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File 137733589298.png - (349.43KB , 576x416 , nobrainsinthisone.png )
383479 No. 383479
Zombie edition.
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>> No. 383482
Ferrous stop being a baby, that's what masturbation is for.
>> No. 383484
>> No. 383488
File 137736625086.jpg - (678.99KB , 1728x2592 , IMAG0098.jpg )
I spent the day drinking and watching mildly attractive Scottish men covered in axle grease fight each other for a giant ham wired to the top of a massive pole. What a time to be alive.
>> No. 383490
File 137736854788.jpg - (77.61KB , 1024x576 , jake_card_wars_by_punchallyourbuns-d5vmtdm.jpg )
>digging around in the attic for some old maps of Europe dad wanted
>just found my PSP and all the games I bought that I thought we'd lost in the move years ago
>> No. 383495
File 137738487112.png - (159.46KB , 323x246 , 1299307141819.png )
>not eating your baby
>> No. 383496
File 137738597328.png - (103.39KB , 300x280 , 1329946127547.png )
No the placenta is the part you eat, the baby is the thing you distract bears and tigers with.
>> No. 383497
File 137738701381.jpg - (33.05KB , 358x213 , WHALE.jpg )
Finally got a working mic, so if you wanna to chat about mostly silence, I'm Silken Liver Slipper on Skype.

i-if you w-want to, t-that is...
>> No. 383498
>check resume to make sure I sent the right one off
>notice it's a bit outdated and has my phone number from my cell phone that got shut off a few weeks ago
>okay, I better fix that
>hmm, wonder what the rest of my resumes look like
>notice my old phone number is on all of them
>in spite of the fact that I could have sworn I changed it
>every resume I've sent off for the last two weeks has a shit phone number on it

I want to die. At least the email was fine.
>> No. 383507
File 137739448217.gif - (1.11MB , 200x150 , Icezlion__1-01__Killer-German-Suplex.gif )
Tryin' to get my ass in gear to write and pixel art more.

It ain't easy, but what is?
>> No. 383509
I might be adopting a kitten

I'm scared, I haven't had a pet since I was 10 and I forgot how to animals
>> No. 383510
Just pick a good, powerful marinade before you cook it. There's not much meat on kittens.
>> No. 383511
Adopt means raising. It'll be a big cat before he eats it.

>> No. 383512

Feed them, clean them, and be prepared to pick up poop.

That's about it.
>> No. 383514
Exactly like babies then.
>> No. 383515
This is why I always thought babies and pets were pretty much the same thing. Why detest one and put up with the other when they do the exact same shit?
>> No. 383516
Imo babies are more fun, because they evolve into more interesting things if you feed them minerals.

Pets stay the same more or less, and die very quickly.
>> No. 383517
File 137740078049.jpg - (67.26KB , 960x720 , 555.jpg )
Hi +4, I just discovered traps.
>> No. 383518
Babies cost about $200,000 to raise to adulthood. Pets probably cost like a tenth of that at most.
>> No. 383520
That's fucking creepy and unnatural jesus. She/he looks like a mannequin.
>> No. 383521
That's if you want to raise a child properly and send them off to school, bet you can cut costs if you raise it in a kennel and feed it table scraps.
>> No. 383522
p sure that is a sex doll
>> No. 383523
File 137740181998.jpg - (280.73KB , 480x640 , 666.jpg )
That kind of perfection is unnatural. If this was a biological girl, I'd give her a 9/10, only not 10 because haven't seen rest of body.
>> No. 383524
File 137740188241.jpg - (316.41KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_mrk14kCZET1qlnyvco1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 383526
this kid is up to some ulzzang shit. why would anyone want to look so anime; this is proof the animes are destroying our youth
>> No. 383527
Animals don't have a teenage phase.
Animals don't spend the first few years just crying and pooping.
>> No. 383529
Animals actually do both of those things. It's just an animal's teenage years less often involve becoming an emo or experimenting with drugs.
>> No. 383533
breaking up with someone because they're suicidal is about as low as it gets isnt it?

but im not sure how much more of this is can take
>> No. 383534
File 137743009528.png - (159.71KB , 500x471 , tumblr_moa0hyjX8A1qzbth9o1_500.png )
As someone who was suicidal sometimes that is exactly the kind of wake up person needs.
>> No. 383537
>terrible shooping and weird make-up that looks way too fake and alien to be attractive
>ratty-ass wigs
>can't conture for shit

2/10 would not masturbate to.
>> No. 383538
No, it isn't. Breaking up with someone who has cancer? Maybe.
>> No. 383539
take care of yourself, first.
>> No. 383541
File 137744110317.jpg - (372.62KB , 1280x1920 , tumblr_milpkgQ1He1qlnyvco1_1280.jpg )
in after girls jelly a guy is prettier than them
>> No. 383545
That one looks okay, the others are fuckin' creepy.
>> No. 383546
Maybe lighting in others is creepy, and s/he does use contact lenses to make irises look bigger.
>> No. 383547

don't torture yourself out of obligation.

