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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 135568880075.png - (1.30MB , 1280x720 , cités d'or intro.png )
46172 No. 46172
Season 2 will be airing in the first half of 2013. The first two episodes were shown last week and posted online. They can be watched for another 3 days, then they should be taken down:

I'm not going to reupload the videos, but I made subtitles for the first episode. Just save the file linked below as a .ass with the same file name as the video and in the same folder and load it in your favorite video player if it doesn't show up automatically.

I'm going to sub the second episode as well if no one does it in the meantime. Could be done tonight but we'll see. I'm not making any commitment for the rest of the series, so anyone wanting to put a team together is welcome to do it in this thread.

This first release does not include the intro and documentaries, so you can get the actual story earlier. I will add them later if there is demand for them. Encoders and reuploaders are welcome, but because of this you might want to wait a bit before spreading torrents and such that may be outdated in a few days.

I'm not a native English speaker and this is only my third time subbing anything, so comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy!
Expand all images
>> No. 46174
downloading the video right now so I don't know if it will work but thanks for the effort either way.
>> No. 46179
Absolutely awesome! I've literally been waiting for this since I was a kid, and thanks to you, I could watch the first episode and know what was going on. Thanks a lot, Anon!
>> No. 46180
File 135573764027.png - (849.81KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2012-12-17-01h23m54s134.png )
I live to serve. I know a lot of people have been waiting for this for ages, and I'm glad I can help some of them enjoy it.

Here is episode 2:

The same comments as above apply. I'll work on the intro, and perhaps documentaries, sometime this week.

Until then, I just have to share this. For posterity.
>> No. 46181
Fantastic! Thank you so much!

I can't believe this thread hasn't gotten more attention yet. There are so many people who love this show.
>> No. 46182
Fantastic! One of my favourite cartoons of all time and it looks magnificent. I can't wait to get home and watch it. Thank you so much! I can keep my inner ouiabeaux sated until the next season of Wakfu comes along.
>> No. 46183
File 135581996352.jpg - (121.16KB , 500x383 , le_whut.jpg )
>Thank you so much!

Woah! That was a weird hivemind psionic double-post there. How did that happen?
>> No. 46186
Wait, I thought you could get this off of bakabt.
Both the English and Japanese dubs/subs.
>> No. 46187
> it looks magnificent
I don't know, the backgrounds are great but the amount of aliasing on the characters is unsettling. Maybe it's just the files TFOU put up though, and it looks better on TV.
>> No. 46188
That was season 1 from the 80s. This is the brand new season 2.

I don't think bakabt has the show in Japanese. To my knowledge, no one's ever subbed the Japanese version in its entirity. Which is a shame, because the Japanese version has scenes the French/English versions don't (and vice versa, oddly).
>> No. 46189
I was talking of the show itself, rather than the image quality. I thought the shift to 3D was a bit unsettling at first, but if anything it looks more polished and expressive than ever. I'm looking forward to more.
>> No. 46190
File 135602765167.jpg - (20.91KB , 493x348 , SadBirch.jpg )

>sorry, this video isn't available in your country!

I finally feel the pain of a non-American. It's not a good feel.
>> No. 46191

Anon proxies FTW!
>> No. 46193
Here's my little contribution to the project: I've reuploaded the raw episodes to a file sharing website.

Ep.1 => https://hotfile.com/dl/185486341/1cafb69/Mysterious_Cities_Of_Gold_S2E01_(Raw).mp4.html
Ep.2 => https://hotfile.com/dl/185495161/1d7426e/Mysterious_Cities_Of_Gold_S2E02_(Raw).mp4.html
>> No. 46208

Hey thanks. Do you know when episode 3 will come up? Marathoned the whole series earlier this week, so I'm all caught up to speed.

It's a shame it hasn't seemed to generate much interest on regular /co/
>> No. 46209
>when episode 3 will come up
No official date yet, these 2 first episodes were just a preview.
The rest of the series *should* air by spring 2013.
>> No. 46614
So...when is the next episode, anyway? Anyone know?
>> No. 46615
Not finding much, but someone who's seen the first three episodes in Angouleme says there are only 9 episodes ready for broadcast (that was on Feb 4). They won't give any date but they said they have work until June at least to wrap everything up (which doesn't mean they won't start airing what they have before then).

Other clues point at April or end of March at best. Namely, they're releasing mangas and a Blu-ray edition of the first season, so from a marketing standpoint it would make sense to combine that hype with the official start of season 2.
>> No. 46637
Just wanted to say, thanks for translating these - you're going good work.
This is wonderful, really (if you're the one from /co/ when we walked about it a while ago, I was one of the people who wanted to see it done)
>> No. 46640
If you're talking about the one where two or three people said they were working on subs separately but were never heard of again, then yes I was in that one. I can't promise I'll keep at it, though, I mostly wanted to help get the ball rolling. I'm somewhat surprised there hasn't been more attention directed at this, but then again I'm not a regular visitor of /co/ so maybe I missed something. People in that thread seemed pretty excited but I haven't seen anything since.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment. It's always easier to work on those kind of things when there's people showing interest.
>> No. 46780
Episode 3 is going to be aired on 24th March on La Trois. Any chance to get subtitles? ;)
>> No. 46781
If someone rips the episode, I'll probably translate it. Still not making promises for ETA or whether I'll keep at it, though. The end of the month is lining up to be pretty busy.
>> No. 46782
I can offer to help out, but all I need is a French dictation (I can only read and write French, I'm terrible at comprehending it in speech.)
>> No. 46783
Well I could stick to transcription then, if you're confident in your translation skill. Sure would save me a bunch of time to do just half (if that) of the work, which would in turn make a long-term participation more likely on my part.

If we had someone for timing, that'd be even better. But failing that I can probably take care of it while you translate.
>> No. 46784
If someone rips the episode, which I'm sure of, I'll upload it somewhere else and share it with you all. Unfortunately, I could help only with that...
>> No. 46792
Rather confident! The dialogue hasn't been particularly tough so far (nothing quite like Wakfu and its puns, for example...)

E-mail's in the e-mail field, drop me a line sometime.
>> No. 46793
E-mail sent. I'll be "Pollo" from now on.

I'll be counting on you to find and link the video, then. If you get it Sunday I should be able to do the transcription on the same day.

As a reminder, if anyone's willing to do subs, jump in. I'm not terribly good at them and if they end up on my plate, I'll try to do them quick and dirty.
>> No. 46795
>I'll try to do them quick and dirty.
Well, I can try to do them slow and clean.
Emphasis on slow.

Count me in for the next episode.
I can't tell about the rest of the season, though.
>> No. 46796
Allocine announced the third episode for sunday, April 7th.
The series will be aired twice a week, on wednesdays and sundays

>> No. 46807
Consider it done! And 7th April is the release date of TF1. ;)
>> No. 46809
Is there a sub file for episode 2 ?

(Still figuring how to get the tripcode right...)
>> No. 46811
It's in the fourth post.

Twice a week? Oh shit, I'm glad we got some back up, I definitely woudn't have kept this up on my own.
>> No. 46812
>fourth post
Ok, now I definitely look like an idiot !

>I'm glad we got some back up
Maybe they'll air the same episode on sunday and the next wednesday ? Wait and see.
>> No. 46813
>Twice a week
A new episode on sundays, and its rerun on wednesdays.
Not 2 new epsiodes a week.
>> No. 46843
One day before its official premiere, episode 3 is already out. And as I promised, here's a link to it => http://depositfiles.com/files/l2jjedykv Enjoy! ;)
>> No. 46850

Thanks. Is anyone planning to sub it?
>> No. 46851
Thanks Rambo. I'll probably watch it tonight out of curiosity, but the transcription will come tomorrow as planned.

As you can see above, we now have a transcriber, translator and subber, with Rambo doing the dirty work finding and reuploading the episodes. So yeah, it should be done in a few days.
>> No. 46893
The Mysterious Cities of Gold Season 2 Episode 3.
Including french and english subs thanks to the team.

>> No. 46894
I've just realized I messed up the video resolution during the encoding.
Sorry for that.
The proper file is coming soon.
>> No. 46897
The file was OK.
I mixed up things between ep 2 and 3.

The hotfile link is still valid, here's the new yandex one :
>> No. 46898
Well done, mates! ;)) Now I can start translating into Bulgarian as I did for the previous 2 episodes. ;)) Thank you and keep the good work! ;))
>> No. 46902
Can you put a link up for just the subs, since some people already have the video.
>> No. 46904

English subs : http://pastebin.com/2YP6kfi3
French subs : http://pastebin.com/an7cz6DG
>> No. 46905

I see you missed translating the episode title near the beginning.

Are you going to translate the bonus footage at the end, just wondering.
>> No. 46909
I was going to leave them out, but now that I'm no longer translating, I could write them down for Doc if she wants me to.
>> No. 46912
Whoops. "The Secret of the Drum" if you need it for file names and such. Will be sure to include those in the rest of the episodes.

If everyone else is interested, I don't see why not!
>> No. 46949
Episode 4 => http://depositfiles.com/files/nhghm6l73 ;)
>> No. 46950
Thanks Rambo. I don't think I can get to it until Monday, just to let everyone know.
>> No. 46967
Someone from the goldlist has ripped the first 7 eps (raw) from Swiss TV and so thanks to the translations here we now have some hard subbed/and .srt versions of the first 3 eps. Please keep the fantastic translations coming as they are much appreciated

EP1: http://depositfiles.com/files/dpv2dbg6d
EP2: http://depositfiles.com/files/3wlj2t2ym
EP3: http://depositfiles.com/files/fbmmbj693
EP4: http://depositfiles.com/files/ar9r518w4
EP5: http://depositfiles.com/files/rhi3radpx
EP6: http://depositfiles.com/files/sy4svp24f
EP7: http://depositfiles.com/files/fjhi0mfz2

Let me know if you are not on the yahoo mcog list and want the links to the srt/hard sub eps

>> No. 46968
Someone from the goldlist has ripped the first 7 eps (raw) from Swiss TV and so thanks to the translations here we now have some hard subbed/and .srt versions of the first 3 eps. Please keep the fantastic translations coming as they are much appreciated

EP1: http://depositfiles.com/files/dpv2dbg6d
EP2: http://depositfiles.com/files/3wlj2t2ym
EP3: http://depositfiles.com/files/fbmmbj693
EP4: http://depositfiles.com/files/ar9r518w4
EP5: http://depositfiles.com/files/rhi3radpx
EP6: http://depositfiles.com/files/sy4svp24f
EP7: http://depositfiles.com/files/fjhi0mfz2

Let me know if you are not on the yahoo mcog list and want the links to the srt/hard sub eps

>> No. 46969
I'd rather wait for the belgium TV rips (1024x576) or even the next to be released french TV rips (1280x720).
One sure thing : I'm not timing one episode three diffent times.
Just speaking for myself.
>> No. 46996
That's completely understandable.
>> No. 46999
Which episode is airing this week over there? Is it episode 4 or is that the one that someone is translating now and episode 5 is airing this Sunday?
>> No. 47000
Episode 4 being translated
Episode 5 airing on belgian TV
Episode ?? airing on french TV
>> No. 47001
Thanks. Its' hard to keep track from Aus. I know someone said the first 20 eps are available and they have ripped them from the TF1 website, but I assume they are low res.
>> No. 47008
Episode 1 confirmed for tomorrow on french Channel TF1.
>> No. 47022
File 136549084641.png - (3.21MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-04-09-08h54m55s229.png )
Episode 1 now in delicious HD with both english and french subs :

I hope you'll enjoy it.
>> No. 47023
Episode 5 => http://depositfiles.com/files/y7fzm27he
>> No. 47042
The previous HD version of episode 1 is glitchy and the french subs show a certain lack of rigor.
Here is a superiior ep1, still HD.

>> No. 47069
File 136618843075.png - (1.37MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-04-17-10h49m08s78.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 2.
English subs and french transcript.

>> No. 47074
@ Dartagnan, thank you very much for providing the episodes in full HD quality :)
>> No. 47081
Thanks for the HD version :).

Is there any chance you can put the files in the future on a dropbox account or something like that as sites like Depositfiles can be headaches to download from.

I have to use getright to ensure I can resume, and it takes a whole day of continually restarting/going thru the captcha, countdown, etc to successfully download the file.

A free account is 2GB. I don't mind hosting any files or creating a share folder in my account for you if you need somewhere to store things as I have a large account, but there are many more stable websites that do storage ala Dropbox.

Here is an example folder if you want to test download/speed times (Click on the lines to get a more detailed view of the contents of the folder):

Thanks again for the English subs and files so far :)
>> No. 47109
>thank you very much
Glad you like that, Estaban ;)

>Thanks for the HD version :)
Glad to know people enjoy it.

>dropbox account
I've sent you an email to find a solution with you.
>> No. 47110
Is MEGA an alternative for y'all ?

