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73449 No. 73449
111 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 74271
Oscar is a being of pure butthurt holy hell.
>> No. 74274
I honestly don't care what Oscar is, but he does have a male VA (as somebody in the Lupin thread on /y/ pointed out), so maybe Oscar's just badass fabulous. Also, /y/ has decided that Oscar deserves fanart, and there are some really nice submissions.

Also, the reason I always loved Pops is because he's tenacious and he doesn't give up on chasing Lupin, no matter what. This incarnation of Zenigata is a little bit more grimdark, a little more crafty, but he's still as tenacious, even moreso now that we know he isn't afraid to shoot for center mass to stop Lupin. So it's not so much that Pops seems more competent, it's that we finally get to see more of him planning his moves and using the people around him instead of being a lone wolf figure chasing Lupin on his own.
>> No. 74298
I'm as surprised as everyone else with Zenigata's characterization; moreso with the womanizing than actually trying to kill Lupin. Was he more like that in the manga?

I too prefer "good cop" Pops, but I'm not exactly upset with this.
>> No. 74302
iirc in the manga he was so obsessed with catching lupin that his wife left him, so i'm thinking no.
>> No. 74498
Well, since Episode 5 was Lupin meeting Jigen thanks in part to Fujiko, I'm going out on a limb and predicting next episode Lupin will meet Goemon (also thanks in part to Fujiko). I'm also kinda happy that the old standard of Fujiko tricking Lupin into stealing something for her, only to get ahead of him and/or use him as bait so she can steal it first has come into play.
>> No. 74502
I love that Lupin is incredibly aware of what kind of woman Fujiko is, still wants to pursue her, and still gets duped by her. That interaction between them in the beginning was GOLD. He just exudes so much swagger.

Oh and goddammit why do they make smoking look so cool fffffffff
>> No. 74582
Actually the next episode is going to have Fujiko as a teacher at an all girls' school trying to steal some necklace or something from a student Or something along those lines, there were some summaries after the first episode that have been right so far
>> No. 74590
...I wonder if they're planning on getting David Hayter to do the dub.


...I think they should, he's cool.
>> No. 74681
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>> No. 74695
That whole sequence was pretty trippy, I'm not sure what's up with the owl motif in the series so far.

And man, that just might have been my favorite episode so far, although I'm sure many would disagree.
>> No. 74707
God, I love how Fujiko uses all of her traits and skills to their full advantage.

Also, I'm really hoping we're not going to find out she was abused as a kid or something, because I think that is incredibly cliche. But given the end credits and that trippy alien/robot/owl scene... ugh.
>> No. 74742
Week has been hectic, finally saw the 6th ep. I'm now more than slightly concerned about Oscar's mental health. That obsession over Zenigata is now at a stage that I'd categorize as unhealthy, and the jealousy and overall hatred of Fujiko is borderline sociopathic.

So now I'm curious; is Fujiko going to kiss/make-out/bang everybody on the show except for Lupin? Because I'm seeing the trend, and it just kinda makes if funnier every episode, especially after seeing how jealous Lupin got of Jigen.
>> No. 74807
Well, THAT was a trip.

>Also, I'm really hoping we're not going to find out she was abused as a kid or something, because I think that is incredibly cliche.
My brother.
>> No. 75070
The Fujiko/Goemon reunite episode was cute; the fact that her nickname for him is "Mr. Boyfriend" made me giggle every time.

Dat fortune teller episode, though...so much drama!
I liked how Lupin saved Jigen; like Lupin is ready to bromance Jigen to his side, whether Jigen digs it or not. Including taking Jigen home, cooking him dinner paired with a nice wine, lol. Jigen looked so confused at the beginning of that scene.

>Fujiko flat out tells Lupin that if he wants to know what banging her is like, he should ask Zenigata
>Lupin's face

>Fujiko's crazy hallucination/dream whilst at the school
That is kinda freaky; why the owl?
>Fortune Teller episode
Well, at least we know why there was an owl before.
Why is there a dude with an OWL for a HEAD?

