It appears our last reaction thread has hit autosage. Let's start a new one.>Get killed in Odin Sphere>ANCIENT CRYSTAL STILL EQUIPPED
>>93809But it was pretty hard the first few rounds, before you had the whole layout figured out.
>>93812Almost had it finished my second try, I just didn't see that second window. The sneaking part was made infinitely easier once I found out they couldn't shoot and as long as I zig-zagged, they couldn't touch me.But I mean, it's a little shocking the first time if nothing else, and the screen blur didn't help.
>halo reach's last campaign mission
>Disgaea 4
>>93851>Axel back in the spotlight>Lelouch is the main character>delicious HD sprites>battleships?I know NIS is just running back to the money well after the disaster that was the Last Rebellion nearly made them go bankrupt, but fuck I'm tempted.
>>93851>>93872... I really should get started on Playing Disgaea 3... It's just been sitting there barely started.But damned if the changes in 3 weren't off putting. To me at least.
>>938803 was, for the most part, just 1 all over again but with bondage fetishes and Emeril.
>>93881I mean gameplay changes but yeah, I see what you mean right off the bat.
>New Catherine trailerI dunno what the hell's going on but damn that's a good soundtrack!
>>93918It's made by Atlus. Of course it's got a good soundtrack, that's like saying the sky is blue.
>Bring Pokewalker with me to work>Work as a cook>Walk 28000 steps per day>Capture pokemon and find items while taking a shit/hiding
>>93851i have 1 and can't see the appeal in it, it's just a lot of grindan to medo i need to play more
>>93959The immense amount of grind is actually something of an illusion once you know what you're doing. With the correct setups you'll literally be gaining hundreds of levels at a time.
>>93961This.The problem with Disgaea is not grind. The problem with Disgaea is that they don't EXPLAIN half of the shit you can do. Most notably, I don't think they tell you what ANY of the Item World Residents do.>Complains about Sonic the Hedgehog being too fast>Sonic the Hedgehog>TOO FAST
>>94000>Final Fantasy VIII's junction system was too difficult>Complains about how it only was explained once>Complains about backtracking in Metroid Prime but not Super Metroid>Said air hockey is not better than tennis>A Link to the Past is worse than Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess because it's in 2D>Modern Warfare 2 is better than 007 Goldeneye>Took the reactions and comments in the 007 Goldeneye remake announcement video seriously
>>94001>Modern Warfare 2 is better than 007 Goldeneye ...but it is.
>>94000>Fallout 3 is not the best game for the 360 or the PS3NO SHIT, FUCKHEAD, IT'S A PC GAME. I DON'T EVEN PLAY PC GAMES AND I KNOW THAT.
Why did they bother making this a four spider-man game? It should be ALL 2099 ALL THE TIME. Seriously the most fun segment.And no, don't answer my question.
>>94006>Not realize that this is the reaction face thread and not the SPY thread god or some higher power let Ni no Kuni or whatever it will be called in the west come here. I don't care how bad Level 5 messes up on the voices or story this time. I'm playing essentially a Miyazaki anime. I haven’t gotten to fulfill that dream sense Magic Pengel.
>>94041Wait, what? What's going on?
>>94041>haters gon' hate
>Secret of Monkey Island>DAT HEAD
>>94060Terran players turtling up with like a dozen siege tanks. They then build a shit ton of missile turrets and pump Vikings forever. There is no way to break in except to deny them expansions and starve them out.Especially on Metalopolis, where this is basically the most faggoty thing you can do.As for patch 1.1, Siege Tanks are getting a 30% damage nerf against light units like Zealots, so this will stop being quite so ridiculously effective.
>>94096Second biggest one I've ever seen.
>>94097>BAAAW SIEGES ARE HARDWelcome to military tactics 101.
>>94100It's just annoying. No other form of turtling is anywhere near as effective - Tanks just have retarded damage and rangeAnd Metalopolis can choke on a bag of dicks, basically.