>> No. 47112
@Dartagnan - I'm just about to reply to your email

The mega cloud service seems to be a good option. I am having fast response times from the link you posted, and a free account is 50GB which is as good as that new Tresorit site.

Apparently Mega works better with Chrome which is fine for me. It would be good to have some feedback from others re. download times/speed.

Thumbs up from me anyway. Thanks again for all the hard work you put into the capture and subs :)
>> No. 47113
Please add Doc, Pollo and Rambo to your thank list :)
>> No. 47114
Thanks again to D'artagnan, Doc, Pollo and Rambo.

Your work is MUCH appreciated :)
>> No. 47119
I haven't had a chance to try MEGA yet. Trying episode 1 right now and I'm getting a fairly consistent speed at 1.3 MB/s (I can go up to 2.1 MB/s at most). Seems to be causing my Firefox to lag pretty badly, though. As I type this the text isn't keeping up on-screen.
>> No. 47124
That makes your dl about 6 minutes for one episode.
Worth making FF lagging a bit, dontcha think ? :)
>> No. 47126
Actually, the download just stopped at 60% and I didn't retry since I don't actually need the file. Just wanted to get more feedback out there.
>> No. 47127
Chrome is the most ideal browser to download from Mega with.

IE kept stopping at 70% and FF not much better.

Both of them were still better speed wise than depositfiles but I didn't know whether that was anything to do with me being close to the New Zealand servers.
>> No. 47130
I use an add on for FireFox called DownThemAll! It works great, much better than just downloading in FireFox. Try it.
>> No. 47146
Anyone ever tried JDownloader with Mega ?
>> No. 47165
@ Dartagnan, hello, are you going to release the episode 3? can't wait to see it, best regards :)
>> No. 47167
Yes sir !
I'm in the process of re-timing the subs to the HD version.
A busy week prevented me from finishing it so far.
I'll keep you posted.
>> No. 47169
@ Dartagnan, thank you very much, I also trying to record the show, but when I play the video it's choppy, I don't know why? during the show no choppy but when you play the recording !!
>> No. 47197
Please, send me link if you get any Engish subtites!
I have the first three!
Thank you!
>> No. 47200
I have the 4th episode in full HD, I managed successfully to record from TF1 !
>> No. 47205
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 3, including english subs and french transcript.



For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs.

English Subtitles :

French transcription :
>> No. 47206
@ Dartagnan, many many many thanks, you are the best :)
>> No. 47207
It's all about teamwork !
Anthony joined the team and translated the documentary part for this third episode.
>> No. 47208
Golden Thanks, ALL of You !!!

And can Somebuddy translate the Intro Song in English?
Also.. The Documentary parts of Episodes 1 and 2?

Even only english text sentences, I can do timing for subs.

:P . S . 1st Season, 39 episodes, Came out on BluRay this Month in France.
Is there somewhere @ internet HD Rip-s of the Old series?
>> No. 47209
@ Dartagnan, why when I record from TF1 the outline of the characters is too thin, while yours too thick, the maximum option that I have is 1080i to record? and what program you use to create this beautiful quality? thank you all :)
>> No. 47213
The documentaries from episodes 1 and 2 are on the todo list.
I don't see any good reason not to add the sont on the list.

I capture the HD 1080p (50 fps) flux from TF1, I then encode it with handbrake.
The result is a 1080i (25 fps) compressed video file.
I'm no specialist and I don't know why your video is different.
>> No. 47230
I know a lot of you are busy translating ep 4 at the moment, but I was wondering if one of the French speakers on here could summarise in a sentence or so what they are saying in this video:


Someone told me that they have announced the making of a film/s separate from the TV series and they are leaving it up to the fans to decide whether it is animated/live action/motion animated. Is this what they are saying as the video is very long and mysterious and I can't figure out what the announcement was about exactly.

Thanks in advance
>> No. 47231
Well,here`s your answer:
He`s announcing officially the production of a live-action feature film version of the series.He points out that it might be several films in fact.He does mention that there was a poll last year asking the fans what kind of project they`d like to see and 60% wanted a live feature.That`s mostly it. :)
>> No. 47232
They talk about crowdfunding the movie(s) too.
>> No. 47234
You guys are doing Yeoman's work here. Seriously, thank you all so much. These HD copies are amazing. I'd almost prefer that you guys don't even bother the SD copies. But I know some prefer them. This series really does benefit from the HD though. That scene in the cave in E03 was amazing. Thanks again for the hard work you guys are putting in. It's very much appreciated.
>> No. 47236
Thanks! That was what I thought. I had noticed they had posted a link recently to an official website: http://mcg-themovie.com/fr

I also did a translate on the animeland article, but I am never quite sure how accurate the translation is.

I have mixed feelings of whether it should be live action or animated, but at the end of the day if it draws attention to the series in general it can't be bad.

Thanks again for the info/the episodes and the subs - much appreciated

>> No. 47245
So what's the schedule on the high def episodes? Are they airing once a week unlike the standard def ones? Is that why they're coming slower since we only have 3 of them and 7 of the standards? Anywhere to check a schedule so as to know around when they might be available?
>> No. 47247
For New episodes and video-formats, check this web-page.
Links are via sites like turbobit - slow DL speed but free.


--> Episode 8 is out !!
>> No. 47251
This website has links to rips of MCO Blu-Ray :

>> No. 47252
Slow filehost and ridiculously huge filesizes on the bluray makes me sad. Also it seems to be incomplete. I only see 35 episodes.
>> No. 47254
the last episodes will be add to the list, when they're ripped.

MCoG S01 Ep. 01-39
1080 Full HD videos ~ 1.7 GB.
free DL took 30 min./ep (+ captcha) + 20 min. waiting time for next file.

In fact.. old series are Remastered, noisy picture is made soft blured High Quality
>> No. 47257
@Gloripeace - we have rips up to episode 8 of the show, but not in high definition. The sub timings are being made against the highest quality (HD) versions.

I'm currently dumping all the vids available I can get my hands on in my dropbox for another group. There are also the making of vids from TF1 for those who cannot view them (outside of France): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y4umztc7rkspxv4/NtJRsucmZ9

At the end of the day, it will be great to have a full HD set of all the eps eventually. I'm really surprised that I haven't seen even an announcement re. the release of the second season bluray set.
>> No. 47258
Those S1 bluray episodes seem like they are blurry or something. I actually think the DVDs look better.
>> No. 47259
MCO2 - EP9: http://depositfiles.com/files/sbmv856k9
>> No. 47262
Hey Rambo, love the mp4 episodes you were uploading, do you have more after episode 5?
>> No. 47266
File 136804363989.png - (3.04MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-05-08-22h05m15s82.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 4, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs.

English Subtitles :

French transcript :
>> No. 47267
@ Dartagnan, many many thanks for this great work :)
>> No. 47271
Wooot! Thanks so much for all your hard work :D
>> No. 47272
Dartagnan, you're the best!
Thank you for the subs!<3
>> No. 47274
Why thank you but...
Pollo made the transcript, Anthony made the translation.
Teamwork is the word, people.
>> No. 47277
Thanks to all of you that did work on it. I and others are in your debt. I'm just happy to enjoy the revival of my favorite cartoon ever.
>> No. 47279
Thank you all, you are doing an amazing job !!
>> No. 47281
Thanks, it's nice to be appreciated.
>> No. 47283

The last 4 Episodes are Added
just [show] Spoilers
ep.33 is uploaded 2nd version cos of some bugs

MCoG S01 Ep. 01-39
1080p Full HD videos ~ 1.7 GB per file
free DL took 30 min./ep (+ captcha) + 20 min. waiting time for next file;
may b' with free reg. to uptobox.com there isn't waitnig time between files..

In fact.. old series are Remastered, noisy picture is made soft blured High Quality

:P . S .: 10Q Again 4 :Perfect Work!
>> No. 47287
can you post a comparison screenshot of the dvd vs bd?
>> No. 47290
EP10: http://depositfiles.com/files/fi4gavwbe
>> No. 47291
File 136829377838.jpg?spoiler - (803.21KB , 1576x4676 , MCoG S1.jpg?spoiler )
'U can view the difference better if you watch dvd (rips) and bluray (rips) videos.
I watched the old episodes years ago on TV and VHS, then DVD/rips.. so I'm not sure which colors are original.
I noticed that small parts from old dvd picture is cropped to new versions.
After the DVDs came out Remastered-DVDs - colors are same as BluRay, but HD is better cos of resolution and final conversion.
"Normal" dvd-quality is upscaled to HD-picture using any blur-filter for noisy/grainy picture; high contrast & saturation colors; strong outlines and blured details at moment. But when you watch it from distance ot TV/Monitor, It looks great!

10x : )
>> No. 47298
Hi all, How I can split unwanted parts with Handbrake? I start recording from TF1, so I can help :)
>> No. 47300
Hi Esteban.
You can't do that using handbrake.
I would recommand MKVMerge.
>> No. 47306
Esteban, do you have links for mp4's of episodes 6-8?
>> No. 47307
I have 6 and 7 in FLV format, 8, 9 and 10 are in MP4 !

EP6: http://depositfiles.com/files/sy4svp24f FLV
EP7: http://depositfiles.com/files/fjhi0mfz2 FLV
EP8: http://depositfiles.com/files/zujt4lujl MP4
EP9: http://depositfiles.com/files/sbmv856k9 MP4
EP10: http://depositfiles.com/files/fi4gavwbe MP4
>> No. 47308
>> No. 47311
MCO2 music done by a fan from ep 5 and 6, enjoy :D

>> No. 47314
File 13687065679.png - (2.39MB , 1920x1080 , MCOGS02E05.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 5, including english subs and french transcript.
Also introducing subs for official english translation of the intro song.



For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs.

English Subtitles :

French transcript :
>> No. 47315
Oh my God EP5 in English, thank thank thank you all million times :D great works my friends :D
>> No. 47316
Those are subs of the English version of the song, not a translation to English.
>> No. 47317
lines 35 and 199 of the English subs are still inFrench
>> No. 47318
Any chance of a subtitled non-HD release for each episode?
>> No. 47319
Just corrected pastebin file.
A new video file will be available later.

Exactly, just as stated.
You really think the english song is not a translation of the french one ?

Not by me.
Anyone can use the sub files and retime them, though.
>> No. 47320
>Exactly, just as stated.
>You really think the english song is not a translation of the french one ?
I'm pretty sure it's different, as you can clearly hear the kids names at the end of the French version, so at the very least it's not a literal translation and more of an adaptation.

Since it's not being sung in English, I think a literal translation would be better in this case.
>> No. 47321
File 136877459346.png - (1.77MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-05-17-08h53m18s241.png )
Here's the fixed version of this episode.
Sorry for being dumb.


Fixed English Subtitles :

Untouched French transcript :

Oh, it's you, Anthony! (?)
IMO translating a song is not about being literal.
Respecting the ideas/images and making the whole thing rhyme is how you translate a song.
I understand your point but don't agree with you. Hence the decision to follow the official english translation.
>> No. 47322
No it wasn't me, just someone else with the same view. I wasn't gonna mention it at all, but I need to let you know that wasn't me.
>> No. 47323
Ok then.

If everyone but me (or at least, a majority of you french impaired people) agree with Anthony and previous anon, I can change my mind.
Not on how to translate a song, but on what we do with this particular show.

Pollo mentionned a poll in a (more) private discussion.
Tell what you think, children of the sun !
>> No. 47326
hello everyone thx so much for all the hd releases of this awesome return of a classic series thx i also need a little help pls how do i reister on this site so i may join in on your chat and also leave my thanks for new upcoming releases pls hlp thx al ^-^
>> No. 47327
It can be done literally at least once, possibly added as a 3rd subtitle attachment in the mkv.

Then those who want it can use a tool like mkvtoolnix to add it to other episodes if they want.

I used mkvmerge in mkvtoolnix to replace the fixed subs in the last post so I didn't have to redownload the whole file.
>> No. 47329
You can't register on a site like plus4chan, the point is for everyone to be anonymous and accounts would defeat that. You can specify a name in the Name field when you post if you like.
>> No. 47330
hello 47326 ^-^ thx for the help ^-^, so no registration needed on this site awesome i thought it was required to post on plus4chan, thx for helping me 47326 i sure do like this site and im so grateful too the team subbing MCOG s2 i must have seen the first series lots of times, best anime series of all time sadly i grew up through the 80's missing the first series and discovered it when i was older and even now i still watch it at aged 31 lol heh, im really happy that we get see this new season of the show. I can't speak french but even though it's in it's native language i still enjoy it and doesn't bother me ya know i love this show
>> No. 47331
Ep11: http://depositfiles.com/files/w166mdtrf
>> No. 47335
Thanks so much for all your hard work guys - MUCH appreciated :)
>> No. 47336
File 136899472553.jpg - (119.39KB , 710x666 , comparaison-DVD-BR-Cite-d-o.jpg )
1OX to ALL for latest episodes & HD versions with subtitles !!!

