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File 138561552212.jpg - (928.94KB , 1920x1200 , La Marca del Jaguar - Wallpaper.jpg )
219771 No. 219771
Do you like aztecs /co/?
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>> No. 219772
will this get a crossover with mysterious cities of gold
>> No. 219773
File 138561975540.png - (490.00KB , 1072x791 , Citlalli and Moyahua Together_.png )
Its in ancient México, 20 years after the arrival of the europeans.
>> No. 219774
File 138562004811.png - (189.98KB , 1250x625 , Xilacatzin the heroe.png )
The story is focused on the journey of a
lower class hero named Xilacatzin (meaning
‘the center of the arrows of war’) born approximately
in 1488 A.D., who will be taught
by Masters Snake, Death, Jaguar, Coyote, Eagle,
Caiman, and Peyote (the latter a spiritual
Master). Each one of the masters will have
a transcendental philosophical precept,
which will be assimilated by the hero in order
to master a fighting technique, magic,
or a magical object, all with the purpose of
defeating sorcerers, wizards, assassins and
supernatural creatures led by the villain Ixtlixochitl
(meaning ‘the one with the obsidian
face’). This malevolent child prince of Texcoco,
born approximately in 1500 A.D., was
prophesized from the moment of his birth
by the codex readers as the bringer of doom
for the Aztec empire. This villain’s purpose
is to plant the seed of distrust between Aztecs
and Tlaxcaltecans in order to increase
his political power, yet his plans will be frustrated
by the intervention of both the Aztec
hero and the Tlaxcaltecan hero Xicotencatl
the Young (meaning ‘the one with the angry
face’), who came to lead 175 thousand warriors
by 1517.
>> No. 219776
File 138562088510.jpg - (78.14KB , 877x873 , cihuateteotl art.jpg )
>> No. 219777

So that's a maybe.
>> No. 219781
File 138564689075.jpg - (83.04KB , 1054x733 , Izpapalotl.jpg )
We are thinking in create some AU, mostly using the vast mythology of the aztecs, as the legend of the five suns, the firts movie of the Mark of the Jaguar, we speak about it, the main antagonist its the goddez Izpapalotl, the queen of the underworld.
>> No. 219788
File 138566302794.jpg - (302.57KB , 940x387 , slide2.jpg )
>> No. 219810
Er, what's with the purple anime hair?
>> No. 219811
>after the arrival of the europeans.
So, multiple plague waves, the systematic genocide and de-humanization of the native races for centuries to come?

Aight, sure, sounds like a good annie may.
>> No. 219814
File 138570379387.jpg - (775.77KB , 2000x1357 , LINEUPHOMBRES_010.jpg )
According to Fray Bernandino of Sahagun, aztec women used to paint their hairs in purple, red and yellow.
>> No. 219815
File 138570428930.jpg - (55.28KB , 600x397 , tzilacatzin.jpg )
The main character its based in an aztec warrior who fight against the spaniards in the conquest of México.
>> No. 219816
Well the Spainards were douche-bags... but so were the Aztecs. So... not cheering for anyone.

>Do you like aztecs /co/?

No, they were a pretty shitty civilization. "Hey, let's sacrifice some children and slaves for this Holiday! Then for the next holiday, some women and slaves! Then I'm thinking some pretty horrible sacrifices of children, followed by truly awful sacrifices of slaves, and round it out with some slave sacrifices."

Seriously dude, fuck the Aztecs.
>> No. 219819
But besides the sacrifices.
>> No. 219820
why are you being such a horrendous douchebag?
>> No. 219831
>Why aren't you down with praising one of humanity's worst civilizations?

It's a quirk.

