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File 130169576571.jpg - (115.34KB , 800x600 , Ibex.jpg )
20167 No. 20167
I think Rock/Fighting would be a good typing for an ibex.
90 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 21171
My life has taken on new meaning.
>> No. 21172
Dark-Fire exploading Koala bears. It must be drawn.
>> No. 25660
There should ba an oviraptor Pokemon
>> No. 25663
I didn't like Vanillite either until I realized how useful it was against certain Pokemon (and that I could one-hit KO a lot of Pokes with Ice Beam). And I admit, it is pretty cute.

Quetzal are pretty kick-ass. I've always liked the bright green feathers and super-long tail.

I too desire a plague doctor flamingo.
>> No. 25667
File 134773785636.jpg - (3.19MB , 3008x1960 , 1212607940317.jpg )
Dammit Gamefreak, where is my Cuttlefish pokemon?
>> No. 25668
Also a fire/grass pokemon based on a hot pepper
>> No. 25669
Off the top of my head; cockroach, mosquito, any species of 'fly' or worm, panda, koala, platypus, squid, nautilus, quail, and most of the insect kingdom.

Then of corse you have mythological creatures like the centaur, werewolf, minotaur, and the feathered serpent.
>> No. 25670
File 134782990214.jpg - (51.63KB , 720x480 , lotww_shot6l.jpg )
White Worm.
>> No. 25671
File 134795062557.jpg - (44.14KB , 600x501 , version_exclusives.jpg )
>> No. 25672
Oh god damnit why can't I remember the name, it's like a lobster or a shrimp that's all purple and amazing looking god damnit
>> No. 25674
It's not this is it?


I'd love to see a Pokémon based on this anyway.
>> No. 25675
Yes, yes it is that lovely thing, and they should totally do a pokemon based on it (And it should be girly because that thing looks like it's wearing a dress and jewlery to me)
>> No. 25676

Also they need a pistol shrimp Pokemon with a GIANT GUN FOR A CLAW!!!!!
>> No. 25677
Shrimp Pokemon with a pearl necklace and giant gun claw? Cut out the middleman, perhaps.
>> No. 25678
>> No. 25693
File 134963004066.jpg - (197.28KB , 1839x721 , 283329-Dunkleosteus.jpg )
Dunkleosteus would make such a perfect fossil Pokemon, I'm befuddled that it hasn't already been done.
>> No. 25700
Stuff based on the Fearsome Critters of lumberjack folklore if future games are continuing to be set in Pokemerica. A Hodag would be pretty boss
>> No. 25834
isn't Relicanth the hybrid child of a coelacanth and a dunkleosteus?
>> No. 25835
Could be out first rock/dragon...

Or is rock the secondary typing for fossil-mon?
>> No. 25843
Eh... kinda, I guess. It's got the same rocky head, but Relicanth doesn't remotely capture the obvious predatory menace of a dunkelosteus. I'd love to see a dunkelosteus-themed evolution for Relicanth though.
>> No. 25860
File 135373635846.jpg - (101.05KB , 640x471 , hummingmoth.jpg )
It's a type of moth that looks like a hummingbird. I need it
>> No. 25861
File 135373675593.jpg - (29.00KB , 400x300 , hummingmoth2.jpg )
Seriously these things are awesome
>> No. 25868
File 135396875460.jpg - (14.65KB , 342x321 , dodo.jpg )
>> No. 25943
There needs to be a legitimate dolphin Pokemon. Mainly because I am tired of explaining to people that lanturn is not a dolphin
>> No. 25944
It's final form could have it turning into a narwhal
>> No. 25945
File 135805728386.jpg - (16.28KB , 259x194 , image.jpg )
This could have some potential
>> No. 25947
File 135805888625.jpg - (14.85KB , 259x194 , image.jpg )
I demand a decent steel/ dark type. Bisharp was cool looking, but stats wise was bad. Pic somewhat related
>> No. 26012
File 135920647893.jpg - (8.52KB , 183x267 , Tasmanian_tiger.jpg )
>> No. 26025
>> No. 26026
>> No. 26057

Fleas then.
>> No. 26073
File 136414236236.jpg - (50.09KB , 600x375 , Elysia chlorotica.jpg )
look, a water-grass type!
>> No. 26125
File 136563413641.jpg - (41.70KB , 800x531 , bumblebat.jpg )
the newly discovered bumblebat

>> No. 26247
Is the new ridable goat 'mon close enough to say "OP called it"?
>> No. 26339
File 13736629299.jpg - (203.73KB , 725x483 , Huskies_Porcupine.jpg )
That's cute as fuck.

The porcupine.
>> No. 26342
Pancham/Pangoro are based on Japanese delinquents right? Weren't Croagunk and Scraggy already supposed to be that?
>> No. 26347

The Scraggy family is supposed to be street punks. They're sort of similar, but very different in a way that's hard to explain.
>> No. 26353

I saw this great picture of a cuttlefish. Do you know its source? I would like to use it.
>> No. 26361
File 137490802737.jpg - (169.19KB , 916x726 , Tardigrada.jpg )
Can't believe the lack of waterbear legendaries. Or griffins, or genuine wolf 'mons. Not dogs, hyenas, or maned wolves, actual Canis lupus ones.
>> No. 26362
I thought either Manaphy or Phione were waterbears.
>> No. 26364
File 137498418384.jpg - (21.29KB , 400x305 , sea_angel-11.jpg )
They're actually slugs.
>> No. 26365
I would argue that reuniclus is a waterbear in a sense, given it's little ears and what not.
>> No. 26369
File 137532372465.gif - (651.55KB , 360x202 , tumblr_mqr7rjj6LF1qhgo13o2_400.gif )
>> No. 26370
File 137534275052.png - (118.52KB , 425x257 , Sukuagiru.png )
You mean a quadrupedal shark or a one that uses its fins as feet as pictured?
>> No. 26371
Like the walking shark? Yes.
>> No. 26373
File 137542756947.jpg - (263.00KB , 850x930 , sharkbro_hug.jpg )
It's more of a waddling shark, though I suppose that's the appeal.
>> No. 26374
File 137556892555.jpg - (146.13KB , 600x488 , scaly-foot gastropod.jpg )
A deep sea snail covered in scales made from actual iron (well, iron sulfite), whose armor is so though its being studied for potential use in body armor and armored vehicles? I think we have a water/steel on our hands.
>> No. 26464
File 137688029990.jpg - (117.50KB , 768x518 , Tuatara on forest floor three quarters.jpg )
It might not be the most exciting looking animal, but with third eyes and all dat immortality I could see them going some really cool places.
>> No. 27057
File 139632965486.jpg - (289.15KB , 800x531 , piasa_bird.jpg )
The Piasa, a chimeric beast from Native American mythology.
>> No. 27058
File 13968296909.jpg - (422.56KB , 648x486 , linares-fish-large.jpg )
They got hawlucha and the flying Nazca monsters, why not some other Latin American beasts, like Alebrijes or feathered serpents (looking at you Dunsparce).
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