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File 138344234012.jpg - (469.72KB , 600x919 , Transformers Dark Cybertron 1 Virginia Comicon Con.jpg )
218412 No. 218412
-Dark Cybertron
-Someone pulled a ton of data from Hasbros customer service website and revealed codes and some names for a fuck ton of upcoming Generations and movie 4 toys.
-Energon Cruelock is a really fucking fun toy.
Expand all images
>> No. 218441
>check said list
Aw nice, more Kre-o, that will make the moonbase2 crew happy.
I like Trans4mers better then AGE OF EXTINCTION mostly do to my lucky number and that it would piss people off.
And frag yes Cruelock is awesome just like the rest of the ener-cons.
>> No. 218446
I picked him up in a lot with other, expecting the least from him, but them he auto-transformed in a single step and I just stared at the thing for a solid minute.
>> No. 218760
File 138407531052.jpg - (109.06KB , 656x384 , optimus prime riding a grimlock.jpg )
I look forward to seeing how Michael Bay will suck the good out of an idea this cool.
>> No. 218761
Ideas like this go hand in hand with all the terrible choices Bay makes.

He basically makes the movies that 13 year old boys would make.
>> No. 218795
Firstly, DUDE spoilers!
Next I think we still oh thanks to Matt Tieger for making that Dinobots so big again that Bay had no choie but to put them into the movie.
And finally lets hope Hasbro get some sort of veto...
Nah never happen...
Hollywood is too strong...
>> No. 218797
I'm hoping that Grimlock and the other Dinobots turn into vehicles instead of robots. Even if they keep the classic personalities, the Dinobots and Grimlock especially can function the exact same story wise with Dino modes as their bot modes. And I think that would make for cooler toys, personally.

Not that dino to robot would be bad, but considering the movies change pretty much whatever they want, that wouldn't be a change I would mind.
>> No. 219663
File 138540080992.jpg - (335.24KB , 617x800 , 1385399438206.jpg )
>> No. 219666
Damn humans, always in the way of our awesome robots!
>> No. 220795
File 138722888728.jpg - (93.75KB , 960x720 , crosscut.jpg )
Crosscut looks fantastic.
>> No. 220797
File 138722904917.jpg - (77.65KB , 960x720 , rattrap.jpg )
Rattrap looks pretty cool, I like the changes in dividing up the backpack to for calves and heels.
>> No. 220798
File 138722915258.jpg - (79.31KB , 960x720 , tankpr.jpg )

I love it. Even if the tank mode is something that I probably wouldn't let fly if it weren't Tankor.
>> No. 220802
Rattrap and Rinox so on my list
>> No. 220803
I'm tempted to get this entire wave when it shows up as a set on BBTS (it also includes Nightbeat which we haven't seen yet.) But most likely I'll end up just getting Rhinox and Tankor.
>> No. 221352
File 138848928947.jpg - (241.31KB , 623x523 , IDW-Transformers-Windblade-Transformers-4-Age-Of-E.jpg )
>Transformers comics being forced, practically at gunpoint, to acknowledge fembots

Dis gonna be good.
>> No. 221353
I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape by the existence of these 'fembots'.
Especially when they try to use the logic that "they are robots so there should be no feminine ones"... when the ACTUAL logic would be "They are robots so they shouldn't have sexes at all, and if some of them affect a masculine gender then others might affect a feminine one just the same". Since if there's meant to be no chicks due to them being robots then there would be no dudes either.
>> No. 221355
Prime was doing well with to remember they are a race of aliens, but some just can't grasp the idea of a race of alien "robots" having things like gender or sex. Why we had Arcee the way that whole garbage was years back.
>> No. 221359
Fembots are something of a headache for IDW canon. Since Furman decided that Arcee, the most famous fembot, is a 'guy' kidnapped by a cackling mad scientist and forced via dna tampering into a 'girl' who became a psychotic killer he tainted the concept for future writers. They can't just ignore it now that Arcee is a recurring character. What's been shown of their reproductive process over the last year or so doesn't indicate any need for sexes, so it doesn't go against this origin, but also exists in it's own space without any overt connections. Which I like, because it shows that questions over Transformer biology can be explored by different writers without coming into conflict with each other and that perhaps they can be altered.
>> No. 221360
IDW canon sounds retarded
>> No. 221361
File 138851292577.jpg - (231.21KB , 600x927 , we_re_out_all_night_to_get_lucky_by_fayrenpickpock.jpg )
There's a reason I haven't brought this up here, it's gotten so messy in the other places I post, but yeah, one issue six years ago made the IDW comics a really odd place when dealing with gender for a franchise where in every other iteration female looking robots happen with no issues. This has of course exploded as you would expect. I'm not going to cover the details, because they are best avoided.