:P. S. may be we didn't say that Full-HD BluRay Rips of Season 1 are only in French and there isn't any built-in sub in the files. But videos are in 25 fps and when I compared them with another dvd/tv rips, you can sync different streams from another sources only with "Time shift" +/- ms.

Download Episodes 01-35 consecutive from 1st SPOILER [Show]
Episode 33 is re-ulpoaded cos of fix bugs with Episodes 36, 38 and 39 in 2nd SPOILER [Show]
and Episode 37 is Uploaded twice, fixin bugs (follow v3 link ; )
>> No. 47337
I am in the process of muxing the English audio with the Blu Ray videos. The French episodes are slightly different in length, so I need to edit the video stream to match perfectly with the UK dvd rips, so that the audio streams are exactly the same in length and timing. As you can imagine, this takes some time, and I am also translating the new episodes into English for the HD releases as well. So I have a full plate. I have finished Episodes 1 and 2 of the original series and I will upload them soon. So look for that in the near future.
>> No. 47338
before time I downloaded Season 1 DVD Rip-s from thepiratebay in English (still most seeding torent) to sync the picture with Bulgarian audio from TV Rip-s. All releases are in 25 fps and sync is only "shifting". I already made a few series with BG Audio. Only Episode 1 was needed to add more sound after the intro but the rest episodes are good till now.

May be you shoud change fps of Eng.Audio or BluRay.Picture if the sources are different and then sync is easily.
>> No. 47341
The fps on both files are the same. Trust me the French version of the show is longer than the English version by full seconds on some episodes. If the audios aren't the same length, you will have video at the end with no audio. I'm not a novice when it comes to video editing.
>> No. 47352
File 13692294436.png - (1.86MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-05-22-15h29m30s15.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 6, including english subs and french transcript.



For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs.

English Subtitles :

French transcript :
>> No. 47354
Thank you guys for the great work :)
>> No. 47355
line 202 is still in French
>> No. 47357
I fixed the sub file and you can download it here.
>> No. 47358
Don't right click to save the file. Click the link and then click download on the page that opens.
>> No. 47359
I really could use a proofreader, here.

I Fixed the pastebin english subs.
I'll start the new HD video upload right now and will post the links when upload is done.
>> No. 47360
File 13692914823.png - (1.89MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-05-23-08h42m19s41.png )
Here are the links to fixed video file :


The pastebin subs is fixed too.

You can find links for all episodes/subs here:
>> No. 47361
Terrific work! Thanks so much
>> No. 47362
I'm so happy there are people translating this. The 1080 encodes are beautiful, too. The animation is really growing on me; I don't know if it's my imagination, but it seems to have improved since the initial two episodes.

Speaking of the first two episodes, would anyone be kind enough to upload the 1080 encodes to mega?
>> No. 47363
File 13693807579.png - (1.17MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-05-24-08h26m19s43.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 7, including english subs and french transcript.



For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs.

English subtitles :

French transcript :

>> No. 47364
Glad to hear you like it.

It's already on mega :
>> No. 47365
Dartagnan, I hope you know your hard work is not going unappreciated! I have been lurking on this thread for a while and I'm really very grateful.

Happy to help with proofing if needed.
>> No. 47368
Hi there!
Can I have a request? Please someone will be that nice and write me the French voice actors of the characters? Or if someone know a link to where it's listed? I mean only the second series!
Thank you!^^
>> No. 47369
Thanks :)
Pollo, Doc and Anthony are on the team too.
As for the proofreading, Anthony is doing it.
Just ask him if he needs help.

Here you go :

Audrey Pic : Esteban
Adeline Chetail : Zia
Caroline Mozzone : Tao
Bruno Magne : Mendoza
Jérémy Prévost : Sancho; Pedro
Martial Le Minoux : Pichu; Le Prophète Voyageur (The traveler prophet)
Pierre-Alain de Garrigues : Zarès; Ambrosius
Benjamin Bollen : Zhi
Philippe Roullier : Charles Quint; Le vieux moine (the old monk)
Véronique Desmadryl : La Narratrice (narrator)
>> No. 47370
GOLDEN Team & GREAT WorkS !!

Aedua, mau b' you will like "making of" and "behind the voices / scenes" videos by
joyrex at

... and Anonymous with fast final sub-check :)
>> No. 47371
Yeah, we all do our part. I spend a lot of my free time on this project translating the French transcript that Pollo makes into English so that Dartagnan can then time the subs to the video that he capped.

So to break it down:
Dartagnan - HD video capture, subtitle timing and final video release.
Pollo - French transcript of the dialogue.
Anthony - French to English translation and final proof reading.
Doc - original translator.

So whenever you guys thank someone, make sure to thank the group because we all devote many hours of our time to make this project happen in a timely manner.
>> No. 47372
Wow! Two episodes so quickly. Having trouble keeping up, lol! Thanks again to Dartagnan, Pollo, Anthony and Doc for all your hard work :)

Also - good news re. the new MCoG video game - I hope
>> No. 47373
hey mcog2 staff i would like too thank you very much for the new releases and all the hard work you guys do to bring us the new mcog s2 eps thans so much anthony and the other staff ^-^ thx owh i would like pls ask how is the english muxing going for the new mcog s1 blurays, are the first 2 eps nearly ready for release i read on here about you working on the bluray rips thx so much guys ^-^
>> No. 47374
Gloripeace, Thank you! ^^
>> No. 47375
Yeah the first two episodes are done. I plan to do episodes 3 and 4 sometime this weekend. I wanna get a few in the bag before I start to upload them, so I can release them in a timely manner.

Is everyone ok with me posting a link here or should I do it in another forum? kinda of topic as this is for series 2. I will be posting at the Yahoo Group, but I was gonna post here as well, So any objections? The yahoo group is located here:


You can always follow the releases there.
>> No. 47376
hey anthony ^-^ yh i think it's a great idea of you posting here too aswell as your yahoo link, i think i prefer it posting here so i have no objections anthony sure ^-^, thx so much again anthony and the rest of the subbing group for the new releases ^-^ owh yh anthony i wanted ask you as you mentioned before about yhe french version being longer than the english versions well i wanted ask you did you manage fitting the english audio to the french version ^-^
>> No. 47377
And thank you Dartagnan! :)
>> No. 47378
owh yes of course im sorry thanks so much dartagnan for providing the HD and working with the group as you are part of the group of course heh thx ^-^
>> No. 47379
EP12 : http://depositfiles.com/files/d272ke1sk enjoy watching ^__^
>> No. 47380
EP12 : http://depositfiles.com/files/d272ke1sk enjoy watching ^__^
>> No. 47382
Doesn't the english dub have some deleted scenes that are included in the original? Are you having to remove those scenes in order to make it work?
>> No. 47383
Anything that is included in the French version that was cut out when it was dubbed into English needs to be removed so the video files are the same, scene for scene. The alternative would be adding dead space to the English audio for the the extra or longer French scenes, but then you would have video without audio for those sections of the episode and that's not very enjoyable to watch. I don't feel too bad about the missing content as that is how I originally saw it here in the USA, so it's really not that big of a deal for me to leave those parts out.

I'm mainly asking whoever started this forum for season 2 if they have any objections to me posting the files here. Please let me know.
>> No. 47384
>I'm mainly asking whoever started this forum for season 2 if they have any objections to me posting the files here.
If you mean the thread, that would be me, and not at all.
>> No. 47399
Here is the link for S01E01

>> No. 47402
870MB is quite large especially for 4:3, is it dual audio or something?

most 1080 can be done ~350MB and really should be less than 500MB
>> No. 47404
OK, considering that the original files from the Blu Ray are 2.5GB+ I don't think 870MB is too large. No reason to have a 1080p image if the picture is crap. It's a little thing called bitrate my friend. But hey, if it's too large, don't download it.
>> No. 47410
>OK, considering that the original files from the Blu Ray are 2.5GB+ I don't think 870MB is too large. No reason to have a 1080p image if the picture is crap.

Example, Crunchyrolls 1080p releases are 550MB and those are 16:9

>It's a little thing called bitrate my friend.
I fully understand bitrate, are you using constant or variable?

>But hey, if it's too large, don't download it.
I didn't, as that would end up being ~39GB for a 4:3 show
>> No. 47414
It's 1920 x 1080, 16:9 constant bitrate at 4600kbs and it is over 26min long, not like half hour shows today which are around 23min long. The video is not trimmed, so it has the black on both sides as it is on the blu rays. I download many shows from the web that are 1080p web episodes, not capped from TV. The half hour shows are all between 800MB and 1GB and the hour shows are 1.5GB.

Anyway, this release is for people who want high quality releases and those people usually have 1TB+ hard drives, so the space is not an issue. I have many 3TB drives and a 4TB drive. In any case, all of the episodes will be about 37-38GB total and they will all fit on a burned 50GB BD-R that will play in most stand alone Blu Ray players with media playback. If anyone is concerned with space, you should probably stick with SD quality episodes or buy the DVDs that are out right now.

So again, if anyone has a problem with the size, please don't comment about it, just don't download it. It's not for you and that's fine, but I don't wanna make an HD release that suffers in quality to save space.

I made this video for myself and then decided to share it with everyone else, so I made the video to the quality and size of my liking. And my time and work that I put in on this project was for my benefit and has cost you nothing. So if this is for you, please download and enjoy. If not, that's ok too.

Goodbye. Until next time.

>> No. 47420
I created a MEGA account to store the episodes on as it has a
much faster download rate.

Here is the link to the folder. You can check it often for updates or
wait for me to post here that a new episode has been added.
The new uploads will have the same subject as this post with the
episode listed at the end. As of right now, Both Episodes 1 & 2 are
in the folder. I tested the downloads and they got speeds over 1MB/s
and each file downloaded in about 12-14 minutes, which in my opinion
is very fast. But you may be limited by your connection speed. So if you
were reluctant to get the file before due to the download time, try this
link instead.

MCOG Series 1 [1080p Blu Ray Rips w/English Audio]

Goodbye. Until next time.

>> No. 47421
hey anthony ^-^ i just want to say thx for your 1st release of the mcog s01 ep01 bluray eng dub thx so much anthony ^-^, i so appreciate your hard work and your time you are putting into the blurays and also mcog s02 too of course thx so much anthony ^-^
>> No. 47422
File 136989446912.png - (1.62MB , 1920x1080 , totally not a shit upscale guys.png )
This is just a shitty upscale with all the grain scrubbed out. Definitely not a remaster from film, definitely not worth 1080p. How they fucked it up this bad is beyond me. I guess they lost the original film and couldn't scan it for a true HD release.
>> No. 47423
Everything is exactly right! (Full) HD should b' High(est) Quality, not simply (Compressed) High Resolution.

Only 1 thing but you know it: Almost every new TV/Monitors are widest 16:9. But if you watch current video on (Computer) Monitor with another proportions, on full screen the picture will b' smaller in the center with black bars at all sides... But Players should have options Pan & Scan.
(There's even more "square" monitors than 4:3 and on them "normal" video will have black bars up and down ; )

"If it's not for you, just don't DL it! It's Free (choise what you'll watch)!"
Every video convertor can do another releases from (Anthony's Great & Hard Work : ) video sources.
Just like I do for myself 720p versions with BG Audio.
And Remasterizing isn't so easy from film tape. Animations have layers.. Companies won't draw Old series again, they took the best what can be done. Today's BluRay 'r' New series.
We're Waitnig Them with Interes.
>> No. 47424
550 MB per 23 min episode is a waste of encoding.

At least someone could do a 720x400 MP4 and give some people an easier time of it. I certainly do not need 1920x1080. I won't even consider trying to play that on my computer without transcoding into something I can play.
>> No. 47426
>550 MB per 23 min episode is a waste of encoding.
That's an idiotic line of thinking. Here, do some reading instead of talking out your ass like a retard:

Make no mistake, I'm not going to defend the encoding here. The black bars can easily be cropped out and I have no idea why they haven't been, and there's loads of color banding and a bunch of other artifacts caused by the upscale that could easily be fixed with avisynth.
But given the utterly terrible quality of the BDs, I wouldn't even bother with them, especially not if you want to play them on your toaster. They're the opposite of an improvement.
>> No. 47436
EP13: http://dfiles.eu/files/nxqpx9eqb
>> No. 47440
Some notes:
Scripts for ep 6 and 7 were .3 (three tenths) of a second too late, but I was able to fix the timing perfectly in Subtitle Workshop.

Episode 4 was 3.9 seconds out of sync at about 11 minutes in.

Episode 5 was off by a second 19 minutes in but then fixed itself soon after.

Episode 3 was mostly OK.

Some editing to fix minor mistakes, but overall nicely done.
>> No. 47442
I've checked all the mentionned episodes.
HD versions play perfectly in VLC without any sign of the problems you're reporting.

Someone experiencing the same problems ?
>> No. 47443
I did, with the 5th episode... it's because we all get different versions of the episodes, I think, so it doesn't matter. With Subt. Worksop anyone can fix the timing in 5 seconds. :)
>> No. 47444
As stated before, the subs you fiind here are timed to the HD version.

