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File 139779195731.jpg - (408.55KB , 1920x1200 , SAO-sword-art-online-34784898-1920-1200[1].jpg )
88253 No. 88253
I can't stop watching, /jam/. Why can't I stop

It's so bad
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>> No. 88254
There are different types of bad. Some types of bad are still enjoyable, even though you sort of feel dirty for enjoying them, like fast food for example. SAO is fast food anime.
>> No. 88255
I just saw the first half.
How terrible is from the second half and onwards?
I've heard there's an obnoxious imouto involved.
>> No. 88257
File 139779992563.jpg - (27.73KB , 640x482 , Spaceballs the recation image.jpg )
SAO is so mediocre it hurts.

The 2nd half is worse than the 1st half by a long shot. And that imouto is the only redeeming feature of the second half.

Just let that sink in.
>> No. 88258
Watching this with /co/ was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had this year.

I couldn't imagine watching it by myself.
>> No. 88275
I watched like the first couple episodes and main character was just so... special and wonderful and powerful that I was genuinely frustrated.

And yet there's a shitton of merchandise both in Japan and America for it so apparently some people like watching super special people do super special things
>> No. 88335
There are much better reasons to dislike SAO than that. They actually explained why he was "so special and powerful and wonderful" pretty adequately. It would've been nice if there had been others like him that had been in the beta test and had a leg up on everyone else, but that's not even the TENTH thing that's wrong with SAO.
>> No. 88339

>the second half

Don't. Just stop and enjoy the first half for what it was.
>> No. 88402
But Ninjaaaaa!
How can I create my own criteria and give the appropriate judgement to it if I don't watch the second half?
Not that I'm saying you or anyone else is wrong or something, but I would like to be witness of what went wrong.
>> No. 88403
I liked it better when it was called .hack//sign!
>> No. 88404
Yeah. Pretty much what I was thinking when I first heard the premise. But the thing is, having the same premise doesn't necessarily mean they're going to cover the same ground--and to be fair, SAO didn't. It wasn't particularly good, and certainly not as good as .hack//SIGN in my opinion, but the fact that two titles share a premise isn't necessarily a sign that the second one is going to be bad or derivative. Star Wars and Dune are practically the same story, after all, but are entirely different experiences.
>> No. 88407
File 139909943536.gif - (4.49MB , 700x535 , sting dune.gif )

And my biggest problem is they do the "If you think you die, you die" thing.

That ALWAYS grinds my gears, even when I know it can be true and is needed for drama.

And even if it works differently in SAO, with boobytrapped VR-headset or what not, it still raises too many questions.

Like how do they go to the bathroom and stuff.
>> No. 88411
>Like how do they go to the bathroom and stuff.

Same way anyone else in a coma does. Then the nurse comes by and takes care of it.

The thing I wonder about is if they shit in real life the same time they shit in the game.
>> No. 88413

I guess you can watch it just to know what it is but...it's soooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

And I've seen some really bad animu but this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>> No. 88414
Eh, I cant see it being worse then fucking Angle Blade.
But maybe we hold hentai to a diffrent standard.
>> No. 88458
Anyway, how does it stack against Pat and Liams hated http://www.crunchyroll.com/log-horizon ?
>> No. 88465
I know that /a/ had a party with Log Horizon.
There where even some stickies, I think.
>> No. 88472
The stickies were from the multiple times the author showed up on /a/.

Pat and Liam are wrong about LH, it's by far the best of the three big ones (though the other two, SAO and .hack, are awful). LH however, just like MMY, is about weird economics and political subterfuge so if you're not into that. Liam started to contradict that in the newest podcast by saying "but I liked MMY" and then tanked his cred by referring to MMY as a "show."

Digression aside .hack, SAO, and LH, despite the unifying MMO premise, don't really have much in common genrewise. .hack is a very plodding franchise which deals a lot in half-baked philosophy, SAO is a very standard LN-based action series which is generic across the board, and LH, as mentioned, is mostly about economics and political drama (Also, unlike the other two, is not actually set in an MMO).

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