All you really need to know is that this is written by one of the more noted writers of Prime, drawn by a new artist who drew the picture I posted here, and the gender thing is almost 100% guaranteed to be explained away in a page or less before it goes back to being a typical action comic.
>> No. 221362
I liked how Furman responded to Mairghread Scott: "Generally, I stay out of Internet blurts, but when a fellow ‘professional’ chooses to air her views on my work quite so publicly I feel constrained to respond/defend myself (just as publicly) ."

Note the quotation marks he placed around "professional". That's a real nice ad hominem, right there.
>> No. 221363
hearing its a Prime writer is good.
>> No. 221366
Basically Furman made a bad call yeeeaaaars ago, explaining the lack of female robots in Transformers with a casual "these clearly-male robots are genderless" when the real reason was just that boy-robots sold more toys. When he got the chance to take another crack at it in IDW, rather than admit his explanation hadn't held up well over the years, he doubled down and tried to give people the Arcee they were demanding without contradicting his earlier "there's no such thing as robot gender".

Trying to have your cake and eat it too rarely works out well.

At this point it's less that they're bent out of shape about the existence of fembots, and more that they've been sticking by this explanation for so damn long they feel like they'd look bad if they walked away from it.
>> No. 221367
Oh boo, here we go Primus choice and it just is.
>> No. 221381
File 138853473961.jpg - (719.74KB , 1280x1992 , blz19.jpg )
Well atlest Alex M. was fighting the good fight from the start.
(check the billboard)
I have fannon this away by saying that Swindle go his greedy hands on the tech the remade Arcee and sold it to the higher classes.

And to play devil advicit, if the IDW verse had fembots, we may not have had Rewind and Cromedomes "gay" relationship.
>> No. 221382
File 138853484767.jpg - (641.08KB , 1280x1983 , 04.jpg )
And he was not the only one.
>> No. 221383
I'm keen to see what Prime 2.0 comes up with. I mean we've got the Well of All Sparks and at least two established "Female" Primes.
>> No. 221385
File 138853516856.jpg - (228.17KB , 822x1098 , _COVER.jpg )
And seeing that we are having a go at grampa Furman, I just most story time this fuck up.
Because its just so funny in its failure.
>> No. 221386
File 138853521550.jpg - (181.71KB , 678x1029 , 1.jpg )
Oh wow.
>> No. 221387
File 138853530533.jpg - (199.20KB , 690x1011 , 2.jpg )
Yeah they went here.
>> No. 221388
File 138853539768.jpg - (235.55KB , 684x1020 , 3.jpg )
Then the cons show up out of the blue.
Well gray but whatever.
>> No. 221390
File 138853584162.jpg - (227.04KB , 684x1017 , 4.jpg )
(lets try that again...)
And ofcoure it goes down like this.
>> No. 221391
File 138853659291.jpg - (196.77KB , 687x1011 , 5.jpg )
And this is why I dont blame Simon for not wanting to touch this subject again with a 20 foot cyberpole.
>> No. 221403
Chromedome and Rewind was refreshing. A better relationship than dozens of attempts I've read in other comics, and they don't even have eyes or mouths.
>> No. 221404
File 138854943692.jpg - (256.96KB , 752x1063 , tf_mtmte___chromedome_and_rewind___for_sprite_by_k.jpg )
Maybe something to the idea of dispense with gender when writing a relationship.
>> No. 221409
> And this is why I dont blame Simon for not wanting to touch this subject again with a 20 foot cyberpole.

