whichever.
>> No. 138687
File 136946019535.jpg - (1.58MB , 2592x1936 , 1369458944536.jpg )
>> No. 138688
File 136946021527.png - (29.66KB , 693x724 , 1369459683140.png )
>> No. 138689
File 136946022843.png - (164.38KB , 1000x1000 , 1369459927568.png )
>> No. 138695
File 136946541939.png - (81.31KB , 559x587 , 1369462416655.png )
>> No. 138696
File 136946552870.png - (49.06KB , 559x587 , 1369463480527.png )
>> No. 138697
File 136946560824.png - (124.54KB , 559x587 , 1369465444655.png )
>> No. 138698
File 136946570424.jpg - (153.63KB , 850x1100 , 1369464235198.jpg )
>> No. 138699
File 136946575653.png - (112.71KB , 430x869 , 1369464651606.png )
>> No. 138700
File 136946581927.png - (927.30KB , 2489x2001 , 1369464705980.png )
>> No. 138701
File 136946587375.png - (87.91KB , 650x645 , 1369465604462.png )
>> No. 138702
File 136946592654.png - (220.31KB , 724x692 , 1619169-EB0O2ZA.png )
>> No. 138703
File 136946623381.png - (489.91KB , 788x1034 , 1369466053668.png )
>> No. 138706
>trying to force the grey skin
Look, people don't like it. The font isn't even the same, the artist didn't make that, people don't like it, why do you have such a hard on for it?
I humbly request you delete that instead of trying to stir up shit in a thread we're already dumping on a bit too much. Please.
>> No. 138707
File 136947374817.jpg - (71.71KB , 392x600 , 17439480_m.jpg )
Not trying to stir up shit, and everything outside of leggy is a group creation. I'll delete the image though, But I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be given a shot. I think its really coming down to two people going back and forth on if it should or shouldnt.
>> No. 138710
File 136947481034.jpg - (1.85KB , 96x125 , 5-25 babra black sheep.jpg )
>> No. 138711
>this isn't um jammer lammy
That was never the point of it, but fine.
>> No. 138712
You're right it is a fan creation but I find it a bit scummy to go behind the artists back like that and alter their image to very much try and force what's basically just your odd preference. I don't see why you wouldn't just make a much more unique and different separate character design of your own if it matters that much to you, because frankly it's a bit awkward the way you're handling it.
Well, I can't prove what other people thought. I'm almost certain if they had felt obliged to say so most would agree the current design makes the most sense as at least one other person said in the thread, and no I wasn't the one talking to you about the grey skin in the thread previous. I just feel it bares saying since that seems to be the angle you were going for.

Anyway I don't want to shit up the thread I just needed to get that off my chest. If you'd make your own character I'd be happy to see a grey skin from you, just try to keep in mind the cute naming conventions IMO. But there's no need to try and push grey skin on Peggy, it's over and done.
That's just the thumb, the thread died right as the artist posted it. :(
>> No. 138713
Yeah the image tweak was messed up, i was trying to be sneaky and see if anyone would use that as a guide, make her grey and people can judge from actually seeing it. that was fucked up and I apologise. I was pushing it so hard so maybe someone would try it and maybe people would change their minds after seeing it. It seems to be a lost cause at this point though so Ill back off. Sorry.
>> No. 138716
Requesting a thread be made by a mod and have all of the sheep girl art moved there and then delete all of the sheep girls art and discussion in this one.
>> No. 138717
Seconding that (again) she has had around 50 images made of her over the last 3ish days.
Thread name should be uh, "Sheep Wrecked/Leggy Lamb thread"
>> No. 138724
Wow, that got out of hand.
>> No. 138797
So how about some more sheep porn?
>> No. 138799
Sonny we have our own thread now and no shortage of OC.
>> No. 138856
File 13695380819.jpg - (56.04KB , 360x474 , wip.jpg )
idk how to fix this so i guess i should quit here
>> No. 138896
File 136956334967.jpg - (38.74KB , 338x450 , Little_Bo_Peep.jpg )
Getting a little late joining the lamb weekend, but here we go.

/r/ing Little Bo Peep sexing with Leggy Lamb. Preferring scissoring or cunnilingus.
>> No. 138904
File 13695739622.jpg - (117.25KB , 1242x480 , BoomBoomBeagle2.jpg )

Thank you for taking the request! It's a good start - hair and face are excellent. Not sure what's majorly wrong? Fingers could use lengthening versus size of thumb, plus thinning on left hand... head/neck connection is a little iffy, but source was weird there to begin with.

Maybe more boobsquish from the pressure of her fingers on her tits might not be bad, or a more open mouth - here're some additional expressions, if they might be helpful.

Again, thanks for starting this.
>> No. 138978
File 136962065694.jpg - (64.89KB , 409x515 , wip.jpg )
I'll finish this when my illness passes
>> No. 139061
File 136968216865.png - (1.83MB , 1600x1200 , queen.png )
Queen Bea
Queen Bea - Super Secret Secret Squirrelyoutube thumb
Queen Chrysalis

The main idea of this request is to show the two legions some love. (lesbian style, with Chrysalis using her magic (or her minions) to give Bea the time of her life)

Now, before I ramble on about why this needs to happen, hear me out. While Chrysalis may have a teeny more appearance time (and lots more porn) than Bea, they can both be vicious, funny and sexy at the same time. They both has an army of insects. (Bea's bees prior to Chrysalis's changelings)
Both of them has an seductive way to mind wrap their male victims. (Shining Armor with magic and Secret Squirrel with a love nectar for example)
And both of them got engaged in an catfight (From Bea VS Agent Penny to Chrysalis VS Princess Celestia. Both of them won the battle)
The only thing Bea lacks is the element of disguise (and surprise) in which Chrysalis has got.

So, yeah. That's basically my new request. Queen Chrysalis from MLP FIM using her magic (or her changelings minions to fuck Queen Bea from Secret Squirrel.
>> No. 139062
File 136968292771.jpg - (39.16KB , 640x360 , Show_Looney_Tunes_S02E07_Legend_mp4_snapshot_15_43.jpg )
lola with these clothes, with this expression, being fucked from behind, behind the table by bugs bunny
>> No. 139063
lol it might be possible to just put them into the correct pose via cutting and moving, and then tracing it.
>> No. 139081
File 136969779220.jpg - (478.59KB , 975x1500 , RescueRangers_08_REV_Page_2.jpg )
Tammy from Rescue Rangers
>> No. 139091
File 136970813224.png - (569.73KB , 600x900 , ducktales.png )
done, thoughts?
>> No. 139096

The way the cum pools around her cleavage looks a bit weird, but still.

>> No. 139160
File 136977261156.jpg - (256.41KB , 425x670 , tumblr_ljifo25tpM1qgbzseo1_500.jpg )
For some reason there is no rule 34 on Emmy Cicierega yet.
>> No. 139171
File 13697841213.png - (378.66KB , 480x480 , 1369783460249.png )
gotit done in a /b/ draw thread

nothing explicit tought 8(
>> No. 139172
File 136978419286.png - (153.08KB , 800x800 , 1369779720673.png )
also got this one
if anyone want to uncensorit would be cool
artist was afraid of gettin banned form /b/ for posting Cp
>> No. 139176
File 136979371673.png - (611.92KB , 926x1076 , PacificaLipbite.png )
I found out that even though there is porn of Pacifica, there is surprisingly no paizuri/titjob porn. So, I'm requesting a PoV pic of
Pacifica giving the viewer a titjob.

She is looking up at the viewer, but her facial expression could be whatever you think would be best. Annoyance, hatred, a flirtatious wink, any expressions like that would work.

More references.
>> No. 139187
File 136980177150.jpg - (480.33KB , 1033x1620 , Lizard-shedding2.jpg )
Stripper Lizard from cross country detuor,looking behind fully nude.
>> No. 139210
File 136982696885.jpg - (231.81KB , 800x800 , 136978419286 copy.jpg )
There ya go.
>> No. 139245
yay for loli delicious flat chest
thanks a lot man
>> No. 139257
Might need a mod ruling on this, but what do people think of having a separate thread just for black and white (preferably inked) images that could use a little color?
>> No. 139265
>> No. 139334
File 136992787828.jpg - (353.64KB , 330x663 , avx_08_hope.jpg )
Can I request some Hope Summers/Spider-Man?
>> No. 139407
File 137002458252.png - (102.33KB , 447x552 , page-72.png )
>> No. 139421
Thanks for accepting the request man.
If it already looks great, should be amazing when finished.
>> No. 139424
File 137003293549.jpg - (197.56KB , 588x587 , 54653543.jpg )
>> No. 139428
i dont know what to say
except that is awesome and i am very grateful
thanks dude
>> No. 139431
File 137004556248.png - (203.22KB , 500x307 , Take my mone.png )
More new Lola pls.
>> No. 139448
Artist/source ?
Need more of your amazing work
at least put your signature
>> No. 139462
not bad. not bad indeed.
>> No. 139535
did the old request tread got deleted?
>> No. 139549
I really want more art work so again ... Artist/source ? please ?!
>> No. 139582
>>139407hey disclaimer nice to see you back here.
>>138344care to take a wack at my request.
>> No. 139679
File 137030936216.png - (3.04MB , 1742x1860 , ClaireBrewsterbio.png )
I'd like to request a picture of Claire Brewster having sex with Beetlejuice in the tone of pic related, with her make up running and her being consenting, but slightly disgusted.

