I think we should try to make one for plus4chan.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IcY7PA1I08
So who's organizing this?I'd volunteer but I'm running low on HD space.I'd also have recorded a sample but FFFFFF SORE THROAT.
If you guys need a mixer, I'd be glad to help.>>18122Unless you guys plan to sing this A cappella, I highly doubt you'll be coming across an instrumental version any time soon.
/mu/ just entered the game.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e-BgnZY5qgNot bad, but entirely off key.
>>18174/mu/ has one more and they are fucking terrible.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Zlc-vN0pc
Did anyone know there was a SingChan channel on IRC?http://www.rizon.net/chat.phpRoom: #singchan
If we do something, perhaps we should ally with /mu/.
Some guys on /co/ a few weeks back were working on "I'll Make a Man Out Of You", but they never finished it. I think it's a fantastic choice and really lends itself well to this group chorus style of singing.And it's just an awesome song.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS5dEeMX64
>>18178My vote is for, "I'll Make a Man Out of You".
>>18177I think /mu/ might be considering on joining with us.
I recommend that we sing, "The Song That Never Ends".
>>18206Drives Us Bats
We're Plus4chan.We should sing the Cheers themesong.
>>18216/a/ does.
>>18216You'd be terribly wrong
>>18216The next /co/ sings is from Mulan, it's done but has to be uploaded.AND +4 SHOULD TOTALLY SING THE CHEERS SONG FFFFF It's so obvious, how did I not realize sooner.
>>18237I like this idea.
I vote for Drives us Bats for the next one
>>18237I don't get it; why would we sing the Cheers song?
I support the Cheers song.
So are we singing the Full Theme, or just the show intro?For reference, the full theme.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvRGh2NEjSU
>>18242The Cheers theme song is also the +4 themesong.
Are we going to use Audacity?http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Can't one use headphones in substitute for a microphone?
>>18283Yes. Provided you have enough guts to sing loudly.
Assuming it's a song I know, I'm totally in.
The guy who is helping /b/ posted a beta of the song "Livin' with a Prayer". It's not officially done because they need some more singers from /b/. Meanwhile, /co/ is planning on doing another song as well as /v/.Here is the link that was posted on /b/ with the permission of the guy himself.http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lfztnnwmijmI'm surprised it's actually good.
>>18293where are they organizing?
Whatcha guys think about this?
>>18302I like it. Wish the thread wouldn't keep getting deleted over on /co/.
>>18302I voted.If you guys need a prominent bassline like in the /b/ sample, I could probably figure something out. Maybe.
If we do Cheers, I'd love to lead. My friends say I can sing the song REALLY well...
Another idea: Party Hard by Andrew W.K. IF video is included to depict head banging. You could mosiac/blur out your face is you wish, I guess, but come on you're headbanging nobody will see over the AWESOME.
>>18283Yes, but the quality's not as good.
I'll join the +4chan singalong, so we're singing Cheers?
Guys. Guys. Guys.Not trolling. Not trying to be rude.Why the FUCK do you all sound like children?
>>18355Psssh, I don't.
>>18355Because I'm a girl
SO, what song is it?
>>18442Spectacular Spider-Man theme
I think you know what to do!
Well, it looks like someone uploaded /b/'s unfinished song on Youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hW8-Sv0yUs
Why am I addicted to this /coc/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jqTLikBqUw
I'd like /co/ to sing the Carmen Sandiego song.But that's just me.
I think you all need to consider THIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUyqxmv2DA&feature=related
>>18532Recording now.
What the shit... ?/r9k/ has one now?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh_AW_ZEtTI
>>18467http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B5RnXAGguQWhat the fuck? /b/ has another one?