See >>46969
>> No. 47469
Does anybody have links to mp4 versions of ep. 6 and 7? I can't find them anywhere.
>> No. 47476
File 137041706584.png - (1.45MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-06-05-09h24m12s134.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 8, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript

>> No. 47478
OK, I've updated the MEGA folder with episode 3.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. Until next time.

>> No. 47506
EP14 HQ : http://depositfiles.com/files/44zr9f8wx enjoy ^^
>> No. 47524
File 137085391361.png - (1.20MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2013-06-10-10h13m04s12.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 9, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript
>> No. 47539
Where are Episodes 6 & 7 of the New Series... I have 8 and 9
>> No. 47545
The thread
Read it
>> No. 47546
Also still looking for eps. 6 & 7 in mp4 format
>> No. 47549
All these links are taken from the thread above:

Episode 6 HD:


Episode 7 HD:



Episode's in mp4

EP6: http://depositfiles.com/files/sy4svp24f
EP7: http://depositfiles.com/files/fjhi0mfz2

You can find all of them in the above thread
>> No. 47553
Thank you...
>> No. 47554
I saw ep. 6 & 7 in the thread above, and those are .flv files, I need mp4. But thanks
>> No. 47563
Why is the opening theme incorrectly translated and doesn't actually match what's being sung in French?

For example, the first subbed mkv had the following English lyrics ...

Child of the Sun
You go all over earth and sky
Searching for your way
It's your life, it's your destiny
Every Day and Night
With your two best friends
Aboard the great condor
You search for the cities of gold
Estaban, Zia, Tao, the cities of gold
Estaban, Zia, Tao, the cities of gold

Whereas the current ones have this

Children of the sun
See your time has just begun
Searching for your ways through adventures everyday
Every day and night with the Condor in flight
With all your friends in tow, we search for the Cities Of Gold
Wishing for the Cities of Gold
Someday we will find, the Cities of Gold
>> No. 47568
Can you post the complete file name of the 1st episode you are referring to? I think that might have been the one I did that wasn't affiliated with this releasing group.
>> No. 47607
File 137179873453.png - (2.98MB , 1920x1080 , Kung-Fu_fighters.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 10, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript
>> No. 47608
Could I trouble you for a Depositfiles link?
>> No. 47609
Depositfiles changed something (don't ask me what or why) and I've been banned for a day for posting the link here.

Good news : you'll find the links for vids and standalone subs here :
This pastebin is updated every time a episode is released.
>> No. 47615
>> No. 47632
File 137240441585.png - (2.07MB , 1920x1080 , ep11.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 11, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript

All links, including depositfiles, here : http://pastebin.com/fQEM2nW4
>> No. 47651
Still looking for episodes 6 & 7 in mp4 format, does anyone have a link?
>> No. 47652
I'd just like to say that your work is appreciated.
>> No. 47654

Here you go.
If you know how to use torrent files then you can right click and save the links for the torrent files below, then use your torrent client to download the files.

If you don't know how to use torrents, I suggest you go to www.utorrent.com and read about it and download and install the program. Make sure your firewall is not blocking it. Then save the torrents from the links below and download the episodes in MP4 format.

Here are the links for the torrent files. These are not links to the MP4 files directly. You will have to download them using the torrent files and the utorrent download client. They will download very fast as I have checked the seeds and there are many.

Episode 06

Episode 07

PS. these MP4s don't have subs and the subs in here aren't timed to these files.

>> No. 47655

Thank you very much.
Episode 12 is in the final stages of translation. Then editing the script and timing and encoding. It should be finished by the end of the week or early next week.
>> No. 47656
I look forward to it. :)
>> No. 47691
OK everyone, a quick update on episode 12. There was a delay in the release due to the French broadcast editing out a small part of the episode when it aired on France TV. There is a part at the end of the episode where a street merchant says he is going to cut off Prince Zhu's hand. Apparently the French thought this was too violent to air on TV, so they cut the line out. We were set to release the episode this past weekend, but wanted to see if we could fix it and offer an unedited episode to you all.

Good new... Yes we can. I so happens that I have been getting my HD episode downloads via iTunes and the episodes are not edited on there. So I had to download the video capture that Dartagnan had, cut the missing piece from my iTunes rip and then re encode the file inserting it back in. You will see this when you watch the episode at about 20:53. It will be noticeable by the lack of the TFou logo in the upper right hand corner. This is due to the fact that the iTunes files don't have any station logos on their releases.

All that is left now is for Dartagnan to download the new file, compress it to mkv with the subs and upload it. I know it's a lot of work for about 4 or 5 seconds of footage, but we wanted to make sure you saw the episode in its entirety as it was intended.

The episode should be uploaded and posted here in about a days time.
>> No. 47692
There has been speculation that the show may take a break from airing new episodes for the summer. This came about because the early file releases from Belgium had stopped at episode 14. It was speculated that the French TV broadcast would take a break after episode 13 as it is the half way point of the season. Well this didn't happen as this past Sunday, episode 14 aired in France.

Now this does however catch them up with the Belgium releases so it is possible that they may go on break starting next weak. We will have to wait and see.

On another note, I will be starting the episode 13 English translation today and get the ball rolling for that release. Stay tuned.
>> No. 47695
How is the new season doing in terms of rating? I so very much want for it to be a success.
>> No. 47704
File 137343786544.png - (1.62MB , 1920x1080 , ep12.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 12, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript

All links, including depositfiles, here : http://pastebin.com/fQEM2nW4
>> No. 47706
OK slight problem with this release. The audio was louder on the added part. I have fixed it and here is the new link.


>> No. 47717

I've updated the links in the pastebin file
>> No. 47721
hey anthony & other staff ^-^ thanks so much for the new mcog s2 new releases ^-^ and all the quality work you put into every awesome release thankyou ^-^, owh yh i wanted pls ask you anthony how is the work coming along on the mcog s1 blurays are you working on them between translating etc the s2 of mcog thanks bro ^-^ and to the others too thanks ^-^
>> No. 47722
I haven't had a lot of time to work on them lately. Hopefully that will change here soon as I think the new season is gonna take a hiatus after episode 14. I plan to start cranking them out then. I'll keep you updated.

Speaking of the new season, I am finishing up the translation for episode 13 now, but Dartagnan is on vacation and won't be back til late Sunday. So it looks like a midweek next week release at the earliest. I will try to get episode 14 translated by Sunday so we can move right on to that release after 13 so there will be less of a wait between releases hopefully.

Goodbye. Until next time.
>> No. 47725
I wish to thank everyone here who is translating MCoG Season 2 and who is working on the English HD version of MCoG Season 1. I appreciate it very much. Of course my thanks also goes to the companies that are producing the show being translated here.

I first came across MCoG on Radio-Canada back in the early 2000s, when I was flipping channels. The show held my interest, in spite of my only being able to comprehend 1/4 of the French words spoken. A few years latter I came across the English version on-line. Been a fan of the show ever since.

A couple of comments about your releases:

1) I also support that the opening song in Season 2 should be literally translated...but at this point that ship has long since left port.

2) A few of the Season 2 translated HD episodes seem to be inconsistent video quality wise. A few episodes have lines that become pixelated when they move and one of the more recent episodes were was blurry/soft. I can't tell if it is a difference between files from DepositFiles or Mega, or if there was an issue with uploading corrected versions of episodes, or what.

3) While I get that the English HD MCoG Season 1 files are meant to be burned on DVD / Blu-Ray or be stored on larger hard-drives, my past experience with downloading HD video files is that they shouldn't be as large as you have them without additional content (eg: a secondary audio track). From the comments I have read, cutting out the black bars from the video files would be a good idea if a volunteer to do it can be found (I would if I had any video editing experience).

But overall, keep up the good work.
>> No. 47750
Wow guys! Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do this. Uploading files is commendable in its own right, but actually taking the time and effort to create subtitles for them, that's just a whole new league of kindness and generosity! Bravo!

Some general comments:

1) It looks amazing on the eye, especially the backgrounds which are stunning, and the overall story is certainly quite compelling. However, I really miss Shuki Levi's music which was such a perfect accompaniment to the original and gave it this whole otherwordly-ness.

2) The computer-generated characters still seem pretty faithful to the original, however I noticed in a couple of the episodes there was some pixelation - and this was on the characters alone. @SJC-Caron, I strongly suspect that the quality here is entirely down to the production and has nothing whatsoever to do with what anything else happening here. Look at the backgrounds on for example Episode 4 which looks just as good as any other Episode, then contrast the characters with other episodes and you'll see this is where the flaw is. Perhaps they screwed up with the rendering when they made the episodes, or maybe even they were rushed, I don't know.

3) I really don't care about the faithful translation of the opening tune! This comes directly from the original English language version, but if you really want to find out what they're saying in French, try using Google.

Otherwise, thanks again for all those involved, keep up the good work if you can, there are a lot of people who are very grateful for your efforts even if they don't express it.
>> No. 47756
Glad you like it !

1) It's really not that hard to extract the subs (mkvextract) modify them (any text editor) and remux them to the vid file (mkvmerge). There seems to be a lot of you prefering a litteral traduction of the song. You really should do something, y'know :)

2) I know I should have, but due to a drastic reduction of staff on this project (it's just Anthony and me, now) I didn't take time to watch the last HD episodes. Please tell me which ones are concerned by quality problems. I'll try and see what I can do.
Mega and deposit are the same files, btw.

Thanks for your comments !

2) Well, I'd still check the concerned files as I've had pixellating issues on one episode before. The problem was a glitchy cap file. Each episode being aired twice, I've been lucky to cap an unaltered second version.
>> No. 47758
First of all, can I congratulate and thank all concerned with this fantastic project.
Secondly, I don't know if I can help in any way but I have the first part of this series downloaded from iTunes in 1080p and have unDRMed it so it will comfortably slot into a playable MKV.
I don't know what your thoughts are re: quality comparison between your captures and the iTunes versions but if you need them please let me know.
Once again well done on this fantastic project.
>> No. 47759
hello everyone.
first of all thank you so much for the episodes and specially for the subtitles!
I think there isn't links to episode 13 and 14 so here are links to them, although I dont have any subs...
I dont think this is HD like the episodes posted in here, but I've been watching in this quality and I like it...


>> No. 47760
I forgot that I had uploaded the episodes together to the same link, so you just need to click in one of them :p
>> No. 47762

3) The original Blu Ray files are 2-2.5GB each, so IMHO I don't think a 900MB file from that is too large. I don't want to lower the bitrate so low as to lose picture quality. What good is a video that is 1080p if the picture is crap? If the bit rate is too low, the picture would be no different than if I just blew up the old DVD quality rips to full screen. Also, I did a test at removing the black bars and it doesn't really save any space.

I am planning on using the full size (2GB) English files and making an exact replica of the Blu Ray discs. So they will be just like the French Blu Rays with the same menus, but the episodes will be in English when you play them. I wanna know if there is any interest for these full re authored discs to be uploaded. You will have to download the rar files, extract them to the dual layer Blu Ray disc image and then burn them to a DL Blu Ray disc. So you will need to have at least 80GB of free hard disc space to download the files (30-40GB per disc) and then extract them. You will then need the capability of burning DL BD-R's on your PC.

So any interest on this?
>> No. 47763
Hi babyhum, thanks for your kind input.
The vid files from iTunes are the same definition as the capped TV shows. Two things that make them better though : no 'TFOU' logo and no risk of video atrefacts due to a bad capture.
The subs produced here should need very little adaptation, if they need one, to fit iTunes vids.

Bom dia, oreo ! Muito obrigado for your comments :)

Thanks for the vid files for ep13 and ep 14.
Actually, we already got cap HD vids from french TV.
We're curerntly working on both.
Ep13 should be released today or tomorrow while ep14 will take more time.
What about a portuguese translation of your own ? "filho do sol, é através da terra ao céu..."
>> No. 47770
File 137404312412.png - (1.22MB , 1920x1080 , ep13.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 13, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript

All links, including depositfiles, here : http://pastebin.com/fQEM2nW4
>> No. 47776
OK, I've updated the MEGA folder with episodes 4 & 5.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 47788
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 6 & 7. All episodes 1-7 are now available.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 47803
File 137415148070.jpg - (127.77KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20130718084217.jpg )
Well it's official, no dates yet but here is a trailer from Fabulous Films announcing an English dub for the second season of MCOG.

The Mysterious Cities Of Gold …vimeo thumb

I can't wait! I hope they get the original voice actors as they were interested in doing the project in the past.

