Can Sonic be saved from neverending mediocrity? Sonic the Hedgehog 4 looks to be a step in the right direction, but who knows if Sega has learned from their mistakes by now or if it will just be a temporary relief.
Shitty name, impressive modding.Seriously this was made in Unreal Tournament 4.
>>89701His arms need to move...
>>90595I am going to need a Robotnik figure. Complete with "ALL HAIL ROBOTNIK" pose he had in a lot of the early game manuals.
>>90595I so want that Knux figure.>>90596Excellent
>>90599HAHAHAHA I'M IVO ROBOTNIK BITCH! Then I slapped him!
I slapped this together and felt like sharing it.
>>90699Manaita's art is just too good to be real.
>>90704And yet...!
>>90705And just to make things better, she reads the comics too.
I honestly like the idea of the Sonic Franchise being effectively dead and living on through fan content.
>>90821How many times can we mention that the new Sonic Team is largely composed of fans from back in the day?
>>90822Bones, that would imply people actually PAYING ATTENTION.
>>90827Actually all it implies is that you and Bones are the only ones on here that give 2 shits about Sonic anymore.
>>90828HEY!... I really should have more post in this thread shouldn't I...I LIKE SONIC, THE ONLY LOUSY GAMES I CAN REMEMBER PLAYING INVOLVED A BAD MARIO PARTY FRAMEWORK AND 2K6. FAN OPINIONS HAVE BEEN INSANE SINCE SONIC AND KNUCKLES. I STOPPED CARING WHAT THE OTHER PEOPLE THINK WHEN THEY KEPT COMPLAINING ABOUT PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING EVER.There, that meet my quota? I can rant some more if needed...Sorry for not being more vocal, I thought there was enough "Quit bitching" and "If you want to play the games otherwise shaddap" in the thread that I didn't have anything new to add.... I have fanart I can add that I guess.
>>90827that implies that Sega gives a shit.
>>90869...No it doesn't!>>90833Everything about this comic is solid gold. Also I still don't understand all the bitching. Yes, mistakes were made, but it's not like they suddenly became the standard for the series.
>>90833Agreed, Sonic Shuffle is the only TRULY shitty game, and imagine my surprise when I finally got online around freshman year to find out people hated SA2. It blew my fucking mind.Sonic Shuffle, Sega Superstars Tennis, and that's about it.Both of those games were outsourced, though, to Hudson and Sumo respectively.
>>90888I really can't imagine why people hate SA2. It's pretty much exactly the same as A1, just without Big or an Overworld.
>>90890Also no Amy levels, which weren't very fun, and Tails kinda got to do his own thing, even though his levels were inferior to Eggman's.But there was twice as much treasure hunting to be had.
>>90903The treasure hunting levels were great, they just needed more going on is all. Enemies or mazes or something... I don't know.
>>90904I played them for the music exclusively.
>>90890 My only guess is shadow as it didn't have anything different then SA1 other then messing around an overworld.
>>90914I don't hate SA2 (I actually quite like it) but goddamn, going up a hill with Eggman and/or Tails shouldn't have felt like such a goddamn struggle. They should've kept Gamma's speed...
HEYTALK ABOUT SONIC COLORSAlso, so 'the new sonic team?' When was the old one replaced? Before Unleashed?Also, I REALLY REALLY hope we avoid this.
>>91128I'd just like to note, Mario games usually get away with doing all of those things.Just saying.
>>91131They're usually pretty fun though. Also, they don't have the baggage of trying to be "extreeeeeeme" very often.
>>91131Mario's world is very loose and free.The stories are very basic and allow for flexibility.Sonic on the other had tries to tell deep stories without actually providing any depth. It tries to give a sense of seriousness while also trying to be cute and often comes of as more awkward than other games.
>>91132>They're usually pretty fun though.Yes, because >>79076
>>91128It was in 2006. Their first big game was Sonic Unleashed.>>91133Granted, most of the serious Sonic games fall flat on their face. But the last major games have been about ice cream, space theme parks, King Arthur, Arabian Knights, and MARINE. They're not really trying to be very serious anymore and haven't for a while.
>>91137But then the director of THAT game left to go work for Square last year.
I'm actually pretty excited for Sonic Colors, though I'm not sure if I want to get the Wii or DS version of the game. Maybe I'll get both...
>>91141Get 'em both, and then Sonic 4.Also, I'm not sure how to feel about the Sonic Riders game for Kinect being a full-fledged new game instead of just a port.
>>93672Sonic Colors is going through some sort of reverse Sonic Cycle for me.
>>93674So right now you're underwhelmed and a little upset, but there's a nagging suspicion in the back of your mind that you're going to be incredibly hyped and excited when the game is released?
>>91142I'm not sure how to feel about Sonic Riders being its own series.
>>93676Well, I think I've already hit that really fun hyped stage already, but pretty much yeah.
>>93679As long as it still has that cool artstyle.