This thread is for discussing Resident Evil.
>>91386>>91302>>91262I politely disagree with your position. ED scared the shit out of me and to this day I consider it one of the best horror games produced.Except for the part running around the ancient city and setting up rune towers. That chapter blew enormous, tedious chunks, even if the elephant gun was absurd amounts of fun.Also there is absolutely no way you kept your sanity meter high unless you are a god-tier player or are constantly spamming the restore sanity spell. Which yeah, you can do, but that's the lame way to play it.
>>91394> ED scared the shit out of me You know most people I've seen say that the bath tube scene made them shit bricks but the first time you encounter a bonetheif really scared me.
>>91394>ED scared the shit out of me and to this day I consider it one of the best horror games produced. What exactly scared you in the game? I never finished it, but got to the underground city and all the scares I kept seeing were walls bleeding, statue heads following you and loading a level with enemies then the screen flashing and reload it without it. There was also a time where the game brought up a message saying "Thanks for playing the Eternal Darkness demo" which just pissed me off.
>>91397A lot of things. The way the camera subtly tilted and ambient whispering became louder as your sanity meter dropped. Fucking bonethieves. The creepy music. Etc etc.
>>91396God, yes. I remember my friend kept begging me to attack a random NPC so, yeah, sure why not and BAM, Bonethief! We both yelled out.
>>91405I always did my best to save those nurses on the WW1 chapter.
Currently playing Resident Evil 5, almost done with the game and I have to say this...Resident Evil 5 is better than 4.The controls are better than 4's, which were wonky as hell (Though, they should have mapped the Quicktime Event keys on the PC version better, seriously, F and V? What? My fingers are busy with WASD), Chris is a better character, and I can actually see shit. Oh, and no escort missions. Also, where's the racist part of the game? I was promised racism, all I see is African Zombies (not all of them were even black) and some zombie bushmen. If you guys were talking about the bushmen, I think you should know that they still exist. It was a little weird that I was suddenly in a Louisiana swamp, and then an Aztec/Mayan temple, but it was fun anyway. Seriously, I don't get all the hate for this game, it's looking pretty much the best in the series. Go ahead and accuse me of trolling, but it's true.
>>92374>PC version of 4Let's put aside all the other bullshit in your post for a moment and focus on this:YOU PLAYED THE FUCKING PC VERSION, YOU HAVE NO VALID OPINION ON THIS OR ANYTHING ELSE.
>>92378A good game should be good no matter what format it's on.That would make it a bad port or a bad game.All I'm saying is that I heard nothing about RE:4 being a terrible port. Feel free to correct me.
>>92399>That would make it a bad portTHAT WOULD BE EXACTLY WHAT IT IS.Jesus christ, QTEs on the PC alone would kill it, never mind all the other shit it does.
>>92378Sir, I believe you actually didn't read my post.I played the PC version of RE5, which I just beat a bit ago, and it was fun. I guess I didn't actually say which version of RE4 I played, which was the Gamecube version. Maybe you should sit down, drink some water, or something, and calm down. There's no need to go flying off the handle over imagined slights there, friend.Also, punching the boulder was awesome, it disappointing that it was just to knock it back, rather than decimate it completely. If there's anything you really want to complain about in that scene, play as Sheva for her quick-time event. Other than a couple of minor things like that, the game was fun as hell, and I'm pissed the DLC for this game, where you play as Chris and Jill in a Mansion, isn't out for PC yet.And again, anyone complaining about Racism in this game either hasn't played it, or doesn't understand what racism actually is.
>>92378Yeah, he didn't say anything about Resident Evil 4, other than 5 is better. Got your big-boy pants on, eh, fanboy?
>>92399iirc pc resi 4 doesnt have mouse aiming
>>92419I think they added it in with the patch that also fixed the textures (or maybe it was a modded version I downloaded but it's there), but good lord is it horrid. It's like your mouse turned into a giant key and you're just hitting it over and over to turn directions if that makes any sense.
>>92535That sounds awful.Like the rest of the game.
>>92408 A WHITE AMERICAN- LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENT- is going around shooting BLACK PEOPLE!Sure it didn't mean anything when one of the president's agents was wandering about europe shooting infected spaniards but this white man going around shooting black people controlled by an offshoot of the same parasite? RACIST!
>>92580I don't believe the game is racist.It IS fucking insensitive as hell though. Maybe if Josh was the main character (and he should've been. Dude would've tackled that boulder into rubble with one hit) with Chris as his partner it wouldn't seem so bad. Or maybe Rebecca Chambers as his partner.There ya go. Just slap Rebecca on the cover like she's the main character (but totally isn't otherwise). Bam.Make that Barry Burton. Now THAT would sell hot cakes.