Goodbye. 'Til next time.
>> No. 47812
File 13742199901.png - (3.86MB , 1920x1080 , ep14.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 14, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French transcript

All links, including depositfiles, here : http://pastebin.com/fQEM2nW4

Summer hiastus confirmed for TF1 HD vids, too.
See you in september when season 2 resumes.
>> No. 47814
Thanks for subs.
In subtitles od 14 th episode have the translation of documentary in end of episode. But videofile has not documentary part. Where can I look documentary of episode 14 ?
>> No. 47815
Just download the episode from this forum. It has the documentary and the subs already.
>> No. 47817
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 8, 9, 10 & 11. All episodes 1-11 are now available.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 47829
File 137459707351.png - (2.41MB , 2852x1076 , compare.png )
I am planning on using the full size (2GB) English files and making an exact replica of the French Blu Ray discs. So they will be just like the French Blu Rays with the same menus, but the episodes will be in English when you play them. Each episode has chapters and English subtitles as well. The quality of the episodes is better than the MKVs I've uploaded as they are not compressed and have a higher bitrate.

I wanna know if there is any interest for these full re authored discs to be uploaded. I am making them for my personal collection, but want to know if anyone else would want to download them. You will have to download the rar files, extract them to the dual layer Blu Ray disc image and then burn them to a DL Blu Ray disc. So you will need to have at least 80GB of free hard disc space to download the files (30-40GB per disc) and then extract them. You will then need the capability of burning DL BD-R's on your PC. Each disc has 13 episodes on it.

The posted image is a comparison of the Blu Ray image [left] with the old DVD image [right]

So any interest on this? I am asking because I have only seen a couple people comment on this and it will take a lot of time to upload the files and if there isn't enough interest I won't bother uploading them. So if you want this to happen, speak up now and let me know. I'll make a list of interested people.

Goodbye. 'Til next time.
>> No. 47830
Anthony, I'm very interested!
>> No. 47831
Is anyone else having trouble downloading or uploading on MEGA. I can't get anything to download and it won't let me upload.
>> No. 47834
Guys, my wife and I just want to thank you for not only making this show available for us but taking the time to translate and create subtitles.

We recently finished re-watching the S1 DVDs (which we hadn't watched since we were both kids) and now being able to go straight into S2 is amazing.

Also, downloading this has scored me major brownie points with the wife, so double thanks from me. :-)
>> No. 47838
I want to say thank you for translating, adding subtitles, and uploading the video files. Also want to express my interest in the blu ray files.
>> No. 47839
I have Firefox 22 and mega still does not work with it.
I'm not installing Chrome or other such things just for one website.

Please people putting up raws, just offer at least 2 different places for the same file.
>> No. 47842
It is working now, must have been a problem on their end.
All you have to do to get it to work for you is install the MEGA Firefox add-on. Search for it in the add-ons.
>> No. 47856
I have uploaded my version of Episode 1 from season 2 to Mega.
The link is:


This version is made up of an unDRMed 1080p iTunes episode (i.e. Lossless video) with subtitles c/o this site but with the correct song lyrics tagged onto the front of the subtitles.
If you have the time and inclination please download it and give my your feedback. If it's a success I'll do the remaining 12 downloadable episodes.
>> No. 47863
Downloading now.
What program did you use to remove the DRM? I have a program, but sometimes it has glitches in the end resulting video.
>> No. 47868
Requiem 4.1
Which program are you using Anthony?
>> No. 47869
Just checked my original pre unDRMed file. There's a glitch in the opening scene in the Andes' jungle so I don't believe it's requiem that causes the glitches but possibly the downloaded files
>> No. 47895
Oooh. I like not having the stations chyrons visible. Very nice!
>> No. 47896
That sounds great, but would it be possible to have dual audio or just vf audio and english sub titles?
>> No. 47906
@ babyhum:
I don't think the download of your version is worth the bandwidth unless it included subtitles for the documentary at the end, but thanks for the thought inserting the literal translation of the opening song.
>> No. 47907
It will have english subtitles, what is vf audio?

Send me an email with your email if you want this set.
>> No. 47908
File 137552817842.png - (2.29MB , 2876x1080 , compare2.png )
Here is another image comparison.
>> No. 47911
Is episode s2e5 failing to download for anyone else? Been trying for a few days. Keeps failing at 66-69%
>> No. 47920
So when do we get episode 15?
>> No. 47921
The show is on a summer break. Won't return until around the end of August, beginning of September. So episode 15 won't be released until it airs in France at that time.

Goodbye, 'til next time.
>> No. 47923
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 12 - 16. All episodes 1-16 are now available.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 47927
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 17-20. All episodes 1-20 are now available.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 47937
vf is version française. As in french audio, english subs.
>> No. 47975
File 137798145353.jpg - (142.27KB , 1000x981 , livredisque002.jpg )
It's so close now, I can barely handle my excitement!
>> No. 47989
File 137805093450.jpg - (108.72KB , 640x480 , MCOGGame.jpg )
>> No. 48016
Season 2 is starting back up next Sunday, September 8th. So look forward to it being subbed about a week or so later.

>> No. 48024
10x, Golden Quality, if 'U can - keep doing rest of Episodes!

Is there French Transcript + English Translate for Documentary part of Episode 1?

When I compare Subtitles for Episode 4 with another TVrip, one scene is 4 sec. extended (cos of violence):
(after Esteban & Tao escaped from cell) Pang Zi hit with hand Zang.

If Somebuddy don't know: there's another adaptation of the story - animation 83 min. Characters look different, no Tao, condor, medallions...
"Esteban et Zia à la recherche des 7 Cités d'Or"
official site --- http://en.lescitesdor.com/actualite/naez/naez.php
video clip (dubbed in russian, full movie in YT is 6 parts) --- http://youtu.be/Vk5b1WcnCzc
>> No. 48025
10x, Golden Quality, if 'U can - keep doing rest of Episodes!

Is there French Transcript + English Translate for Documentary part of Episode 1?

When I compare Subtitles with another TVrip-s, I noticed that in Episode 4, one scene is 4 sec. extended (cos of violence):
(after Esteban & Tao escaped from cell) Pang Zi hit with hand Zang.

If Somebuddy don't know: there's another adaptation of the story - animation 83 min. Characters look different, no Tao, condor, medallions...
"Esteban et Zia à la recherche des 7 Cités d'Or"
official site --- http://en.lescitesdor.com/actualite/naez/naez.php
video clip (dubbed in russian, full movie in YT is 6 parts) --- http://youtu.be/Vk5b1WcnCzc
>> No. 48031
File 137861814286.gif - (1.85MB , 168x224 , LxEBx9A.gif )
Oh dear, have all the depositfiles been removed? I can't get mega to work either.
>> No. 48032
I can't get the mega links to work either. I do have a backup on my dropbox.


Can't wait for the new ep this week. Woot!
>> No. 48040
Super appreciated guys!
>> No. 48072
I really appreciate all the work done for this project.

I do however have a question. I just finished getting the 1080p's for 2 and 3 listed here but for the credits at the end of the episode I'm not getting any audio at all, is this a bad download? Or missing from the file? I did download the normal version mkv version of eps 3 listed here and I do have audio for the credits on that one....?
>> No. 48074
There is no audio during the end credits on these 1080p episodes when broadcasted by TF1.
>> No. 48075
Ok guys, time is becoming rare and precious and I can't afford spending it on this project any more.
I'll keep on providing HD to the team.
>> No. 48076
File 137901987153.png - (560.05KB , 1200x509 , Great Disturbance.png )
>> No. 48110
there are 17 episodes now, have ayone ripped last 3 (15, 16, 17) ?
>> No. 48111
U can download a lot of TV Rip-s from this pages, slow host but free, incl. ep-s 15, 16 & 17 till now:



Episode 18 also is out, it (and previous eps ; ) can be found on the tracker (it's in French and needs reg.):


* * *

I watch new episodes when they're ripped without understanding French cos it's one of my fav. animation.
After that I wait the Delicious FullHD from here with Eng Sub, when The Golden Team is ready.

Regards :)
>> No. 48113
Would it be helpful if I can get you unDRMed iTunes versions of part 2 for subbing?
>> No. 48121
The subtitle project is at a halt. The team was only myself and Dartagnan for the longest time and he has said that he doesn't have the time to devote to the project anymore. He was in charge of writing the French transcript of the episodes and he would time the French subtitles to the video. I was in charge of translating the French transcript into English and then he would create a subfile using the same timing, just changing the text from French to English. Then he made the final video file. I will still try to do the translating but we need someone to write the French transcripts first and do the timing. I'm a little sad myself that the project has halted, but to be honest, translating took up a lot of my free time, which I don't have much of and there will be English dub episodes out next year. So I'm not really sure if it's worth all the time we would have to put in when the English version is just around the corner.

>> No. 48125
How often do new episodes air in France? Once per week?
>> No. 48130
does French TV have closed captioning?
>> No. 48131
Will be the next series of 1st season with blie-ray video-picture? I have episodes 1 - 20 .
>> No. 48134
I have placed ep 15 - 18 on the dropbox in standard quality for the time being as placeholders.


I have noticed that there are French subs embedded in episode 15.
>> No. 48136
I will upload the next set of Season 1HD episodes this weekend.
>> No. 48149
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 21-26. All episodes 1-26 are now available.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48153
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 27-30. All episodes 1-30 are now available.
Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48154
Wow . Thanks a lot.
>> No. 48250
Please Anthony, continue with the project even if takes a little longer we wait.
A vol.1 has come out and as usually with no subs.
I cannot find subs anywhere but here.

Please tell us if it's still viable to continue with the project or not.
>> No. 48251
Please Anthony, continue with the project even if takes a little longer we wait.
A vol.1 has come out and as usually with no subs.
I cannot find subs anywhere but here.

Please tell us if it's still viable to continue with the project or not.
>> No. 48252
Please Anthony, continue with the project even if takes a little longer we wait.
A vol.1 has come out and as usually with no subs.
I cannot find subs anywhere but here.

Please tell us if it's still viable to continue with the project or not. >>48121
>> No. 48254
To continue with the project, we need someone to type the French transcript first. So someone who understands French and can type a text file of everything spoken in the episode. I will then translate that into English. I leave it to you guys to find someone to do this. Any volunteers? Also if you can find French subtitle files on the web, that would work too.
>> No. 48279
Anthony ,
(1)What about season 1 on Mega folder? Are we going to get episodes 31-39?
(2) As for season 2, I cannot find volunteers. I feel very sad about it. I keep checking this page everyday hoping that you find someone.
I begged my parents to allow me to send you an amount to keep the project running but they refused. I am a minor and do not have an account.
Ask for something I can send by email ! A digital copy of MCOG game , iTune card.. Whatever! but don’t leave the project please.
For other posters: Please think of ways to support Anthony. It does not matter how much or which way you do it. We cannot ask for such a big favor when we refuse to provide the minimum we can.
>> No. 48281
I will upload more episodes to the Mega folder this coming weekend.
>> No. 48294
Is known a absolute date of english mcog-2 release?
>> No. 48295
>> 48294
I only know the voices of English version were recorded in Paris at the beginning of 2013.Even if it will release soon , we will have one episode every week. We will wait long for episode 15. And imagine if they pause in the middle (episode 13 or 14) . On Amazon, the series is divided into two parts.
Also, I am sure there will be minor changes in the English version.
>> No. 48296
Please help me if you can. I would like to
(1) find rest of episode in HD (e15 – e26) ?
(2) download these two books.

After filling the surveys, I got (not available for your location) message. Can you please help me get them in any format PDF, ePub?
Thank you in advance.
>> No. 48297
MCOG S02E15 English Subtitles are in the works.
>> No. 48298
Ok guys, I've finally found some time to transcript and time ep 15, the HD rip version from french TV.
I've sent the transcript to Anthony for translation.
I guess this project is finally rolling again.
Don't get too excited, though, I won't be able to release one episode a week, for sure.
>> No. 48315
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 31-34. All episodes 1-34 are now available.

And for the first time ever you can watch the uncut version of Episode 32 with English audio. Towards the end of the episode when Papa Camayo gets wounded, Sancho and Pedro get revenge on the Olmec responsible by playing see-saw on his back with a wood post. Until now this scene was only available as a deleted scene on the English DVD set. In the cut version, (shown in the UK and USA and on the DVD) just as they start to see-saw, the video jumps ahead past the fun and then the part later where they are STILL going at it is cut out as well. I guess this was too violent for English television.

So I took the edited SD version of the episode from the DVD set and cut back in the deleted scene from the DVD extras so that it flowed naturally and saved that file. Then I had to extract the audio from that file and edit the section of the uncut scene because the audio from that part did not sound the same or have the same quality as the rest of the episode and you could tell when it switched to and from the added scene. Now I had to take the uncut HD video from the French Blu Ray and sync my new English audio file with it and what I had was an Uncut English version that has never before been seen in its entirety.

Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48317
My subtitles display as large boxes with a capital A inside them. I've run into this issue before (using VLC on a mac). Does anyone know how to correct this? Default subtitle encoding is UTF-8. Please help, I'm dying to watch theses.

Also, can we get fresh links for Season 2, episodes 1 & 2?

