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File 128613831794.jpg - (145.23KB , 500x665 , 128477715948.jpg )
58739 No. 58739
Let's go /coq/!
Expand all images
>> No. 58775
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>> No. 58777
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>> No. 58778
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>> No. 58779
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>> No. 58780
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>> No. 63255
I can't believe this is on the LAST PAGE. Bumpan.
>> No. 63256
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>> No. 63259
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>> No. 63325
Does anyone know if there's a DC kink meme floating around? If not, I'd like to request a possessive fic, with consensual creepiness by all parties involved.
Because come on, guys. One side of our OTP rips people's heads off for exercise, and the other thinks disembodied heads are HILARIOUS.
>> No. 63326
>> No. 63378
File 129107453899.jpg - (55.19KB , 500x601 , 1290142928814.jpg )
Is it okay that these guys are the OTP of my OTP?
>> No. 63457
I don't know what this means, but I'm intrigued.
>> No. 64699
What happened to that meet-up pic with Supes and Bats?
>> No. 64729
Say, is there a good place to start reading these dudes? I see their pictures and love their outfit designs, but have no idea what their story is.
>> No. 64737

Like, comics? They're from the Authority, which is published by Wildstorm. Midnighter's also got a solo series. :)
>> No. 64759

Cool, I'll have to start picking that up.

Is there a particular arc or something that's easy for a newcomer to come in on?
>> No. 64769

Try The Authority volume 1 as a whole.
>> No. 64771

Seconding the first volume. Also try Human on the Inside (2004 special), if only for the extraordinary art. The coloring, oh god, the coloring. Best looking the Authority has ever looked, hands down.
>> No. 69838
File 129943589372.jpg - (527.94KB , 640x984 , the-authority-the-lost-year-10-of-12-preview-4_lar.jpg )
Just recently picked up Authority again and was really amazed at what's been happening lately. Was it just me, or was this issue just amazingly drawn? I loved that AU Middy, though bordering on the edge of Nazi...But I guess that's why I loved it.
Also, just in case, it's a page from The Lost Year arc issue 10. Would totally fap and jizz love if a draw/writefag did something about this au middy and apollo
>> No. 69853
I'm glad that Midnighter keeps his hair-dying habit even when he's busy being a tyrannical dictator. Is Apollo his trapped-at-home trophy husband who drinks too much and throws temper tantrums whenever Midnighter is around?
>> No. 69860
He was killed in that universe.
>> No. 69874
>> No. 69896
But Superman died, too.
>> No. 69999
Any good fics?
>> No. 74037
>> No. 74532
File 130769343038.png - (9.52KB , 339x393 , 1296362155601.png )
I also have many issues with this. As soon as Ellis left Apollo was raped. Superman was raped. Really fucking stupid shit.
>> No. 74847
File 130812999350.jpg - (221.43KB , 466x720 , storm_cv11n98day23.jpg )
>> No. 74848
File 130813012183.jpg - (151.20KB , 767x1024 , apollo_sktch_lorez-767x1024.jpg )
>> No. 74851
Maybe want?
But Midnighter is u-u-ugh what, why the 80s-90s?
>> No. 77779
Last straw for me with regards for not giving the DC reboot a chance was finding out these two aren't together in it.

>> No. 77781
Apparently they did that so they can develop their relationship to where they were in the new canon.

I dunno if I'm for it or not. This might give a chance for Apollo to be his own character rather than Apollo-who-exists-only-as-an-accessory-to-Midnighter that he's become pretty much ever since Ellis left. So that would be good.
>> No. 77794
waitwaitwait! Where did you hear they're not together in DCnU??
>> No. 77796

They are rebooting the entire Stormwatch team, so I am assuming Midnighter and Apollo are not together. If anyone knows any different, I'd be glad to find out.

(Never mind the Liefeild part of the article)
>> No. 77797
Guys, calm the fuck down. They're just starting the story from BEFORE they became a couple. They're going to get together as the series progresses.
>> No. 77849
I've heard NOTHING about them not being together but I HAVE heard from the mouth of the writer that yes they are both still gay. So if they're not together (which I doubt) I'm sure they will get together at some point.
>> No. 77854
File 131412787022.png - (138.09KB , 600x450 , 1267404155222.png )

Awesome, thanks for clearing that up. In celebration, more content!
>> No. 77927
File 131445787467.jpg - (325.99KB , 741x800 , apollo_and_midnighter_by_alshshaen-d35ts2u.jpg )
>> No. 77928
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>> No. 77929
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>> No. 77930
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>> No. 77931
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>> No. 77932
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>> No. 77933
Question: So, what color is Midnighter's hair? I've seen it drawn black, brown, red, and blond. WTF...
>> No. 77935
File 131446111299.png - (168.23KB , 480x480 , wait wat.png )
>> No. 77936
It's quite an inside joke that he has "magical, color changing hair"
The truth is he is a ginger , but dies his hair , most of the time blond.
>> No. 77941
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>> No. 77947
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>> No. 77955
aaaaa this will never not make me smile
>> No. 77971
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>> No. 77972
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>> No. 77973
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>> No. 77974
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>> No. 77975
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>> No. 77976
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>> No. 77993
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>> No. 78136
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Not on page 0 a few days before Stormwatch comes out?
I won't stand for this.
>> No. 78137
Ahaha, why do I get the feeling it will go something like this? God, this pic is amazing.
Did Midnighter just chinstabbed the Moon?
>> No. 78140
File 131514385853.png - (239.85KB , 699x668 , at least they didnt steal the cookies.png )
Of course he did.

I think his new costume is starting to grow on me.
>> No. 78147
File 131517644988.jpg - (369.92KB , 998x1280 , whrrrrr.jpg )
>> No. 78150
I'm going to miss you two.
So. Much.
>> No. 78163
What I want to know is why they saw the need to change the costumes in the first place. I mean, imo they were really good costumes, both thematically and aesthetically. They fit the characters and looked damn cool.

