Last thread: >>94043IRC is #bluhbluh at esper, ask for help, blah blah.
Oh God I said Jack but what happened was so much worse. I've forgiven you for a lot, Serket. But not this.NOT. THIS.(John please just baffle the fuck out of her. Just ruin her God damn brain with your adorable thick skull.)
To be fair she didn't know what John was doing, but yeah huge bitch bluh bluh etc. She's gonna get bitched at by John anyway.
So the only reason why they have to make a scratch is because of Vriska fucking with someone else's awake time and losing the ring.
I find this both Hilarious and Infuriating
Hmm, so where did his dreamself go? Its know that your dreamself goes back to your bed on Derse or Prospit when you wake up, but...John's can't do that. HmmApparently if you get mind controlled and you have a realself, the control defaults to your realself, no matter what mental state you are in.
Oh Vriska.You are the hugest bitch. :U
Ok, the fuck...was his dreamself just destroyed. Because I'm really hoping it wasn't...
best update ever
Oh wow this update.John and Vriska. Vriska cannot win, it is impossible. On the other hand she has now proudly elevated herself to Character Most Likely To Kill Someone IRL with this awful (aweful) panel.
I don't quite know how to react to this. On on hand I figured the gardians and the kids wouldn't meet that easily and the poof bit was funny, but on the other hand HE WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE AND IT'S BEEN RUINED. I'm half amused and half angry. Hopefully if were lucky he'll post the conversation before he calls it a night. What time is it in Hussieland anyway?
>>95237Oh she damn well KNEW John was dreaming and has a dreamself, just like she did. SHE KNEW. Not what he was doing. BUT STILL.
>>9524That's what I meant. She probably assumed he was just running around being a goofball. She couldn't have been aware of a reunion that was about to happen.
>>95247About 11:50 Eastern Time
>>95250I'm responding to this>>95248
>>95251Think we'll get lucky? Also where's Bea.
Meh, it's just a pesterlog, Hussie better update it
Honestly I think all this hilarious rage on Vriska is the fandom feeling relieved they have a new reason to bitch about her again.Calling Vriska a huge bitch is like comfort food ::::(
>>95230Vriska is going to fuck me? :D
>Make myself a troll for the hell of it.>Go orange because I'm a Taurus.>Remember that the Longhorns football team colors are burnt orange.>Remember Tavros has long horn steer hornsAndrew, you magnificent creature. How could I have overlooked this?
>>95197loled so hard>>95253Am i not allowed to go out anymore what's happening>>95264yoshilime pls go
>>95266>yoshislimeBAD BEA don't remind me of the existence of such people haphazardly.
>>95267did he deliver yet
>>95266>yoshilime pls gofucking lol
Just read update. Vriska is the greatest troll in the "trolling people" senses of the word. I cannot stop laughing. Especially reading this thread and seeing how happy everyone was tat john was about to reunite with he father and then POOF.
I laughed hard. Oh, Vriska, you stupid bitch~
>>95242Well, there's no dream tower for him to teleport back to ... so maybe he goes to ... uh. ... :C ffuuuh SEEEERRKETTTPROBLEMS REPORT: I've started to react to every John update the way I react to pictures of adorable kittens; which is to say, with much squealing and deeply disturbing, involuntary almost-cooing. Also the remaining day is spent beaming at passers-by and generally displaying--what's the term?--"cheer." Perturbing and possibly alienating friends, family, and neighbors. Outlook grim; I'm finding it difficult to contain mysD'AAAAW LOOK AT THAT STUPID DERPING FACE I FUCKIN MISSED YOU JOHN
AG: Probleeeeeeeem, John?vriskaface.jpg
>>95275here use this!
I hope vriska never ever stops doing things to make people pissed at her, even if she eventually has to stoop down to little things like drinking milk out of the carton or eating the very last cookie.
>>95273I do the same thing. You cannot hope to defeat Egbert in a cute-off. He is simply the best there is.
>>95269not yet no but it'll happenit'll happen
my current favorite update comment.> this is hilarious in the same way that old video where the breakdancer accidentally kicks a wandering toddler was hilarious
>>95284Honestly that's the best way to describe it. A hit and run that no one saw coming.
>>95286Really?Are you sure?
>>95284Flawless commentary.
There is a version of this without a beard but not only does it not have a beard, it does not have a cleft chin so I didn't bother to save it.
updatemade you check
I have forgotten how bright fucking white the gardians were.
sad dad gona drink his sorrows awau
*single tear*
Haha, oh Vriska. :3>>95152>...ew.Hehehe!
stunna shades
>>95302What the fuck is going on in the clouds?
>>95306youll nevva catch me wwithout my stunnaz on>>95308Rose blowing up her first gate.