>dat music
I was thinking maybe Parappa or Gitaroo Man.
They look more like Bleedman's version of the powerpuff girls than any official version. At least in the legs and general proportions.
Doesn't really look all that much like Bleedmans stuff either imo. Looks more closer to Genndy Tartakofsky's style
>>49335That's what it looks like to me. I think Gainax watched a bunch of mind-nineties western cartoons and asked themselves "How can we make this Japanese? SEX JOKES AND SCHOOL GIRLS!"
>>49341Yoshinari is also a huge fan of "My Life As a Teenage Robot" In fact over all he is a pretty big "westaboo" Pic related.
>>49342I've always wondered if "westaboos" over in Japan get the same treatment as weaboos in America.
>>49343If by "westaboo" you mean "nerd who watches cartoons" then yea they're treated pretty much the same.
>>49342That clinches it, then.Knowing this, I'm more excited. I do love me some westaboos.
>>49344>>49343>>49342>westaboosAlways lookin for an excuse to post this. :3
>>49357I thought the idea of "westaboos" was pretty silly and funny in my headBut when it's put that way that just makes it more ridiculous.
>>49358 Considering the most you see of them is art writing in either engrish or pure Japanese all you really get out of them is usually good fan art. But Japan is a land of strange stereotypes anyway so >>49357 isn't anything restricted to one kind of nerd. These are some of the people that still think Americans are all blond haired, blue eyed John Waynes.
>>49362Which when you realize 99% of the people in THEIR country all have tan skin, black hair and look to be generally of the same ethnicity it's not so much of a stretch for a few people who never left that country to assume it's like that EVERYWHERE. The concept of a melting pot/kaleidescope of cultures in one land might very well be a startling revelation to some people.
>>49366 When they have specific words for foreigners from mainland Asian territories like China and they'll fight tooth and claw over the small differences people of other districts have between their countrymen that defense is a little old.
This looks utterly odd, and I can't wait to see it.What the heck is Chuck?
>>49380I think he's some kinda... bondage dog?
>>49388I knew I wasn't the only one to see the similarity.
BEHOLD! The first of many.
>>49390Jesus Christ, finally.
Bet ya 90% of the porn will be of Stocking. From what I can tell the amount of otaku-produced porn scales upward with how virginal the girl is.
>>49400 You sure about the virginal part?
>>49402More than Panty, at least.
>>49403Being "more virginal" than Panty is like being "less wet" than the ocean.
>>49404Yes, I am aware of that. Ergo my point that Stocking will probably get the majority of fanwork.And now we're back where we started and nothing was learned.
I'd nearly forgotten that one of the artists I watch on dA had done some fan art.
>>49410With two women as the primary characters, I would hope most of the porn would be lesbian sex. Plus I have no doubt the series itself will tease that sort of relationship.
>>49414With two women as the primary characters, all of the porn will be of the one you don't want porn of being gangraped by faceless fat guys.
>>49415>all of the porn will be of the one you don't want porn of being gangraped by faceless fat guys.>the one you don't want porn ofSo... either Chuck or Garterbelt is going to be getting a lot of faceless fat action?
>>49431>implying that Chuck won't be the subject of fucktons of furry porn just like Gir was.
>>49450I wasn't really implying anything, let alone that.Though it wouldn't surprise me if that happened.
>>49466Is that Lesnick's art?
>>49468Yes, says so in the file name
Has anyone else been listening to that music several times a day? It's so catchy.And arousing.
"Oh, this is great~So sticky, so tight!!"Stocking might not be the nympho that Panty is, but apparently she's got her kinks as well.
>>49518The syphilis cake panel needs to be cropped and saved for special occasions.
>>49519So does the "Schedule as a Goth" panel.
>>49518I like how the bones have sound effects. Bone bone bone bone.
>>49527That bit had me in stitches.Another comic, though some of the words are weirdly censored.Panty loves to have sox with men!
>>49588Which is really weird You'd think having sox would be more of Stocking's thing.
>>49599Well, you can definitely see her join in on the sox in one of the panels. Also, they didn't censor ponoses for some reason. It's clearly written normally.
>>49588Making fun of Engrish is passé at this point, but that is some epic-level gibberish in the bit after the headline on that "newspaper article."
>>49636Panty & Stocking seems to be generating quite a lot of mutilated translations. Take this tote bag for example. "Hey, men. Don't turn neighbor's skirt!"I'm thinking of buying this.
I wish these had gotten better scans, but it's something at least.
>>49755>BITCHES AND WHORES!Is Miller writing manga now?
>>49805No, Adachi is.
>>49805Boring explanation that nobody asked for:According to the guy who translated, the literal translation was "useful bitch", so he figured "bitches and whores" might be a better localization.
>>49820 Doing research for potential questions isn't bad as long as you don't get carried away with facts or finding them. Thanks.