Sup, /cog/.I wanted to kind of start an RPG Showcase for Plus4chan. What's an RPG Showcase?Basically, the idea of the RPG Showcase is to allow players and GMs to try things that they've never been able to run or play before. Got that one crazy indie game you love so much, but can never get people to take a chance on it? Do you just want to play a nice dungeon crawl? Do you just have a free Friday and want to know what all that crazy dice rolling is all about? Then this will be perfect for you!So, how does it work?The RPG Showcase is simple! This thread will serve as both planning and recruitment. If you're a GM and a Friday is free, just make a post in here about the game you're running, the type of game it is, the tone and or story, player limit, and scheduled time. Games in the RPG Showcase will be run over Skype, so don't forget to leave contact info!An RPG in the RPG Showcase will be run for 1-5 (A good rule of thumb is 3) sessions, depending on the GM that signs up. It's intended to be used as a quick taster, and possibly lead to even bigger campaigns down the road. Sessions do not have to be consecutive, and depending on the time and player overlap, two can even be run on the same Friday if need be.I don't want to run a game, I just want to play![b]Awesome! When games are posted in this thread, a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is first come, first serve. Read the ad in the thread, and contact the GM as soon as possible![b]Is there any other method of contact besides Skype?For game announcements, schedule changes, or cancellations, you can use this thread, or use the I Just Found 5 Bucks group on Steam: Ok. So when does it start?The first RPG to be run in the RPG Showcase is Primetime Adventures! Further information will be in the next post!
Fatal set in a hot blooded ping pong tournament storyline, with the setting being Neo Tokyo. Send all messages of interest to Lukesux444 on MSN and AIM.
>>92351I was sort of hoping this would be a shot in the arm for the Steam group. Everything in the Showcase will be announced on Steam as well, though.Anyway, without further ado, the first RPG showcase game: [b]Primetime Adventures[\b] by Matt Wilson!Primetime Adventures is a role playing game where a group creates a television series, and plays the role s of the protagonists through several "episodes". Using playing cards, the group can determine exactly what happens.The series and characters will be made before the game.The game will begin on Friday, September 17th, at 8:00 PM with generation, with gameplay at 8:30.There needs to be at least 4 players, five maximum.If you are interested, I can be contacted at: luke5260 on Skype and on Steam.
>>92362In addition, this game will run for five episodes. Due to the episodic nature of the game, these need not be consecutive, though they are planned as such for now. I'm flexible.
I am in as a player, I am not comfortable enough to DM anywhere, especially not in front of people. I like running combat in D&D, and that's about it.
Sneaky Confirmed For Brawl.
Count me in, schedule permitting.I've always wanted to run my Castlevania Wolfenstein campaign for Savage Worlds.
>>92367Tiki. Not one to sound rude or anything but the last time you played in a tabletop game with us you tried to stick a prehensile anus into a guy's ear, are you sure you're up for this?
Yea. I'll play too.
I'm in.
As Luke knows I'm in for anything, but if Primetime Adventures is full enough/people wanting in I'll leave it be.On another note if anyone is interested in a game of All Flesh Must Be Eaten sometime in the future let me know, I always wanted to try a one shot of it.>>92370Do I even want to know?
>>92418Tiki's a little excitable and he went a little overboard with the make-believe and tried to poop in a guy's ear. When we asked how the fuck he would do that, he told us that his anus was prehensile. It was funny, but pissed the DM off pretty bad, and I don't think he actually did it in a jk way. LOL though in retrospect.On another note, I've been wanting to play All Flesh Must Be Eaten for forever, so I would also be in on that one too.I'm also willing to stream/record the showcases on my channel, for anyone who doesn't manage to get into whatever game is playing.I'd also marry anybody who would run Mouse Guard with me in it. T____T
Luke, you know I'm always down to be that guy who has no idea how the setting works, or what I'm supposed to roll.
>>92421>that guy who has no idea how the setting works,To be fair, you learn quick enough when the GM says "The security turret shoots you."
ok i want to get in on this, but i have honestly no clue how any of this woks. can i get a guide or something on how you play these games?
>>92439To be fair, that was like, what, 10 or 15 sessions in?
>>92458It's a Tabletop RPG.You sit around a table with a bunch of friends... or in a skype chat in our cases and then you roll die/draw cards/describe what your character does. It's like a combination board game, playing make-believe.
>>92468It's a writing and acting exercise.
>>92484and sometimes math too
>>92468yes but what are the rules exactly? how do i know what to do, is skype over microphone or through text? There are so many questions! I'm kinda terrified of getting in a game and just being a total waste of space or i keep asking the dm dumb questions and he gets annoyed.
