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No. 56935
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Blood spurted out of john's mouth as he clutched his chest, unable to snatch the one last kiss. red poured, progressiveliy cascading into blacker and blacker colors, until finally the inky mess of toxic crude overpowered any coppery taste or musky red scent. Insects came; slowly they crawled, the fireflies exploring the surface of his tongue in vast troops before individually flying off, their lights glistening against the dark wetness of mouth, chin, shirt.
Rose blinked. The boy's eyes had disentegrated into inky hollow sockets from which even more gloworms and beetles emerged. Eyelids half shut over imaginary eyes, John smiled. His brain was currently a pile of hypersentient earthworms, but he was so heavily sedated by the heliotropic mating horomones secreted by the sburban fireflies that he didn't mind.
Rose nervously smiled back with lips closed, to prevent herself from upchucking at the vile sight and stench emenating from the boy she loved. But it was too late; she had inhaled the carbobromine mating pheromones, and now her fleshly frame was compelled to respond in turn. Her chest heaved and throat hacked, strugling to push out the pleathora of multifarous tentacles covered in dark ink and mucal slime. Ever extending, they pushed their way into John's own unclean esophagus, filling his stomach with a sensation of molluscular butterflies, impregnating his gastric juices with their alien chemistry.
Soon, the babies would be born.