>>92582 Oh god I love Barry so much now, since I've downloaded the DLC for 5 I've been using him for MercReunion: *Knockdown, *Miranda Rights, "I have THIS" -Boom-
>>92582 That wouldn't really work though.Even if Josh was Player 1 with Chris as the partner it would still be Chris driving them through the story with all his plot-connections.And where the hell is Rebecca anyway? She's dropped off the face of the Earth since surviving the mansion (novels don't count)
>>92584With a bit of story remixing, it could've still worked. Like, say if Wesker WASN'T the big bad and making him a second-last-boss. I dunno, I'm just throwing some shit out here, the game was already made so this is all pretty moot.
>>92586 >>Wesker WASN'T the big bad and making him a second-last-bossThat's retarded, Weaker was sort of a big deal, that's why he got the game devouted to him being killed off.You'd also have to ignore the buildup from the other games stories which had him bulding his power base, there's absolutly no reason to have introduced someone else as the 'big bad' of Resi5.
>>92588RE5 is already retarded. I can't think of a whole lot they could've done to make what they already had there less retarded. I gotta tell ya, I was NOT impressed with the final showdown with Wesker. Honestly, bringing back more Umbrella stuff in general didn't really work for me. I understand that they wanted to give us a better wrap up than RE4's "and they went out of business, the end. Now here's Leon doing some stuff!" but Umbrella had gotten so retarded it kinda needed to be done. So while I'm disappointed with Wesker's end, I'm glad THAT shit is just done and over with forever now.
>>92589 Goddamm your igrnoance, Umbrella was dead and Wesker was the one that killed them with the evidance he provided.His organisation was a whole new group made up of what he had gotten his hands on, B.O.W's weren't going to dissapear just because Umbrella went under otherwise they wouldn't have needed groups like the BSAA.
General RE thread right so is anyone interested in that new game coming out, Revelations.Honestly I just want to find out what the mindfuck of a trailer is all about. Hah we've finally gotten dark-haired Jill back and I don't think we want those two killing each other.
>>92591From the looks of it, it seems HUNK might make an appearance, hell he's probably the guy in the chair. Other than that I just hope the final product looks that good
>> admit it's stupid?
>>92611 I'm starting to think you're stupid.
>>92603 wasnt HUNK a blonde american instead of an aussie chris
>>, pretty sure that's not right either.
>>92616he hasnt been given an official nationality so he could be australian, but i doubt the guy in the chair is hunk.
>>92589>>92611I think we can all just agree that Max Galactica has no taste, and agree to ignore him in this thread.SO, 3DS game looks like it might be interesting, I'm wondering what happened to have Chris and Jill pointing guns at each other, considering Chris was pretty much a walking hard-on for Jill in 5.
>>92591>>don't think we want those two killing each otherToo bloody right.I'm glad to see them both back in action, and possibly having Hunk as an important character in the plot, but I hope this TWEEST business doesn't get too twisted...Not too sure about the new handheld itself, must investagate further.
>>92625I'm just wondering if it takes place before or after RE5. I'd almost rather it take place after but I don't have a problem with it being earlier in the timeline.If Hunk dies I'll be pissed though.
Holy shit, this thread's still going.Also, fuck yes, HUNK.
>>92713Of course it's still goin'.I should play the REmake again but that shit always kicks my ass...
REmake is the one RE game that will stand the test of time. The background still look gorgeous 8 years later.
>>92796 >>92849 Huh,...I miss Jill's old outfit.
Is it just me or is there something wrong with this vid?
>>92880 Wait, what was that?Another sequal, after afterlife? WhatTheFuck!Marysue superhuman clone army dual katanna wielding Director's-wife bullshit aside, the movies just aren't that good, Are they really that profitiable that they would bank more of them?
>>92883Profitable Enough.
>>92867If she's permanently blond after all that crap....I'll...I'll...rage on an image board and buy the next game! That'll show 'em!
>>92796I know what you mean.>>92816Oh, FUCK YOU SHARK.>>92883RE movies are quite profitable. And I think the first two are fun wastes of time.>>92934YOU GO, GALACTICA!
>>92942 It’s funny how apparently women in video game movies sell while usually men in regular video games make bank. Did any of the male characters survive in the RE movies?
>>92950What happened to Carlos? I stopped after the 2nd movie.
>>92963Dead. article doesn't really seem to be about anything specific in general but I do like the youtube clip they provided.