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41822 No. 41822
On the grounds that NewWakfuFan:

- Has been warned by moderators in the past and not changed his behavior;

- Is (arguably) seeking and (factually) attracting flames that degenerate into repeated flame wars, especially unwanted in Project threads and the various threads where his remarks are unrelated to the subject at hand;

- Has shown a habit of cross-posting/advertising his videos and other creations in several threads and boards despite being told repeatedly to do it somewhere else (for instance, his own thread) if he absolutely had to post them, which we believe constitutes Spam;

- And is generally disliked by an estimated majority of the site's users (who visit the same threads as he does), which in itself causes more disruption than healthy discussion;

We, the undersigned users of the Projects board, request that he be banned from /coc/ to avoid further pollution and disruption. The duration of this ban and whether it should extend to the entirety of plus4chan is left to the moderators' best judgement.

tl;dr: Vote here if you want NewWakfuFan to be banned from /coc/ and possibly plus4chan as a whole. Mods can see IPs, so they will be able to assess the amount of individual votes. Let's keep it clean and not use proxies, please, I'm sure we'll have plenty of voters already.

To the mods: This thread is meant as a "once and for all" request to avoid reporting countless individual posts. If you think it is pointless or unacceptable, please lock the thread for a few days and put up a notice so that we know what you think about the issue; don't just delete it.

To NewWakfuFan: Feel free to make your appeal in this thread, since it is dedicated to you for once.

Signed: Anonymous
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>> No. 41823
You do realize that this thread in itself is just trolling?

Just stop being retarded little kids, all of you.
>> No. 41825

>"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
>> No. 41827
Signed. You can add The_Unicorn_Lord, too. They entered around the same time this year. Turned every fucking Wakfu thread to shit.
>> No. 41828

He's doing his part to spread the good word of Wakfu to the masses.

All you guys do is bitch and complain and turn people away
>> No. 41829
NewWakfuFan is creative. :(
>> No. 41830
this is silly
>> No. 41832
>He's doing his part to spread the good word of Wakfu to the masses.
Show me the people that have been brought to Wakfu through his AMVs or whatever. I demand you to.

>NewWakfuFan is creative. :(
...and pretentious and selective oblivious and self centered and flame-bait extraordinaire and I'd interprete "creative" different from your definition.

>this is silly
Thank you for your deep and insightful arguments and critique on the matter. We deeply appreciate the effort you took to make your point clear and help us improve regarding the discussed problem.
>> No. 41833
>and pretentious and selective oblivious and self centered and flame-bait extraordinaire and I'd interprete "creative" different from your definition.

These aren't necessarily bannable offensives. Now, if he continuously disregarded warnings of not to clutter the subbing thread with his projects (which he has), he could be banned on those grounds. Banning him just because you don't like his attitude or his videos is just going to make the (small) Wakfu fandom seem like elitists who will kick you out if you don't agree with the general hivemind.

I'm not fan of NWF either but he's one person and if he's upsetting you this bad you should probably step away from the computer. I should also add that nobody ever provided links of him spamming other forums with Wakfu (if they did then please disregard this). In fact, I'm pretty convinced that guy complaining about subs was just a troll.
>> No. 41835
Agreeing with this guy for the most part. I like some of the videos NWF has put together, but the promotion should be kept to the /co/ thread, not in the subtitling thread. Then again, most of us are guilty of posting off-topic Wakfu stuff in the subtitling thread.

I'm not seeing the need for the vitriol here.
>> No. 41837
...I remember when NWF was new....

He posted a series of diatribes about the different characters, explaining how he sees them in head....

...wait, is that what 'headcannon' means?

Anyway, after that he spent time making AMVs more long posts and doing 'mature' thing of posting what he likes and ignoring people who talk him down...

...you know who else he reminds me of?

Chris Chan.


I'm agreeing with the OP on this one.
>> No. 41838
Again, if you ban him just because you don't like his attitude you're making the rest of the Wakfu fandom look bad, which is something we don't really need.
>> No. 41839
If anything, you should be banned right along with him for making an offtopic thread in /coc/ with an intent to start a goddamn flamewar. If that's not a bannable offense then I don't know what is.

Right now I'm sick of you. All I could see in those threads through the last few days was HATE HATE HATE. Shut the fuck up and let me enjoy my favourite cartoon already GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!
>> No. 41840
In case you care, you were not talking to the OP. I didn't make this thread to start another flame war, I made it to end them all. You know as well as I do that people will never collectively stop flaming NWF, no matter what your opinion about him is. Saying "You guys could just stop being aspies about it" may be founded, but you know it's not going to happen.

So who are you going to ban? A vast number of butthurt anons, or the one guy that causes the friction? As long as you don't do either, the flame wars will continue, and just to let you know, I too am more sick of them than of NWF himself, which is saying a lot.

I'm only speaking for myself here, but this is more about the flame wars than about NWF himself.
>> No. 41841
The only reason things got really out of control is because of that troll. In most other threads people know to ignore him, or if they do throw a snide comment his way it doesn't take up the entire thread.
>> No. 41842
Voting to ban from him from /coc/, because that's the only part I visit. He can spread his "love of Wakfu" anywhere else he likes.
>> No. 41843
> I didn't make this thread to start another flame war, I made it to end them all.
And then you will feed Africa and bring worldwide peace?

People will flame, bitch and argue at any given chance. All you can do is not get involved and do your best to have a good time (and make it good for others). You had a chance to let it all die with the old thread when it got deleted and try to get over it. Now you are making a whole goddamn thread that is focused on that one guy many people don't like.