You can have BJ transformed into a snake or tentacle monster or something else if you want, but if you go with that, post what you come up with in the /cod/ request thread instead.
>> No. 139680
File 137030966795.jpg - (3.31MB , 1881x1471 , BEETLEJUICE-CARTOON-VOLUME-1[1].jpg )

Here is Beetlejuice, in case you forgot what he looked like in the show.
>> No. 139714
File 137036754210.png - (754.94KB , 966x696 , lolirock.png )
Im surprised this hasn't been requested yet. So much potential. Requesting them all in sexy french maid outfits.
>> No. 139724
File 137037791873.jpg - (347.42KB , 2338x1700 , Jill_Evans 001.jpg )

Shit in progress
>> No. 139789
>> No. 139826
Not so sure. Something's different. Could be someone else, and if it is I want to know who.
>> No. 139841
File 137046987162.jpg - (611.21KB , 1071x1650 , 1370445048279.jpg )
requesting savage dragon fucking horridus
with horridus on top
>> No. 139865
File 13704856324.jpg - (12.15KB , 286x308 , image.jpg )
This is the loli version of the Queen in Jelly Jamm, and she is adorable!
>> No. 139887

It suppose to be the chick from that Cake Mania game.
>> No. 139888
>This is the loli version of the Queen in Jelly Jamm, and she is adorable! NOW MAKE PORN OF HER!

>> No. 139913
I thought that was obvious to anyone here.
>> No. 139921
File 137055009574.jpg - (279.29KB , 1378x955 , Rio Morales x Miles Morales.jpg )
Requesting a /ss/ picture with Rio Morales and Miles Morales.
Preferably with Miles in costume, so she doesn't know it's him ;-)
>> No. 139940
File 137057219881.jpg - (129.03KB , 1000x1500 , crossover request.jpg )
asking for a crossover, or two separate pics for each cartoon.
Cloe being fucked with a strapon by her sendokai version while eloise grabs samira from behind, put his hand inside her blouse and grabbing her breast while this with your other hand inside of her panties while biting her ear.
samira with orgasm face using only her blouse and panties, watching cloe being fucked.
>> No. 140020
File 137074129096.jpg - (158.61KB , 1372x977 , China Girl - Reference.jpg )
Okay, so I was watching 'Oz the great and powerful' and there's this adorable little Chinese ceramic doll character called 'China Girl'. The character is a sweet innocent child made of old delicate china porcelain wearing a lovely dress, whose entire village was destroyed... and of course all I could think about was how hot it would be to view porn of her. The internet has ruined me once more. After the movie I immediately went on rule34 looking for some porn, but to no avail.
If anybody has the time, I'd love it if somebody would draw China Doll to scale getting rubbed by an adult white penis. Preferably she's on her back hugging/embracing the dick while the man is thrusting away. The exact pose is up to the artist, really. I just want her to enjoy it (like she's been curious about this whole 'penis affair' she's heard so much about and this is her chance to check it out). If you could do cum/no cum versions of it, that'd just be icing on the cake (pun intended?). I hope somebody likes this request (my first ever) enough to put it on paper. I've included references for her look and her scale. Fingers crossed!
>> No. 140026
This is a request thread, not a "commission exactly what I want for free" thread.

It's one thing to ask for 34 of a character that hasn't been done. It's another to specifically request something super detailed like that.

If you want something that specific, you need to pay.
>> No. 140032
do you want some coffe while you wait ?
>> No. 140042

Yeah, guess you guys are right. I just hate making general requests. I didn't just want to walk into a thread and say "Hey, you know what there isn't enough porn of? China girl, how's about somebody get on that...". You're right, though. Perhaps a little too specific. Although, when you compare it to other requests made in this thread (which I was going off of), mine isn't outlandishly precise or demanding. Just browse the thread.
But, to amend my earlier request, any China Girl 34 is more than welcome. I hope somebody likes the material enough to do anything with it. Because, you know what there just isn't enough porn of... China Girl.
>> No. 140102
File 137080023769.jpg - (2.35MB , 2160x1620 , molly req.jpg )
can i request some /34/ of taz sister molly ?
sucking a dick and masturbating would be awesome
>> No. 140121
File 137081834166.jpg - (51.82KB , 429x459 , 2011-06-12_105436_1140909-arisia_hal_hug_super.jpg )
Requesting Hal Jordan and Arisia, before she aged herself up.

Bonus points if you use some of the dialogue from the reference pic.
>> No. 140131
That was a shit thread.
>> No. 140136
File 137083984811.jpg - (57.75KB , 500x428 , molly.jpg )
>> No. 140155
File 137088417957.jpg - (217.83KB , 1355x854 , contestatya.jpg )
Just a small request here. There was a thread on /co/ about the movie Animalympics. Discussion came up about the characters Contessa and Tatyana. Unfortunately it 404ed and there is very little art work of the characters from the movie.
Anyway, just perhaps something simple between the two characters?

Here is a video link for Tatyana. http://youtu.be/m3ydZU1QWiI?t=7m16s

and for Contessa.
>> No. 140167
Wait, what? Am I missing something?
>> No. 140168
didnt tought someone will do it
thanks a lot amigo
>> No. 140184
File 137094068166.png - (1.26MB , 986x668 , 1370927346827[1].png )
>> No. 140198
File 137098162459.png - (280.42KB , 1024x1024 , stop_by_columbuzio-d68n8nr.png )
from a thread on /co/, he even made a DA account at our request
>> No. 140199
File 137098176427.png - (301.17KB , 1024x1024 , axe_me_a_question_by_columbuzio-d68n97c.png )
he was taking requests but some jantor deleted the thread
>> No. 140210
>I didn't just want to walk into a thread and say "Hey, you know what there isn't enough porn of? China girl, how's about somebody get on that...".

But that's exactly how requests work.

Look at the requests that are actually getting answered. They're almost All "Anyone interested in drawing this character?" [Attached Image]

Because drawing shit takes time, if it's not going to make them money, artists are only going to draw for their own enjoyment, not yours.

That's why you just put up reference pictures. And most, suggest a pairing or interesting situation, but that's really stretching it.

It's all about what the artist is interested in.
>> No. 140213
desperately need more
>> No. 140218
There are more by other artists on paheal
>> No. 140230

Fair enough.
>> No. 140236
File 137105600884.jpg - (114.66KB , 606x561 , 548466.jpg )
>> No. 140260

Anyone mind telling me what the FUCK this is from?
>> No. 140262

who is this?!
>> No. 140265
Rayman her name is Barbara
>> No. 140285
Seconding these so much!
>> No. 140299
On the old board, I had a picture of a human fluttershy and rainbow dash in shell bikinis. I lost that photo when my old laptop died. Does anybody have this picture? Also, if you have it and you feel like coloring it, that would be appreciated, but I would be more than happy with the original pic. Thanks
>> No. 140430
File 137147306311.jpg - (301.01KB , 1260x1651 , beach mares 2.jpg )
>> No. 140431
beach mares 2 implies there's a 1. Could we impose on you a bit more....?
>> No. 140456
Thanks for reuniting me with this fanntastic picture
I am pretty sure that Beach Mares 1 was just a sketch of the second pic
>> No. 140468
why did i get banned for posting links? i never posted any links?
>> No. 140485
See >>/baw/380077
>> No. 140494
come on guys
source/artist - more of this please
>> No. 140518
I love loli Velma!
>> No. 140523
Dexter's Lab - REAL Sexual Inn…youtube thumb
This scene from Dexter's Lab can someone please take it out of context and make a picture of it.
>> No. 140532
File 137176131344.jpg - (394.09KB , 1344x1240 , bingo girl.jpg )
And done

No problem sport

If you really want to see a rough sketch of the same picture, than I'm more than happy to oblige. I could however, just draw more fluttershy and rainbow dash or other members of the cast for you, if that tickles your tidbits.
>> No. 140538
File 137177877145.jpg - (235.75KB , 559x1026 , kinsey.jpg )
I was in the middle of making some cheesecake of Kinsey, but the thread 404'd on me, leaving me with an unfinished drawing. I'll just make a few adjustments to make it a little more appropriate for this board, and maybe make some more of her.
>> No. 140539
File 137178191033.jpg - (39.78KB , 227x493 , image.jpg )
How about Mary Spuckler? She is cute!
>> No. 140569
File 137185186569.jpg - (61.06KB , 732x550 , FGToLoveAndDieInDixie.jpg )
Mary Spuckler (generic Bart girlfriend plot nr. 8923) making out with the redneck chick from Family Guy. Would ne cool.
>> No. 140592
File 137190604013.jpg - (32.96KB , 320x213 , image.jpg )
I was thinking more in the lines of incest because redneck jokes about incest, and marriage with much older man. Also, incest is hot!
>> No. 140594
well my friend, in this case I have to agree with you.
>> No. 140605
File 137192412673.jpg - (32.10KB , 497x755 , Pisha.jpg )
Pisha isn't anywhere in that pic. The woman on the far right is Venus. This is Pisha.
>> No. 140607
File 137192594881.png - (1.64MB , 1468x757 , 1371912913295.png )
Yeah, sorry. Made an edited one but uploaded the wrong one.
Here's the one I made.
From left to right: VV, Heather, Jeanette, Damsel, Yuki, Venus, Pisha.
Missing: Therese, Ming Xao

So, deleted that pic and reposting:
I was greatly saddened and frustrated by the lack of Bloodlines stuff.
I'd like to request some valiant soul to help rectify that.
Especially appreciate Damsel (center) or Pisha (far right).