Sorry your wishes couldn't come true.
There is definitely something nasty that went down in Fujiko's past.
>> No. 75071
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Maybe she's Italian.
>> No. 75077
Wow, thanks for the added nightmare fuel.
>> No. 75078
>looks at filename

Don't you mean, StageFlight?
>> No. 75091
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OWL HEAD LIVE featuring Marilyn Monroe on saxyoutube thumb
>> No. 75099
...And yet still not as surreal as the new Lupin's opening.
>> No. 75133
Calling it now. Oscar for final antagonist.

Lupin's gnocchi looked disgusting.
Also at this point I should know better given the tone of this show, but I was surprised Fujiko outright murdered those guards at the beginning. It's one thing to do so in defense but this just seemed cold.

And I guess having a rich owl mask wearing count molest you as a child is reason to play sexy murderous thief. But is it wrong of me to think she'd be a better character if she was complex, dangerous and interested in thievery simply because that's who she is, not because she's running away from the past?
>> No. 75136
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When people do things in masks, especially animal-themed ones, it fucks up the minds of all involved.

This is one of the lessons Giallo teaches up.
>> No. 75137
Fujiko has always been running from her past in some form, really. The only difference is usually what that past is (and how often it comes up.) She still steals because she's a killer queen, there's just some backstory for it. Jigen can't have ALL the tragic backstory.
>> No. 75143
Doesn't Goemon have some kind of drama in his past as well, hence working for hire now?
>> No. 75144
Sometimes his origin is tragic, sometimes it's not. Depends on how he gets Zantetsuken.

All of them have multiple choice pasts, but while the particulars of the story may change every time Jigen's origins always end up uniformly dismal for everyone involved.
>> No. 75145
You know sometimes I feel like Monkey Punch didn't put any thought or care into his creation outside of the broadest image.

Then when it got popular and people kept putting their own ideas with it he just watched the money roll in and was like "Fuck you give me more of these bills and I'll let you say Lupin is an alien from another dimension!"
>> No. 75171
>better character

ehhh. Difficult slope. Good character has a logical path they follow. It may not seem logical, but the experiences of a person up to the point of decision should influence that decision. Having their choices come out of absolutely nowhere eases malleability, but doesn't necessarily make them god or convincing characters
>> No. 75204
I'm pretty sure the best Lupin is the one who pulls magic circus signs out of his back pocket and puts them in hot springs just to troll his adversaries.

>> No. 75543
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>Episode 10
This show just took the flying leap off the deep end it's been threatening to the whole time.
>> No. 75554
Watching the first episode now. Tits and ass and stylized animation everywhere. I watched some of the older Lupin III stuff, it was amusing. So far this's interesting, though the proportions are extremely off. I'd love to see the VAs return and keep the same voices, it would be hilarious.

Defiantly something I will keep watching. Fujiko's recurring tits don't hurt at all, either. Love to see [AS] try to get this and make it work to whatever their current standards are...

Exactly. The FCC was set up to split the spectrum and avoid all-out broadcasting and interference; then the whole "decency" shit came into place. But they're still about over-the-airwaves, and can't control cable. Cable (or, more, the shows on there) adheres, more or less, to FCC guidelines for two reasons:
1) Once a show is syndicated, it's incredibly likely to be picked up by over-the-air channels. They can't go too far over standards because then it would be a pain-in-the-ass to edit to meet OTA requirements.
2) The FCC/various batshit politicians have talked for years about applying the same standards to cable. The more shows go over the standards, the more squawking (and perhaps eventual enforcing) there will be.

I'm sure that "normal" channels would love to get all the hit HBO shows like Game of Thrones, that Roman one a few years back (Alexander?), and others, and the producers would probably like the extra money. They did this once or twice with things like Sex and the City, but that can only go so far.
>> No. 75591
So yeah, episode 10. I feel like someone pulled my brain out through the nose, spun it around for a bit and put it back in. I have no idea what the fuck, though I get the basic gist.
>> No. 75647
Is it so wrong to just want sexy Fujiko fun times and stupid Lupin and Zenigata antics? Fuck this dramatic past shit.
>> No. 75648
Yeah, fuck this INTERESTING material, let's do just the same old shit!