Not a fan of their "Ritualized War" idea. Of course that might fall under sacrifices, since sacrifices were a big part of it. Then again, there's not a whole hell of a lot about Aztec life that didn't include sacrifices.
>> No. 219832
File 13857432346.png - (299.97KB , 1252x668 , Atlacaneci.png )
I understad your point, one of the purposes of the project its show other aspects of the aztec life, the sacrifices were are important part of it, but not always with human life, we are trying to show the good side and bad side of them, explaining why they become obessed with war against other nations of mesoamerica, and for the other side, show their good aspects, as poetry, family values and philosophy

For example, Atlacaneci, one character of the film and future series, represent the bad side of the aztecs, its a bloodthirsty general from the acolhuan city of Tezcuco, corrupt and vile, he will show the darkest side of the aztec empire.
>> No. 219833
>Why aren't you down with praising one of humanity's worst civilizations?
There where a LOT of civilizations that had ritualistic sacrifices and wars, slavery, misrule, genocide, forced fights to the death, and all sorts of terrible things. Humanity has a tendency to suck as a whole sometimes, but that doesn't negate the good that we can do.
Also this:
>there's not a whole hell of a lot about Aztec life that didn't include sacrifices.
Is an unfair generalization. It's true that it was a major part of their culture, but there was so much more to them outside of that.
>> No. 219834
File 138574455063.png - (289.70KB , 1251x758 , Huehue Xicotencatl.png )

>> No. 219851
Sounds interesting.
>> No. 219876
No, he's being fair, taking hyperbole into account. Saying it was a major part of their life is honestly underselling how big human sacrifice was to the Aztecs, even if you rule out the more outrageous estimates of their death toll. They were so obsessed with death even the Egyptians would stage an intervention. A little human sacrifice for good harvests, general prosperity, or as a way to deal with criminals (either voluntarily or otherwise)... well, that shit happens. Hey, my ancestors were Celts, I get it dude. Sacrificing captured enemy soldiers happens all the time. It's war. Making an "empire" that's pretty much just different regions paying tribute, including humans to be sacrificed... and making that empire by doing shit like demanding a local ruler's daughter, then sacrificing her instead of wedding her or anything... and then wearing her skin... okay that's getting SERIOUSLY WEIRD. But working human sacrifice into your SPORTS? I mean, I gotta respect anyone that makes "build an arena" one of the first things they do after moving into an area, and I know the Mayans did it too, and props for a sport that's so fucking METAL, but when you just gotta have actual sacrifices in your passtimes, you've got a sacrifice addiction. It's like the civilization equivalent of hiding booze around your house.

That said I'm stoked about the project and hope it doesn't wuss out on the darker aspects of Aztec life. But hell yeah they were nuttier with the sacrifices than just about any other civilization I can think of.
>> No. 219877
I'm saying it's unfair to totally discount the good because of the bad.
Saying they where completely evil for it is totally polarizing and discredits the other, not totally crazy aspects of their culture.

Mass sacrifice is bad. Hell, any living sacrifice is bad. But you can't just ignore the feats of art and education the culture employed because of it.
> But working human sacrifice into your SPORTS?
Not too dissimilar to Gladiatorial combat. Except instead of sacrificing to what believe to be a higher power for the sake of greater good, it's for pure joy of watching people fight to the death. Dress it up in honors and benefits all you like, but murder is murder.

The Aztecs performed great evil in the belief of greater good. That cannot be ignored. But the good they did do cannot be ignored either.
>> No. 219881
I'd be very wary of using the "for the greater good" argument. The same can be used for other mass atrocities around the world. No one would be wrong in saying "They had great art, but I cannot get around the fact that they murdered millions of people for no reason". Minimizing their atrocities to bring notice to their art/poetry is a very, very slippery slope
>> No. 219882
>I'd be very wary of using the "for the greater good" argument.
No. I'm saying that's what they believed they where doing.
The same can be used for other mass atrocities around the world. No one would be wrong in saying "They had great art, but I cannot get around the fact that they murdered millions of people for no reason". Minimizing their atrocities to bring notice to their art/poetry is a very, very slippery slope

I'm not minimizing what great evil they've done. I'm considering all the aspects of their cultures separately. The good and the bad.
>> No. 219887
The good doesn't wash the bad, nor the bad the good.
>> No. 219888

He's not trying to. He's just pointing out the good and the bad, not making excuses for one on behalf of The other.
>> No. 219918
This is a cartoon about a rarely-seen-in-media ancient culture by people who seem to be from Mexico and thus have a better chance of delivering a non-stereotyped portrayal of Aztecs than the shit you find in American cartoons by white people.

