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No. 61553
Oh lordy it even has FANS, is there anything you can put on the internet that won't attract people who adore it? Even putting aside them using the Holocaust of all things as a backdrop for thier homestuck shipping epic the characterization is 'orrible.
>>Sollux Amporashvitz >>The narrator of the tale, Sollux is a simple young man of 20 who grew up in France and soon moved to Italy with his childhood friend Eridan with intents to attend a University there, though both ended up dropping out and starting a relationship together living a meager but happy life. He's been growing many flowers to help support the two of them in his little window box, but it all ended when the pair of them took a vacation outside Italy's protective walls, soon captured and forced into the labor/death camp of Sachsenhausen in Oranienburg, Germany. Original surname: Captors.
>>Eridan Amporashvitz >>The prosperous heir to a long line of traditional fishermen, Eridan has gained and used the knowledge of every river and stream in order to get a profit every time. He's never had much money to spare, but always just enough to live on. He and Sollux met long ago as small children in France and immediately set a dislike for each other over a feud about the ownership of a small ball, but as time passed, they grew to adore one another and set their sights on learning together. When they soon found they needed more, Eridan was the first to suggest dropping their classes. He's been hardening himself to survive for both himself and Sollux whilst keeping a wary eye on the horizon for their saving grace.