This is a thread for Gamertags, and meeting up for the vidyas.Let's try to keep this organized, /cog/.Platform: Xkbawks LiveGamertag: bacon greeseGames I Play: TF2, Fable 2, and some Halo Shit sucks.
Platform: 360Gamertag: DibsDaGreedy1Games I Play: Halo, RE5, maybe Bad Company 2 soon.
Wii number- 3283 8220 8382 9609AC:CF- 0389 0265 6643Town name is AuroraI don't have the microphone b/c I bought the game used ;--;
TF2 soulraiderxPSN s0ulFM
Steam Hellis 3000I got Bad Company 2 now aswell, SgtPiranha
Pokemon Battle Revolution:1591 - 6922 - 3382I don't own it, just borrow it frequently.
Heartgold: 5156 5431 9921
I keep forgetting about this board.Steam: KidHateBe my friend. ;_;
HG:4598 1904 0334PSN:BadCop217I am rather lonesome...
>>74890Tommy, Tommy! You wanna set up some battles or somethin', maybe?
>>74900Totally!That'd be awesome! :D
>>74911But not today, I am TOO TIRED.
>>74913Why's that?Rough day?
Platform: 360Gamertag: MrComradeGames I Play: Bad Company 2, Splosion man, Castle crashers
Wario Ware DIY: 0947-4796-1419
>>58406Let's do this thang!
Officially Zeromalley on 360 now!
>>76834>>76843Did someone say Little Big Planet? Because I think someone said Little Big Planet.PSN: NecroTech92
Guys, post Steam addresses, search function is rather wonky.
Starcraft 2: Thirteen.dcuvek
Platform: PCGamertag: AnimationFan (the profile currently says "Octopus" though)Games I play: TF2 and GMod. I own a variety of other games which I should still play, but I'm not a very heavy gamer due to my school trying to hog all my attention. I love excessively mucking around in servers where people don't game seriously though. usually play Shattered Horizon, Borderlands, Battlegrounds 2, and IL-2 1946
PSN: SmileyVarrickUp for some Red Dead Redemption at the moment, also play MGS4 and GTA4Also, note that you're from p4c, since I'm forgetful and might delete your friend acceptance message.
Just realized I posted my XBLA name by mistake.My Steam ID is (ADC) TechnologicScavenger.
Just fixed up my Steam account, but I'm having a bit of trouble with the Friend interface.Steam ID: Disco Jack Remora
Anyone got monster hunter tri?lets play together m'kay.
>>80964Yeah, having more trouble. Here's the URL...
PSN: StraightUpFoolI have many games and I wish to enjoy fun times together
Platform: PCSteam ID: KingdomofSpinGame: Team Fortress 2Platform: XboxGamerTag: RedFSHBlueFSHGame: Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, L4D2, Unreal Tournament 3, World at War, Ultimate Alliance 2, Gears of War 2, Borderlands, and SoulCalibur IVYou can tell which platform I love more.
Just gots me an XBAWKS. Gamertag is Rykx0r
I've already posted once, but now I've bought myself a PS3, so here we go again!SteamID: Charlie NoodlesPSN: Charlie_NoodlesFeel free to add me!
>>84336Are you the tripfag Charlie Noodles?You're good people.
Just got a steam account, my ID is :KROrga
>>85929User not found.
>>85929I guss this is your account:, the steam search engine is terrible.
>>82471You have 2 games.You lied to me.
>>86064Yeah, that's my account, it does exist.
Steam id: PuddingMan (the one with Calvin and Hobbes)Gamz: TF2, the Overlords and anything you might suggest and isn't too expensive.Xbox: PuddingKnightGamz: Halo 3, TF2, Saints Row 2, Red Dead Redemption, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 2, Rock Band 2 and Beatles, Prey, or whatever else if I can rent or buy it.
Oh yeah, my Steam ID is Probe. The one with the Batman picture.My xbl gamertag is still the same as last time I posted.
Platform: Steam, Valve OnlineGamertag: autobotsuniteGames: Team Fortress 2.Will boost, play for fun, and my friend owns a server wich is a plus!
SteamGodless CommunistEvery valve game except for the L4Ds.
Starcraft II: Pikabot, code 431
Platform: XBawx Live, Playstation Network, SteamGamertag: bowlnoodlezGames I play: Not much right now, but most often I play Bioshock, COD4, pretty much any puzzle game I can get my hands on, and soon Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Halo: Reach.
Anybody wanna play L4D2 on 360 with me? I can never find a decent group when I randomly join a game and I've yet to actually complete any of the campaigns. (Piggylicious is my tag for those too lazy to go to the beginning of the thread) (Hurp)
I've only JUST reinstalled steam after a major problem with my computer, so hit me up, I'm othar, no big damn surprise.Xbox Live is Otharoth, however, so make sure you distinguish between the two!
Look what you can make on PlayStation's website!
HEY I FINALLY STOPPED HALF ASSING IT AND I RECONNECTED MY XBOX TO XBLMy gamertag is: Steaks1001And just to remind everyoneMy PSN is: Straightupfool
Sup Gamertag is :lilderrelGames:Fable2,borderlands,Splinter cell conviction,RE5,Halo:reach,And a couple coop arcade games.Im really looking for someone to do moxxis underdome