Great game. Pity it never got the attention it deserved when it was released all those years ago.
>> No. 140608

Hey, that picture looks good enough as it is (but I won't stop you from making it filthier)
>> No. 140620
File 137194493329.png - (347.14KB , 563x390 , Capture.png )
Requesting Squirrel Girl and Makoto Nanaya tribbing.
>> No. 140664
File 137202921421.jpg - (211.10KB , 960x540 , Grojband_Laney_001.jpg )
Laney from Grojband wearing her Gothic Lolita outfit getting fucked in both holes by Alphina from Viper GTS.
>> No. 140670
File 137203624154.jpg - (19.51KB , 400x299 , KingHill-3.jpg )
Requesting something from Donna from King of the Hill. In the Myspace episode if you pay attention she's got MAJOR hips and tits going on.

Maybe like an upskirt or a drunken gangbang possibly?
>> No. 140673
I second this.
>> No. 140705
File 137211901260.jpg - (220.38KB , 572x461 , constant-payne-rejected-nickelodeon-cartoon.jpg )
requesting rule 34 on Amanda Payne from Constant Payne
>> No. 140725
File 137214868387.jpg - (218.90KB , 1067x1280 , salvationarmynodreamtoosmall.jpg )
Just figured I'd update... this technically isn't a request fulfillment because it's me, poster of original request, who found somebody else to tackle the idea. But I thought I'd share anyway.

By Polyle
>> No. 140727
File 137214968110.jpg - (171.94KB , 649x861 , transfrmer.jpg )
>> No. 140751
File 13721793818.jpg - (218.56KB , 540x1026 , kinsey.jpg )
cleaned it up a little
>> No. 140752
File 137217973360.jpg - (218.08KB , 540x1026 , kinsey 34.jpg )
>> No. 140761
File 137219425283.gif - (1.55MB , 636x378 , nodreamtoosmall.gif )
you know what this needs? animated gif version!
>> No. 140771
File 137221176414.jpg - (126.39KB , 420x525 , china girl.jpg )
on it
>> No. 140772
not OR
this looks so good, cant wait
>> No. 140839
File 137229645268.jpg - (163.46KB , 620x874 , china girl.jpg )
Gonna have to clean it up a little later.
>> No. 140840
File 137229724354.jpg - (13.10KB , 153x240 , Rose_Season_2.jpg )
Requesting Rose in a leopard print bikini that is tight on her. she can be getting out of a pool or something.
>> No. 140888
File 137238088863.gif - (24.34KB , 240x415 , bio_beth.gif )
Beth Totenbag from the cartoon Click & Clack's As The Wrench Turns. It was a brief series that aired on PBS a few years ago. And why nobody did any pics of Beth, I don't know. Now I hope somebody will.
>> No. 140893
nice job
>> No. 140914
File 137244346215.jpg - (77.39KB , 800x432 , cattivissimo-me-2-gru-insieme-all-agente-lucy-wild.jpg )
You guys know what needs to be done.

The movie is coming out soon and I thought why not a rule 34 pic of these two to celebrate. ;)
>> No. 140919
Yuri makes everything better.
Loli makes everything better.
Make her on some lesbian action with the girls and the fun will be squared!
>> No. 140920
How about no.
>> No. 140922
How about let the artists decide?
>> No. 140941
not the original requester but just in case here's a da link from one of the artists of the show with tons of beth poses http://jimmymcwicked.deviantart.com/art/beth-poses-and-expressions-82761027
>> No. 140974
Hey guys, recently finished Bikini Cowboy. So...Jill and Rod. Missionary. Jill with her few clothes on, directing a flustered Rod with one hand, and opening her pussy with the other. Breasts poking out her bra.
>> No. 140987

Oh shit. Dude, thanks. I'd almost given up on hoping. Thanks for taking up the request. It's looking great.
>> No. 141027
File 137260864293.jpg - (47.00KB , 500x346 , image.jpg )
Request Angelique
>> No. 141035
File 137261941485.jpg - (366.76KB , 1250x875 , 1367528060192.jpg )
can i have some /34/ of Hoppopotamus and Bumblelion from wuzzles ?
>> No. 141042
File 137262570922.png - (517.56KB , 534x632 , my love.png )
Requesting Lacy lying naked on a bed with her pussy wet.
>> No. 141122
File 137272291191.jpg - (11.46KB , 300x432 , images.jpg )
We need some Lili.
>> No. 141124
File 137272547780.jpg - (42.77KB , 800x600 , Psychonauts_Lili_4747.jpg )
Fo Reelz yo i agree and with scenes like this one how is there not more?
>> No. 141246
File 137293456727.jpg - (466.11KB , 1240x1748 , angelique.jpg )
Here you go

No problem
>> No. 141260
Will you do this?
>> No. 141275
re-requesting this ones
>> No. 141289
File 137303510029.png - (480.59KB , 773x552 , Carnissia pic request.png )
I would like some 34 or cheesecake of Carnissia. Preferably poker, or Las Vegas themed
>> No. 141292
whats she from?
>> No. 141298
Nice! Thanks!
>> No. 141317
Treasures of Kerub. The latest episode, Ecaflip City where she was one of the card players.
>> No. 141328
File 13730843436.gif - (949.68KB , 320x240 , beaky-buzzard-o.gif )
requesting rule 34 on this pretty leg of lamb.

The Bashful Buzzard sceneyoutube thumb
>> No. 141425
So I was watching The Princess and The Frog today, when I realized something. Of all the porn done for the movie, as far as I know, there is no stuff with loli Tiana. Or her friend. Somebody please rectify this oversight.
>> No. 141426
post loli tiana and loli friend.

i'm lazy
>> No. 141434
File 137321353744.png - (215.05KB , 500x351 , 500full_jpg.png )
not OR
but since i want to see loli, here is a reference
hope is usefull
>> No. 141645
File 137361281939.jpg - (222.43KB , 1280x777 , tumblr_mjzdqac9UY1rps1iho1_1280.jpg )
Requesting anything involving Bee. Even a simple nude would be great.
>> No. 141652
File 137364019564.jpg - (542.52KB , 1016x515 , tumblr_m4ib2iTRA81rstd2jo1_1280.jpg )
Anything with these two, "official" Rule 63 versions of Wonder Man and Power Man from an old "What If?" issue. Maybe opening their tops to show their tits. Mask and tiara required.
>> No. 141658
Oh, I would like to see that too!
I like her body!
>> No. 141678
File 137366995694.jpg - (653.34KB , 1903x4007 , butt.jpg )
I'd like to see this Giantess from Dofu's hanging from her sky home with her ass out after she was pantsed in this scene.

I have not found a single rule 34 of her, perhaps I am dumb and I missed it somewhere, however on the off chance there is none this would be a great start.
>> No. 141695
Can anyone explain this? There are giantesses in the world of Wakfu? Or is it that the characters shrunk?
>> No. 141696
She's not from wakfu dawg, she's from the spin off dofu's.

Oddly enough though dofu's already had a shrinking episode though.
>> No. 141697
I see. Any interaction between a female character with the shrunken characters? That's usually how these scenarios turn out for the best.
>> No. 141701
I'll actually try to tackle this at some point.
Thanks for the heads-up, anon.
>> No. 141714
File 137374974430.jpg - (278.76KB , 1912x1049 , fat.jpg )
yes they are female however they look like this.
>> No. 141720
I was thinking of commissioning something with her. Though it was the bath scene, but with the water level's low enough, her knees parted and Kerub and what-his-name floating nearby, being dwarfed by giantess genitalia.

Might get it done when my job's more decent.
>> No. 141766
File 137384492038.jpg - (414.41KB , 1280x1968 , harper.jpg )
Harper Row having her ugly face destroyed by a giant cock.
>> No. 141802
File 137390430836.jpg - (116.06KB , 576x874 , bee.jpg )
>> No. 141804
Thank you very much! That looks great.
>> No. 141867
File 137408127030.jpg - (50.07KB , 365x639 , 2543149-327028.jpg )
Requesting Gwen in a tribal outfit spread eagle masturbating. I would prefer the pic to have her breasts exposed.
>> No. 141868
Not exactly a request per se but I was wondering if anyone here had any tips for animation, because I'd like to animate some of the requests here but I'm not 100% sure on exactly how to approach it...
>> No. 141880
File 137410836294.jpg - (807.93KB , 901x1005 , harper 2.jpg )
On it

From what I've read, you can get some pretty interesting animations like http://cdn2.gelbooru.com//images/808/111ab6923a1ff94097b40f23e10075f5.gif by using Blender 3d. Here's a few tutorials that may be of use to you or any other individual who is interested animating still images:

Animate a Still Image - Blender Tutorialyoutube thumb
Animate a still with Blender UV mappingyoutube thumb
>> No. 141904

Looking good so far!
>> No. 141952
File 137427631612.png - (1.67MB , 1379x951 , scoobyabracadabra.png )
>> No. 141953
Wow. I've done actual 3D animation (small stuff), but I could have never guessed Blender could produce such good results.
>> No. 141957
File 137429670464.png - (498.55KB , 1280x826 , DudepowShezow1.png )
Requesting I get a picture of Shezow (the pink one) fucking Dudepow (the blue one.)

