Other thread is getting huge, and also I saw this image on the shimmie and d'awwww.4chan house thread: the old forums are over a year old now.Relevant links:http://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/ -- Image gallery.http://dis.4chanhouse.org/ -- Discussion boards.http://1d4chan.org/wiki/4chan_anime -- General information.http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Board-tans -- Character descriptions.
>>29740They were made the same way babies of crack lesbian ships are made.SCIENCE!!!
>>29740I like itFunny that you put the pair in Pokemon Cosplay like clothes.
>>29740just a note.... TR?
Scratch that...went to vp and it is also TR....Doh
/m/ has requested an alternate look for /m/-tan's "Real Robot" mode... Unfortunately, I have no idea what that entails.
>>29760I am, however, enjoying the "Hot-Blooded" version.
The perfect /m/-tan would be a character in a bright flashy flight suit wearing a helmet that completely obscures their face and gender.A running gag being that the character's gender is never outright stated, and somehow eats, drinks, brushes their teeth seemingly with the helmet on.
Passing /x/phile here. This is a great project, and I wish the best of luck to you all (I wish I was creative enough to contribute).Are there any plans to draw something similar to the original 4chan House with all the -tans? It'd be a good collaborative project.
Relative of /i/ and /ic/.Generally pretty quiet but always ask for proof of ownership on any work. As paranoid as he can be he'll help out people with questions if they ask nicely.Just thought to get it out of the way. Based on my personal experience with the board.
/3/ being related to I ic .... but those two are not related by genetics atm
>>29811In that case just /ic/ as I have already decided on his hair color and there is simply no going back from that.
>>29820Sound interesting.
What if...../3/ is the Little brother of /ic/ but /ic/ hates his guts for some reason.Maybe /ic/'s "Fatherly instincts" towards /i/ from things that might be too too traumatic? Just a passing thought
Debate thecfraki
>>29897 >>29897 Sounds cool but what could back that.up?
Meh. Summer kills good things like this thread. Anyway so x and tg are together.... what about sci and po? Or maybe lit
BIG DRAMA LATELY! Apparently in the aftermath of /co/ and /ck/'s breakup, /co/ decided to steal /x/ away from /tg/. /tg/ would have none of it, and the two faced off in an epic brodown, stalemating. /x/ showed up, told both of them off, and decided to run off with /k/. Something here demands drawing.
I don't want no drama. No no no no drama...Yeah, I saw those threads, but it was probably some troll. I think the way it works is if you want something to be included is you write about it, or draw somethi- oh wait...Maybe it was /d/ after all, or maybe /b/ was stirring up trouble. I'm not in a rush to change the relationship descriptions.
>>30255Wouldn't that mean /x/ is cheating on /tg/?
>>30257It would seem. But it might be the product of someone who doesn't know all the characters all that well.
>>30280or a clever ruse!
>>30282I hate Clever Ruses!I think I shall work on some art for /f/argo This week...
Here is a rough design set for :Trv, gif , and fLeft to right is so. Just a thought
>>30306I was expecting /f/ to have an afro probably because racial stereotypes, but ok. Chain is cool though, that's gotta stay, and it should also say /f/ on it (again with the racial stereotypes).I should also point out: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Boardbound/index.php? who are clearly more creative and dedicated than me (thanks, /co/!)
A quick sketch of /g/
Now relevant, ReCAPTCHA-tan. Maybe one of /rs/'s buddies or something.There's also an Ae-tan for Encyclopedia Dramatica, but probably not as relevant.
>>30359 >>30318 Well I went from the description on the wiki. it just said messy unkempt hair.the large circle on the center of the chain was a dial with an f on,it.recapcha tan sounds great
Possibly /x/ has split personalities due to /b/ constantly abusing her? Part of her loves /tg/, and the other personality... well... it has been acting a lot like /b/ lately.idk, I just feel that it would make sense given the board dynamics.
>>30542I always assume the /b/ invasions would just make /x/ just recoil and go into hiding.
I'm not dead... I'm just really real- *fits of hacking coughs* Oh lawd *Gak* *cough* argh... sick.
>>30559never said you were
There's enough room for /x/ to be 'possessed' or something, so, yeah!
>>30566Hmm Nice idea
So, 1d4chan is currently down which makes me a sad panda for various reasons
>>30767Same And annoyed
Whoo! 1d4chan is back up.
it seems not to be so...
re: 1d4chan:>So yeah, the server has been misbehaving for a few days. Also I have limited internet access. These two problems are unrelated but their tag-team action makes it difficult for me to fix the site within a reasonable timescale, and the server failure is likely to recur until I work out what's causing it and how to fix it (which is again difficult thanks to the limited internet access) and so more unplanned outages should be expected in the coming days. Hopefully this won't cause anyone significant problems. >Wikifag 12:31, 31 August 2010 (UTC) there's a couple new images on the shimmie if you haven't seen them yet. As far as website-related stuff goes, I've only used 3% of the data transfer I get per month.In completely unrelated news, I am at PAX this weekend!
>>31091Make sure to Look out for Chan cosplayers anyway.
>>31091> I've only used 3% of the data transfer I get per monthIt has been a while since there was real attention for the boardtans. Not much you can do unless you want to take the stick to the beehive and attempt to start something on /a/, /co/, /tg/ or whatever.>>31243Cosplay? At PAX? People do that?Oh shit, I'm supposed to be lurking.
>>31779Anything is possible.Pax is a convention and people are bound to even if it is not really that kind of things. Fans are crazy like that.
>>31779I'm not really one for bringing attention to things... if there's a board-tan thread going on that I see I'll probably post in it (as Anonymous), but /b/ is probably the only board I would make board-tan threads in. Most of it is because it's super-meta and not-board-related stuff tends to ruin boards.There were some cosplays at PAX, but it was vidya cosplays. Although there were quite a few 4channers there in the first place.
>>31877 Brutal..that and lurk on b then I willh
>>24713/tg/ greg/tv/ greg/g/reg/jp/ gregIt's too perfect.
so there's like an /x/ dating sim or somethingthat's pretty cool
>>32372Sweet plumpears!