Well to escape /v/'s shitty captcha shit I may as well post the topic here. Having Starfox topics on /v/ was hard enough as it is due to the lack of individuals willing to discuss mixed with the fast pace of the board. Add in the captcha nonsense and people are less likely to reply. So I come to this haven.Anyways to begin, if the next Starfox game was on a console and had visuals like this, would you approve or disapprove? Given that railway shooters are very cinematic (just look at Stafox 64) I'd say hell yeah I approve!Imagining the possibilities of the settings and environments to fly over with the arwing with such visual detail and I'd cream myself at the prospect.So what do you think? Feel free to also bring in the idea of gameplay elements.
>>93515She just can't enjoy her sandwich in peace.
>>93515Everyone has a girl now except for Star Wolf.Unless you count Panther sometimes having Krystal depending on the ending.
>>93562Nah we all know that the hero's bitch always stays by the hero. So that's nothing.Star Wolf needs a female member. Considering it's never been done, I'd say a fitting female character to join Wolf's crew would be a loyal and calculating type. You know the type that isn't so quick to act to act on emotions like how Leon and Panther (or Andrew and Pigma) are.Someone who is really supportive of the squad and can double as a mechanic for their side, unless the mechanic has been covered by a pre-existing member.
>>93599Sounds like Mary Sue material. It's a bad idea.Leon IS the loyal and calculating type. Or at least, was intended to be.
>>93615 Only because you read it in this image board. If it happened chances are you would dig it. It happened with Kingdom Hearts Days. Everybody was screaming "Xion is a Mary Sue!" Once the game came out? "We WUV her!" Seriously, if you want to get down to it, Krystal is a Mary Sue (and she still gets accused of it, but people have quieted down over the years). Panther is Mary Sue (self insert of a Krystal Fanboy). Ya dig? Would have been better if you said not your cup of tea rather than just misuse the term as it always seems to be the case. To address your other point, that's precisely why I thought this up. You think I'm happy with Leon losing his smooth intellectual persona to become a gurgled cartoony hyperactive mess of a character? At least one character of Star Wolf should be a calm and collected supportive type. The idea of being smart enough to act as a mechanic for the team would be useful considering how often these guys get their asses kicked by Starfox. And since women usually get these kinds of traits (without a doubt especially intelligence; see shows like Kimpossible, Fairly Odd Parents, Raven from Teen Titans, etc) I thought it would be an easy fit. Take that as you will.
I was just thinking, the new AC seems to have a game function similar to that of GoW (A player initiated QTE). I don't know how this'll turn out for AC, but as Starfox is grounded in absolutely no reality whatsoever, they could probably roll with an idea like that and really make it work well. Make it simple and rewarding.Pic related, it's a Starfighter. badum tsh.
Peppy's daughter and Amanda (Slippy's girlfriend) still look horrid. But the others look admittedly kind of adorable. Wish I knew who the artist was.
Didn't they say this series was dead?
>>93730Krystal - Hit it.Miyu - Hit it.Fay - Not sure if want.Pink Katt - I'd hit it the fist of an angry god.Lucy (Peppy's daughter) - Kill and skin.Amanda - Kill and sell to the French for their restaurants.Black Katt - Meh.
>>93761Sort of.But there's that 3DS remake coming out, that's something to talk about.
>>93781Fox's best design is the Assault one. He looks more leader esque and slick.
>>93784I'd argue his original design was better, because it looks like the talking fox from Labyrinth.
>>93790I'll second that.
>>93790You mean the far left one that's only seen in the game cover and not anywhere in the actual game? That looks like a bad fursuit mixed with nightmare fuel.
>>93796That's why it's awesome. Though, he needs thicker ankles.
>>93730>>93730Why does Krystal look like she's on the verge of molesting Peppy's daughter and tarnishing her purity?>>93847Also notice how Krystal oddly enough looks like a cat in that and this pic. Strange no?
>what this is turning into
>>93847Anybody else not like the three toe foot/paw thing? It looks really freaky, especially since Krystal has five fingers on her hands.The only time I was able to stomach that design choice is with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which for some reason the three fingers and toes design works IMO. The rest of the time give me five or the more common four numbered finger/toes design.
>>93953This is what?
Considering all the Krystal pics, may as well ask. Anyone else kind of dislike how Krystal is blue? Couldn't she have been a regular colored fox?
>>94164No because she's a Space-Space Fox. That makes her extra Spacey.
>>94167But dude, Fox himself (and his father) were regular foxes and they're also sci fi esque. Krystal being the "glitch in the system" if you will makes her not mesh too well with the SF universe.Sure she was blue in Dinosaur Planet while her supposed brother was regular colored, but that was an original property before it got turned into a SF game. Since they altered her species (she was a feline creature there) when changing DP into SFA couldn't they had changed the fur color?
>>94184Thus, "Extra" Spacey.
>>94184Trying to apply logic to a sci-fi-fantasy setting like Starfox is just gonna leave you going in circles, man.Canids with hominid features such as opposable thumbs, bipedal locomotion, and very VERY humanoid breasts make Darwin spin in his grave. It goes against the very theory of evolution.Also, in regards to color of coat:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR-GHmuumAw
>>94201After watching that vid.....foxes who don't fear people? Dude no good.Wild animals that see that humans are harmless through too much interaction with us means they know we're easy prey with "Free Meal" stickers attached.That's what wolves who interact with humans do.
>>94201Even if the foxes in there are semi tamed you shouldn't expose children to them.Also I found it humorous how they determined the mating process..."Keep snarling and you're never going to get laid."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40bTA9qZwMYBrace yourself.
>>94242Foxes that were selectively bred to do so, keep in mind. That was not a wild population in the sense that they were caged throughout their lives. They're just like dogs, in that sense. >>94265They make great companions if you're a bachelor like I.>>94268Goddamn, is Orangina seriously ran by furries?
>>94187That's way too spacey.
>>94268Look I like anthro chicks, but I'd feel majorly embarrassed if this ever played on US channels.
>>94184All the psychic space foxes from the psychic space fox planet which I think blew up or something are blue.That's how you can tell that they have special powers.
>>94290I've made peace with it. Krystal is blue for sci fi reasons and makes her stand out more.
>>94268......dear lord.
>>94268Wait what the fuck
>>94164Arctic Foxes sometimes have "blue" fur (and in fact are known as the "Blue Fox"). Blue Foxes are generally less well adapted to life in snowy climates so they tend to die off pretty quick.But they're "blue," not blue.
>>94426Like a russian blue?
>>94411You know, I'd actually like to see that. JUST for mainstream media to do a story on furries and watch the following shitstorm.I'd be laughing so hard.
>>94426Any pics of said fox to compare and contrast?
>>94461Is there moar?
>>94470I keep losing the site.There used to be some really good translations, but they disappeared so all I could find were poor translations of french translations.
>>94474So this manga is like a mini series or a one shot?
>>94475It's just a one shot of various 4 panel comics by different artists.