Normally I hate Gamestop but this is just good.So, anybody else getting War for Cybertron?
>>85275Quite likely. Seeing as how that is probably him in the top left and bottom right pics.
>>85275And Scattershot is the Autobot tank.
Anyone has screencaps of Slipstream or Arcee?
>>85311...For a second, I forgot I was scrolling past the Transformers thread, and not the TF2 thread.
Dear Shockwave Players: Please stop using disguise. Everybody can tell you're Shockwave, and they're embarassed for you.
Shit, yo.
>>85364Yes, sometimes you get profoundly stupid enemies who let a scientist with an EMP shotgun walk up to them.
>Fighting Soundwave >He keeps running from his shield to tend to his cassettes>I about lost it
>>85422And then there's Sideswipe's remark, something like, "Aww look at him run back to daddy." In regards to Rumble/Frenzy running back to Soundwave's chest.
>>85439I smacked him for that.
>>85433I meant in-game screencaps.
This is the only game that has ever gotten me into online multiplay.
>>85452well, fuck, then I'm confused as to where that pic comes from then.
>>85521Because I was too busy fighting Soundwave to have that twit of a bot ruin the moment and make me feel worse about smacking them around. it!
>>85360Hey. Fuck you.
This game is awesome.
The multiplayer is so fucking good! I don't think I've ever cared about multiplayer in a game with a single player campaign this much before.
>>85767When its not laging!
>finally start multiplayer>play as scout>slaughter everyone>play as other classes>become a tsunami of suck>realize I'm an easy-mode-chode and everything wrong with modern gaming today>go back to playing Escalation
What the FUCK.If you preorder a game you only get the exclusive content if you pick it up within the first two days of release? That's HORSE SHIT. Shockwave ;A;
>>86227 Dude, see >>85275
I like how the various enemy grunts bear the color schemes of Transformers that didn't get starring roles in the game.
Damn it!I understand if you want to sell with DLC and stuff, but is it SO hard to at least let the PC players tweak their configs?The game is fun, but my modest PC can barely run it on low and I can't disable ANYTHING (why the hell do I want some blurr and dof effects when I decided to make my screen resolution and texture settings completel shit?!).
The DLC is out and downloading!
>>88328DAAAAMNI just got the SSFIV complete costume pack...
Oh yeah, 2x XP weekend!
Anyone else notice that people who play Arcee in escalation tend to be the best players and the worst teammates?
>>90194 All I see is people not useing there FUCKING point...
>>90235>Escalation match>get killed saving a teammate's ass>can't afford a new minigun next round>everyone else has at least 2000 points>rest of the match is spent listening to teammates asking why I suckALL OF MY HATE
>>90460Don't blame the minigun, just shoot better.
>24 of 25 Autobot tags shotFFFFFFF! Feels like I have got them all so I dont know witchone I missed! GAAAAA!*sigh*Time to try the decption tag...Also thank to the guy who got to round 15 all by himself with little to no help and got the rest of us the gold. Thanks dude!
>>90534At least you have a reason to shoot them. We don't get achievements on the PC. Not Steam Achievements, nor GFWL. :(
>>90585I'm just saying.
>>90587When you can take out 2 titans single handedly with an assault rifle without having to buy more ammo please be sure to record it and post the Youtube link. I'd love to see it.
>>90601Will do, chump.
>>90499>>90587>>90659Wait, why would you play a co-op game and refuse to help your teammates when they need it, with resources you will never use yourself? That doesn't make any sense at all.
>>90662What has that got to do with anything? I was just telling him to shoot better. All of the guns in Gears of War for Cybertron are decent enough to kill everything if your team-mates are still around.
>>90997The whole argument seems to imply that people over the internet are not helpful, even if they are on your team.
>>90999I thought he was saying he sucked because he didn't have his favowite weppin. I mean, that's what it looks like.
>>91000The only thing the minigun is good for is taking down a wall of guys by yourself, which happens frequently when you play on xbox live with random people who pick fliers or cloakers so they can avoid fighting until they can snipe the big guys and steal major points or just spend half their time whacking other players with melee and screaming into the ears of anyone unfortunate enough to have their headphones on.I help people when they need it by fighting alongside them, reviving them when they go down and generally covering their asses when they do stupid shit. When I become a casualty of someone else's retardation I'd like it if they could show some courtesy and help me get resupplied if I'm flat broke from playing bodyguard and they have the points to spare, which they always do.If you have points use them, if there's nothing left for you to buy yourself then buy stuff for others. They don't pass over to the next game after everyone dies, the game doesn't record it so people can see how much of a badass miser you are, there is no point in saving more than what you need to restock yourself if you get fragged when you can use those points to keep everyone else alive and kicking for longer.
>>91010I was only fucking with you, guy, I was never trying to argue. :P
>>91012Well whether it was arguing or trolling I mad so you win.
>>91017Get it on PC master race, I shall show you how to play. ;)