He wrote something msssively cringeworthy and kinda insulting, and you don't blame himfor not wanting to touch the subject again (to fix his earlier blunder) with a 20 foot cyberpole?

I'm not yet drunk enough for that logic to make sense,, bbl.
>> No. 221410
File 138856141819.png - (212.42KB , 352x749 , Utterly_Deplorable_Starscream.png )
>The Arcee debacle/Transformer gender in general

Just write silly adventure stories with a slight environmentalist/energy conservation angle with giant robots, guys.
>> No. 221512
File 138886297214.jpg - (45.13KB , 280x432 , sweep_under_rug.jpg )
>> No. 221515
I wouldn't call it sweeping really is its just a really stupid thing and should just be discarded. "Will of Primus" being on my short list of best ways to brush it off without thinking about it.
>> No. 221518
You going with "all Transformers are male, because WILL OF PRIMUS" or "SUDDENLY: FEMBOTS (BECAUSE WILL OF PRIMUS)"?

The latter's stupid, but acceptable. The former's full retard.
>> No. 221522
yea its stupid but its easier to float then some scientist giving someone a chassis realignment for, reasons. Fembots exist because Primus thought everyone thing square and boxy was dull. Course I just thought all Fembots were just descendants from one of the 13 before all this jabber.
>> No. 221535
Like James "my fav" Roberts~
Because I dont think he can fix it and may know it.
That maybe why he did not want to do Arcee in the first place.
Hell I dont even remember the IDW-verse bring up gender before that spotlight.
Prove me wrong please.
>> No. 221539
It never did.

And even if it did, almost 100% of IDW Transformers comics by that point were all written by Fuhrman anyway
>> No. 221645
More like 80 to 90%.
But I think if the arcee fans had not forced his hand, she could have shown up as part of Kups team in AHM without making her a thing.
Or maybe not, we will never know.

Still like IDW Arcee though.
Crazy killer robot ninja post-op?
So much fetish fuel~
>> No. 221657
>But I think if the arcee fans had not forced his hand,

Those darn pushy fans, forcing him to use one of the most well-known characters, who practically represents an entire gender in the franchise, that's been around since 1986!
>> No. 221671
>Arcee is a hyper-competent killing machine full of angst about being experimented on
>Drift is a flashy samurai who received an unwelcome push in marketing by appearing in multiple titles
Shit, if there's a Cybetronian locale analogous to Canada, someone needs to be from there and have a surly attitude, so the three of these characters can get together and literally combine into Wolverine.
>> No. 221720
> if there's a Cybetronian locale analogous to Canada,
Well of course there is. Cybertron transforms into Primus.

SOMETHING has to become his ass.
>> No. 221724
But Wolverine is already in Transformers.

He's Grimlock.
>> No. 222114
File 138990067385.jpg?spoiler - (239.34KB , 1024x1553 , transformersspoiler.jpg?spoiler )
>> No. 222135
This is the second autobot Megs I've ever seen.
The first one is a badass mathematician in Shattered Glass.

>> No. 222144
>Dawn of the Autobots
Suddenly everyone is an Autobot.

I hope he ends up as Swerve's roommate.

That ones a heroic Decepticon though, not an Autobot.. Unless that changed at some point, I haven't really kept up with Shattered Glass stories.
>> No. 222156
Oh wait, you're right about that!
Heroic Decepticons, though it's still a heroic Megs I guess.