In case you don't watch the show, I'd like to note that Shezow is actually a boy, and Dudepow is actually a girl.
>> No. 142053
File 137454564711.jpg - (341.66KB , 633x794 , req.jpg )
requesting some lesbing with rita and mina from jelly jamm
top pic is for size ref
>> No. 142154
File 137473156067.jpg - (71.32KB , 1000x599 , 365603_18__medium.jpg )
It has been a long time since the game Papo & Yo came out. I'm surprised, as well as disappointed, that nobody has drawn anything with the cute NPC Alejandra yet. This oversight needs to be rectified.
>> No. 142156
File 137474847937.jpg - (194.16KB , 760x596 , ravine.jpg )
Greir sucking off the bridge keeper with a hint of anger in her expression would be awesome. Bonus points if the bridge keeper is holding her head or if she has cum on her.
>> No. 142159
Lil Skittles Makin' it Rainbow

>> No. 142167

>> No. 142298
Should have known Katt's weakness would be a bit of cream.
>> No. 142378
File 13751023655.png - (51.64KB , 240x362 , ba.png )
No porn of the Burka Avenger has been made.

Could I get something of her on her back, getting railed by some generic guy who is groping one of her boobs through the cloth of her burka?
>> No. 142379
File 137510432814.jpg - (255.48KB , 3424x2243 , 51640e4261cc3.jpg )

Oh, I forgot to mention that her legs/hips would be exposed from pulling the burka up, but the rest of her would still be covered.

Her civilian garb.
>> No. 142636
File 137555483977.jpg - (27.45KB , 512x384 , xmaspete1.jpg )
Can someone do something with pete white finally getting some from triana. I mean no one did it on rule 34 and it just gotta be done. Also throw quiz boy in there watching if you like. Or joining in I don't care. (Will put a pic of billy for reference later)
>> No. 142637
File 13755551878.jpg - (4.41KB , 148x136 , images.jpg )
Heres billy. Also base the clothes and stuff off the very venture christmas special.
>> No. 142692
File 137568350293.png - (305.13KB , 620x420 , 1375142181714.png )
Penny Proud in this outfit sucking some mean dick.
>> No. 142700
leg amputee shows off her body

I'm sorry I just could not unsee that after I noticed.
>> No. 142701
File 13757090267.jpg - (656.76KB , 1000x1000 , 46f7b13513f3ce830f366686bd688706.jpg )
I don't care if it isn't canon, I want to see Scylla from Corruption of Champions getting fucked up her ass.

not sure if anal with a nun is /cod/ or not
>> No. 142706
Its only /cod/ if she has a dick
>> No. 142863
File 137607328577.jpg - (356.09KB , 1212x872 , Skadi.jpg )
Requesting anything with Skadi. I'd like the emphasis to be on her ass, but I'd be happy with anything.
>> No. 142868
File 137608216228.png - (285.91KB , 624x516 , bendeeboo3.png )
I'd love something of Velma-Amy
>> No. 142871
File 137608489481.jpg - (52.79KB , 402x544 , 1568.jpg )
>> No. 142889
File 137610404397.jpg - (25.90KB , 272x236 , jade.jpg )
what about some good art of Jade Chan?
>> No. 142910
Fucking nice
>> No. 142911
OR here. That is fantastic! Thanks very much and keep up the good work.
>> No. 142917
File 137616317952.jpg - (40.19KB , 521x371 , image.jpg )
Soyen_chen from Dexter?
>> No. 142920
dat sum GFD?
>> No. 142932
File 137619065369.jpg - (34.39KB , 410x301 , image.jpg )
On the Dexter theme, how about Lilian Poppy Seed?
>> No. 142963
File 137624818419.png - (1.14MB , 2046x2135 , lewd.png )
>> No. 142972
File 137625779497.jpg - (48.13KB , 229x684 , image.jpg )
Lol nice! Have some Mandark's mother!
>> No. 142973
File 137625784466.jpg - (303.73KB , 1000x1000 , image.jpg )
>> No. 142974
File 137625814233.jpg - (53.43KB , 500x372 , image.jpg )
Now how about Mandark's family (Mandark, Lalavava, Windbear and Oceanbird) in a hippie family bonding orgy? Bonus points if Mandark have this annoyed face.
>> No. 142982
File 137626844391.jpg - (288.89KB , 988x1209 , harper.jpg )
>> No. 142983
File 137626852691.jpg - (32.77KB , 350x350 , sym-bionic_titan_101015.jpg )
race girls from symbionic titan
>> No. 143022
Fuck yeah Ocean Bird!!! why is there so little of her? i mean she's Dexter's mom's va and she's free-willing and everything.
>> No. 143031
Because hippies are disgusting
>> No. 143034
Shouldn't this be another reason to have more of her?
>> No. 143037
File 137637212592.png - (142.21KB , 714x368 , Reshma[1].png )
How about Reshma from American Dad naked ?
>> No. 143052
i dont dare to post how I felt during that scene
>> No. 143053

>> No. 143063
File 137644008356.jpg - (426.17KB , 1240x1748 , Gulivette.jpg )
I'm going to have to draw more of her some day.
>> No. 143065
File 137644294260.jpg - (527.94KB , 1280x1024 , image.jpg )
Pinky and Shinky from Johnny Bravo goes to Bollywood
>> No. 143070
File 137645592865.jpg - (91.32KB , 875x694 , Untitled-2.jpg )
There is no Rule34 of Loli Arrowette from the Young Justice Animated series. This has to change. Preferably I would like to see Arrowette showing her appreciation to Artemis and Green Arrow for saving her dad, but I am not picky.
>> No. 143082
File 137649768637.png - (469.89KB , 1000x940 , soyen.png )
>> No. 143085
>> No. 143090
File 13765109072.jpg - (638.80KB , 1600x1103 , PG_vs_BG_prev_resize.jpg )
Hi, everyone - Im not sure if spamming, if so - feel free to delete this.
I'm just another drawfag drawfagging from time to time.
Im currently saving up for a bigger tablet and looking some comissions.
I could draw pretty much everything. I can do stuff in semi cartoony/cell shading style ( hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Fal_9 ) or something more realisticly rendered if You like (pic related).
If anyones interested - please contact me by email or responding here.
>> No. 143091
your art looks like shitty vectors got anything in pencil?
>> No. 143092
I haven't drawn anything non-digital in a while and I'm not really planing to.
>> No. 143097
She looks like Velma there

Not that it is a bad thing
>> No. 143100
File 137651975662.jpg - (510.80KB , 1240x1748 , Gulivette.jpg )
Oops, wrong one.
>> No. 143103
File 137652373594.png - (417.87KB , 651x964 , penny.png )
Well, I kinda got carried away messing with the style and forgot to put in mean dicks, but here's a Penny in that outfit.
>> No. 143104
File 137652433643.jpg - (146.19KB , 484x711 , arrowette.jpg )
I hope You like this 'cause I feel pretty weird after drawing this...
Also, My first dicks! Yay!
>> No. 143108

I certainly like it and appreciate it, and I won't even ask if Artemis is the circumcised dick or the turtle neck.

And don't feel weird, feel your dick.
>> No. 143111

Awesome dude, thanks!
>> No. 143113
I was kinda talking about the loli part.
But, yeah, I got ahead of myself, confused Artemis with Speedy somehow and ended up with more cawks than requested.
Sorry 'bout that.
>> No. 143115
I like how she looks, but you think you can draw her doing something lewd and naughty? If you can't that:s fine. Either way, thanks for the pic.
>> No. 143116
File 137656567569.png?spoiler - (541.45KB , 1017x720 , 1075448 - Banana_Joe Nicole_Watterson The_Amazing_.png?spoiler )
[Spoiled image: Blue cat on a bed with banana in her ass]

Could someone remove the banana or replace it with a dildo? (purple?)
I don't like anthropomorphic bananas as much as others do.
>> No. 143128
Where exactly is that "loli" you speak of? Certainly not in your picture. Because that's a seven feet tall, malnourished woman with tits and an hourglass waist. (And what the hell happened to that deltoid? And her neck.)
If drawing an adult already makes you feel "weird", as you say, don't ever attempt to draw an *actual* loli. I fear it might kill you.

