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Wait, do we have The Last Supper of Troll Jegus? If not, I'm kindly requesting it now.
>>83910Who is Troll Jegus? Assuming the twelve apostles are the twelve trolls.
>>83859Oh Gog thanks to this Eridan is now inexplicably and forever Robbie Rotten in my head. Ineffectual supervillain ahoy. He also has the chin but not nearly enough cleft for you guys.
>>83911Casey the salamander.
>>83910Oddly enough Yubi has come closer than anyone (insofar as I know).
>>83911I dunno. Will Smith? Hell, if you don't know who to cast you can always slam Will Smith into the role.
>>83906>>83905You're too kind.
>>83912Oh god the striped pants and everything
>>83905i love thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiislnr why are you only coming to us now you are lovely never stop drawing
>>83906o-oh my /////
UpdaaaaaaaateEridan's interests. Which are about to be followed by Feferi's.
>> You also like MAGIC, even though you know it to be FAKE. Like a made up friend, the way wizards are. Made up make believe FAKEY FAKEY FAKES. It's still fun though.
>>83915I dunno, maybe it's the eyes or something?also I don't understand why everyone draws Sollux so short. It's so much easier to make him look like the self-hating slob he is when he is gangly.irc already saw this but it wan't never posted here it's not done but i'm talking about height so
>>83925Sollux doesn't work if he isn't of a thin frame, doesn't matter if it's gangly or slight.Also YES EVERYONE LOVES THE CLEFT.
>>83927so magnificent...So with a few quick edits, I got a pretty workable Spade Slick out of this too.
>>83923My god he is a wizard.i hope he pester Rose so they can nerd it out about wizards
>>83928ERI PORA, the boy who lived didn't kill everyone.
>>83930Eridan x Rose forever, they can roleplay as wizards in the bedroom
>>83925lmao at karkatThose are great! So much personality.And yeah I'm not a fan of tiny Sollux either. He could be lanky! Besides, I always pictured Karkat being the shortest dude. I know it's a cliche for short guys to be aboard the rage train and everything but it just clicks. (Or maybe I just think Karkat should have ANY AND ALL reasons to be a sourpuss idk.)
Recently real /co/ has gotten into making 4chan board personifications playing sburb and it's a little annoying because it drowns out normal conversation but they came up with the best fucking land ever.Land of Brown and Bloom(guess who gets stuck there(it's /v/))
so wait i'm pretty sure eridan is supposed to be orpheus. that's all that update is telling me.
>>83936Guess who deserves to be stuck there!?It's /v/
>>83935Mostly he is short because it is one more thing to be angry at Sollux and Terezi for because they both tower over him (also he is an angry leprechaun)IT'S SO CLICHÉ BUT I CAN'T IMAGINE HIM ANY OTHER WAY.
>>83939He is so full of stubby ineffectual rage, it's perfect for him to be the runt too.
Oh man, rereading Hivebent is so wierd. So many jumps, I'm glad there are days between them in real time.Best retroactively sad moment<-Kan... :(
>>83923Crikey, he's when I was 13. The glasses, the wavy accent, the military history obsession, the genocidal tendencies, the general impression that I was a tool, the magic shit fandumb (or Buffy fandumb, whatever)...besides riding a seahorse wielding a harpoon and stockpiling doomsday devices, it's like a page out of my life.
>>83943Christ I wish I had Ivan's vocal talent
>>83942How do you do that wavy accent? Purely out of scientific curiosity, of course.
>>83946Oh dear God, I hadn't made that connection with just the text. In my head, Eridan will always sound like he just got off the Enterprise now.
>>83947CA: kan get me some directions or somthinGA: WhatCA: the fuckin nuclear wwessels thats wwhat
>>83906oh shit i can't believe i'm not the only one who saw this
>>83943>WHAT'S HE BUILDING IN THERE COVER>THE VOICE IS PERFECT>OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGsorry guys i'm secretly obsessed with tom waits.
Oh God~I just got back from a vacation, was gone since WednesdayThis is amazing
>>83975Tom Waits is kind of a scary person irl. He's quite tall and looks more than a little nuts.
>>83977But that's why we love him.His voice alone has fueled the nightmares of millions.
>>83978As much as I love his music, I don't love feeling like I could get axe-murdered in the back of an antique store. It was really disconcerting because I didn't recognize him at first.
>>83977I've never seen him in real life, but I really want to. If he ever goes on tour again I'm getting tickets no matter how much they cost.
>>83983Yeah, I'd really like to see him preform too.
>>83984So wait, you met him out and about? How did that happen?
>>83985Well, I didn't so much 'meet' him as just see him. But Yeah, he was at an antique fair up in Cotati. I only realized who he was when he started noodling around on a piano that I guess he was considering getting.
>>83943When recording this I imagined that CA was talking about Equius.
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