Last thread >>48678>tipsyGnostalgic
>>69421God damn it.
>>69421I'm a little dense so explain it some more please.
>>69425Reverse this for the lady example.
>Porrim's quirk is replacing o's with the female symbolOhhhhh
>>69463It also works as "O positive" because of the blood drinking thing.
>>69464actually it's 0 positivesage for being a prick
Everyone is in costumes because this update was supposed to be on Halloween.
Homestuck will end in 4/13Also Hussie is so obsessed with Vriska because he is a Virgo.
>>69496Damara even asks if it's a Halloween party.
>>69497Act 6 might end next April, but Hussie has confirmed the existence of a seventh act.
Yeah Hussie also has to keep interest in Homestuck alive until the game is finished. Even if Homestuck proper ends next year, there should be plenty of stuff going on to keep the fan horde happy.
>>69520Sorry. To clarify: Homestuck will end in 4/13. As is Month 4/Year 13
Also;Pickle Inspector>Pickled>Drunk
>>69521Also remember when Problem Sleuth ended there were the several epilogue pages afterwards.
>>69532Also, both his and Ace Dick's name are penis jokes, although AD's is more obvious. "He'd like to inspect your pickle!"
>>69521What if during the time between the end of homestuck and the game's release he released chunks of information that never made it to the formspring, annotations on the print books, or the Q&A sessions on tumblr? Like JK Rowling's Scottish Book, except not in book form and actually existant.
>Rose's weapon kind is needles/thorns/wands>thorns>Rosegoddammit
>Vriska is looking for a mysterious treasure to defeat LE>Tavros is trying his level best to get that mysterious ring to Vriska
Stop me if this has been mentioned before, but...>Dave loves apple juice, fucking loves it>Dirk was raised on orange soda>Red vs. orange text and their typing style>"Different as apples and oranges"
>kawaii me to double death bro!Oh. Ohhhh. It's ghost Hussie communicating from the dead.
>>70101Oh, wow--does this mean Hussie's got a dreamself, too?
>>70160No. Double death is when you're killed and go to the dreambubbles and English realitywrecks you.
>Just an observation, both Rose and Roxy have a sprite that's both a cat and a princess.
I feel like there's some meaning to Karkat poking the people he likes or is close to but I can't puzzle it out. Thoughts?
>>70476It's just a thing he does. Like typing in caps all the time, or being into shitty romance movies. There isn't a hidden meaning/reference in every action a character takes.
>>70479Are you saying his fondness for romance movies/novels has nothing to do with his status as a Knight of Blood?
>>70480Considering that, despite what theorists claim, we still have no concrete evidence as to what the blood aspect is even /about/?Yes.
>>70526Considering that Karkat managed to unite and weaponize trolls from all castes plus the kids, and Kankri is all about social justice (despite being horrible at it), I'd say there's enough evidence to claim that Blood has something to do with relationships/unity. Sage for irrelevant.
OHDad is being treated well because he's a Crocker.
Condesce unironically likes clownsand married Col. Sassacre
Eridan wears Feferi's color (rings) He also wears an awful lot of blue, Vriska's colors?Nepeta wears Equius' colors (hat/tail)This is probably a Moirail/quadrant thing.>Gamzee wears gray spots on his pants.There's probably also something to be said about Kanaya wearing red and Feferi wearing muliple colors.
Looking back on this now it's amazing how much came true!Well, mostly just Karkat<>Gamzee and an inversion: Terezi<3<GamzeeWell, really just the Gamzee stuff.
Bored, so here's two things I noticed like a slowpoke.>The exiles pod things are the kids enty items>Light is luck, Vriska steals peoples luck as a thief, and Rose makes lucky guesses as a Seer.
>>66691>Recent update involves dave and karkat trying to do something about terezi.>trying to save her from herself>trying to save the princess from the dragon
>>71810Well, it's not like her dragonning - her playful, naturally cunning, occasionally vicious side - is at the crux of her problems here. In fact, she's kinda let all that go dull.
>>71811It's more like saving the dragon from the princess.
>>71812Every time I want to post that picture of the knight running away with the dragon, leaving the princess behind, it seems to disappear from my folders.I wanted to add dave's face to the knight and a blind and unblind terezi in their respective palces
Caliborn is repeatedly stated as being a "very special" cherub because he is literally retarded. And now I also feel a bit special >:/
Cans punches John out of the storyThe reader uses John as a cursor to click ==>The reader puts John back in the story
>>72117You're blowing my mind here, dude
>>71891This one?
>>72119Yeah, that's the one.
>JADE: you know, i like to think i make a pretty good witch, especially since i turned wicked and all... WITCHWICKEDHAHAHAHAHAjokes side. A session with 8 players? That doesn't make sen-
>>72441I kind of was hoping she'd get wicked when I saw the stripped socks in her god-tier debut. I'm hoping john's house falls on her after he does another "windy thing"
>>72477the slowest poke
it took me a really long time to notice that team charge was called team charge because it has a ram and a bull in it
>>73063... Well crap.