agree w/ ferrous. take care of yourself first.
>> No. 383548
there's something oddly attractive about a guy who really likes his food. i dunno if it's some sort of weird mothering instinct but i want a man who will eat all my cooking and ask for seconds, like i remember this big rugby looking bloke at a chinese buffet with what appeared to be his tiny little grandma and she kept making him go get more food and he was like "granmaaa" but ate like six plates and i was like gosh what a cutie. idk i really liked cooking for my ex too, especially since he couldn't cook for himself.
>> No. 383549
File 137745864825.jpg - (32.49KB , 315x480 , fatty funny.jpg )
"Hey tooth, I really like food."
>> No. 383553
How am I this old and still this retarded at grocery shopping?
>> No. 383554
It's my first day of college.

All 3 of my (handsome and fit) roommates have hot girlfriends that sleep over with them. I think at least 2 of them had sex last night. Meanwhile on the other side of the hall is the fat introvert virgin that's losing his hair. And while you're experiencing sweet passion that echoes through the halls, reminding me how much of a loser I am, I'll be sitting by your door listening in, crying to myself as I jack off.

Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do.
>> No. 383555
even spreeses had sex
you'll be fine
>> No. 383556
protip: do not actually sit outside their doors and masturbate
>> No. 383557
fuck her, im out

after what she said and did last night i dont care if shes all talk or not. i dont care if it was the medication talking or it was her it cant be taken back

basicy the only reason i was with her was to try keep her on the straight and narrow so her kids were looked after. if anything happened to her they'd go back to their abusive father. i wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on and i'd never see them again despite bing more of a father to them in one year than he has in six

i've been 24 for barely a month and i was already staying in a relationship i didn't want to be in for the sake of the kids
>> No. 383558
I totally have that for guys and girls as well.
>> No. 383559
That sucks dude.
>> No. 383560
File 137748684476.jpg?nsfw - (26.93KB , 600x449 , fat guy hot girl.jpg?nsfw )
There's just something about them...
>> No. 383561
File 137748710818.jpg - (96.28KB , 885x720 , fat guy pretty girl.jpg )
>> No. 383563
File 137748723473.jpg - (111.65KB , 719x703 , fat with hot chicks.jpg )
I have an entire folder of this, love the contrast.
>> No. 383564
Attractive heavy-set guys with thin, boring-looking women that aren't pretty enough for them are the worst.
>> No. 383565
>> No. 383566
>> No. 383569
Okay the spider's dead. The roaches are still everywhere. Im getting a work order for some serious exterminating.

>> No. 383571
I'm sorry about the VMA's.
>> No. 383572
File 137749763394.jpg - (166.22KB , 500x615 , tumblr_ms4d9dixJA1r8bo4jo1_500.jpg )

As well you should be.
>> No. 383573
Shity. I do liek kids, in the "hey you guys are the next gen that's kind of really cool" way but it's always heartbreaking when you want to be a positive force in the kids life and there's just nothing you can do.
>> No. 383574
HAH. Lydia in the corner seals it.
>> No. 383575
>>can't call someone your "boy friend" without other people thinking you mean a romantic/sexual partner
>>call someone your "girlfriend" and they think you mean "someone you just hang out with and go shopping and get manicures with and is just a BFF".

Do I need to explain you a thing again.
>> No. 383577
who the fuck had sex with spreeses
>> No. 383578
Damn, here I thought they had really made something awesome and gotten Beetlejuice on stage...

Probably a good thing that I found her performance far more on the cute side. From the entrace with the tongue thing, it's like an awkward episode of Hannah Montana... don't try so hard, girl. It's okay to be cute.
>> No. 383579
Ummm sorry for the moonspeak, it was where I found the video. Even forgot it wasn't in english.
>> No. 383580
>gf is away at college now and away from her family
>which means we can video call every night now
sighs this makes me really happy sighs
>> No. 383582
>> No. 383583

>> No. 383584
File 137751268984.gif - (1.88MB , 400x265 , Crazy_tiffany.gif )
Crazy Tiffany.
>> No. 383587
Good on ya. Seriously. The law is not always on the side of justice, especially where shitty parents are concerned. For that I'm most sorry.
>> No. 383590
Guys srsly I got a lot in order with myself over the years. Relationships was one of them.

