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No. 215302
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Okay so my theoretical Superman game.
Saints Row engine, similar graphics and maybe modified art, it all works and is easy to model while looking good.
Metropolis hub world where you can mess around with things like Alien incursions, subterranean invasions, earthquakes, Super villain operations, etc.
Powers and abilities are all upgradable, head powers (laser eyes, freeze breath, etc) are your main weapons in addition to punches (think the Saints Row wheels) and your big damages are in the grenade subwheel.
There are alleys, phone booths and anywhere people can't see you to change into Clark Kent, as Clark your powers change from the action style to investigation style and you can take missions at the Daily Planet to investigate and learn and you get graded on how well you investigated based on how Perry reacts, do good and you see people reading the paper all over the city, poorly and the daily planet liters the streets.
As Kent in the hub world instead of Alien invasions and the like you see muggers, vandals, bank robbers, etc, the challenge being to stop them without revealing yourself.
You can visit Lois for dates and she has a kind of Pandora's tower relationship style where you can go on dates, give her cool alien stuff you find on missions or from probes to other planets you launch at the Fortress, have breakfast really cute stuff.
Jimmy can also be visited and given upgrades to his watch as well as discussing game secrets, Jimmy serves the purpose of your back up and can be called for assistance, all his various bizarre forms can be found and given to him to unlock, call turtle boy or Kid Doomsday for help! (Supergirl is pretty much the same but late in the game due to her being so beast)
If you fly out of the map instead of an invisible Wall you go to visit Ma & Pa or the Fortress of Solitude.
Ma & Pa have farm work that needs done, your rewards are simple EXP and a little money, but those are secondary to cute scenes you get with you and pa having a lemonade or a beer after finishing up work served up by Ma happy to see her boys doing so well.
The fortress is used for Lore on alien planets through a fun little minigame and getting some neat swag for the fortress as well as switching super suits.
You apartment is also upgradable but with far more earthly objects and you can switch your various business as Clark there.
And that's my ideal Superman game.