>> No. 225024
I knew we had an still living but unuse Transformers thread somewhere around here.
Saves me the trouble starting a new one for:
So far so good.
>> No. 225041
I liked the last 9 episodes of Prime, so i hope it'll be enjoyable. If it won't, then i hope other people enjoy it and at least one good toy comes from it as I like to get one toy from every mainline and I usually can find gems in every line.
>> No. 225043
File 13951156385.jpg - (214.83KB , 1200x1200 , transformers-2015-bumblebee-animated_1395083987.jpg )
Also, fuck it, a promo image of what the main character of a show looks like isn't a spoiler, so here.

Though apparently the series will be "Blending 3D characters with hand-painted environments" so, who knows exactly how they'll look in the show itself.
>> No. 225052
I'm Schway with this hearing its going to be a bit more in line with Animated in tone. Wonder if the setting will Primarily be Cybtertron. Wonder who the new crew will be. Woulda liked more Arcee and Bulk though.
>> No. 225827
Trans4mers Voyager Grimlock (A…youtube thumb
Well thats pretty boss.
Will buy if found cheap.
>> No. 225894
>> No. 226594
File 139836402612.jpg - (1.20MB , 1988x3056 , Transformers - Robots in Disguise 028-004.jpg )
Oh Thudercracker~
Thats hilarious.

>last page
Well played Galvatron, well played.
>> No. 226617
File 139839909729.jpg - (95.76KB , 480x640 , eva_2014_4_9081.jpg )
>The Angels are invading. Breaking a long silence, the mysterious life-forms known as the Angels suddenly appear. The weapons the UN forces gather together in retaliation can't even scratch them. In the end, they turn to the secret agency, NERV, to manage the anti-Angel strategy.
>With Neo-Tokyo 3 in their sights, the Angels slowly advance upon the city...but suddenly a spaceship comes hurtling down from the sky above the Angels: the Autobot Sky Lynx! Out of the ship emerges warriors of the far-off planet Cybertron. They've come to investigate after noticing an unusual energy reading.

>"We can't let a disaster like the Second Impact occur on this planet."
"What?! What are these monsters?!"

>Optimus Prime sets his sights on an enemy much bigger than himself.
>> No. 226620
File 139840620713.gif - (2.60MB , 480x270 , overcharged happiness.gif )
This really pleases me.
>> No. 226622
So Prime-1 Deco when?
>> No. 226627
Is it gonna be just a repaint of an Optimus figure in Eva-01 colors or an actual crossover thing? Optimus and most other Transformers are tiny compared to Evas and Angels. I mean, the picture in the magazine is probably to scale, Optimus is about as big as Eva-01's head.
>> No. 226653
Heh, this reminds me of a fanfic crossover I read back in the day.
Where G1 Prime and Megatron falls into a black hole and end up knocked the fuck out by second impact and is found by NERV/SEELE respectively.
Also they are GIANT because different dimension.
Had some fun little moments.
Best part was the wrighter getting G1 Primes fatherly-ness down. (and Shinji really needs that shit!)
Worst part is that it stopped updating just a Megatron got rebuild into Galvatron.
Fucking non endings...

Also man the Windblade comic is pretty!
>> No. 227293
File 140010155622.jpg - (302.28KB , 875x1280 , 1400098748017.jpg )
>> No. 227334
>Be asleep
>Dream of a new Transformers show, 3D models but more toyetic like Light-piping in things like crests and necks.
>Mostly a generic Autobot crew (Fathery OP (Cargo truck), Science guy Wheeljack (Racecar with VTOL mode), Comm Officer Blaster (Van with loadsa speakers and storage for his cassette bros), Yellow Bumblebee (Yellow muscle car), token girl Arcee (Pickup truck), but had a bipolar defector Starscream who had Autobot-Red Decepticon symbols and switched from whiny coward to arrogant loudmouth in battle, was horribly pragmatic to the point he effectively cheated in a team-building exercize and thinks he would be the next Prime and defeated a helicoptor Con who planned on drilling for Energon in a national park by seducing it and evading the betrayl with a faster nullray trigger.
>Never be real.
Feels bad man.
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