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No. 83770
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>>83769 I'm sure I have more Dustin: Child of Divorce stuff, but I'm not sure if there's anything interest here.
Have some fic recs:
Mark/Eduardo What You See is What You Get - cute fic with adorableness and kittens http://a-jejune-star.livejournal.com /899.html Never Marry For Money (You Can Borrow it Cheapter) - really entertaining; Mark and Eduardo wake up married in Las Vegas http://hapakitsune.livejournal.com/222888.html M.A.D., Mutually Assured Destruction - the infamous serial killer!AU http://veritasrecords.livejournal.com/99520.html Place That Don't Know My Name - TSN/Doctor Who AU http://veritasrecords.livejournal.com/98662.html Pause the Tragic Ending - short fic, but very adorable and painful at the same time http://indecentexposed.livejournal.com/70862.html
OT4 (Mark/Eduardo/Chris/Dustin Secrets on Your Pillow http://tsn-kinkmeme.livejournal.com/9415.html?thread=17715911#t17715911 Variations of Want and Need http://abriata.livejournal.com/22012.html Untitled Kink Fill http://tsn-kinkmeme.livejournal.com/5147.html?thread=9898779#t9898779
I don't know, there's a lot more I can post, but I gotta go. If anyone has a specific request (twincest, rps, more ot4, chris/dustin, other pairings, whatever), please post and I'll compile a little list for you.