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375799 No. 375799
>You scored -85. 100 and above is considered privileged.

I'm holding this over you all forever.
Expand all images
>> No. 375813
File 136509925834.png - (2.66KB , 375x74 , 95880e32a4af9071bb800a91f9d48d4b.png )
suck it moe
>> No. 375814

moe as the one other back person on +4, you know we're not privileged
>> No. 375839

The only negative things are that I am gay and (right now) somewhat poor. I even handwaved my mild autism and assumed myself to be a 9-10 on the attractiveness scale to give myself the greatest chance at being privileged.

Considering that it would be a 155 just by changing my orientation to "straight" I guess it's even more of a big deal to take it up the ass on a regular basis than I think it is.

(Really, except for the whole don't-have-the-same-rights deal, there's actually great benefits to the whole thing. Women are a pain to deal with, and frequent prostate stimulation lowers the risk of cancer. I wouldn't want to be straight!)
>> No. 375849
File 136516874624.gif - (1.16MB , 200x176 , 136484539436.gif )
>Checking privilege

>You scored 110. 100 and above is considered privileged.

>Check it by the minute.
>> No. 375850
The /s4s/ privilege checker

Checking privilege

You scored -40. 100 and above is considered privileged.

I feel I'm far more privileged than that.
>> No. 375851
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>Shit tier Europe (Greece, europe, poland)
>> No. 375863

u r teh priviledge

dubs checkum
>> No. 375864
There's no option under income for "lives with parents, doesn't ask".
>> No. 375879
>Checking privilege
>You scored 60. 100 and above is considered privileged.
>Check it daily by the minute.
>> No. 375884
I feel this reflects more on my personal shortcomings than my lifestyle or fortune.
>> No. 375890
File 136520838568.jpg - (19.88KB , 304x225 , MasterRace.jpg )
Checking privilege

You scored 190. 100 and above is considered privileged.
>> No. 375891
>You scored -50. 100 and above is considered privileged.

Yay, I guess?
>> No. 375892
>> No. 375896
Posting in a thread.
>> No. 375913
Wait, I scored -20?! Really?

Coulda sworn I'd get a lot higher...
>> No. 375915
>> No. 375988

im winning
>> No. 375989
I figured out the cheat codes.

Being a Short Blind Other Gay Black Middle Eastern without a Home or a Job Muslim Disfigured Virgin gets you all the way down to -2180!

I myself scored in at -75.

Other fun facts, Gay alone gets you -150, extra -30 for non-virgin bottoms
>> No. 375999
I got 65, but I still live with my parents so I put in a decent guess for their regular income and lowball for their combine income.

Oh god, I just noticed that.
>> No. 376005
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Fuck. Why did I have to be born tall and attractive? :(
>> No. 376010
Don't worry Moe, I'm sure you aren't really that tall or attractive. You just have too much confidence in yourself, that's all. The prettiest duckling grows up to be the ugliest swan.
>> No. 376015
Actually, you just tied with me.
>> No. 376018

were winning
>> No. 376029
Nobody believes me when I tell them I'm like Allison Harvard with a dick; the perfect unison of aesthetics and spaghetti.
>> No. 376044
Apparently being a virgin is -100
>> No. 376064
Check your slut privilege.
>> No. 376116
>It is a status that is conferred by society to certain groups. It is often difficult to see one's own privilege. Take for example: if you are privileged, you are more likely to gain employment over someone who is oppressed. It is important to understand how society treats certain groups differently.

Conclusion: I am being oppressed.
>> No. 376117
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>> No. 376142
To the new version of the Privilege Checker page: Check your javascript privilege.
>> No. 376224
so privileged i shit glass ceilings
>> No. 376252

I'll work harder. I will get that 100 one day.
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