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No. 67852
>>67842 We also got Saint Seiya, Bastard!! and to some extent Dragon Ball itself (pretty sure Kenshiro did a kamehameha before Goku, and especially the whole ki aura thing)
Dragon Ball has One Piece, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, Bleach, Toriko and a billion others.
Of course everyone's opinion is different but what I really should have been getting at is that at least when they were inspired by HnK it was mostly about tone, violence and emotions. Apart from that they were vastly different in story, art, characters, etc.
With Dragon Ball they copy tons of concepts and details, and it's even pervaded to the point where the generic shonen artstyle is a shitty twist to Toriyama's. On that front especially I feel like these mangaka learned to draw through Dragon Ball and not through real life. It's a fine place to start, hell I started drawing loads when I was reading it too, but if it's going to be your chosen career you need to branch out. I swear, everytime I see blocky, spikey hair I just lose interest.
Take training arcs, in Dragon Ball, they were funny and adventurous. Everywhere else they are boring.
I dunno, I just feel that most tend to copy Toriyama's shortcomings and not enough of his strengths.