Oh and here's a book you might want to read:
>> No. 143145
Hey, thanks for that unnecessary rant on a picture that I done in my spare time and for free, without using anatomic reference because I was just fooling around filling some random request from the internet!
Also, I will dearly treasure Your link to the anatomy book just because it is so hard to acquire something similar!
>> No. 143164
>Im here to show off my lack of skills in hopes you fucks will pay me so i can buy a new tablet cause i cant actually draw without one.

fuck off. you have very little to offer and it all looks like shit. have a nice day.
>> No. 143166
Wow, why is it that me offering to do comissions and doing a request from the thread offends you so much? Did my few posts ruined this thread for you? Or is it the lack of skill?
Also, in your greentext you're implying that I'm looking down on people in this thread? What??
>> No. 143214


>"Hey, thanks for that unnecessary rant on a picture that I done in my spare time and for free"
>"and for free"

yes clearly your not full of yourself at all are you...
>> No. 143225
File 13766099826.jpg - (535.08KB , 1240x1748 , Gulivette 2.jpg )
Just added some color
>> No. 143227
You are dealing with at least two different people here. Just saying in case you haven't realized.
>unnecessary rant
Neither was it unnecessary, nor was it a rant. What, do you think I'm angry at you?
Must one really put "I don't mean to be rude but..." in front of everything they say to ensure they are not hated forever?
When you draw something that you say is supposed to be a loli character but it really, really doesn't look like it at all, you can expect someone to comment on that. I've made some valid points. Just accept them. Maybe post an improved version.
"I just didn't care to look at reference photos." or "I did it for free." etc. are never a valid excuse for an artist. Ever.
>because it is so hard to acquire something similar
It is indeed. There aren't many books out there that even come close to the quality of Goldfinger's Human Anatomy for Artists. It's among the world's top 3 human anatomy books. That's why I chose it. You'll want to read it thoroughly. Your characters' shoulders (and faces, and torsos, and...) will thank you for it.

>in hopes you fucks will pay me
Wait. Are people really doing paid commissions in a place like this? I'd never do that outside of HF.
>> No. 143229
Okay, these are some fair points and I stand corrected. Maybe I shouldn't post half-assed picture or look for comissions in a request thread.
>> No. 143230
>Maybe I shouldn't post a half-assed picture looking for comissions in a request thread.

>> No. 143235
File 137662162323.png - (166.46KB , 500x410 , clashofclans.png )
Well, enough of that.

I just got into the Clash of Clans game and have found no porn of it. So I request something of the villager and/or the archer.
>> No. 143339

No problem. No such thing as enough cawks. And ignore the faggot trolls.
>> No. 143407
Seconding this
>> No. 143444
File 137690747857.jpg - (1.45MB , 952x1936 , Magik.jpg )
Could someone possibly take a shot at this request over in /cod/, please? https://plus4chan.org/b/cod/res/1733.html#5659 No one seems to be filling requests there.
>> No. 143456

I'll take the case. If you don't mind waiting a few more days to get through my current batch of requests.
>> No. 143467

Thank you so much, you are so fucking awesome.

Made my day.
>> No. 143496
Sweet. Take your time.
>> No. 143517
Could you please take the both of Magik requests, please?
>> No. 143523
maybe. I'll see how the first one comes out. Gangbangs are a tall order.
>> No. 143631
File 137719354750.png - (498.45KB , 666x705 , filiafin.png )
Hey yo, not sure where this should go, but would anyone be interested in buying some porn off of me? I wasn't sure if this sort of thing required it's own thread.

I was thinking like, 25 for something like this? (This is one of my pieces.) I use paypal.

My email is mcrussa@yahoo.com if anyone is interested. Thank you!
>> No. 143642
File 137720613211.png - (267.08KB , 546x690 , magikwip.png )
WIP. Feedback welcome. I fear I may have bitten off more than I could chew when I took the request.
>> No. 143648
File 137721340643.jpg - (50.40KB , 480x330 , `Sub+Daphne copy.jpg )
Does any one know the artist of tihs

if this is the wrong place for this can you direct me to the correct place
>> No. 143673
This looks awesome! Please continue.
>> No. 143690
File 137729386666.png - (178.83KB , 600x651 , penny2.png )
Here ya go; was gonna do more, but this was as far as I got before my tablet fritzed out on me.
>> No. 143776
File 137739971697.jpg - (147.77KB , 626x700 , BeaHuman.jpg )
Fish Hooks - Pool Party Panic promoyoutube thumb

Something with Human Bea please.
>> No. 143778
File 137740222897.jpg - (63.16KB , 461x268 , BeaHuman1.jpg )

Extra reference image.
>> No. 143802
File 137744003017.png - (0.99MB , 1287x967 , 575338 - 2D-generate Elena_Potato Ezekiel_Zick Gre.png )
>>129322 I seconded that request!!!
>> No. 143830
File 137747348878.png - (322.10KB , 640x360 , 1377466963664.png )
lurking /co/ found this
anyone willing to do /34/ of the females dinosaur ?
>> No. 143973
File 137763296183.jpg - (125.98KB , 1440x900 , divinity-dragon-commander-0018.jpg )
I feel the Princesses from Divinity: Dragon Commander deserve some love.

Especially the dwarven one, Aida.
Divinity Dragon Commander : Pr…youtube thumb

But also the many forms of Ophelia.

And least we forget General Scarlett.
>> No. 143993
File 137766854275.jpg - (86.32KB , 726x954 , nude-filter-aida-01-wip.jpg )

If you wouldn't mind an edit, I got a couple questions for you:

Glasses or none?
Hair as it is or undone and in the back?
>> No. 143997
Hmm you're putting me on the spot here.
I basically like the whole package Gary Larson glasses and over-the-shoulder ponytail and all.

However I am interested in seeing her with her glasses off or her hair down.

Either would be fine, but not both. She'd loose a bit of her uniqueness otherwise.
>> No. 143998
Hmm you're putting me on the spot here.
I basically like the whole package Gary Larson glasses and over-the-shoulder ponytail and all.

However I am interested in seeing her with her glasses off or her hair down.

Either would be fine, but not both. She'd loose a bit of her uniqueness otherwise.
>> No. 144000
The cock could be somewhat longer and thicker, but other than that, this is great work. Keep going, I implore!
>> No. 144010
File 137769774343.png - (75.36KB , 705x978 , nude filter aida 01 v1.png )

Hope you like it. At this point in time, it's just flat colors. Still need to work on breasts and nipples to get better at drawing them.

Version 1/2
>> No. 144013
File 137769882571.png - (67.27KB , 705x978 , nude filter aida 01 v2.png )

Aaaand because it was easy enough to do.

Version 2/2
>> No. 144024
File 137770499025.jpg - (85.54KB , 887x724 , aida.jpg )
Wow. Very, very nice.
Both versions are great. You're awesome, man.
I can just imagine the thick scottish brogue: "Whater you lookin' at, mah sugah plum?"

However I'm really looking forward to shading, because otherwise you don't know you're looking at her from an upwards angle, giving her a little more gut than she probably deserves.
>> No. 144026
Oh hey, that game with the strategy and the romance simulating with a choice of dwarf, princess, elf or skeleton waifus.

I kind of want to play that but I'm waiting for it to be on sale on Steam, it doesn't seem worth the full price.

And hell yes to more porn of her, can't get enough sexy dorf chicks.
>> No. 144038
>> No. 144056
Takin' this here from /cog/: Soldier x Miss Pauling, from Team Fortress 2.

Specifically, Pauling in her policeman uniform with the mustache from the most recent comic, pegging Soldier with a strap-on (or nightstick, go nuts), who can either be in his fatigues, or a dress. Fucking in the backseat of her car.

References can be supplied if needed.
>> No. 144063

I actually wrote something while working on the pic:

>"Well, my big, thick piece of dragon meat, I’d like to show you that even though I can be a bit rough and cold on the outside, I can be very soft and hot on the inside, if you know what I mean. Come to me, my love, and see why we dwarven women are famous for our… tight spaces…"

I was trying to make cave references as if hers was one of those claustrophobic ones but cut most of that out because it was getting lengthy and I was putting too much thought in the caption.

Anyway, I have no plans on finishing this just yet, I need to focus on other stuff, but I do agree that shading would add a needed sense of dimension.
>> No. 144085
File 137776666062.png - (533.59KB , 769x736 , Ophelia in stitches.png )
I wouldn't say it's a full price game.
The RTS elements are simply too weak.
However that's only about 30% of the game. You spend a lot of time blasting away at the enemies in dragon form which is very enjoyable.
Kinda makes me which they had a few missions that focused solely on that. Also you can just have the battles autoresolved.
The dialogues however are plenty and entertaining. Each Princess has multiple paths to completion, the generals always have a wiseass remark for you and your council won't stop nagging you with new legislation, ever.

If you can get it on a slight bargain, it's worth it.

That's certainly a creative way to describe your womanhood.

I'm in no rush or anything, finish it in your own time. But it'd be a shame to leave it incomplete. Because it's already pants tighteningly awesome.
Either way, thanks a lot!

Hope to see more of naughty Aida in the future. She deserves plenty of good r34.
As does Ophelia. Pic related, it's my favorite body for her.
>> No. 144117
That's fine, and I appreciate it... That is quite the mean dick she is sucking.
>> No. 144125
File 137781465911.jpg - (43.37KB , 512x384 , Mrs__Dexter.jpg )
I was trying to think of some obscure Simpsons characters, and believe it or not, this is one of them (that I could think on the top of my head).