Speaking of white people, going by your logic, we shouldn't make stories set in the United States or Australia starring white people if they don't repeatedly go into gruesome detail bout how white people claimed a continent that was already populated for their own, and then fucking decimated the people who already lived there with guns and alcohol and smallpox. And then, once they were established, the new Americans kidnapped innocent people from Africa and forced the people who managed to survive a trip across the Atlantic Ocean into slavery. The status of "slave" in America was inherited from parent to child and they had no hope for freedom (unlike Aztec slaves, who were mainly criminals, war prisoners and debtors who could buy their freedom, were often freed upon their owner's death, and their children would not inherit their slave status).

You guys don't get to demand that the Aztecs be portrayed as monsters in one of the few cartoons made of their culture when you don't portray your own people as monsters in your own media, even by all accounts, white colonialists are just as bad as they come. Shut up.
>> No. 219928
File 138585786862.png - (535.11KB , 851x998 , Tonalna.png )
Interesting discussion you had anons about this project we are working about it.

I see anons upset about the bad side of the aztecs, mostly of the sacrifices, we are not trying to show the aztecs as innocent people destroyed by the savages spaniards, as many people think, we are trying to show another face of them, with their virtues and vices, with their great archivements and mistakes, we investigad with a lot of people, expert in the aztecs as Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, and Miguel León Portilla, people who shared us their knowledge with us.

Even we speak with the nahua people, the descedents of the aztec people, who tell us about their past, and even with a indigenous priest who worshipped their old gods, mostly all the information collected its to develop in a proper way the plot of the future movies and series

The mark of the jaguar take the history and myth in one, putting adventure, romance, fiction and humor, its a project we want to share with all the people, but sadly we suffer from funds, because the mexican goverment doesn´t support us, bu we are not surrender, sadly our kick its not going very well, so we are thinking in create a webcomic or a 2d videogame about the mark of the jaguar.

Also, please, ask me anything about you want to know of the project, as plot, characters, resources, inspirations, anything you want.
>> No. 219931
File 138586008961.png - (303.98KB , 504x766 , once.png )
>Speaking of white people, going by your logic, we shouldn't make stories set in the United States or Australia starring white people if they don't repeatedly go into gruesome detail bout how white people claimed a continent that was already populated for their own, and then fucking decimated the people who already lived there with guns and alcohol and smallpox. And then, once they were established, the new Americans kidnapped innocent people from Africa and forced the people who managed to survive a trip across the Atlantic Ocean into slavery. The status of "slave" in America was inherited from parent to child and they had no hope for freedom (unlike Aztec slaves, who were mainly criminals, war prisoners and debtors who could buy their freedom, were often freed upon their owner's death, and their children would not inherit their slave status).

Well... yeah? I mean, if cartoons are set in the time period when that was going on, yeah, definitely.

And you left out a lot of shit Christopher "Why does this fucking bastard still have a holiday?" Columbus did.

>Aztecs ... in American cartoons by white people.
>> No. 219933
File 138586085999.jpg - (87.51KB , 900x544 , 106g7wj.jpg )
Well I dont give a fuck about people.
Now mythology on the other hand, there is where you can find some fun stuff to retell.
>> No. 219934
Road to El Dorado is the only one that comes to mind, though they were as much Mayan or Incan as they were Aztec.
>> No. 219936
File 138586135284.jpg - (142.88KB , 838x953 , itzpapalotl_charact_design_by_kilty_as_charged-d3g.jpg )
So much potential.
>> No. 219937
File 138586142028.png - (176.80KB , 910x693 , Izpapalotl forma bestial.png )
>> No. 219941
A. Not Aztecs.
B. If we say "close enough" it still doesn't back up Anon's claims that the Aztecs get depicted badly in white dude cartoons. The cityfolk were depicted as being pretty cool for the most part, aside from one guy that was a massive prick. And Cortez was rightfully shown to be a gigantic asshole.
>> No. 219942
File 13858620724.jpg - (34.62KB , 535x450 , mlw_0001_0001_0_img0028.jpg )
Also just look at this list.
>> No. 219945
File 13858627979.jpg - (1.29MB , 2333x1532 , quetzalcoatl_color_006.jpg )
This is our version of Quetzatcoatl.
>> No. 219948
I confess I was expecting The Feathered Serpent to be a little more... colorful.
>> No. 219950
Its the human form, in their nahual version, it will be the feathered serpent.
>> No. 219953
Oh. Oh shit, its you guys working on this?