I posted about the first one here but that's about all I talked about.
>> No. 383591
I'm happy for ya buddy.
>> No. 383592
Amount of fucks given today: 0

Seriously, I only came to work today because I knew my boss wasn't going to be here so I could do maybe an hour of work and fuck around the rest of the time.
>> No. 383593
File 137754212015.gif - (1.96MB , 390x212 , Big Smoke summons his Persona.gif )
can we just not today, employment? I have this Saint's Row 4 game at is better than anything you've ever done for me except give me money to buy it and really world peace is like 99% probable if we all just stop and play this game for a week.
>> No. 383594
Thanks Tiki.
>> No. 383595
i don't like being dismissive but i have a strong tendency to be rude to people whose motivations i find unsavory, and for that i'm sorry.

if you really have done a lot of growing up, i'm sorry for prejudicing against you based on our past... experiences.

but... i still think what you said earlier in the debt conversation was a bit tactless given the people present, but it's totally up to you to speak your piece when you wish to. free country, etc. i'll try not to be such a douchebag about other people's lives. it's not my place.
>> No. 383596

That shit woke me up today.
>> No. 383597
while i am entirely happy that this message finally clicked, this just makes it more clear to me that you don't need the words of people posting here. i'm cheering you on either way.
>> No. 383598

>you don't need the words of people posting here

Yeah, but you guys are pretty much all I have when it comes to tough love.

Besides, you're all good people.

Except for Bea.

Who is a bear. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
>> No. 383599
I didn't mean for it to sound tactless, I guess I can rub people as inconsiderate with what I say sometimes, so I am sorry it came that way.

I'm not one to take much stock in talks of privilege, but I am aware I am very fortunate for the family and position we're in. My discussion wasn't meant as a takedown of anyone or bragging, to be honest I was frustrated that they did it, not to mention without asking. But in retrospect, I can see how it would be seen like snobbery, so again I'm sorry.

I'm grateful that you won't judge me for my past arrogance, but if I do rub you wrong again, don't be afraid to speak your mind either. I can be unintenionally inconsiderate at times.
>> No. 383600
I'm pretty ashamed to say that lately I think I may be developing something of a prejudice against certain mentally disabled people.
It probably started because I've been having a lot of bad experiences working with them lately and being mistakenly grouped with them in a program that was supposed to help with my depression and social anxiety, which I stopped attending as soon as possible, which involed being subjected to racism, religious bigotry, and being pretty seriously sexually harassed by some of the women on numerous occasions, with the people in charge excusing them/not wanting to address it.
Coincidentally, been having some problems at my work with a new guy they hired as well.

I don't hate them or anything, and am always sure to treat them with respect. These days I just find myself tense and on edge whenever I see one.
It's stupid. I've known disabled persons before who were plenty nice and reasonable. Even though I had to endure this treatment from them on a regular basis for about a year, I shouldn't let it effect me like this.
Feel like scum. I think I just need a bit more time to put this all behind me.
>> No. 383601
Don't feel too bad about it. My mum's a social worker who used to be a carer for the disabled (mental and physical) and my sister's still currently a support worker training to be a social worker too and they both agree disabled people (especially people physically disabled from birth) are some of the biggest shitlads on earth. My mum even quit her position to go get a job in caring for the elderly because she couldn't stand disabled people any more. My sister's going back to university to specify in children and families for basically the same reason.
>> No. 383603
File 137756207986.gif - (0.96MB , 500x398 , tumblr_mhlwjojczJ1qmvy8zo1_500.gif )
The thing to remember with disabled people is that while they are varyingly hampered they still learn and grow as much a product of their environment as anyone else, with many rather than be taught and groomed for success they were treated as pampered failure simply reflect that sort of treatment which permeated their lives.
>> No. 383605
Oh I got some nice flirting with the bridesmaids but they're all dupe conservative Christians which meant sound and fury but ultimately signifying nothing.
>> No. 383617
/pol/ is leaking
kill some threads please
>> No. 383618

you mean here or at the motherboard

oh, it's here, too. granted, it's not as bad.
>> No. 383619
File 137758579716.jpg - (8.47KB , 183x275 , tumblr_li45ktECcz1qcjilz.jpg )
tumblr reminded me y'all existed

hello are you all still beautiful, i know i am
>> No. 383620
You ditched us raptor. You ditched us and you forgot about us. I had so many sads.

I had animated gifs of birds and dinosaurs grinding on poles just for you raptor.

Now that folder has rotted and died in the great harddrive crash of 2013.