Anyway, this person is doing some interesting writeups about the show and how it relates to feminism and gothic storytelling.
>> No. 75758
What can I say, I'm just not interested in super serious drama from Lupin.

I did enjoy the latest episode. Seeing Ishikawa slice all those trees down was pretty hilarious. And oatmeal plus tuna, wow. Quite possibly the nastiest breakfast combo I've ever heard of.
>> No. 75760
Lupin's a series that can do serious. Even the silliest show was capable of that.
>> No. 75761
Yeah, and Castle of Cagliostro was pretty serious, too, so it's not like this is the first time we've seen Serious Lupin Anime.

And even this isn't All Seriousness All The Time. It's got a lot of silliness and goofiness. Even the sexuality that shows up seems to be about being funny half the time.
>> No. 75782
What I find interesting is that the sexuality will do its fanservice then act nonchalant.

Consider the first episode, where Fujiko uses her top to slide down the zip line. You know she's topless, they draw her topless and cover nothing up, yet the artists made no effort to really focus on her breasts, they just happen to be hanging out.

Of course, by then she's flashed them so often that maybe they thought it was played out.
>> No. 75783
Yeah, it's part of why I don't feel dirty watching this the way I do when I'm tricked into watching "panty anime." There's nothing wrong with sexuality and nudity, even when used mostly for titillation. But there's something just ugly about the way most anime handles it. This avoids that, and I appreciate it.
>> No. 75797
agreed it just comes off as awkward and super creepy when most anime does stuff like this
>> No. 75798
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Is there a reason why? I mean, I agree with you guys, but I can't identify what causes such a double standard.

I mean, it's not like it's any less leering.
>> No. 75799
I guess it's mostly about honesty and execution. They leer, but there's absolutely no shame in what's shown or being seen, and the nudity can just be present as much as it can be leering. To say it sort of innacurately, it treats the subject as an adult (accepting and able to deal with the imagery) rather than as an adolescent creeper.
>> No. 75803

The way most fanservice anime does it:


How Lupin does it:



Nobody cares??


Oh, okay then, moving on..."

Seriously with how blase the show is with sex....
>> No. 75807
This pretty much nails it, imo. Usually when something is called "mature" they actually mean "SPURTING GORE AND BIG OL' TITTIES HEYOOOO!", while here the mature content is handled, well, maturely.
>> No. 76130
Lookit what I found!
Vol. 1, 6 & 7 of the Lupin manga!
>> No. 76447
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The ending was pretty fantastic! I was pleasantly surprised with the subversion of the cliched, tragic past storyline.

Except for Oscar only being dredged up to keep pops busy. Seriously, he could have been used for much better purposes than chasing after his cray-cray protege.
>> No. 76767
Finally watched the rest of the series. RL kept me from watching the eps as they came out after the fortune teller ep, but I mainlined 9 thru 13 last night.

Oscar's backstory gave me a sad for both Oscar and Pops once I put it in context with everything Oscar's done so far this season. He should have stayed dead after sacrificing himself; bringing him back for Pops to agonize over was just cruel.

I agree that finding out Fujiko's tragic backstory was fake for her but real for somebody else was pleasantly surprising, even though a little sad still. Seeing how Fujiko treated this information by kidnapping the invalid woman who had the true tragic backstory, only to rub it in the woman's face that she (Fujiko) could do whatever the fuck she wanted because her body worked, and that was the last thing the invalid woman witnessed before dying was cruel. Lupin called her on it, which was nice, but only after Fujiko had done everything she intended to do.

My love forever to Goemon, who not only decides that Fujiko should be his girlfriend for reals, and then duels with Jigen while drugged, but rocks that femme fatale look too. He looked pretty snazzy in 1960s mod clothing.
>> No. 76768
She was showing the girl her world as a gift, not out of cruelty. She was giving her freedom in her last moments.
>> No. 76776
Perhaps both? Cruel and kind? Perfectly Fujiko.
>> No. 76781
and not once using the lupin theme song...
>> No. 76792
I can see how it could be seen both ways, but the way Fujiko talked to her sounded too spiteful for her to be completely kind. She kinda sounds almost condescending, really.
>> No. 85759
It was a gift, but Fujiko IS still a bitch.
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