Look, I'm into it.
Man, don't call it an anime.
I know why you'd do it. Maybe you guys don't like it either, but you gotta appeal to the 'frikis' and all that.
But its still a huge disservice to what you're doing. Anime isn't a genre, but yknow.

Whatever. Gonna keep quiet bout the whole Moral issues. Not a fan of sacrifices, yeah. But me, I'm sticking to my guns that the spanish invasion fucked up mexican society forever.

Suerte, guys.

Also, been wondering
Is it true there's a fuckload of animation studios in Guadalajara?
>> No. 219955
On one hand I am super excited about what you are trying to do, it sounds really neat, on the other I have to agree with >>219953
so yeah, good luck.
>> No. 220165
File 138614080732.jpg - (1.02MB , 900x720 , mesoamerica enjoy your stay.jpg )
>> No. 220181
File 138616432190.jpg - (20.30KB , 299x222 , untitled.jpg )
Wow. I was really excited about this project and now I found it here with the people onboard. If you guys haven't supported this project already, the Kickstarter is here:

I can't add anything that wasn't already said regarding the grimmer histories of the Aztecs, but it looks like you guys have a firm grasp, and at the very least, did your homework. I'll support that far more than most around here.

Thank you for posting your concept sketches, the costumery and
art of the Meso era has always been a favorite of mine, one that you don't see replicated virtually at all, and your designs really show their depth of accuracy and creativity handling this. The mesoamerican mythos are unmined for all the creative gold.

I'll be honest, I'll be happy to see anything you're able to get out of this project, even if it comes through anything less than a movie.

I wish you guys a ton of support!

Question: Were you intending on including other Mesoamerican cultures, or would that be a far reaching expanded universe kind of thing?

Request: Please include a Legends of the Hidden Temple cameo at least once in any way. I need it in my life.
>> No. 220185
File 138617601298.jpg - (31.27KB , 609x492 , Moyahua 4.jpg )
Hi there, thanks a lot for your support, we are trying to do our best in making this project alive, sadly the mexican goverment doesn´t support us very well, and our kickstarter its going a bit slow, we need to hurry in promote.

Anyway, i will respond your questions.

1.- Yes, we are including other people from mesoamerica as zapotecs, mixtecs, mayans, cholultecas, purepechas, and even the pipil people from el salvador.

We are thinkin in include some AU, using concepts as golems, the intervention of the gods in the political life of the aztecs, spaniards defeated and all that things.

2.-Why not?, we are taking feedback from the people who support our project, one of the things we are planning for the next year its a webcomic for the project to show more about the univeres of the mar of the jaguar.
>> No. 220376
Well, sacrifices and barbarism aside, look at it this way!
These guys had indoor plumbing and both private and a public school system before the europeans!
Hell, education was better in the pre-hispanic era than it is now in half the nation!

>the mexican goverment
Aka, Televisa. :P
I think you'd have a better shot going with more private companies. I've some wording with people in publishing and such, and they've all agreed its a safer bet to do so in Mexico, considering "internet culture" is several years behind here, and print and television still have some life in them.

I hear Fox actually wants some more mexican productions, so if the Patada doesn't work, maybe give them a pitch.