>> No. 48318
File 138173050112.png - (1.03MB , 1924x1135 , Screen Shot 2013-10-13 at 10_54_56 PM.png )
For reference if anyone can help, this is driving me insane!
>> No. 48319
I wish I can be of assistance but I do not know anything about Mac. On windows however, using JetAudio player gives many options for editing subtitles (encoding, position, colors, and line run)

Also, episode 1-14 are uploaded here on different hosts:
>> No. 48320
File 138179002753.png - (364.40KB , 719x335 , In3Dpng.png )
Thank you so much …
Since you started the mega unload, I began to watch season 1 carefully and following the story details. During discussions, I always felt I do not know as much as other fans know.
Now I know Mayoca is not a new character XD
I reached episode 24 yesterday. Are all previous episodes also complete (uncut)?
Again , thanks for sharing : )
>> No. 48321
I have HD episodes of episodes 1 - 14 with English/French subtitles, (that the wonderful people here translated), backed up here:


There is also episodes 15 - 22 untranslated (15, 17 -20 is in HD. The HD version of 16 was incomplete as it missed the start and so didn't upload it. Note the HD version of ep 18 misses the doco but the standard ep 18 version has it).
>> No. 48325
No. 48320
Hey, what is it in the mouth of that soldier? O.o
>> No. 48326
Hey everyone, I just wanted to thank you for the all the time and effort placed into this project. I discovered MCOG about three years ago and vaguely remember it from the early 1980's I was floored and have been waiting for season two for years. Thanks so much!

Also, what is the HD source for season one coming from? It is actual blu-ray or cable rip? I'd love to own a proper disc!

And, if anyone else ever has subtitles issues MPlayerX is displaying them perfectly on my Mac!
>> No. 48327
It is from the French Blu Rays. I edited the video to match frame by frame to the UK DVD rips and then synced the English audio. There isn't an English Blu Ray available. I am in the process of creating the set on English Blu Ray with full menus and extras. Also the Blu Rays are made with the highest bitrate episodes, not from the MKVs I'm uploading so they are better in quality. I also created a new opening sequence with the title screens in English and I recently recreated the To Follow... screen to be in English as well. Send me your email if you are interested in being on the list for the Blu Rays when they are finished.
>> No. 48329
>> No. 48330
A screenshot from episode 1
I see nothing but one tooth !
>> No. 48344
File 138210654950.png - (2.15MB , 1920x1080 , MCOG_S02E15.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 15, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript

I haven't tested them, but these subs should work fine with joyrex's HD version of episode 15 since the TV source is the same.
>> No. 48346
Sweet! Thanks so much :)

FYI - For anyone who uses my backup the URL apparently just changed as I had to switch accounts. No data has changed:


You may see duplicate titles for a couple of hours while the dropbox syncs.

Thanks again for the translation! Much appreciated :D
>> No. 48348

Super appreciated
>> No. 48367
Sorry to be a bother, but could I get an alt dl? MNZ won't work for me.
>> No. 48375
Get joyrex's version on dropbox : >>48346
The subfile should work with it.
>> No. 48377
It appears to be empty.
>> No. 48386
My dropbox URL is the second one quoted on this page as the URL changed a while back.

This is the current link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vveog7dmd7ktjoj/Y8s_6rqTdG
>> No. 48395
Every time I try to download episode 15, it gets to a certain percentage and then stops. Anyone else having this issue?
>> No. 48399
What happens when Cities of Gold S2 airs in English? New encodes, or just release the English audio separately, for people that have already downloaded the episodes in French, since media players such as VLC support separate audio tracks when playing media files
>> No. 48417
Still looks empty from here.
>> No. 48420
Not sure why it is displaying as empty for you. Tons of other people are accessing the dropbox with no problems from the MCoG list and a big bunch of FB people.

Have you tried accessing it in another browser? I can only get things like Mega to work in Chrome.

Here is the direct link to episode 15: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ontkyqwrgn2336/Les%20Myst%C3%A9rieuse%20Cit%C3%A9s%20d%27or%202%20-%20Ep%2015%20-%20With%20English%20Subtitles%20HD.mkv
>> No. 48422
Anyone got news from Anthony ?
I've sent him the french transcript for ep 16 ten days ago and I stil haven't heard from him.
>> No. 48424
Someone have this? or where i can find?
>> No. 48425
I have been really busy lately, I will start on it today and hopefully be done sometime tomorrow.
>> No. 48428
I didn't want you to rush.
I Just wanted to know if you were still alive :-)
>> No. 48429
No. 48424
I have the first volume, and I already ordered the second one...
You can order them on amazon.com, for example.
>> No. 48430
Or you can be generous and scan one page for us everyday :)
I would order it from Amazon if it was in English.

[my thought]
I don't mean to offend but I knew that making MCOG entirely by French will mean less/slower access.
The online Japanese content is rich while you cannot find French books (focused on the series) published 10 years ago.

In my opinion and from my experience, Japanese and Americans are the most wonderful sharer on the internet. Any work adapted by them is generously shared over the world in little time !
Once again it is my opinion :)
>> No. 48431
Sorry to be a bother, but I'm still not seeing anything.
>> No. 48434
Would you please clean history, access the joyrex folder , and share a screenshot of what you see ?
For now, try accessing it from different computer.
>> No. 48435
Execuse me, when will be blue-ray english episodes 35 - 40 of season 1?
>> No. 48436
I need episodes 35-39. Waiting them very much.
>> No. 48437
If it weren't for the frenchies, this thread and its content wouldn't exist.
You can meditate on that and think twice next time you "don't want to offend"
>> No. 48438
No. 48430:
Sorry, but one of the comic's artists is a friend of mine, so I can't do that.
>> No. 48439
File 138391736199.png - (36.69KB , 905x473 , mcog 2.png )
I would suggest the problems with you viewing both Mega and Dropbox are related. You could try what Jisa suggested and clearing your internet cache and cookies, trying another Browser (esp. Chrome or Firefox), then making sure your flash is up to date. It might be that an add on is interfering with your browser also.

I have had numerous people test it in the last week as people access the dropbox for other things too, and nobody has had any problems.

I am especially surprised that you couldn't even see any content when you clicked on the direct episode 15 link. Are you waiting for it to load first? In IE it can take a couple of seconds more than other browsers to load.

If it helps - this person has uploaded episode 17 onwards: SBX Actionvimeo thumb

Apart from that I cannot really assist any further as the problem is not with the dropbox itself.
>> No. 48441
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 35 & 36. All episodes 1-36 are now available.

Here is the link again. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48442
Great ! Three episodes left
Thank you very much :)
>> No. 48443
File 138392902916.png - (374.95KB , 842x501 , EXTRAS.png )
Would you like to add those extras to your folder?
The last 15 files in this torrent:

>> No. 48444
Sweet! Thanks Anthony for the S1 upload! Greatly appreciated, as always!

Jisa - fantastic! I will upload them next. It's good to be able to gather everything in one place. Thanks so much!
>> No. 48448
It has come to my attention that there is an error in episode 33 at 2:58 where the video comes to a stop and skips to the end. I have uploaded a version 2 of the episode to the MEGA folder and it is ready for download. If you have MKVmerge on your computer, you can fix your existing file and you don't have to download the new version. All you have to do is load the existing file into MKVmerge and click Start Muxing. The outputted file should play fine. Please let me know if you experience any playback problems with the version 2 MKV and I will re encode it. Again sorry for the bad file. Here is the MEGA folder link if you need it.


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48455
I'm loving season 2 despite my initial misgivings about the CG. I just want to express my thanks to everyone here who is helping with the translation and distribution and just generally being a part of this small community.
>> No. 48456
Is the season on a break in France? And did S2 start airing in the UK? Anyone there catch it?
>> No. 48459
The episodes have been playing as the final episode 26 aired yesterday. Unfortunately the guys just don't have the time to dedicate to the project as they did and we are not sure how quick we can get the English dubs as to whether to continue.

I have the English dubbed episodes 1 & 2 on the dropbox, and
all 26 eps on the French version dropbox (16 onward don't have English subs built in yet).

>> No. 48460
Thanks for the update. I'm not personally very keen on the English version so very much look forward to some subs for the French. Still, everything that's been done is much appreciated!
>> No. 48464
OK, here is a new MEGA folder with episodes 1 & 2. All episodes 1-2 are now available.

Here is the new link. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48465
Thank you VERY much for these Anthony. I've just rushed and put the show on series record!
One interesting point though. The French Web-DL's you are using have EXACTLY the same glitch as mine, which proves it's not a download issue. They must have been encoded for iTunes without much quality control.
>> No. 48466
Are you able to provide me with the Tv rips?
>> No. 48472
Thank you very much for all your efforts! I'm enjoying MCOG to the max! Thanks to you guys!
>> No. 48473
I missed the first two episodes and I will warn you, they are in SD and the PQ is very low. Somebody is already posting them to Usenet and Pirateproxy.net if that helps
>> No. 48474
I only need them for the audio. The video quality doesn't matter as I will be ripping the audio from it and syncing it to HD video. I got a guy right now, but he may not be able to cap them all the time. If you could help in any way, I would appreciate it.
>> No. 48475
I downloaded the first episode off usenet, but it doesn't have the documentary. I need the full episode with documentary and credits. Picture quality doesn't matter as long as the audio quality is good.
>> No. 48481
File 138433159187.png - (1.33MB , 1920x1080 , MCOG_S02E16.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 16, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript
>> No. 48483
Anthony, I'll see what I can get over to you. I haven't checked them yet but i'll let you know.
>> No. 48484
Woop! Thank you!
>> No. 48493
Anthony, I've got Ep2 and Ep3 from Kix. They're is TS format. Do you want them as they are or MKV'd.
Where can I upload them to?
>> No. 48512
Does anyone knows what's next? I mean the second series just ended with the 26th episode las week. Will the 3rd series come out continously? Or we should have to wait years for it? (I hope not!)
>> No. 48513
No, it should start back up next season, just like any other TV show.
>> No. 48517
Sorry, I don't understand this " start back up next season" since I'm not too good at English.... What does it mean? Will they continue? Even on the French site no one mentioned it... (Or maybe I just don't understand...) I don't watch any other TV show either...
Thanks for the answer and sorry if I'm annoying...
>> No. 48518
Sorry, I don't understand this " start back up next season" since I'm not too good at English.... What does it mean? Will they continue? Even on the French site no one mentioned it... (Or maybe I just don't understand...) I don't watch any other TV show either...
Thanks for the answer and sorry if I'm annoying...
>> No. 48526
TV shows have a season and when the season ends they take a break and come back on TV in the next season. Season 2 just ended, so it will be some time before season 3 starts.
>> No. 48528
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all Aedua is asking for is a confirmation for season 3.
Your answer would be pretty sensible, Anthony, if we were talking about a "regular" show. But dDon't forget that season 2 was produced 30 years after season 1.
I'm not aware of any confirmation of season 3 being a sure thing so far.
Do you have any information, Anthony ?
>> No. 48529
Okay, I understand now, thank you!
So, I found some hints on the French forum (at last!). They say the 3rd series come out in 2014. More information may release at 23th of November... if I understand correctly.
Thank you again for the answers! ^^
>> No. 48530
Aedua, I can tell you if you understood correctly if you give me the link to said forum.
>> No. 48531
Aedua, I can tell you if you understood correctly if you give me the link to said forum.
>> No. 48532
Aedua, I can tell you if you understood correctly if you give me the link to said forum.
>> No. 48533
Aedua, I can tell you if you understood correctly if you give me the link to said forum.
>> No. 48534
Aedua, I can tell you if you understood correctly if you give me the link to said forum.
>> No. 48535
here you go, the 3rd topic: http://en.lescitesdor.com/forum/
>> No. 48536
I was hoping they would be announcing the series 3 air date at the Japanese expo last week: http://www.japan-expo.be/index.php?page=1435
>> No. 48539
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 3-5. All episodes 1-5 are now available.

Here is the new link. Enjoy!


Goodbye. 'Til next time.

>> No. 48545
Sorry for the multiple posts, I don't know I how messed up like that.

As for the link, they mention an official season 3. The forum for season 3 will be unlocked on november 25th when season 2 is complete. Seems official.
>> No. 48546
OK, another update to the MEGA folder with episodes 3-5. All episodes 1-5 are now available.

Here are the links. Enjoy!

MCOG S02E01 Back to Barcelona Part 1

MCOG S02E02 Back to Barcelona Part 2

MCOG S02E03 The Secret of the Drum

MCOG S02E04 In the Hands of Pirates

MCOG S02E05 The Alchemist

>> No. 48557
Someone, please make a bit 'smaller' files of them (not mkv, but avi or mp4...), because it takes forever to dl... :(
Thank you for the links anyway!
>> No. 48558
Can you just make a download list for the S2 English Audio only.

The extracted audio, so that we can just remux it back into the S2 files we already have.