Mrs. Dexter from the episode, "The Seven-Beer Snitch". (the lady that once adopted Snowball V and named it "Smokey")
>> No. 144187
>tfw waiting a year for your request
>> No. 144188
>tfw waiting a year for your request
>> No. 144192
which was?
>> No. 144207
File 137793322634.jpg - (138.14KB , 900x1164 , 1377884700937.jpg )
Requesting Good Girl getting fucked by Bad Girl with a strap-on.
>> No. 144214
File 137794817662.jpg - (236.84KB , 899x900 , 1193819 - Ben_10 Ben_Tennyson Fluffy Gwen_Tennyson.jpg )
Requesting a coloration of Ben 10 pic made by fluffy.
>> No. 144264
Sounds like you need to commission someone to do it, then.
>> No. 144288
How's it coming along, TE?
>> No. 144316
File 137814506829.png - (232.05KB , 596x679 , magikwip.png )
I kinda put it away and have barely spent any time on it
>> No. 144327
File 137816436410.png - (357.25KB , 585x723 , magikfutahorsecock.png )
>> No. 144329
Left titty is too big....or right titty is too small.
>> No. 144339
Hot. Only things missing: pupils, and cumdrip.
>> No. 144340
Hot. Only things missing: pupils, and cumdrip.
>> No. 144390
File 137831092842.jpg - (83.20KB , 275x353 , SimpsonsGF_1240244847.jpg )
I rather would like to see Bart's girlfriend from the episode where he has to decide between her and Milhouse (thats what I call unrealistic...).

Here is a pic, in case you mistake that episode for the 10 other episodes with that story. Simpsons is like a huge loophole.
>> No. 144395
File 137831929317.jpg - (105.48KB , 639x899 , cookcomp.jpg )
Cookie is a vengeful ex-girlfriend of the mayor from The Mask: The Animated Series.
The Mask TAS - ENFyoutube thumb
>> No. 144420
File 137835851293.jpg - (141.28KB , 1411x403 , scientist.jpg )
SCIENTIST: I wonder what will happen if I put THIS together with THAT... The brilliant Scientist’s specialty is finding new and interesting ways to combine things together. She’ll spend all night in her lab analyzing how to connect bricks of different sizes and shapes (she won the coveted Nobrick Prize for her discovery of the theoretical System/DUPLO® Interface!), or how to mix two colors in one element. Thanks to the Scientist’s tireless research, Minifigures that have misplaced their legs can now attach new pieces to let them swim like fish, slither like snakes, and stomp around like robots. Her studies of a certain outer dimension have even perfected a method for swapping body parts at will!
>> No. 144426
I would have liked the release of Ellie Philiips, that girls rocks.
>> No. 144603
File 137864537431.jpg - (20.68KB , 300x225 , Rozzie.jpg )
Never seen any 34 of Rozzie from Hey Good Lookin'
I guess it's almost unnecessary.

>> No. 144719
File 137874636841.png - (256.16KB , 444x260 , Insane_Azula.png )
Please draw insane Azula. Restrained in her wheelchair much like in this pic. Many things you can do here. I was thinking, maybe, a close up of her face, some random male caretaker is cuming on her cheek while apologizing and stuttering. She's completely bored and uninterested. Or maybe the guy is licking her while her legs rest in the armrests, and maybe a breast is poking from her robe.
>> No. 144732
File 137874953549.jpg - (272.59KB , 999x750 , Lucky Penny.jpg )
I'm in desperate need for some Lucky Penny /ss/. Preferably very wild and passionate, with Penny on top.

Thanks in advance.
>> No. 144734
its good that there finally is a female scientist (why not before?)

its sad that its even necessary to make a big deal of something which should be that simple.
>> No. 144930
guys stop being so frigging "forum-wise" becaue not everyone around you is so FORUM-WISE, so, you could be misleading a willig artist .....I AM AN ARTIST AND DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FOR THAT............... just so you know
>> No. 144938
/ss/, or straight shota, refers to porn depicting a young boy having sex with a woman, usually older, but she can also be of equal or lesser age.
>> No. 145047
File 137903902648.jpg - (72.54KB , 400x600 , them 1.jpg )
ok, if you like it so far, I´ll continue tomorrow...

I apologize in case posting no finished works is against the rules in the thread or board, if so, please feel free to delete this post
>> No. 145053
continue, i want to see where this goes :3
>> No. 145167
File 137921500485.png - (138.03KB , 365x595 , Lily-Bobtail-peter-rabbit-nickelodeon-33699281-365.png )
Lily Bobtail from the new Peter Rabbit serie.
>> No. 145184
And what would you suggest should be happening in that picture? Who else would be in it? Are there any potential sex partners / rapist characters in that show? And what are their names? I'm sure you can come up with something a little more specific. What exactly would you like to see?

It's up to you people to make your requests as inspiring as possible to the artists and provide them with all the information needed like characterizations, pictures, Youtube videos et cetera. If you can't be bothered to do any of that, don't be surprised if you are ignored.

Sure, I could draw that Lily Bobtail character. So tell me about the picture you have in mind. Make me want to draw it.
>> No. 145199
why being specific, I´d fap to anything about her lol
>> No. 145208
That may be so.
But you must have had SOME sort of scenario in mind. At least that's how my brain works.
Just give me something that sparks my interest and I'll draw it right away.
>> No. 145219
please forgive the delay, I promiss I am coming with the finished soon.... just wasn´t in the mood the latter days... dont despair
>> No. 145235
Lily Bobtail with Peter Rabbit behin some brushes while Benjamin is looking for them.
>> No. 145248
Hey man, there's something wrong with the board recently. When you post a comment it says it times out, but it's been posted. Stop refreshing the page after the time out and you'll stop spamming your sort of creepy requests.
>> No. 145252
And there's always the delete button just in case. People don't seem to know that.
>> No. 145253
>> No. 145333
I am working on!
>> No. 145334
I am working on!
>> No. 145400
File 137953135453.jpg - (28.51KB , 400x300 , url-3.jpg )
China il season 2 is coming out soon so we should celedrate with a orogy pic with frank,pony, steve and babycakes. You you want to. Also there is not alot of china il porn anyway.
>> No. 145402
File 137953135497.jpg - (28.51KB , 400x300 , url-3.jpg )
China il season 2 is coming out soon so we should celedrate with a orogy pic with frank,pony, steve and babycakes. You you want to. Also there is not alot of china il porn anyway.
>> No. 145477

Sounds like a sort of troll.
>> No. 145489
Let's say I have an idea for a /co/promotion-worthy, single-page comic and I can't draw for shit. Would this be the right place to request its creation?
>> No. 145498
Why are you even asking? Just explain what it is you want and then see what happens.
If your idea is really really good, maybe you can win someone over and he'll do it for you.
>> No. 145501
Ok, I was just asking because I'm not used to these types of threads.
I might post my idea in a few days depending on what happens. Continue the thread.
>> No. 145531
> Continue the thread.

Thanks for your permission Maharajah of the internet.

You really are green aren't you?
>> No. 145605
Did you guys just accidently the entire thread?
>> No. 145607
File 13799653324.jpg - (306.53KB , 602x1000 , 1330293231295.jpg )
requesting some /34/ of loli arcee
>> No. 145639
Where did this come from? Did Arcee become young in an episode of Transformers Prime?
>> No. 145644
i think is just fanart
>> No. 145665
...Really? Yes, the robot became a robot child.

Please tell me you aren't serious.
>> No. 145666
...Really? Yes, the robot became a robot child.

Please tell me you aren't serious.
>> No. 145878
File 138028823539.jpg - (746.17KB , 900x1036 , dwarf_ranger_2.jpg )
We need a picture of this dorf Sagani from Project Eternity.
I'm surprised there isn't any in existence yet.
>> No. 145882
File 138029245963.jpg - (87.67KB , 800x691 , compagnons_pour_capsuka_by_joel27.jpg )
I'll be frank, I have no idea who these characters are, but they were on Joel27/JJFrenchie's DA, and I would very much like to see something with the boy and the woman, please!
>> No. 146055
File 138075273096.png - (1.26MB , 1024x768 , one_more_by_vanheist-d6oye53.png )
/r/ a nude pinup of everyone's favorite Mary Sue Ultrabitch, Gogo Bomango.
>> No. 146086
Really hope to see this finished. These two are such an underrated /ss/ pairing. Almost as much as Damian and Stephanie Brown, or Jill and Rod from Bikini Cowboy.
>> No. 146087
File 138080345731.jpg - (125.94KB , 700x576 , edna__bart_Sweet Dreams Teach_by_matsuri1128-d5j1y.jpg )
Still not anywhere near as criminal as these two, though.
>> No. 146104
File 138084631546.png - (146.29KB , 550x400 , pb.png )
>> No. 146106
nice work there dude
>> No. 146141
Would you consider doing any characters from An American Tail?
>> No. 146165
Poor Lili, where's Peter when she need him?
>> No. 146191
Already done one. What would you suggest?
>> No. 146243
can i suggest something with cassie ?
>> No. 146246
I can do some American Tail, if you still want it. Any specific characters/situation?
>> No. 146341
File 138126776748.png - (296.41KB , 1187x712 , fieveltanya.png )
Well at any rate, I drew this.
>> No. 146347
File 138127582214.jpg - (146.93KB , 500x750 , penny-041[1].jpg )
May I suggest something with Lucky Penny from the Johnny Wander comic?