>Finally see XCOM trailer from E3>2k Games FPS.>Looks like BioShock on land.The fuck is this shit? Andrew Ryan vs. BP? How the fuck does this honestly have anything do with XCOM?
>>94207turnbased tactics aint popular with the kids these days mang
>>94208I should've explained myself, I apologize. I'm talking about the actual setting. I can understand why making an FPS would be a sound financial decision.But seriously, what the fuck? How does that have anything to do with the XCOM story? The eXtraterrestrial COMbat unit didn't exist until 1998-1999.
>>94212unless the pre-xcom xcomwas even topper top secret
>>94216well, original xcom was an international venture, and this new game seems to be going for a solely 50's america kind of thing as far as i have seen - it's not farfetched that a single nation wouldn't want its past dealings with e.t.'s aired out even when participating in an international effort to stop new threats, so with a little bullshitting i dont see why the two games cant coexist in a single timeline
>>94207Honestly, my biggest problem with the new X-Com (because I knew from the get-go that they weren't concerned at all about tying things in to the old series) is the blobby things. Remember UFO Defense with Ethereals and Chryssalids and Cyberdiscs and Floaters, etc. etc. I loved and feared everything about the vast alien empire we fought in those early games. Now? Speedy blobs and geometry. I really, really hope they're just trying to keep a bunch of other alien designs under wraps until closer to release or that there's a lot more to the oil slicks than there appears to be
>Seaman>A spider hatches out of one of the moth eggsWHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME ABOUT THIS, LEONARD NIMOY?
>there's porn specifically of New Super Marisa Land
>Download Sonic Adventure from Xbox Market>Also get the DX upgrade but that's not important>Clear everyone's story easily within the span of four hours.>Cruising through Trial mode and getting all the emblems>Big's Mission A and B>BIG'S MISSIONS
>Tell friend I'm going to catch a Shiny lugia no problem>Five days of soft resiting for lugia.>I counted and saw that I've tried about 3122 times.>Find it, want to catch it without a master ball but the game hates me.> Catch him with the master ball and name him 3123rd.>Meet a non-shiny crabby, almost soft reset.It's going to take me a bit before I get back to playing the game normally. Next time I want to say Shiny and easy. I'm going to bite my tongue instead.
>restart computer>can't access my free game of Minecraft anymore>the restart didn't even fix what I wanted it to
>Decide to buy Persona 2>Best version of it is $73 at cheapest>"Oh well, I was given Revelations for free so why not">Next morning check shipping, seller puts up another copy for $50 in the same condition and I can't cancel my order at this pointI'm not that mad about it because I haven't bought a new videogame in a while and it's the last one I need for my collection, but damn that's a dick move for a seller.
>>94345Is it Innocent Sin or Eternal Punishment?
>>94347 Eternal Punishment, I have IS on my PSP.But it's the only game in English I'm missing (although I have a Japanese copy of IF... on the SNES).
>Ultimate Spider-Man's last level in Shattered DimensionsThis is a good thing, by the way.
>> Call of Cthulhu>> THAT ENDING
>Finally finish 3D Dot Game Heroes after buying it on release because I figure they will never release the sword transfer patch.>They release the patch after I finish the game
>Final Fantasy V>Leviathan fight>He's weak to lightning, so I use all mages and a time mage with white magic>USES TIDLE WAVE>TAKES HALF MY PARTIES HEALTH>HE USES IT AGAIN>PROCESS REPEATS 4 TIMES IN A ROW>Finally he stops and I kill him>Head to Sealed castle to pick up last bit of legendary weapons>Shield Dragon pops up>TRY TO RUN BUT CHARACTERS DON'T FUCKING RUN FOR 2 MINUTES>DRAGON KILLS MY PARTY>DIDN'T FUCKING SAVE AFTER>LEVIATHAN FIGHT REPEATS ITSELF AGAIN