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File 136918125387.jpg - (18.40KB , 192x248 , image.jpg )
378217 No. 378217
Name three things you want out of context.

1. 20 yards of red silk
2. Used t-shirts
3. Low melting point candles
Expand all images
>> No. 378220
1. Boyfriend
2. White index cards
3. Giants to be real
>> No. 378221
a) Clean underwear
b) Take a shit
c) A Pepsi
>> No. 378222
1 a massage
2 sushi
3 another dog
>> No. 378223
what the heck would you do with giants?
this is exactly what i wanted. no obligation to answer.
>> No. 378226
1. hot pants
2. large boxes
3. you
>> No. 378228
Assuming we're talking about tangible items and not things like "lose weight":

1) Suitable desk
2) Cat
3) My own place
>> No. 378231
1. A meteor
2. A window
3. A frozen bottle of water
>> No. 378232
1.) A talk.
2.) A plane.
3.) Felafel.
>> No. 378235
I imagine there'd be plenty of uses for them.
>> No. 378237
1. Glue gun
2. Plastic bag
3. Helium
>> No. 378240
1. A woman
2. Two women
>> No. 378242
File 136919087380.png?spoiler - (131.10KB , 715x635 , woman_woman_woman.png?spoiler )
>> No. 378246
File 136919128256.jpg?spoiler - (131.00KB , 1000x1146 , the-count-sesame-street.jpg?spoiler )
>> No. 378248
1.) A yoyo
2.) A pineapple
3.) A clever girl.
>> No. 378249
You want to juggle a raptor?
>> No. 378250
I want tooth
>> No. 378253
File 136919254770.png - (33.00KB , 223x165 , i dont get it.png )
>> No. 378254

huehue what is going on

>> No. 378259
- brown skin girl
- books
- brown skinned books
>> No. 378273
1.) A million dollars
2.) Love
3.) To create something of worth to other people
>> No. 378275
1. A 3D Printer
2. Engineering Knowledge
3. Time
>> No. 378276
Lodsa money
More money
Money, I think
>> No. 378282
This sounds omnious
>> No. 378283
Ambiguous, actually.
It could be malevolent. Could be beneficent.
>> No. 378284
1. Wall shelves
2. Books
3. Wings so I can fly
>> No. 378287
1. Bioshock Infinite
2. Leatherman multi-tools
3. A cast-iron pot
>> No. 378290
File 136925130453.jpg - (10.15KB , 256x256 , picture unrelated.jpg )
1. The return of steam locomotives.
2. Video output as standard for Apple computers.
3. Silent Hill Downpour ending B fixed.
>> No. 378299
>> No. 378301
1. Burnt-out incandescent light bulb
2. Snakes
3. Limestone
>> No. 378304
thank you.
>> No. 378311
- Original Russian, First Print Edition of Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading
- A recently reaped wheat field, under a gray October sky in the mist of early morning's chilled dew
- A small, wet stone
>> No. 378326
mmm good yes

-an autonomous helicopter drone
-half a gallon of mango and avocado salsa fresca
-a specially forged katana
>> No. 378463
1. To be a well-known artist
2. To have someone to snuggle with
3. More freedom
>> No. 378470
1. bottle of baby oil
2. tarp
3. three serbian lesbians
>> No. 378478
>wireless interception gear
>a job I don't hate
>> No. 378519

That's it.
>> No. 378625
1. A large plot of land
2. Faster internet
3. A teleportation device
>> No. 378659
1. Silent gas
2. Loud gas
3. Blindfold
>> No. 378782
gas is so vague but i will assume you mean gas
>> No. 379157
1. a motorcycle
2. the perfect honeypot thead
3. the power to permaban everyone in that thread
>> No. 379159
A pressure cooker.
A snare drum.
A really big bathtub.
>> No. 379161
1. A fountain of youth
2. A fountain of old age
3. A fountain of gatorade
>> No. 379163
What happens when you drink from all three at the same time? Do you become a middle-aged athlete?
>> No. 379215
i also wish to know
>> No. 379227
1. A library
2. A bear
3. An endless supply of loose leaf tea
>> No. 379382
1. Tiny mechanical hands that can mimic my regular hands, with tactile feedback.
2. A means of producing steel with with only heat from the sun and pedals as power sources.
3. Proficiency at Morse code.
>> No. 379500
1. 100ft power cable
2. water-proof servailence cameras
3. 3TB external hardrive
>> No. 379503
A gaming computer
A big dick
Immortality that I can choose to end at my leisure
>> No. 379564
1. a decent chemical hair remover
2. some sort of contraption to aid me release really hard, unlubed shits without having to shove anything up there and scoop it out manually
3. a roman gladius sword
>> No. 379592
>without having to shove anything up there and scoop it out manually
Are you saying this because you usually do this or do you mean it as opposed to a contraption that would do this.

1. A space ship
2. A well fitted suit
3. A good pocket watch
>> No. 379594
File 137072016477.jpg?nsfw - (11.75KB , 300x300 , butt+plug+large+-+pink.jpg?nsfw )
You should have been training with this for decades already. I can drop a watermelon sized poop without feeling it.
>> No. 379619
The watermelon sized ones are never the problematic ones.
>> No. 379622
File 137079964038.jpg - (12.84KB , 306x299 , square-watermelons-1.jpg )
>> No. 379668


>> No. 379669
No really. Those would be easier to pass than the shits you get when you're actually constipated. You're pooping like a rabbit. Tiny dry black balls. And they turn your colon inside out. It's the worst thing.
>> No. 379670
Masturbating at the same time helps.
>> No. 379691

its impossible to keep a boner like this
>> No. 379692
wait! wait, are you using lube? dont do it dry bro!
>> No. 391405
1. a blank cassette tape
2. a hard drive platter
3. a universal remote
>> No. 391406
1. a blank cassette tape
2. a hard drive platter
3. a universal remote
>> No. 391441
- motor oil
- knife sharpener
- 3TB harddrive
>> No. 391491
1. 100,000 dollars
>> No. 391509
1. Strings of aquamarine LED lighting
2. Hacker/makerspace near where I live
3. Large amounts of modeling clay
>> No. 391510
i feel u, anon
>> No. 391511
File 139859586911.jpg - (51.50KB , 500x375 , I cant believe it___ I'm on a box of cookies.jpg )
1. Incentive
2. Ejaculatory hedonia
3. Coloured textile inks

Actually, scrap that, ↓this↓ guy knows me better than me.

1) Yoyo
2) Pineapple
3) Blankets on a nice, cosy bed I was gonna say alcohol
>> No. 391514
File 139862252116.png - (165.49KB , 456x321 , just in time.png )
1) The semester to be over with already
2) A job
3) Something to keep my face from getting any uglier
>> No. 391789
1 An abandoned city
2 A warehouse full oof weapons, ammo, explosives and stuff
3 One of those Japanese toilets that cleans your butt.
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