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No. 65549
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>>65543 since there is so much slowpoking going on i'm just going to fill you in on the other names to save us all some time
> Karkat comes from Karkata (Indian zodiac), Vantas is a prostate cancer drug > Aradia is a witch/god in a pagan myth who taught witchcraft to oppressed peasants, Megido comes from either Tel/Har Megiddo, which is a massive ruin and arcaheological dig site and also where the end of the world is supposedly going to take place (it's the same root as armageddon) > Tavros means bull in Greek or something, Nitram is a nonsense word > Sollux is literally "sunlight" in Latin, his name basically means "sunlight capturer" which is kinda gay but whatever > Nepeta is from Nepeta cataria, scientific name for catnip, Leijon comes from leijona which is Finnish for lion > Kanaya comes from Kanya (Indian zodiac), Maryam is the Arabic form of Mary (i.e. Virgin Mary) > Terezi means Libra or Balance in Arabic (I think?), Pyrope is a type of garnet > Vriska comes from Vriscika (Indian zodiac), Serket is an Egyptian scorpion god > Equius is from Equus, scientific name for horses, Zahhak is a character in Iranian mythology and the name means 10000 horses > Gamzee is the name of a guy on the forum, Makara is Capricorn in the Indian zodiac > Eridan comes from Eridanus, a constellation and a river in Greek myth, Apora comes from amphora, a Greek vase thign used to carry water > Feferi is from Metasepia pfefferi, or flamboyant cuttlefish, Peixes is Dutch (?) for fish
> Aranea is the name of one of Charlotte's daughters in Charlotte's web > Meenah comes from Mina (Indian mythology)