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No. 110980
In terms of the actual game mechanics of pro-bending, I'd say use a model similar to a MOBA/ARTS/DOTA-clone. Top-down, a character is controlled through mouse clicks and attacks are controlled through key presses, each player controls one bender, 3 players make a team. Bending is carried out in a similar vein as Invoker from DOTA 2. Chain together Q-W-E-R-D-F buttons within a combo timer to pull off bending moves.
For example, Q-W-E would consist of 3 separate skillshot attacks by your character. The direction of your attack whether it be left, front, right, or from above would be determined by the Q-W-E-R keys. A combo like Q-W-E would 2 standard attacks from the left and front and then a charged attack from the right that prevents your character from moving or doing anything else like dodging enemy attacks. A player would have the option to just do the Q-W part of the attack and let his combo timer reset so he can follow up with an entirely different series of attacks. A combo timer would reset if a player does not use any more attacks for let's say 1.5 seconds. This allows for a more mobile, if weaker, style of attacks as they are not burdened with any sort of channels that would prevent them from moving. The trade-off is of course for "damage" as the finisher E attack would do more than the the Q-W attack would combined.
I put "damage" in quotation marks because I think that since pro-bending is not a game about killing your opponent but pushing them back then attacks should not actually hurt your enemy, but just push them back bit by bit or in huge leaps if you're using power attacks.
"Damage" could even be approached in the sense of Super Smash Bros. where consecutive attacks make a character more and more vulnerable to being knocked off. Kind of like tiring a boxer before you could knock them down or in this case knock them back. To tie to this, even the act of attacking could be part of what ups a person's vulnerability to being knocked off. Of course, at a reasonable trade-off.
For defense, the D-F buttons would be used to create defensive shields or dodge rolls or whatever. Primarily, defense would be the act of dodging through basic movement that your mouse clicks control.
Sorry if I made this too confusing, I just went off with my thoughts and didn't bother organizing them that much.