Do you even watch pacific rim? ;~;
>> No. 383623
I'm like, the third most beautiful person I know. I sometimes walk past something reflective and have to stop and stare, maybe wink. Just something flirty, not showing any real interest of course, gotta keep myself at arm's length.
That's Ferrous Fellow btw.
>> No. 383624
>clean belly button with water pik
>hairball comes out

Someone should just make a movie of my life.
>> No. 383625

dude i fucking love pacific rim sasha kaidanovsky is my jam

i got caught up in college and figuring myself out, but i'm done with the first one and making good progress on the second one! so i'm starting my slow and painful human interaction recovery. who are you again?
>> No. 383627
i've deleted like eight posts just trying to get the stupid fucking spoiler thing right again fuck it

hi ff
>> No. 383628
File 137759138391.jpg - (50.21KB , 640x480 , stay-the-fuck-here.jpg )
but no really zup. I forget who you are
>> No. 383630
it's ok, i forget who i am sometimes too
>> No. 383632
try wearing a nametag. it helps when i forget.
apparently i'm ... "a big doofus"
that's not nice. who wrote this?
>> No. 383634
the dork wearing the nametag, obv
>> No. 383635
Even though I have depression and anxiety, I feel a little similar when it comes to other people with similar problems. I'm really sympathetic towards people with depression, but sometimes I get worn out talking to other people who are depressed, frustrated I can't help them, and people who have severe mood swings downright scare me. I try to calm them down, and they either log off or insist upon slitting their wrists even deeper. I lose sleep over it. I'm seriously rethinking being a psychologist for my own mental health.
>> No. 383636
File 137761160276.gif - (2.74MB , 400x200 , adores.gif )
Raptor, let me love you down.
>> No. 383638

Hey, can I get some feedback/critique on this? I spent two hours on it first thing this morning (first time I’ve written *before* checking the Internet in the morning) and I’d love to know what people who don’t consider themselves wrestling fans think of it. (I also think I sound a bit too ‘formal’ or something in my writing, so if you guys have any advice on that, I’m all ears.)
>> No. 383645
not really no. i couldn't get past the first paragraph because it read like a no-context rant about a wrestling event.

right from the get-go, if you want to build up some hype, put in some effort to build the atmosphere or throw something relatable to compare your story against. it's the strength and weakness of a metaphor, but the human mind likes to grasp onto new things by modeling them with old stuff it already knows. okay?

not formal. the word you're looking for is restrained. don't bold text to force emphasis like that. the language needs to pop on its own. in anything resembling journalism, bold is for highlighting a key important phrase or sentence that summarizes an entire portion of the article. it's a highlight. i mean... you can break this rule as much as you want, but what it's doing now is highlighting words that scream "SO INTENSE" instead of "THIS IS WORTH READING".

aaaand that's what i got from the first section.
>> No. 383646


Yeah, that sounds about right. Thanks for the critique. Even if it doesn’t cover the whole thing, what you said seems to cover much of my issues with my writing, and I’ll keep it in mind in the future.

(See, this is this stuff I don’t get elsewhere, and why I keep coming back here. Y’all are awesome.)
>> No. 383651
Everything is going wrong. Not even the littlest things are willing to work in my favor. Now I don't even have a handheld anymore and I'm hoping the PC won't crash or the power will cut out again while I'm typing this. It's like everything sees how much I struggle and just wants to push me in the direction my life is supposed to go. Which is not much further.
>> No. 383652
while speaking to peers here is helpful and we really do listen, please, please, please, if you ever feel trapped or lost, go look for resources from professionals who are better suited to meet your needs than we are.

i have met so many people in my life but rarely are they as trapped as they think they are. the mind plays terrible tricks and blinds us to so much that we can still do to liberate ourselves.

do you have a target audience? you don't need one sometimes if what you produce can draw an audience, but be clear in your voice. if you're just talking for yourself, imagine talking to a version of you who's ignorant of what you know. how would you excite him? how would you get him pumped up?


but i'm never reading another bit of your writing again because i seriously don't give a fuck about wrestling beyond what i watched as a babby.

i know bret the hitman heart personally so you can pretty much such my dick
>> No. 383653

>do you have a target audience?

Aside from the loosely-defined "smart wrestling fan" ("smart" as in "intelligent" instead of "knows wrestling is fake"), not really.

>be clear in your voice. if you're just talking for yourself, imagine talking to a version of you who's ignorant of what you know. how would you excite him? how would you get him pumped up?

Keepin’ this in mind, too.

>but i'm never reading another bit of your writing again because i seriously don't give a fuck about wrestling beyond what i watched as a babby.

I write other, non-wrestling-related meandering bullshit for my personal blog — but you wouldn’t want to read that shit, either.

But I do appreciate the critique. It gives me something to keep in mind when I start my writing tomorrow.
>> No. 383654
it feels like this is one of those days where i wish i could just disappear. not depressed. not unhappy. i just don't want to be responsible for anything.

and it seems so easy, but it's a cop out. i know it is. it's just me reacting to the people i wish would pay more attention to me... the people who used to care more about me... the people i respect... and some people that i still put on pedestals.

but to rely so much on their opinion is always to become a prisoner and to force someone to become the guard. it's not right.

and that's no good
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