OPERATION: NOT SUCKa Von Dave productionstarring Nicky Two-Vests & Friends
>>18550my only question is, how many issues per arc.
>>18589Whatever's appropriate. This first one will be four since the layout just ended up working like that. I'd say it'd average to four or five per arc, but I'm not down for "writing for the trade" and forcing six or so issues onto one story.
btw, when do you need the funnies by?
Santiago's crew, past and present, are under construction! Here are the first four:
my bad if these seem pretty one-dimensional (i.e. boring), I didn't give Squid much to work with besides reference pictures.
New JV sketch.I'm thinking JV won't get to this level of tech (i.e. junk on body) until later in the greater stories, but this is more or less what he'll look like later on.
Just wanted to point out that the third script's rough draft is done.Progress!
hows work going on the visual side? I know Coela has been busy with job stuff but I'm sure everyone is very eager to see anything close to a teaser page.
>>20015Soon? Trust me.Anyway, this year feels like it's gonna be our year! (Part of) January will be spent polishing off the first script before preview pages (i.e. the first scene) are ready, and then we start spreading the word and set up a website, and then etc.Get involved: Do you have any favorite sea shanties or drinking songs? Tell us some and they might get illustrated later on.
Also, history lessons! Anything or anyone worthy of a lecture/presentation by Nicky himself!Other, non-Squidly artists can apply to do these. We crave diversity.
>>20952I WILL DO ITITT: Pablo ruins a perfectly good thing.
Preview pages are in production! Let us dance!
>>21216can't fucking wait
Don't mind me, just ruining a perfectly good thing.
>>21264And more so.
>>21266That'll do, pig.
>>21264>>21266>>21267is this supposed to be funny, boy.
>>19450This is a cool things I'm looking at.
Why? Because i like to create logos for non-existing stuff. I'm just that kind of man.
>>21675You are awesome, and made something that honestly isn't too far off what we had in mind for a logo.Sorry we've been AWOL for so long, guys. Squid just recently wrapped up her Ugly Americans bit, I've been swamped with all things Senior year, and Dave has been...well, he's been doing Davely things. We're gonna try and kickstart things soon.
Bumping? You're damn right I am.
worst comic ever. what a bunch of butts.
>>24422We should just give up now.
>>24426wait, you didn't already?
>>24428Nope! In fact, we're getting closer and closer to something tangible. Because of that, though, we're gonna have to start being secretive of things. Partly so we keep some mystique and suspense around it, the other because a lot of what we've been doing (i.e. Dave and I while Squid draws stuff) is little more than DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS.Still, I'd love for you guys to discuss Nicky, and whatever thoughts/ideas you have about/for him at the moments. Who knows, we might take it into consideration!In the meantime, we'll leave you with this nice little treat to tie you over.
>>24963I wish I had any Ideas. maybe Nicky was born on a train.
dont forget the human jew
Here's a proper sendoff: a reprint of what started it all, compliments of DudeWithMoney.This is still relevant.
Dude, YES! last page first panel should be just "home" for more Impactbut that's just my opinion.
I am still waiting patiently for this. I would help if I could draw, but I just write.
Hey guys, whatever happened to this project?I was really looking forward to it.
>>31740Stay tuned.
>>31740I got a job where I work 80 hours a week. Hopefully when the contract loosens up next week I can work on it again.