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No. 104120
Guys, guysguysguysguysguys. I've got it.
Okay, so whether or not someone is a bender is based on the spirituality of the individual, right?
You remember Guru Pathik, right? The guy who helped Aang open his chakras? How in the hell was he not a bender? He was arguably the most spiritual character shown in either series.
Well, I've figured it out. He was an energybender. Among the last or the absolute last of his kind. Either that or he started it by learning from lion turtles, like how the other bending disciplines were learned from the creatures that originally possessed them, and just never passed it on to anybody. Because of his extremely high spirituality, though, this is one of the only feasible explanations for why he doesn't have any visible elemental bending powers.
Guru Pathik seemed to have spent probably all of his time away from people, but he didn't mind company, as seen when he readily helped the Avatar unblock his chakras (even if they didn't actually succeed (until a conveniently placed rock accidentally Aang's back wound)). If a traveler chose to visit the Eastern Air Temple, or really any place where Pathik was present, he most likely would have offered them his knowledge. It's plausible that he knew of and/or was able to teach energybending, even if its power stretches far beyond any traditional elemental bending.
Now, there's an extremely high chance that at least someone would stumble upon him and be willing to learn about spiritual stuff. Depending on how responsible a person the traveler presented themselves to be, Pathik could have taught the traveler to energybend. If this is true, then it's possible that that energybender passed on the art to someone. Maybe they thought a close acquaintance could make good use of the power, or they had a child that inherited it. Whichever way, it's possible that it is known by someone who is alive during the events of LOK.
Who is this someone? Amon.
Amon's abilities are not some sort of hyper-chiblocking. Chiblocking is what the Equalists do with their gloves and what Ty Lee did with her fists. What Amon is doing is energybending. The exact same kind of energybending Aang used to take Ozai's and Yakone's bending away. Amon is a bender, but because he is not a bender of any division of the four elements, either he managed to convince everyone he is a nonbender or he himself is unaware that energybending is a valid bending discipline.
Alternatively, Pathik was an Air Nomad and Amon is Combustion Man.