Now with 100% more Korean Kenshiro.
>>48382, but nope, they really did it.
>>48396Now I've seen everything. I mean it this time.
>>48414>the commentsFuck, why does Sankaku Complex exist!?
>>48396What I want to know is why all the related videos are Mork and Mindy episodes.
>>48396I laughed hard. In a weird way, it's kind of impressive watching breasts nimbly dodge a bullet.>>48414Now that... that is hardcore stupidity I can't put into words. Ugh.
>>48420Come for the cheesecake, stay for the... horrifying rape/murder news stories and comments that YouTube would be embarrassed to be seen with?
>>48426AHA! I knew S&G, Rodyle, and myself weren't the only ones here that watched that show.
>>48427I should've put more fanfare into the name change. feel bad knowing that Einar (and pretty much everyone come to think of it, except Thorfinn and maybe Snake) is doomed to die at the end of this arc. I've grown quite fond of him.
>>48519I know how you feel. He really manages to bring out the person Thorfinn should have been just through being a decent guy himself. When the day he kicks it comes I'll be in the corner pretending him and Arneis have a happy ending.Also this made me laugh.
Also, did they just dap?
If I go the manga route, will I miss out on anything besides tits that're faster than a speeding bullet?
>>48818 Hell no, read the manga.If anything the anime seems to be shaping up to have one of those sudden nonsensical anime adaption endings.
>Tits faster than a speeding bulletMan, that scene was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
>>48820 .gif! .gif! .gif! Plz..., this is the longest period I've seen a series get started back up after by the original author.
>>48905You know...I've heard next to nothing about the manga, apart from it being infinitely more perverse than the anime. Is it worth checking out?
>>48923It's the anime, except there's more of it.
>Junji Ito music at the beginning sounds so goddamn familiar... I can't place it however.
>>49048Any time.
Idol Arc is finally over!
>trying to piece together MPD Psycho's plot
>think my friends don't really like anime>all of us spend an hour at a party drunkenly reminiscing about Inuyasha
>General /JAM/ The 4th>>44404
Is "Youtube Surfing" a term yet? Because there's no other way to explain how the related videos section took me from DBZ Abridged to this.
>>49330It's not as if anyone cares about the game anymore. Not enough yuri.
I just watched Whisper of the Heart. When, 2/3 of the way through, I found myself thinking "Shizuku withdraws from society..." and realized I've official played to much freaking Dwarf Fortress.
Quick, give me something to watch/read.If it helps I like funny stuff the best.I like laughing.
>Rei Hiroe did a new doujin>A HELLSING doujin>And it's flagged as guro>And it stars Rip Van WinkleSo much do-not-know-if-want!
>>49522Just looked through it. It's no more guro than what you get in the series.
Fuck yesssssssss.
It's always kinda weird to come across a well-written shoujo series. It's like, on one hand, interesting moral ambiguity + conflict and sympathetic characterizations. On the other hand, everyone has giant googly eyes.
SKLFSDHNJXKDFJ I CANNOT FIND MORE DOWNLOADS OF THIS ARTIST'S DOUJIN TO SAVE MY LIFE.i have tons of their art and Ebil_Trio just posted Let's Eat! (pictured) at their LJ comm, but god fucking dammit the samples I've seen on their pixiv account suggest some of their doujin are more... you know. Violent and fucked up. And that's what I want, god dammit. Not kinda-cutesy-but-not-boring-seme-uke-cliche-shit.]SDIFKLHSJDFKCGHBJDKFMJSDHJKSMi also have no idea if i should post about a Persona 4 doujin HERE or on /cog/... doujin suggests /jam/ worthy, P4 suggests /cog/ worthy... very confuse...
>>49749Post here, link there.
A Genshiken mini-series about Oguie's reign as president?SO EXCITED
All. Mine. You are all free to writhe in jealousy now.
>>49951Why would I be jealous of a peasant that only owns the ANIME?
>>49952J...Just you wait!
>>49951I should get this just for the English dub. I remember laughing my ass off watching this on tech tv
>>49956Normally I don't like adlibbing, but got I love that dub. It took something ridiculously hilarious and managed to make it even funnier.