Been working on these throughout the summer. May as well share and ask for a hand in writing summaries for the backs, mixing basic plot info with some insights on the film's production.
This Dumbo draft here is the most complete of the full spreads so far.
They look like book covers.Too cool for DVD covers.
>>30024Well, this whole project was started by /co/ bitching about how weak the actual DVD covers are
Cool! What's the link to the full thread, please?
>>30035The thread on /co/ that started this whole project, if there is one.
>>30042Never archived, idea probably came up maybe last winter or so. I kinda started this individually and shared my work in various Disney concept art threads
Trying to think of which piece to use for Black Cauldron.I'm thinking of either this or a Horned King piece.Also trying to figure what to use with Sleeping Beauty.
>>30060Use this one.
>>30063Yeah, I was kinda leaning towards that one. Fits the movie's tone better
>>30070True enough. Keep posting - I think I'm going to use these for my own Disney collection!
>>30074Started work on Fox and the Hound's cover in addition to Cauldron's tonight.
Just thinking about stuff for the back, maybe it would be prudent to include tech details about the movie - 4:3, 16:9 or 2.35:1, Dolby Stereo, 4.0, or 5.1, DTS, etc.Also, I've half a mind to stick the Disney Canon number on the front of the cover. Where d'you think it'd fit best?
>>30083I've been putting the numbers on the spines. Could probably put tech details on if I knew how best to place them. I'm trying to make these so that they can work for any edition because there's quite a few of these movies that have multiple releases.Saludos Amigos for instance has the original solo release, the compilation disc with Three Caballeros and now, it's going to be riding bitch on the Walt and El Grupo documentary's DVD release.
>>30084I noticed with Dumbo.And also a very cool concept. Theoretically, the aspect ratio of the film shouldn't change, but Disney's been notorious for getting things wrong at times (Jungle Book, Aristocats, Robin Hood, Fox and the Hound)
Seriously, Disney, next run of these, they should sell an edition with this cover for a dollar or two more, and maybe some more discussion of the making on it. People would EAT THIS STUFF UP.
>>30104If by "people" you mean "collectors and adults," I'd agree wholeheartedly. I think the main reason Disney uses the covers they do is to attract family buyers, kids especially. It's aaaaall marketing.
Managed to track down the proper Pixar font. Gonna start doing covers for them too.
>>30110I was just about to ask you about that.FigmentJedi, you are a gentleman and a scholar. I doff my cap to you.
Probably the most simplistic of any of these covers
None for The Incredibles?
>>30119Of course
I'm kinda mulling over the idea of doing covers to the Bone movies years in advance. Like using those last six issue covers in a trio of themed jackets, assuming they go with a trilogy model.
Bump! Any update on this awesome project, FigmentJedi?
>>30332Been working on Monsters Inc and I'm thinking of using this as a TS3 cover if a high quality version of that color-script of Woody and Buzz watching Andy drive away doesn't turn up.
>>30372>>30374>>30378GODLIKE. Loving these more 'n' more.
This is pretty much the full Fantasia cover. Might do some tweaks with the text stuff and I've yet to put the directors list on it, but considering how many there were doing all the segments, I'm not really sure I'd have the proper room for them.
>>30924I was about to say, what is with Aladdin's choice of chapeau in that concept art?
Whee, found another place to get concepts