For anyone participating in NoShavember: I'm going to take a picture of me for every unshaven day of November, and I suggest you follow suit. Don't need to post every picture every day, but I encourage you do so for major updates in your (gripes about) facial hair.Everyone else: business as usual, I guess.
Very old pic.Might as well share.
>>26000 Yeah that v-neck tee sure makes you a hipster. I bet those jeans don't even look like something a dad would wear! You filthy fucking hipster.
>>25949Alternatively, a shave and a haircut later...
Once again, I am pleasantly reminded that there are no genuinely unattractive people on +4.Unf.
>>26000>SiberianWhy hello sailor.....wait why is that my knee jerk reaction to the homeland.
>>26036You're funny people.
Here's me being a wistful faggot again.
>>26038Well, obviously, you have a lady-boner for Russkies.
>>26038My reaction was thinking of the MGMT song.
>>20959>>24685>>24764Hell.It's always the ones I'll never meet in my lifetime that I fancy.
>>26036This thought brought to you by my not having posted a picture in a while.Though I do agree.
I need to get a picture for that wall.
>>26125I expected you to be more ... bald.And more british-y....And maybe a tad more plastic-heart-y.
>>26126Maybe you're confusing me with Justin?
I was browsing /co/ and saw an OC thread.I took this just to show my disapproval.
I'm just gonna upload some of the stuff from my photography final because I think it's some of the best pictures of myself that I have.This was fun to shoot
>>26140May I say that you look quite strapping.
>>26171Who is this strange, yet compelling individual?
>>26161you look like anime
>> that a good thing or a bad thing?
>>26176Is he wearing an Iron Chef T-shirt in that clip? :o
>>26160>RED EVERYWHERE>Reading Green Lanternwut
Motherfucker, look at me, I'm adorable.I'm practically a goddamn fairy princess over here.
>>26446Get yourself a tiara.
>>26446You cut your hair AGAIN?I think you have an addiction. To doing things to your hair. Which I think you've admitted to, but reiterating.
>>26446>Mayekoi bragging about herself>Again
>>26524I'd brag too if I were the hottest thing on the site.I have to settle with SECOND hottest.Oh, what the hell-- ADORE ME.
>>26524Well, it's better than the whining about family & such. Somewhat.>>26527How old are you? 15?
>>26527>he thinks he hot>a 15 year old chav
>>26527o lol
>>26532...Sixteen, actually. >>26546Oh, feck off. I'm posh as can be.
Incoming suit.
>>26604Girl on right is lovely.Middle seems fun and sociable.....Left seems healthy, to say the least.
>>26604>Just realized I judge women based on the shoes they wear.
>>26606Women have shoes?!
>>26607Hey, just a few days, I found out they had FACES. The things you see when you look up every once and awhile.
>>26609I thought that thing was a titty hat.
Mayekoi you look like a lesbianMy hair is too curly to lay flat as a cute pixie fringe, I'm sorry.
>>26609Funny you should mention. I went through a "depression" in secondary school. In the beginnings, I recall.I could tell every girl apart from her ankles. Shit was weird, man.
>>26615If it /looks/ like a lesbian, and /acts/ like a lesbian...
>>26630It's from the island of Lesbos, Greece?
>>26615We have the same hair style.I'm not sure how I feel about that.