Example: original S2E1 1080p FRE audio, EN FR sub was 450MB
The most recent S2E1 with ENG audio was 1GB, same quality video at twice the size and contained no FR audio or sub.
After extracting the EN audio, and muxing it into the original file it looks like the EN audio was only 30MB and is only out of sync after the episode.
>> No. 48561
Those web DL are 50 fps whereas the encoded TVrips are 25 fps.
Hence the double file size.

Now that we have acces to the english audio, il would be pretty neat to make a finla version of each episode including english and french audio as well as english and french subs.

In the meantime, a DL list of english audio only would be nice, indeed. I can take care of that if you want, Anthony.
>> No. 48564
I am still keeping the standard def English dub versions on my dropbox as a few people with download limits from the list emailed and asked I kept them on there:


They are just that though...unglamorous standard TV quality.
>> No. 48569
First off the web dl's are not 50fps, they are 25fps and the file size with English is the same as when I downloaded them in French. I can make them smaller, but I will have to decrease the bitrate. The final MKV file with English audio has all the same properties as the original French web dl. Same bitrate, same fps and same file size.

If you want to make the audio tracks available, I don't have a problem with that. The only thing is that the audio is 30 seconds shorter than the HD files you uploaded because it came from the TV broadcast and they cut the documentaries by 30 seconds. I in turn cut the video for the docs to match the TV audio.

As for a final HD version with French and English audio/subs, I plan to do that when I get my copy of the French Blurays and the English DVDs. Then the episodes will be complete as the UK DVDs will have full documentaries included.

>> No. 48572
VLC fooled me and I was to lazy to check with mediainfo, but you're right for the fps. 25 is the number.

Here's a link to a Mega folder containing the english audio files extracted from Anthony's vids :
>> No. 48574
Episode 18 doesnt download. 24 stops halfway downloading through. im still checking the rest
>> No. 48575
I just tested episode 18 and it started fine, says 16 min to download.
>> No. 48576
thanks for fixing it i downloaded all the rest 18 just wouldnt start now it is though only 2 minutes for me i have 75 mbt connection
>> No. 48577
Hey, when will be ready eps 37,38 and 39 of season 1 in blue-ray quality ?
>> No. 48578
Probably this weekend.
>> No. 48580
Is anyone else a bit unhappy with the English voices? Esteban sounds like a woman :(

Will you guys continue to subtitle the French episodes?
>> No. 48585
I hope so too! It's more awesome with the subs, since I don't like so much the English voices... :)
>> No. 48587
I wouldn't like to quit before all the english subs are done.
The project is really slow now, though. I'm really busy, Anthony seems rather occupied too.
I'm pretty sure we won't be able to translate the remaining episodes before the english version is out.
Now that we have an official translation, I can make the subfiles from it. I'll even review the first 16 episodes english subs so that they match the official english text. I hope it's fine with you.
>> No. 48589
Um, I'd like if I could read the actual translation of the French lines, since it helps me a lot to learning the language... ^^; But... it's okay, if you're tired of it, just please write the French transcript too. I'll gladly wait for them! :) Actually the official English is almost the same you made earlier, but I trust more the fansubs.
Anyway, I love you guys for doing this! <3
>> No. 48590
If we create English subs from the English audio we will still have to wait for the DVDs in February to have the subs for the full documentaries as the TV rips documentaries are cut 30 seconds short. If we go that route, we should also still use Golden Condor in place on Grand Condor and definitely use Charles the 5th, not Charles Quint.
>> No. 48601
Something you and the official translators forgot! :D Both left the Mu in the translation, but in the first series in English 'Mu' called 'Hiva' :D
>> No. 48605
We didn't forget, we decided to leave it that way. We also left Pichu as is instead of changing it to Kokapetl.
>> No. 48611
OK, last update to the MEGA folder with episodes 37-39. All episodes 1-39 are now available for download.

Here are the links. Enjoy!

Series 1 folder

Episode 37

Episode 38

Episode 39

Goodbye, 'til next time.

>> No. 48625
Thank you very much.
>> No. 48632
On the bright side, even if the subs are time consuming, the third season supposedly doesn't air until 2015, so it'll provide a long break from subbing.
>> No. 48634
The MCOG game updated one of the opening videos today that is labeled "Partners" and it shows Crunchyroll, so the dub should be there, though I don't see it yet.
>> No. 48636
I'm not tired :)
I just thought it would be nice to have the english subs matching the english audio, but I see it's not the general expressed opinion.
I'm ok to go on subbing the same way, that's fine.
BTW, Anthony, do you have any idea when you can translate ep 17 ?
>> No. 48638
I will do it this weekend.
>> No. 48640
OK, another update with episodes 6-10. All episodes 1-10 are now available. I wanna thank Simon and GonbeFAN for providing the English audio.

Here are the links.

MCOG S02E01 Back to Barcelona Part 1

MCOG S02E02 Back to Barcelona Part 2

MCOG S02E03 The Secret of the Drum

MCOG S02E04 In the Hands of Pirates

MCOG S02E05 The Alchemist

MCOG S02E06 All Aboard!

MCOG S02E07 Shaolin

MCOG S02E08 Treason

MCOG S02E09 The Prophecy

MCOG S02E10 The Black Pearl

Goodbye, 'til next time.

>> No. 48645
I'm so glad I found this thread. The english audio version of Season 2 is making my ears bleed unfortunately, so I'm rather glad of the French Audio / English Subbed version that you guys are posting.

Massive hugs from me <3
>> No. 48651
Jeez. The English voices are really bad. I know they couldn't get the original actors for obvious reason but the new voices are just the worst. I'll definitely stick with the subbed ones.
>> No. 48652
Any chance of an alternative host for the subbed eps?
>> No. 48653
Looks like so much people dislike the new English voices... :)
You know, Ryshpan is a bit old for the job, the children are already grow up, so they can't fit the role anymore. And I even heard that Pedro's voice actor (I can't remember his name) was shot in a terrorist attack some years ago (he survived!).

So, I don't really like the new voices either that's why I wait for the subs for the French version patiently. :) though I watch the English too, just can't resist :D
>> No. 48656
Sancho and Pedro are really Bebop and Rocksteady
Ninja Turtles - Bebop and Rock…youtube thumb
>> No. 48668
I've updated the folder containing the english audio files exctracted from Anthony's vds.
Tracks from pp 1 through 10 are now available.
Here's the link aain :
>> No. 48669
Thank you! <3
>> No. 48679
File 138631954452.png - (2.12MB , 1920x1078 , MCOGS02E17.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 17, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript

Note that these subs work with Joyrex's dropbox vids.
>> No. 48687
Yay, I checked into the thread at a good time. Thanks again. Can't wait for the rest.
>> No. 48694
Since I posted the last episode, an English language Blu ray set has become available to preorder on Amazon.co.uk and they will ship anywhere. As a result of this I will only be using the 1080p French TV Rips for my English language releases as I don't want these files in any way to deter people from supporting the new show by not purchasing the set that is available. This also means that the files will be smaller in size due to the bitrate of those rips. So you are looking between 350mb and 500mb instead of the 900+mb they have been. This may be good news to some of you as it will take less time to download.

From here out I will be posting the documentaries from the English SD TV Rips as separate files. This saves time for me as I was having to edit the videos because the French videos have the full documentaries and the English broadcasts are shorter by 30 seconds in the documentaries alone. So now the episodes will be 1080p and the audio will end after the next episode preview. The documentaries will be in SD format and separate files. This also allows me to get the episodes finished and out to you faster. Keep in mind that if you want the full documentaries, you will have to get the DVDs or the Blu rays. OK, with that said, Here are the links for episodes 11-15. Enjoy!

MCOG S02E11 In Search of the Yellow Dragon

MCOG S02E11 Documentary

MCOG S02E12 Inside The Forbidden City

MCOG S02E12 Documentary

MCOG S02E13 Like A Prince

MCOG S02E13 Documentary

MCOG S02E14 The Escape

MCOG S02E14 Documentary

MCOG S02E15 The Stomach of Buddha

MCOG S02E15 Documentary
>> No. 48695
Thank you very much for the episodes, Antony! :)
... though looks like Mega doesn't like me, since it don't let me dl the files. T.T
Umm... Joyrex, would you please put these on your DBox?
By the way, in DBox the 2nd episode's end is missing in the French version!
>> No. 48696

Use Jdownloader if it doesn't work in your browser.
>> No. 48698
Okay thanks!^^
>> No. 48699
Was something wrong with episodes 16-20 in English Anthony? I know they were here originally in your post because I downloaded them. Now they're gone.
>> No. 48701
It's because there was a problem with some epidodes: parts of them was missing.
>> No. 48702
It was reported that some of the episodes had glitches and would stop playing or jump to the end. I re did them and I am watching 16-20 now to check the quality before I upload them. Check back later tonight. If you downloaded them already, I would delete them and get the new files when I upload them. I think 19 is ok so if you have it, don't delete it.

>> No. 48703
OK, here is the next batch with episodes 16-20.

MCOG S02E16 The Labyrinth

MCOG S02E16 Documentary

MCOG S02E17 The Sleeping Garden

MCOG S02E17 Documentary

MCOG S02E18 The Son of the Sun

MCOG S02E18 Documentary

MCOG S02E19 The Oasis

MCOG S02E19 Documentary

MCOG S02E20 The Fresco of the Evil Eyes

MCOG S02E20 Documentary

Goodbye, 'til next time.

>> No. 48716
Aaah, and only 6 episodes left! 8D
Thank you Anthony! ^^
>> No. 48729
OK, here is the last batch of season 2 with episodes 21-26.

MCOG S02E21 The Separation

MCOG S02E21 Documentary

MCOG S02E22 The Fire of the Dragon

MCOG S02E22 Documentary

MCOG S02E23 The Expedition

MCOG S02E23 Documentary

MCOG S02E24 The Nest of the Condor

MCOG S02E24 Documentary

MCOG S02E25 The Revelation

MCOG S02E25 Documentary

MCOG S02E26 Face to Face

MCOG S02E26 Documentary

Goodbye, 'til next time.

>> No. 48733
Thanks a lot!
>> No. 48741
YAAAY! Thank you and merry xmas for you all! :D
>> No. 48744
@Anthony, @Dartagnan are you going to continue with the HD subbed? I'm asking this because the English episodes are complete.

I'd wish you continue.
>> No. 48745
We are going to continue with the subs. Episode 18 is almost finished. There has just been a lot going on for us due to the holidays and it is hard to find time for the project. Rest assured that we will continue and finish the season.

>> No. 48746
Thank you very much!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2014 for you all :)
>> No. 48946
So season 2 has been released on iTunes in the UK... in SD only.
Very disappointing.
>> No. 49071
Hi eceryone! :)
i need a little help! Someone, please write me the "song" that the sailors sing in the 18th episode! I can't make it out by listening, but I can tell it has a diifferent "lyrics" than before ^^;
And more... anyone knows the English voice actors of the characters? (I already searched, but still can't find...)
Thank you! <3
>> No. 49131
File 139021591431.png - (2.58MB , 1920x1080 , MCOG18.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 18, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript
>> No. 49140
I wish all my wishes come true this quick :D
>> No. 49143
Really happy that episode 18 has been uploaded with subs....just hope we get to see the rest of the subs soon :-)
>> No. 49144
Really happy that episode 18 has been uploaded with subs....just hope we get to see the rest of the subs soon :-)
>> No. 49149
I'm on it.
Don't expect anything before february, though.

We're doing our best, but once again, the team is just Anthony and me. Hang on, we're still here !