If you don't want to read any NWF bullshit here, spam mods with e-mails about it. Or filter him. Or ignore him. Nobody forces you to read his posts or reply to them. Do anything, just don't make a goddamn VOTING thread about it because that's the best way into another shitstorm.
>> No. 41846
ginger here, lost my trip due to HD wipe

...has nothing to do with attitude/obnoxiousness/shitty personality. Those are his rights. I'm saying he can find elsewhere to exercise them. Like /co/. Treating this board like his personal journal to vomit out annoying walls of text, then derailing discussions with repertoire is attention whoring in it's highest.

Also, please recall that mods have given him a warning over this in the past.
>> No. 41847
Honestly, him being banned doesn't bug me if it's for actual reasons (like him breaking the board rules to spam his whatever), but that should have been pretty much the only point made by the op. Banning him because you don't like his attitude gives the rest of the fandom a bad image.
>> No. 41849
As much as I dislike NWF's cross-posting, unnecessary self-promotion, treatment of /coc/ as his own site and his general attitude in regards to treating other people's opinions, making a thread like this is not the right way to go about it.

I agree wholeheartedly with the posts mentioning about the possibility of turning this fanbase into an elitist group of douchebags. I think I'm speaking for the majority of the fanbase when I say that I don't want to see this happen.

Let's just leave this situation to those who have the power to ban users from the site.
>> No. 41850
>implying NWF's attitude hasn't already singlehandedly ruined the fandom.

All that theory-barfing and constant opinionating about how his interpretation is superior is funny the first few posts. After that he's no different from a Jehovah's Witness, Bible-thumper or Teabagger, shoving his word-of-law into everyone's faces.
>> No. 41851
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One person cannot ruin a fandom. If he has personally ruined it for you, you need to take a step back from the computer. Hell, I think we're still a pretty damn fine fandom. The threads on /co/ are great as are the threads here on plus4chan, we've just hit a few bumps the past couple of days.

Here's an idea, how about we ignore him? And in the instances he does actually break a rule, report him to a mod or something?
>> No. 41852
>Wakfu fandom
Now you are being silly. Fandom is fine, Wakfu threads on /co/ are one of the best things to read and participate on the entire board. It's just that we had some very rough and trollfestive days lately and we are all nervous.
>> No. 41856
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Earlier today I banned NewWakfuFan from /coc/ for 1 week.
This thread had nothing to do with the act due to not knowing of its existence until minutes ago.

The reason he was banned was due to the fact that I warned him previously to stop using the subbing thread as the Wakfu General due to the fact that one currently existed and you all seemed to become really upset when he did.

If he continues to do it even after this week is up I will deal with it again. However, the random hostility you people seem to have directed at him is kind of ridiculous due to the fact that he's obviously just an overzealous fan of this show.

tl;dr Ya'll need to chill out on both sides. Have a Charmander.
>> No. 41857
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So you ban him, he resets his router and joins under a new name, then you make another thread a week later about banning this other guy.

This isn't gamefaqs, you should let the mods decide how to run the place and who to ban. This thread is just attracting more flamebait.
>> No. 41858
Lord, you and your ilk are thin-skinned. I gave my opinions on various topics, making them available for interpretation and dialogue, with the hope of perhaps starting a humane and civilized discussion on the show, its lore and its characters. If they had differing ideas on those subjects, they were more than welcome to share them. Just because I do not see eye-to-eye on everyone's views does not mean that I do not respect said ideas.

My latest, so-called 'misdemeanor' is defined without justification as I was merely replying to a query (rhetorical as some may have thought it was) by Shock that was open for debate and had been replied to by others before me. The fact that my answer was rather lengthy and detailed is incidental, and the libel against me seemed to have little to do with what I said or did, instead having more to do by the fact that I was involved in the first place. The resulting vitriole caused by your (anons involved) unwillingness to let it pass peacefully exacerbated things to the point that Kennymc had to delete the thread and start anew, an act, I must point out, he did not seem fit to do after my submission, but rather after your (anons involved) foam-mouthed antics.

I have not cross-promoted in /coc/ for some time, having heeded and respected the stern, fair warning of one of the moderators, with the essay being duplicated in /co/ after it was posted here as its content was pertinent to both the question in /coc/ and the general thread in /co/.

That said, would you, OP, be so kind as to put a halt to this silliness, delete this unecessary little gesture of spite here, so that you and the rest of the anonymous detractors of mine can get back to doing, whatever it is you people do when you're not being so, unpleasant.

Happy Tidings,

>> No. 41859
Thank you, The-Bard. I absolutely agree that people also need to do their part by just filtering/ignoring him, so hopefully this will help improve the attitudes on both sides of the conflict.
>> No. 41860
You make one point, fine, you're entitled to that.
But after that you'd go into a long tirade about how your version perfectly explains everything and then go on the defense like a rabid dog defending a plate of scraps.
>> No. 41861
You have still yet to actually articulate which of these rules I broke. No one has linked to these posts I made, and I have followed the rules.

Are you sure you're not just blowing hot air out of some spite for me, for whatever reason?

>> No. 41862
If you had contacted a mod or Anonex about that you more than likely would have had the ban removed. However, you just decided to evade a ban which immediately sets you to "permabanned from all boards" status.

However, if you would like to contact Anonex personally about this he might even remove that.
>> No. 41863
That previous offer has been revoked. Seeing as you've now knowingly ban evaded you're now set to be banned on sight.
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