But seriously, how's the animation stuff in Guadalajara?
...And seriously, drop the anime moniker. Thats a regional title not a genre, c'mon I really like this but srsly dood
>> No. 220679
Seriously though, private investment is totally an option.
>> No. 221179
Looks cool. I'll probably spring for the digital concept art. I think if you were making an actual short and advertised a bit better you'd be getting a lot more money.
>> No. 221182
How about Carlos Slim? Is he easily approachable?
>> No. 221186

That sounds like a good idea. Try to make a pilot episode instead of a whole series, and then people/investors might be more interested.

I know that's easier said than done though.
>> No. 221266
That might be a bit much, but actual networks or producers are easily approachable.
>> No. 221268
I could possibly see Cartoon Network or maybe more likely The Hub Network beimg interested maybe even Disney. But yea at this moment the networks are easier to get into at certain levels because those people were like you not that many years ago. Heck I wouldn't be seriously considering that the pitch I'm working on could catch an ear at Disney ten years ago but now its a more open game.
>> No. 221297
File 138835722939.jpg - (1.18MB , 2333x1532 , yaotecatzin_color_002.jpg )
Thanks a lot for your feedback guys, actually we are looking for the next year private investment, the director in february will make a trip to Germany to show the project in search of investment, but we are planning a little webcomic and a 2d videogame about the project.
>> No. 221298
what you've shown so far it would work well as a Volgarr/Zelda 2 ish type game paired with the web comic.
>> No. 221325
Sounds great! Good luck, and I hope to enjoy your work in the near future.
>> No. 221348

I wonder if a webcomic with videogame segments in the vein of Prequel could work?
>> No. 221441
Really late to the party but; what is up with the cock-socks a few of the men are wearing?
>> No. 221447
typical Aztec dress.
>> No. 221462
fanservice for the ladies
>> No. 221464
You know, I am super excited to find out about this.
I'm going to admit, I've been interested in Aztec mythology for a while now; but I haven't ever found an outlet for that interest.
Almost came close in a game of Scion, but the ST said the game took place in Japan and there wasn't any way to get him there.

Even briefly tried to make my own sort of game in Mutants and Masterminds.
But I just couldn't find enough information.
>> No. 221466
File 138871838118.png - (216.26KB , 995x861 , Tonalna the mother.png )
The game plot its about the first total war against the aztec empire and the Tlaxcallan empire in the year of 1515, the main character (Xilacatzin) guided by Popohcatzin, the nahual wizard, will try to prevent this war, we are trying to create a mix of a 2d videogame with rpg elements as Baldurs Gate for example.
>> No. 221887
File 138958728652.png - (319.32KB , 710x900 , Popohcaztin.png )
>> No. 222058

project dudes you still hanging around nick is opening for short animation pitches
>> No. 222080

Hope you're prepared to wait ten years before you're actually on TV
>> No. 222082
Heck fielding things as much as possible. I've playing with a few ideas that I think would be good.
>> No. 222110
Hi there, sadly we are projecting to get funds to the film in august, but they are good news, we are planning the webcomic of the project, a probably date of launch of the webcomic its in the middle of february, suggestions about the webcomic are glady welcome.
>> No. 222115
that's good, show off the comic when you start on it the new Patreon site might be a help get some cash for the week to week.
>> No. 222720
File 139104471865.jpg - (93.38KB , 636x960 , portada comic.jpg )
Take a look anons.
>> No. 222961
Looks good
>> No. 223032
File 139173104358.jpg - (97.03KB , 621x960 , tenochtitlan pagina.jpg )
a bit look
>> No. 223041
That is s great looking layout.
>> No. 223461
File 139242580726.jpg - (136.11KB , 621x960 , comic pagina 3.jpg )
Th last view of the future webcomic
>> No. 223464
Sorry to not see it animated, but glad that this is still going, and still looks amazing in every way.
>> No. 224114
File 139352792719.jpg - (91.97KB , 518x800 , comic pagina 4.jpg )
>> No. 225666
File 139641442940.jpg - (106.98KB , 621x960 , pagina comic 5_2.jpg )
>> No. 225667
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