Anyway, epsiode 19 is in the pipes.
>> No. 49271
Episode 19 is translated, look for it to be released soon.
>> No. 49283
Thank you both. Looking forward to 19
>> No. 49292
>> No. 49323
Hi! Not to rush anybody - I understand that you're busy with other stuff - but if episode 19 is already finished in translation and subbing, what's taking so long with the uploading?
>> No. 49325
I see where he said it's translated. Where did he say it's finished subbing?
>> No. 49327
Oh, I guess I misunderstood then. Somehow I thought "is translated" meant that the entire process was finished. Guess not.
>> No. 49345
I finished the translation and sent it to Dartagnan so he can make the subs. I haven't heard from him since I sent over the translation so I don't know what is going on with him at this moment but I trust he will get it done when he has the time.
>> No. 49356
File 139204773269.png - (3.24MB , 1920x1078 , MCOGS02E19.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 19, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript
>> No. 49368
Thank you so much
>> No. 49369
Thankyou so much Dartagnan and Anthony ^-^ for the latest mcog s2 ep 19, you do so much for us all thankyou i am so thankful for all the time and work you put into the project i know it's alot of work thankyou, the french is so better than the horrid english dubs owh and thankyou for sharing the mcog s1 blurays and working on them all ^-^
>> No. 49487
File 139302160597.jpg - (30.39KB , 352x500 , 41xw9v8akYL__.jpg )
>> No. 49488
File 139302189099.jpg - (40.04KB , 329x500 , 51oY7YCNXUL__.jpg )
I mean this one and the one above ? They say both are for the origin of the series. If they are not the same what is the difference?
>> No. 49514
From what I gather, they are the story that the original series is LOOSELY based on. That's all.
>> No. 49531
The King's Fifth, I already read it.
Well, it has nothing to do with the MCOG at all... except the names were teken from the book... and the serching of the City of gold.
In the book, Esteban is a 16 or 17 year old cartographer. The best one at least, Captain Mendoza thinks. So he ask Esteban to go with him searching for the Golden Cities, and meanwhile he can draw precious maps. Esteban go with him, and on the way they met an indian girl named Zia. She's a little miscievous girl, about the age of 9. She is so excited about the foreigners, she would like to ride horses (but indians don't allowed it!) and love to watch how Esteban draw maps. There's a character named Gomez too, but he really don't have too many part of the story.
Well, that's all. The story is a historical fiction, there're no Tao, no olmecs, or secret passages or even puzzles. No Condor or golden medalions, no Pedro and Sancho. The characters' motive's are totally different (except mendoza, he wants gold, gold and gold :D), but Esteban, he just wants to draw maps of the New World, Zia is just curious about the white people, and do nothing just guide them.... About the title: In those days there were a law that people who get any booty in the New World, must pay a fifth part of it to the king!
>> No. 49532
The King's Fifth, I already read it.
Well, it has nothing to do with the MCOG at all... except the names were teken from the book... and the serching of the City of gold.
In the book, Esteban is a 16 or 17 year old cartographer. The best one at least, Captain Mendoza thinks. So he ask Esteban to go with him searching for the Golden Cities, and meanwhile he can draw precious maps. Esteban go with him, and on the way they met an indian girl named Zia. She's a little miscievous girl, about the age of 9. She is so excited about the foreigners, she would like to ride horses (but indians don't allowed it!) and love to watch how Esteban draw maps. There's a character named Gomez too, but he really don't have too many part of the story.
Well, that's all. The story is a historical fiction, there're no Tao, no olmecs, or secret passages or even puzzles. No Condor or golden medalions, no Pedro and Sancho. The characters' motive's are totally different (except mendoza, he wants gold, gold and gold :D), but Esteban, he just wants to draw maps of the New World, Zia is just curious about the white people, and do nothing just guide them.... About the title: In those days there were a law that people who get any booty in the New World, must pay a fifth part of it to the king!
>> No. 49572
I want to buy the English Blu-Ray but I can't see anywhere that it contains the original French audio. Does anyone who owns it know if it has both language tracks with subtitles?
>> No. 49667
File 139332658693.png - (1.20MB , 1920x1078 , MCOGS02E20.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 20, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript
>> No. 49671
Wow, that was fast! ^^ Thank you for the subs! <3
>> No. 49681
I should have it in the mail by Saturday, but I don't think it will have French audio on it. The French Blu Ray is by TF1 Video and KAZE. The English Blu Ray is by Fabulous Films. I think they are Language specific releases. I am planning on releasing episodes with English and French audio with English subtitles in the future but you should still by the set in English to support the show. If no one buys it and it doesn't make money from sales, I don't think the show will last. So everyone go online or to the store and but it.
>> No. 49682
So everyone go online or to the store and BUY it.
>> No. 49692
I will buy, if it will available in my country. :) I hope soon. :/
About the English version: It's sure that the DVD won't have French audio! They told on the official FB page.
>> No. 49693
I will buy, if it will available in my country. :) I hope soon. :/
About the English version: It's sure that the DVD won't have French audio! They told on the official FB page.
>> No. 49714
I went to check it out but it's not available in my country (USA). Not as far as I know. And probably won't have the French audio. I just can' deal with the English voices. :(
>> No. 49765
Anthony and Dartagnan,
I know you are going to finish subbing this season.
But about the coming 2 seasons (third and fourth)
Do you intend to sub them as well?
>> No. 49791
Nope, if they're gonna be stupid enough not to put the original language on their Blu-Ray, I'm not gonna buy it, and if they say the project failed because the audience didn't support them, I'll say it failed because of their shitty decision-making. Go capitalism!
>> No. 49832

I don't like it by the way. It is focused on backgrounds.
Only 6 pages for the characters (Esteban, Zia and Tao) captured in different poses. Mendoza and his companions are not shown too.
>> No. 49857
I got the English Blu Ray today and it does not have French audio or subtitles.
>> No. 49880
hi anthony ^-^ thankyou for sharing the complete season 2 english versions i think i stick with the french versions though they are better aswell as the french audio, owh there is a problem with ep 20 from the season 1 blurays you worked on when i play it on vlc it cuts from 3 to 4 minutes in to the end and the ep restarts but on wmp it doesn't it just skips once and continues fine, could it just be vlc perhaps because i have noticed before with vlc that it can sometimes play a little of an episode out of sync i don't mean with the mcog blurays but with normal tv shows i download not every ep of course just now n then
>> No. 49881
hi anthony ^-^ thankyou for sharing the complete season 2 english versions i think i stick with the french versions though they are better aswell as the french audio, owh there is a problem with ep 20 from the season 1 blurays you worked on when i play it on vlc it cuts from 3 to 4 minutes in to the end and the ep restarts but on wmp it doesn't it just skips once and continues fine, could it just be vlc perhaps because i have noticed before with vlc that it can sometimes play a little of an episode out of sync i don't mean with the mcog blurays but with normal tv shows i download not every ep of course just now n then
>> No. 49883
I just played episode 20 from the 3 minute mark to the 4 minute mark without any problems. I am using media player classic home cinema (MPC-HC). It is a very small and free program that I have been using for a long time now. It supports all files and has multiple audio and subtitle functions. In my opinion, it is better than VLC or WMP.
>> No. 49884
Aedua and Chip,
it is available to purchase from Amazon.co.uk and they ship anywhere including the USA. That is where I ordered it from.

here is the link to the set.

It says the set is Region B/2 but it plays without any problems in my US Blu Ray player.
My player is not setup to be region free. I have had read errors on other discs before.
Also another positive note is that the frame rate of the discs is 23.976 FPS and not your typical 25FPS (PAL).
So they play great on an NTSC TV without any kind of conversion needed.
>> No. 49891
Does anybody wants to know when the third season will be on TV or on this site? let me know asap. Ty
see you soon
>> No. 49936
Thanks for the info, Anthony. However, I will just wait to see if there will be a French w/ English subtitles version later down the road. I'm not pleased with the English voices at all.
>> No. 49949
Yes, I want to know! :)
>> No. 50007

I also want to know please.
Are you going to sub the coming seasons?
When is the official air date ?
>> No. 50008
I can't tell what I'll be up to when the next season airs.
I don't even know when that is.
If it were airing now, I'll sure want to work on the subs but only if more people were on the team.
Transcribing, timing, making the english subs from the translation and releasing is way too much work for me to enjoy.
>> No. 50086
Could someone please reupload the hardsubbed epidode 20 of the 2nd series? My PC doesn't have the RAM to implement the subs into the RAW and MEGA is acting up for that one download. Just re-uploading it to MEGA should be enough. Thanks in advance.
>> No. 50087

Reuploading won't help. Use jdownloader it works with big files and under 2GB Ram/32Bit.
>> No. 50091
>Reuploading won't help. Use jdownloader it works with big files

Ok that worked, thanks anon!
>> No. 50205
Dear Dartagnan,
when can we expect the last 6 episodes with French audio and English subtitles?
Thanks in advance for the great work.
>> No. 50211

Sorry, I have been really busy lately and haven't been able to do the translating. I will try to get episode 21 translated this weekend.

>> No. 50531
Are you going to finish this?
>> No. 50557
I really hope they do - I'm waiting for it!
>> No. 50614
Come on guys don't lose the spirit. It is only 6 episodes.
Last week, I dreamed you put the 6 episodes at once as surprise.
This is how much I am waiting for it. Please try your best.
Thanks : )
>> No. 50621
I suppose Anthony is pretty busy, I haven't heard from him since his last post here.
If anyone wants to take over with the translation, you're very welcome.
>> No. 50629
Unfortunately I don't speak French. My English level is not advanced either. The only way I can be useful to this project is probably by doing the the timing.

So Dartagnan, what do you think if I do the timing and put random text as place holder? Then you write the transcript and Anthony does the translation.

If he is still busy , I can use translator tools to assist me but someone will have to edit after.

If you accept , show me how you do it (the name of the tool + tutorial if possible)
And I learn fast don't worry :)
>> No. 50651
Thanks for your help, but timing isn't a problem.
I have already timed and transcripted all episodes but 25 and 26.
The bottleneck is translation, here.
>> No. 50672
Dear Dartagnan!
For me the transcripts would great help too for understand the language... unfortunately I don't think I could translate them to English, I'm not that advanced... ^^;
>> No. 50673
I'm sorry guys, I'm back and will finish episode 21 this weekend.
>> No. 50694
File 140068006212.png - (1.48MB , 1920x1078 , MCOGS02E21.png )
HD 1080 release of Mysterious Cities of Gold - season 2 episode 21, including english subs and french transcript.


For those who don't want to DL the video, find the following standalone subs :

English subs

French Transcript
>> No. 50695
Dear, Dartagnan.
Actually I'm looking for the last five episodes of French audio and 1080i video quality to complete my collection for the season. Is there a way to share video files even without English subtitles?
Thanks in advance.
>> No. 50696
Dear, Dartagnan.
Actually I'm looking for the last five episodes of French audio and 1080i video quality to complete my collection for the season. Is there a way to share video files even without English subtitles?
Thanks in advance.
>> No. 50697
see >>48346 for joyrex's dropbox.
You'll find HD version of episodes up to 23.
>> No. 50698
Here is ep.24 in HD, french audio.

I still haven't edited the vid caps for ep 25 & 26, I'll post the links as soon as possible, but that shouldn't be before several days.
>> No. 50700
Anthony thanks for all your hard work. I have downloaded all English dubbed HD TV Rips but I can't get episode 19 to download from Mega for some reason? The download just doesn't start. Any chance of a re-up of this one please?
>> No. 50701
If you mean for season 2, it seems fine to me. here is the link again.

>> No. 50703
Ep 25, HD, french audio :

Ep 26, HD, french audio :
>> No. 50707
Thank you so much for ep21! Just a few more to go :)
>> No. 50709
Hmm, I do believe that the download of ep21 on Mega has the French subtitles in both the French and English tracks.
>> No. 50711
Actually, it was just on the recap - nothing to really worry about.
>> No. 50714

Here's a fixed ep 21 :

I fixed the english subfile too.

As a reminder :
>> No. 50733
I am uploding the subs to bsplayer, but missing the last five episodes' english subs. please can somebody help?
>> No. 50767
For anyone who hasn't yet bought it and who wants the UK/English version, the amazon price is currently at an all time low at £21 for the DVD and £24.25 for the Blu-Ray:

DVD: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mysterious-Cities-Gold-Adventure-Continues/dp/B00GFTGSV0

Blu-Ray: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mysterious-Cities-Gold-Adventure-Continues/dp/B00GYW2JNE

These really are amazing prices, especially if you go over to amazon.fr where you'll find the French DVDs are currently going for around 58 Euros for two separate boxes, which is over double the price!

Please do buy if you haven't already, they're creating these series for all of us to enjoy and it's really down to us to support them in whatever we can, i.e., financially. :)

It's also great of Anthony and Dartagnan and any others to have done all this hard work of subbing the episodes from TV, however this was just to give those of us who love the shows so much but who couldn't access them as we lived in the "wrong" country a sneak peak until we could buy the DVDs.
>> No. 50768
For anyone who hasn't yet bought it and who wants the UK/English version, the amazon price is currently at an all time low at £21 for the DVD and £24.25 for the Blu-Ray:

DVD: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mysterious-Cities-Gold-Adventure-Continues/dp/B00GFTGSV0

Blu-Ray: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mysterious-Cities-Gold-Adventure-Continues/dp/B00GYW2JNE

These really are amazing prices, especially if you go over to amazon.fr where you'll find the French DVDs are currently going for around 58 Euros for two separate boxes, which is over double the price!

Please do buy if you haven't already, they're creating these series for all of us to enjoy and it's really down to us to support them in whatever we can, i.e., financially. :)

It's also great of Anthony and Dartagnan and any others to have done all this hard work of subbing the episodes from TV, however this was just to give those of us who love the shows so much but who couldn't access them as we lived in the "wrong" country a sneak peak until we could buy the DVDs.
>> No. 50793
@Dartagnan & @Antony any news regarding the last episodes of MCD2?
>> No. 50795
@Dartagnan & @Antony any news regarding the last episodes of MCD2?
>> No. 50796
@Dartagnan & @Antony any news regarding the last episodes of MCG2?
>> No. 50809
@Dartagnan & @Antony still working on the project?
>> No. 50810
@Dartagnan & @Antony still working on the project?
>> No. 50811
@Dartagnan & @Antony are you going to finish the series?
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