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72377 No. 72377
So i guess this started updating awhile ago but the thread was autosaging and i didn't know so i got caught up and hey lets talk about homestuck
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>> No. 72909
Mindfang embellished details a lot, so it makes sense for Aranea to exaggerate a bit too.
>> No. 72910
One flaw in her plan is the fact that being immortal won't save you from being knocked out cold, and once she's in the dreambubbles Meenah can steal the ring of life from her. Or the Condense can nab it if she also has thief powers, but I'm not sure what she'd do with it. Bring back The Ψiioniic, maybe?

Also, Jane might handle Gamzee surprisingly well. She is heir to an empire that regularly uses nasty clowns as enforcers.
>> No. 72911
Gamzee no longer has the ring, so he is quite killable right now. All Jane needs to do is point that fork up and no more cloun :o)
>> No. 72912
>quite killable right now
Are you forgetting that this is the A-hole who took about a thousand bullets to the chest and still managed to walk it off? I have no doubt that Gamzee is mortal, but I'm quite uncertain as to whether or not he can actually be killed.
>> No. 72913
Because he had the ring at the time
>> No. 72914
File 137939422712.gif - (69.25KB , 650x650 , 05481.gif )
Actually he didn't.
Well, he wasn't wearing it anyway. Could have been in his inventory I guess but I don't think it works that way.
>> No. 72915
According to Aranea it only needs to be in your possession.
>> No. 72916
She did?
> ARANEA: It is said that any ghost who wears this ring will come 8ack to life!

What if I say he was wearing it?
>> No. 72917
> ARANEA: I simply cannot 8e killed.
>ARANEA: You see, as long as a certain charm remains in my possession, I am immortal.
>ARANEA: Even more immortal than usual!
She did.
>> No. 72918
Goddamn, is it an unwritten rule all the space players have to be cutie patooties?

Poor Calliope.
>> No. 72919
Goddamn, is it an unwritten rule all the space players have to be cutie patooties?

Poor Calliope.
>> No. 72920
If that was true there'd be no reason for Aranea to put it on display in the first place. If she really wanted to keep it safe she could just, I dunno, put it in her inventory or swallow it.

Gamzee is unkillable because he's fucking Gamzee. That's literally all there is to it.
>> No. 72921
If possession was all that was needed, Hussie would have remained alive (unless he just found it after dying). Aranea only came back to life after wearing it. DD and Roxy were only able to use the Void Ring after wearing it. I'm pretty sure the use of the word "possession" is semantics since loss of possession in this case is being de-ringed.
>> No. 72922
so THAT's what the Royal Deringer will be used for. not Jack Noir.
>> No. 72923
I'm thinking Aranea's divergent timeline and the main one might both become alpha timelines, one of them making Caliborn's session, which could turn out to effectively be the begging of paradox space.
>> No. 72924
This is the funniest exchange we've had in a while.
>> No. 72925
These two are adorable together.
>> No. 72926
damn we need a new thread
>> No. 72927
The reason Dave is listing his shit is because this event wasn't supposed to happen, not because he suddenly forgot dying in Homestuck doesn't matter.
>> No. 72929
my thoughts exactly

too bad you don't do the time thing anymore and your fix-it-all sis is a drunk, Dave. I guess Jade will stay dead for quite some time
>> No. 72930
sorry brain ghost dirk

you may be unannounced and suddenly completely not fake
but I don't think you can pull this off by yourself
>> No. 72931
terezi how did you even get here, you can't fly remember

also can someone find a suitable pic so we can make a new thread so it's not just me talking to myself
>> No. 72932
>still dont have the slightest clue whats going on here but i fully endorse this turn of events

No immediate need for a new thread when this one is still the second thread on the board.
>> No. 72933
Would be nice to have something other than Dave's ironic selfie though.
>> No. 72936
>DAVE: hey johns hot mom did you see what happened
>DAVE: shit i mean
>DAVE: johns evil mom

Dave just can't help himself huh. That's pretty cute actually, even if it is a freudian slip.
>> No. 72937
Voting Terezi's dynamic entry as new thread image.

and I need a name for my new Jane/Dave ship. Lifetime?
>> No. 72938
Why does he keep calling Jane John's mother? He knows she's meant to be his Grandma.

