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No. 114698
Probably my favorite episode thus far. Is it just me, or did about twice as much happen in this episode compared to previous episodes? It felt like we were always moving and every scene was relevant to the main plot in some way. It was good.
Codfish that I am, I can't help but focus on the few gripes I had. First off, are the Aangs going to be relevant to the main plot anytime soon? The Air Temple scenes were the filleriest of filler (although I did chuckle at Meelo's demonstration).
Also, did Mako and Korra have to break up now? It feels like we haven't gotten any time to actually see their relationship develop that much. It's gotten a nod in almost every episode, but they just haven't done anything that makes me think of them as a "couple." I think they should have spent more time getting us used to them being together before they drove this wedge of duty between them, or they just shouldn't have done it at all because some relationships actually become more interesting when they just commit to it. Then again, if this really is such a big issue with them, it's probably for the best that they broke up early like they did. Doesn't make for very good TV though.
One last gripe: I would have liked the 2v1 fight at the end to have gone on a bit longer. Three master waterbenders in the open ocean? That's just begging for an extended, high-speed fight scene.
On the plus side, the plot is moving, and moving fast. Many of the main characters are not where they were at the start of the episode, which is great. I like that we actually see Mako being a competent cop in all aspects of the job and not just by crashing cars (and, may I just say, looking mighty spiff in that trench coat). Bolin and Varrick had some good funny moments, and we get to look at Ginger some more! Lin is still gruff and awesome! Asami is... uh, still here. We might see Zuko's daughter soon! And that cliffhanger ending!
Overall, really good episode.