Perhaps her riding one of the laundry machines to orgasm?
>> No. 146349
File 138127709533.jpg - (115.56KB , 1000x1000 , image.jpg )
The doll is creepy
>> No. 146350
File 13812771546.jpg - (71.52KB , 914x378 , image.jpg )
But the cartoonish version is cute

Request porn of the cartoon version
>> No. 146351
>> No. 146391
File 138132573368.png - (147.17KB , 239x365 , 1381310700280.png )
Requesting Jessica from Scooby Doo Camp Scare while wearing short shorts to bend over to show her "asset".
>> No. 146395
File 138133932493.jpg - (68.44KB , 341x550 , 1270735690_kopiya-mariscassette1jpg.jpg )
Requesting Maris from Maris the Chojo
>> No. 146401
you remember episode of Hey Arnold where Helga and Meredith hung out? Well i'd like to see drunk Meredith trying to get Helga to ride "the bull"
>> No. 146408
Do you mean Miriam Pataki?
>> No. 146445
/r/ a picture of the Hamburger Helper hand fucking and impregnating a slightly younger Pema from Legend of Korra.

Because Hamburger Helper Make a Great Meal-O 1991youtube thumb
>> No. 146449
File 138142895992.jpg - (38.67KB , 666x797 , 1380665792006.jpg )
Someone requested Dudepow on Shezow?
>> No. 146450
dude, weed is bad for you.
>> No. 146472
File 138145802172.jpg - (78.37KB , 1024x776 , Tony Toponi.jpg )
Wow! Your artwork is a perfect match with the movie. I don't wish to be overbearing, but if you drew something with Tony in it, I would be just so grateful.

If not, I still thank you for that picture.
>> No. 146498
TE, how's progress going?
>> No. 146501
Progress? On the new Tony request? I just read it this morning. Hang on.
>> No. 146505
File 138153110472.png - (249.54KB , 815x710 , tonymrsbrisby.png )
here you go
>> No. 146511
File 138153959348.jpg - (138.16KB , 571x720 , image.jpg )
Speedy delivery!

Hope you don't mind I added the vamp in too.
>> No. 146512
oh lord... if only she would let the fun get inside her if even a lil bit
>> No. 146514
I love you so much right now.

What do you use for your drawings?
>> No. 146525
TE, if you don't mind me asking, why were you so willing to fulfill my request? And so, quickly at that.

I thought for sure you'd turn me down, and rightfully so.
>> No. 146527
File 138155673332.jpg - (27.01KB , 429x297 , Stacey-a-goofy-movie-26441309-700-300.jpg )
Please draw a Stacey/Max pic from the Goofy movie. One of my favorite fapfics has plenty of scenes for inspiration.

>> No. 146530
Ah yes, you did some pictures of Tanya, right? Totally forgot.
>> No. 146531
File 13815784633.jpg - (324.45KB , 822x1170 , d351jf4.jpg )
That will do very nicely, drawfriend. Thank you very much. Consider another? Really anything would be great, but if you need a suggestion, another oral piece?
>> No. 146538

It's just paint tool Sai and a wacom bamboo


For the last two months or so I've really been struggling creatively and don't know what I want to draw. Pretty much all I've drawn since then is other people's requests. I was going to draw something yesterday but I couldn't think of anything. I thought the first American Tail pic turned out OK, and something about the form of mouse bodies struck me as interesting from an aesthetic sense, so when I saw your request I figured I'd just do that.
>> No. 146540
I can draw that. But it would help if I had some background on the character and series. Maybe some recommended reading/watching of issues/episodes to help me out.
>> No. 146541
I can draw that. But it would help if I had some background on the character and series. Maybe some recommended reading/watching of issues/episodes to help me out.
>> No. 146551
File 138161768470.jpg - (158.07KB , 720x480 , Bridget334.jpg )
>something about the form of mouse bodies struck me as interesting from an aesthetic sense
Oh boy, heh heh.
At the risk of sounding greedy, I would make one last request of you.
If you decline, I understand perfectly. I'm already very satisfied with what you did.
Something with Bridget, (a sorely underrated female character.) Maybe involving Fievel Tony or Fievel?
Once again, you've already done more than enough. Just a thought.
>> No. 146554

Gadget and Bridget!

Gadget and Bridget!
>> No. 146555
The character's name is Katt O' Nine Tails, from a webcomic called Spinnerette. Appears first in Issue 4. http://www.spinnyverse.com/2011/01/21/01212011/ I'd say read the whole comic, though. You can check the cover of Issue 13 for detail on her clothes, too.
>> No. 146558
I like the way you think.
>> No. 146559
I like the way you think.
>> No. 146560
File 138164166395.jpg - (64.83KB , 1111x1000 , fuckingdiongit.jpg )

working on beth! couldn't stick with her original eyes, to creepy!
>> No. 146563
File 138164419733.jpg - (56.05KB , 1111x1000 , withoutfur.jpg )
without fur
>> No. 146564
File 138164433110.jpg - (57.57KB , 1111x1000 , withfur.jpg )
with fur, and im done, on to the next one!
>> No. 146581
Well, I meant the Illyana picture, but I'm glad to see you're still drawing.
>> No. 146611
The one where she's getting gang-banged by demons. The first one didn't come out all that great, I don't think, and it didn't seem like anybody was intersted in my giving it another shot. But I guess I can make an attempt.
>> No. 146688
Nope, the futa one. I'm quite keen to see it finished.
>> No. 146700

>> No. 146836
File 138204130314.jpg - (13.16KB , 446x335 , mlp megan.jpg )
Anything new of Megan, from the original My Little Pony?
>> No. 146837
File 138204436787.jpg - (18.42KB , 640x480 , 1293911648133.jpg )
i second this
can any help with a full body pic ?
>> No. 146867
File 138208071118.jpg - (532.78KB , 1280x1822 , artgn050.jpg )
Not sure if /cod/, but there is a woefully small pool of decent Artemis Fowl porn. Captain Short is partly responsible for my fixation with small women(among some other shameful sources.)

Would it be acceptable for Holly Short to be using that fairy mind control to make Artemis give her some sweet /ss/ hate-sex? Possibly in the butt?
>> No. 146869
Add ahegao and I'm all for it.
>> No. 146881
File 138213760037.png - (438.44KB , 1105x722 , mollymargaret.png )
There was a bird thread on /co/ yesterday and I took requests. Somebody wanted Margaret, somebody else wanted "Molly Cocatu" from a foreign film I've never seen before, but she's got a nice design. So I drew them together.
>> No. 146883
Always need more Margaret.
>> No. 146903
File 138213979470.png - (86.32KB , 400x292 , berenstain_bears.png )
Would you consider doing a pic of Brother Bear and Sister Bear? There's less than 10 pics on paheal. How sad.
>> No. 146905
There isnt even enough Roxanne, why start with the ugly one...
>> No. 146909
I'm not the one who requested it but I like dorky girls. They are so adorable to me...
>> No. 146914
Man, ahegao would make it fucking awesome. I kind of assumed it would be in there anyway.
>> No. 146950
File 138220253040.jpg - (20.19KB , 350x350 , mlp-megan-likes-ponies-350_833.jpg )
here's this one. it's not full but is very close to it. also i'm still looking.
>> No. 146951
File 138220286464.jpg - (17.12KB , 480x360 , MLP-Siblings.jpg )
this one too.
>> No. 146955
File 138220768789.jpg - (334.11KB , 800x547 , Creepy Susie.jpg )
Requesting some Creepy Susie.
>> No. 146972
>> No. 146995
File 138225955811.jpg - (538.29KB , 2300x1728 , megan_mlp1.jpg )

until a more talented artist takes an interest on this, here is a quick sketch i did.
>> No. 147002
File 138226827450.png - (102.76KB , 605x557 , redheadas.png )
Requesting cute lesbian stuff between Candace and Wendy.
>> No. 147006
friggin awesome
would you consider something more lewd ?
>> No. 147007
File 138229075097.png - (318.25KB , 1454x825 , berenstain.png )
Sure, OK