>>92495>how do i know what to doWith very simplistic games it's not hard to pick up once you're told.> is skype over microphone or through textBoth.> I'm kinda terrified of getting in a game and just being a total waste of space or i keep asking the dm dumb questions and he gets annoyed.This is more of a personality issue than not. Look. It's simple. Read up on "what is a tabletop RPG" that's in many different related books, read up on the rules of the game we're playing to the best of your ability and if you're unsure of something ask the GM before you play. Or ask for a tutorial. Believe me, a test play through with a game can help you greatly.
Also, are we using OpenRPG or some other kind of whiteboard, Luke? oplzoplzoplz
>>92501We're just using Skype. We're not really going to need a whiteboard for Primetime Adventures.
>>92502Oh, it's a card-based game, right? So a whiteboard wouldn't even help. But I meant for like future things so that certain people gradamit don't cheat dice rolls. B)
>>92513By the way, found a Vassal Module that is for Primetime Adventures. Might make everything run smoother. for double post
We did a test run of Primetime for next week's game, and it's amazing.
>>92651We were batshit and ridiculous, I imagine if we actually sat down to make a decent storyline it would still also be very fun.
That was perhaps the stupidest and yet funnest thing I ever played.
>>92737Golf is the answer to everything, even problems of the heart.
>>92780Except for Evil Cancer. That requires a machine gun.
>>92737>>92780>>92785Y'all need to elaborate on this, because it sounds amazing.
Since L5R 4th edition is out on the webs. I'm thinking of running that one-shot sometime in the near future. Since it doesn't have any of that nasty meta-plot and seems to tighten the mechanics a bit I'm hoping to check it out.
>>92790i would love to get in on this, if that's ok with you. Do you have Steam? i'd want to contact you about it before we actually did it.
>>92792>Do you have Steam?Dragoon-Darkfire
OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS YESTERDAY BUT TIREDNESS WONPrimetime Adventures. Tomorrow. 8:30. Let's take a tally of whose in.ToxieSneaky TikiPesimoMypShirouI believe these are the right people who signed up. If you signed up for this specific game and I was retarded and didn't read, lemme know before 5:30 PM. We have a full game according to this, but if people drop out, I'll see if I can get you a spot. If I mentioned you in the post, and you decided to not play, let me know before 3:30 PM, just so I can confirm if there's an empty spot for people I forgot/late comers. A note to those in: be prepared to roleplay, and be prepared to tell a story. I think some of you were in the playtest, you should know how this works.PLEASE LET ME KNOW. While PtA means I don't have to plan too much, I want to know who is here and who wants to be here.Thank you.
>>93590I'm down for it man.
WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING GAMES TO BE IN THE RPG SHOWCASEJust tell us if you want to run a game in here, and we'll get you set up.Primetime Adventures does not need to be consecutive, so consider every Friday beyond this Friday to be open.Remember: 5 shot maximum. Your game will be promoted on the Steam group as well as here!
I skimmed through all three Monster Island books, and this looks to be the kind of traditional gaming that's right up my alley.Basically players can create a kaiju, a human army, or an alien invasion force, and then they proceed to duke it out. My thoughts were a 4 player game where we try it out in a group. Combat is my thing, and this doesn't look like it requires a traditional DM, though it would probably require the players to all have the handbook ready to reference anything, and a little patience at first.If it's fun, I imagine we could make sequels or somesuch. Say some player makes a really badass monster, and ends up beating all 4 players. Well next round, everyone would make up new monsters or human forces, etc, and then it would go from there. We could also decide if losing means your kaiju is necessarily gone forever or whatever.But I think the story that could develop simply from beating the snot out of other players would be a lot more interesting than any story I could come up with as a dungeon master. And it could be easily run on OpenRPG, since the game requires a lot of open dice roling and measuring. are streaming tonight's game, we left out the character/setting creation, so you'll just be able to see how the game works, for anyone interested in Primetime Adventures.
>>93727Starting now.
ATTENTIONSecond session of Primetime Adventures will not be held on Friday.Also, still looking for GMs who want to use the RPG showcase. This free Friday would be great for a last notice game!
>>94466The second session shall be next Friday.>>93620Would you be willing to set this up, Toxie, or is this just a "maybe" for now?
>>94467I could do it, I'm sure. But I donno how busy I am over the next few days.
So, who wants to play Monster Island?
>>94497I will put you down under "maybe", since Luke said the whole point was to get new people involved with playing, and expose people to new things.
>>94496Beyond Skype, what would I need?
>>94502OpenRPG and at least the first Monster Island book.