And now we have... chinspike. Oh, chinspike.
>> No. 78171
Chinspike better not kill Cornell, I have great hopes for him.

Also I wish there was more fanart of the new costumes, they are hilarious.
>> No. 78173
File 131522634580.png - (207.34KB , 599x617 , ooh mister chinspike.png )
Y'all knew this was going to happen.
>> No. 78186
File 131526755759.jpg - (79.35KB , 800x538 , tumblr_lo7is5ahHj1qcosluo1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 78189
I've officially lost it in my laughter. I bow to you, good anon.
>> No. 78265
Ok. I guess.
Stormwatch #1 is such a disappointment. Just. WHY? DC WHY?! Why everything about it? Why so dull? And mainstream. And 80es. And etc etc etc. Ugh.
I hope for a better second instalment.
>> No. 78287
File 131537151485.png - (449.89KB , 464x493 , 1314079205188.png )
How can you be judging the comic already? All we have are some sample pages until tomorrow and you can't really judge on those alone. Yes, I will admit that the art is a bit stiff (ok, its a little bad), but I still have much hope for it to grow into its own.

Also, mfw they mention slash fiction in a non-satirical manner.
>> No. 78306
I've read it. It's boring. Still, I'll give them a chance.
>> No. 78318

I didn't think it was boring at all, the character art was mediocre but the background work was well done. It's just setting up the plot and I'm really excited to see where they are going with this.

On the Apollo Midnighter side of this: I'm excited to see another gay paring start to establish canon, other then guess work from the original Authority when they were already together.
>> No. 78360
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>> No. 78361
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>> No. 78362
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>> No. 78363
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>> No. 78379

Where is this page from?
>> No. 78393
File 131566072184.png - (664.50KB , 489x522 , apollo x midn.png )
Aw man. My faves.
>> No. 78422
World's End, I think?
>> No. 78423
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>> No. 78424
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>> No. 78494
File 13159671053.png - (219.29KB , 881x816 , stormwatch the 1st.png )
My predictions were a bit off.
>> No. 78500
This is so accurate it almost hurts. Can we expect a month-to-month commentary series? Pleeease?
>> No. 78509
File 131604671820.png - (417.30KB , 1431x581 , meanwhileatstormwatchhq.png )
It could happen...
>> No. 78613
File 13165522409.jpg - (1.07MB , 900x950 , neev - Apollo New & Improved.jpg )
Well, I like the way the new costume looks in fanart. Dunno about the comics yet.
>> No. 78691
File 131678574681.jpg - (73.36KB , 750x737 , A_cute_couple__by_AmericanNinjaX.jpg )
>> No. 78703
>> No. 78705
He's gonna grow his hair out so that he can catch Midnighter's eye.

I wish.
>> No. 78721
No fics about the inevitable awkward courting in the reboot?
>> No. 78725

Was their original courting ever really explored before? I've only really read The Authority, where they were already an established couple, so I guess I don't know.
>> No. 78728
The origin of how they got together was never stated. In the beginning, they only showed hints that Midnighter and Apollo were together until it was confirmed with their marriage. So the reboot is finally a chance to see how it all came to be.
>> No. 78729
File 131690716097.jpg - (215.43KB , 425x1417 , A VILLAIN IS BORN.jpg )
They didn't get together on panel but it was implied it happened somewhere in the period of the five years they were on the run from Bendix.
Apollo used to date this Martian Manhunter inspired alien thing before.

I love this panel because it takes you a while to notice Midnighter, but when you do, it's hilarious.
>> No. 78755
File 131698810927.jpg - (21.18KB , 232x220 , just_calm_down____by_victorreno.jpg )
<<Hee, I can't get over how adorable and accurate this pic is :D
Also, having Apollo grow his hair out for Middy...Sounds really cute.
>> No. 78982
File 131785763596.png - (280.14KB , 551x398 , Midnighter.png )
Well, #2 has finally come upon us, and has revealed that Midnighter is a stalker.

Isn't that just so romantic?
>> No. 78983

I thought the panel with Midnighter saying he liked seeing Apollo slaughter pedo's hilarious. I'm super excited to see how warped/oddly adorable the relationship can get.
>> No. 79044
File 131796921855.jpg - (436.23KB , 968x1516 , stormwatchcambiaromorir__072.jpg )
actually there are two pages in stromwach than states that those two just had sex... sorry I only got the spanish version
>> No. 79047
File 131796931077.jpg - (432.91KB , 961x1510 , stormwatchcambiaromorir__073.jpg )
I love the scars in Midnighter back
>> No. 79068
They're naked because they don't have clothes besides costumes and there is nothing in the English version that strongly implies they had sex.
Keep in mind not even the artist knew they were gay back then, because Ellis wanted to keep it free of stereotypes.
>> No. 79093
File 131801594685.jpg - (122.26KB , 932x222 , 142109438223.jpg )
Midnighter is off to a great start, I don't see any way this sentence might be interpreted as incredibly creepy, obsessive or like you regularly jerk off to a guy you're stalking slaughtering people.
Godspeed you master of seduction.
>> No. 79134
File 131805294565.jpg - (429.52KB , 995x1550 , The Authority vs LoBo - 03.jpg )
Holy shit! you are right now that I read the scene again apart of them both being naked there is nothing that implies that they have sex
Sorry in my defense I read the whole "We havenĀ“t eat" as a double entendre I really need to spend less time with the guys at work
>> No. 79156

This was always a favorite page of mine. It's funny because it's almost like they're normal people, but it's still so messed up.
>> No. 79297
Short midnighter is fucking adorable.
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