Gentlemen, I think there might be solution to the "Either Stacey or Roxanne" problem.
>> No. 147009
what you got in mind?
>> No. 147010
sucking a dick, masturbating, or riding the invisible man,
options are endless
free your mind to the lewdness
>> No. 147041
Just wondering if anyone over here can help me. About a year ago I made a request on /cod ( here;s the original request https://plus4chan.org/b/cod/res/1733.html#i3164 )and somebody started doing that request, but they never finished it. If somebody from here could finish it, or do their own version of it I would be eternally grateful.
>> No. 147059
You are a gentleman, sir. Do you prefer drawing animals or humans?
>> No. 147061
I don't have a preference. I'm just a beginner and have a harder time drawing humans, but I'm trying to learn to draw everything.
>> No. 147106
After 15 years of non-stop drawing I still draw muuuuch worse than you who is a beginner. My life is sad lol
>> No. 147114
You're just a beginner? Well, color me impressed.
>> No. 147117
File 138247599347.png - (256.36KB , 850x712 , stacyroxanne.png )
>> No. 147123
File 138248486172.jpg - (50.57KB , 603x800 , kit and kat.jpg )
These two have got a fairly good number of pics on paheal, but mostly of their newer versions. I'd like to see them together in their original bodies.
>> No. 147124
File 138248528690.jpg - (54.30KB , 530x427 , img_show_aspx.jpg )
Further reference.
>> No. 147135
Why the boy have waist curves?
>> No. 147138
File 138249648897.jpg - (8.77KB , 313x179 , Big_Skeez.jpg )
Big Skeez, surprisingly none of her. I was certain someone would have had something the first time I saw this episode. Months later I see Our Gang again, get reminded and look to find nothing, sad panda.
>> No. 147140
I am having problems with my computer screen... please be patient, I promiss I´ll finish it
>> No. 147164
File 138252583621.jpg - (78.98KB , 736x647 , Zhu Li.jpg )
Requesting Zhu Li either giving the viewer a blowjob or spreading her asscheeks.
>> No. 147194
>Why the boy have waist curves?
>> No. 147195
File 13825695982.png - (236.13KB , 891x697 , fievelmrsbrisby.png )
This was a request from my inbox, not this thread, but there are people here asking for more Fievel, and I didn't see a rodent general.
>> No. 147197
File 138256990763.jpg - (22.77KB , 400x427 , 0c6f1.jpg )
Even furthurer reference.
>> No. 147205

Looks like Wilykit tried to fist Wilykat and his asshole ate her arm.
>> No. 147216
File 13825990785.png - (1.29MB , 1920x1170 , Savlonic3.png )
Kandee Flaus from Savlonic has one picture on Paheal.
Would someone care to change that?
>> No. 147384
Got a better screencap of her?
>> No. 147396
File 138275918449.jpg - (8.71KB , 136x312 , Big Skeez 01.jpg )
The best I could do.
>> No. 147397
File 138275928279.jpg - (7.16KB , 116x326 , Big Skeez 02.jpg )
>> No. 147398
File 138275942491.jpg - (21.11KB , 367x510 , Big Skeez 03.jpg )
>> No. 147399
File 138275950342.jpg - (19.22KB , 336x527 , Big Skeez 04.jpg )
>> No. 147416
File 138276405239.jpg - (289.09KB , 564x876 , Looney Tunes 77 Page6.jpg )
Request the feamale dog having sex with the barnyard dawg. cowgirl position.
>> No. 147417
File 138276424164.jpg - (1.04MB , 3300x2550 , looney_tunes_model_sheet_Page_01.jpg )
here's a model sheet of him
>> No. 147420
File 138277173224.jpg - (272.92KB , 636x700 , skeezthing.jpg )
Those were a big help, thanks. Is this any good?
>> No. 147421

I requested the Stacy pic, so thank you kindly! If you ever draw another, please leave some clothes on, i'm a sucker for panties and bras.
>> No. 147434
Yes, very. That's much better then I thought I would get, thank you.
>> No. 147553
File 13830048179.jpg - (15.19KB , 150x272 , 150px-Sari_Animated.jpg )
Sari having fun with her key...
if you know what I mean.
>> No. 147572
I second this. Not enough good renditions of sari 34 out there...
>> No. 147592
File 138305451342.png - (283.88KB , 492x480 , lobp.png )
How' bout Bright Eyes and the kitty gal from Pound Puppies movie?, while the kitty is pounded by Cooler, Bright Eyes is pounded by a cat.
>> No. 147615
That reminds me so much of a furry comic I've read, with a dog and a bat, complete with berries and pretty much the same style.
>> No. 147620
File 138307968287.jpg - (693.68KB , 1705x1287 , vampire mj and pirate liz refs.jpg )
Halloween request from the Halloween episode of Spectacular Spider-Man, Liz Allen in her pirate costume sticking the hilt of her fake blade inside the pussy of MJ, who's in her vampire costume, in some kind of back alley, maybe with some of MJ's costume pulled aside by the hook, and maybe with the loli dressed as Spider-Man watching in shock, or actual Spidey.
>> No. 147624
Yeah, there's some really shitty Sari pics.

>> No. 147681
She´s so awfully generic.
>> No. 147690
I will hit you.
Explain yourself.
>> No. 147714

you REALLY couldn't've just added the loli to that sex scene? how hard WAS that?
>> No. 147770
File 138334843016.jpg - (147.14KB , 565x752 , Eilonwy-disney-classic-era-leading-females-2907827.jpg )
The most underrated Disney princess, Eilonwy. Draw whatever. Dildos, masturbation...
We just need more of her.
>> No. 147914
File 138370810296.jpg - (125.46KB , 800x646 , Scout.jpg )
>> No. 147919
thanks dude
>> No. 147926
File 138371776774.jpg - (31.23KB , 535x397 , Oriana Desk.jpg )
Has anyone ever made anything of Princess Oriana, from the Felix The Cat movie? Here is one of several shitty screengrabs for ref.
>> No. 147928
File 138371789033.jpg - (21.44KB , 420x459 , Oriana Look.jpg )
And another...
>> No. 147929
File 138371796718.jpg - (29.23KB , 720x480 , Oriana Dance 1.jpg )
And another...
>> No. 147930
File 138371804223.jpg - (24.07KB , 511x480 , Oriana Dance 2.jpg )
And another...
>> No. 147931
File 138371815439.jpg - (15.04KB , 476x435 , Oriana Side.jpg )
And another...
>> No. 147932
File 138371823489.jpg - (18.88KB , 330x452 , Oriana Cave.jpg )
And another...
>> No. 147934
File 138371895363.jpg - (27.96KB , 533x396 , Oriana Sweet.jpg )
Lat one. I accidentally posted one of the pics in the main board, I'm very sorry. Can it be moved here?
>> No. 147956
File 138378456436.jpg - (202.17KB , 900x1367 , Leah & Loki.jpg )
I'd like to request some Journey Into Mystery /34/. These two, to be precise.
>> No. 147972
hp still working on that bukkake pic?
>> No. 147997
She looks so drab and generic.
>> No. 148016
File 138391148353.png - (117.41KB , 581x531 , whst2.png )
get me some dang strong sad/hurricane smut up in here. it better be cute, dangit
>> No. 148042
File 138396593085.jpg - (17.63KB , 300x232 , image.jpg )
Request Ms Stevenson preferably with Ike since that thing looks ridiculous.
>> No. 148059
File 138398198465.png - (201.90KB , 938x703 , dumbsizerefs.png )
>>148016 i shoulda probably given a little bit more detail for that, sorry

anyways all i need is strong sad topping any of the rejected fem characters(hurricane, champeen) in a fluffy, dorky way, being real unsure of himself. make sure the characters are on-model!! ok im done
>> No. 148102
File 13840557442.png - (630.34KB , 1209x900 , Kimbla and Brisbane.png )
Requesting Rule 34 of Kimbla from the Aladdin episode, "The Animal Kingdom." It should not involve hypnosis.
>> No. 148134
File 138412247264.jpg - (57.17KB , 580x435 , n.jpg )
Can i get busty boobs and butt Raven sitting on the edge of a bed in thigh high socks with Starfire on her knees (with her boots on) eating her out?
will fap to thoroughly
>> No. 148217
>> No. 148279

But, I'm curious, who drew that reference?
>> No. 148293
>>148134 >>148127
Smells like samefag.
>> No. 148380
>>148134 >>148127 yes i am samefag
dunno about the other two though
>> No. 148397
File 13843924127.png - (301.66KB , 367x423 , Alvin and Brittany 2015.png )
Who would like to do the honors of creating the first rule 34 for a show that won't air for another two years?

>> No. 148426
File 138445592478.jpg - (14.61KB , 210x240 , poples_char_12002.jpg )
I just realized that there's no rule 34 of Bonnie Wagner, the cute girl from the Popples cartoon.
>> No. 148427
I forgot to add the video
popples: backyard adventureyoutube thumb
>> No. 148442
File 138446504188.jpg - (101.37KB , 1180x1268 , Little brown girls are the best.jpg )
Is anybody up for drawing some loli Korra? I just want to see her 'get to know' a man (and enjoy it). That last episode really spoke to the part of me that I'm best off having people not know about.

>dat belly
>> No. 148448
Wow. Really? You are one sick freaky freakin' sicko.
>> No. 148449

You said it. But then, there's a lot of loli stuff on here, so I fit right in.
>> No. 148450
Oh GOD what fresh hell is THIS?!
>> No. 148476
File 138450428295.png - (129.23KB , 333x250 , Aye-aye_spirit.png )
Can someone draw the Aye-Aye spirit from the Wan episode of Legend of Korra banging Korra gently, then his angered-spirit for banging Korra roughtly?
>> No. 148503
Dear producers, stop remaking s***! Look how they tried to make it "hip". In b4 Chipmunks singing Bieber songs.
>> No. 148507


>> No. 148539
File 138459805523.jpg - (185.72KB , 2000x1333 , kamala khan.jpg )

Perverts of the internet... I'm dissapointed.
>> No. 148564
I'm still waiting. And while we're on the subject, has anyone seen or done 34 of LaDonna Compson from Arthur yet?
>> No. 148597 <