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No. 219928
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>>219918 Interesting discussion you had anons about this project we are working about it.
I see anons upset about the bad side of the aztecs, mostly of the sacrifices, we are not trying to show the aztecs as innocent people destroyed by the savages spaniards, as many people think, we are trying to show another face of them, with their virtues and vices, with their great archivements and mistakes, we investigad with a lot of people, expert in the aztecs as Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, and Miguel León Portilla, people who shared us their knowledge with us.
Even we speak with the nahua people, the descedents of the aztec people, who tell us about their past, and even with a indigenous priest who worshipped their old gods, mostly all the information collected its to develop in a proper way the plot of the future movies and series
The mark of the jaguar take the history and myth in one, putting adventure, romance, fiction and humor, its a project we want to share with all the people, but sadly we suffer from funds, because the mexican goverment doesn´t support us, bu we are not surrender, sadly our kick its not going very well, so we are thinking in create a webcomic or a 2d videogame about the mark of the jaguar.
Also, please, ask me anything about you want to know of the project, as plot, characters, resources, inspirations, anything you want.