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No. 381054
>>381043 >>381051 >go for a weapon and kill the motherfucker
Generally a terrible idea if it's already escalated to that point, not the least of which because the opposite party will also be reaching for a killing implement. Better to take them out quickly, non-fatally, and with a minimum of damage to by-standers and the surrounding environment. It will save you a ton on legal fees, not to mention any of that pesky moral guilt you might find yourself bogged down with afterwards.
The thing is is that most fights are like you said; people get too drunk and they are blowing off steam. They don't want to die and they don't necessarily want to kill, and meeting them again with such force is well above and beyond what the situation usually calls for. Better to pin them and hold them with their arms in control until everyone cools down/the cops arrive.
The thing with firearms is that
1). They will never be close enough to hand when the shit goes down unless you are already packing, which is a recipe for disaster in a crowded space where people are drinking.
2). You will kill somebody with a gun. Even with bean bag rounds and rubber bullets (which are only effective outside a certain range) they can still cause death due to blunt force trauma. And legally, that's very hard to make not look like per-meditated murder. When you are repelling an invader from your home, then often only the sight of the gun is really necessary to make the person flee. I don't know if you've ever put a load of buckshot through a drywall slab but it's a bitch and a half to get repaired, especially in your own home. When you are out at the kind of venue where a fight can occur, often you are far from your firearm, getting to your firearm means taking a beating and limping away, and once you walk back in with said firearm, it looks a hell of a lot less like self-defense.
I am not arguing the technical efficacy of guns. There are few things more tactically sound in a winner-take-all conflict than a gun. But you will almost never need to use a gun like that unless it is in your job description (e.g. military, drug dealers, security personal, etc.), because the fights civilians have are almost never take-all.
It is far more impressive, and far more subtle, to subdue an opponent simply by twisting their wrist. Guns add a lot of thorns in your ass, especially if you have none of the paperwork to back them up.