Speaking of which, what the fuck ever happened to NannaSprite? I know something happened but I can't remember what for the life of me.
>> No. 72939
She arrived on the battleship and wandered off at some point, we last saw her hanging out with the other sprites on Dirk's planet while Arquius was failing to reference Dragonball. Looks like those two could meet up at some point, and also maybe Gamzee will be there. Could be a prank war waiting to happen, given the sheer skill of the potential participants.
>> No. 72940
Nana is effectively John's biological mother, as her DNA was mixed with Jade's Grandpa to produce both John and Jade.
>> No. 72941
Well, at least Dave's mom-lust isn't incestuous this time.
>> No. 72942
so is the momswap party happening or what
>> No. 72944
Goddamn, Aranea. Ring or no, doesn't that even hurt?
>> No. 72945
Maybe trolls and/or god tiers have some level of increased pain resistance?
>> No. 72947
Oh shit. This is like that thing between Vriska and Tavros, where Vris grabs his lance and impales him.

Except being direct isn't Aranea's style. She's going to dodge and brain Dirk is going to impale Roxy. One more lucky 8r8k and we'll have another dead kid.
>> No. 72948
Even with outrageous luck for Aranea, I can't see how Roxy (who hasn't done anything to anyone) getting killed in her sleep could be justified as Just or Heroic.
>> No. 72949
If Aranea wanted Roxy dead, I think she could have just killed her herself or had Jake or Gamzee do it or something. Aranea isn't being malicious in her plot, just ruthless. Kid needs to go through an emotional journey to unlock his potential? Heal his mind to unlock it right now. KO'd enemy will return to evil as soon as she revives? Kill her. She's about to be revived? Send your clown minion to distract the healer with his inappropriate fondling.
>> No. 72950
Killing Roxy directly wouldn't make anyone flip their shit as much as having Dirk do it. Dirk would finally crack hard, and Jane would lose it even more, effectively disabling the entire alpha kid team.
>> No. 72951
Yeah. The reason Aranea had Jade killes was that she is simply too powerful to risk her waking up and being turned into a weapon by the Condesce.

Roxy isn't a threat as long as she's asleep. I'd say that Dave, Jane or even 'real' Dirk are in greater danger right now. Maybe even Rose, who as a fellow Light player arguably is the greatest threat to her plot.

Then again it looks like sending everyone to the Void might be a really bad idea. The two most powerful influential Space players and a Void player in one place? Sounds like trouble to me
>> No. 72952
There's more Dirks out there, though. Brain ghost Dirk is just the latest incarnation.
>> No. 72953
I missed Justice Terezi
>> No. 72954
Really hoping Dirk doesn't fall for this. She's so obviously going to throw Roxy in the way it's unbelievable.
>> No. 72955
So is Aranea going to lose an arm and an eye at some point?
>> No. 72956
She wants to be Mindfang, so she'll likely end up losing them on purpose.

Adorable insane little spiderwaifus :')
>> No. 72957
It just occurred to me how smart it was of her to put the ring on her right hand, suspecting that she would at some point lose her left arm at the shoulder.
>> No. 72958
hey look another two first guardians just waiting to be possessed
>> No. 72960
Why is PM helping Jack
What the fuck even
>> No. 72961
Jack's holding Jade's dead body protectively while arguing with Dave over what killed her, PM's probably just hesitating out of confusion. Oddly enough, all three of them would gladly let Jane bring her back to life. Jack would at lest begrudgingly let her, anyway.
>> No. 72962
because of Becs prototyping making her loyal to jade i think
>> No. 72965
Oh, alright that makes sense. Gotta say I'm glad to see them make it to the battlefield finally. I wonder if Jack will finally be recruited as a good guy.
>> No. 73001
Just because his relevance as the big baddie has waned doesn't necessarily mean John and Rose are going to buddy up with the dogcarapaceman who killed Mom and Dad
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