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87575 No. 87575
Three episodes to go!
166 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 87959
Heh they add a Nursery to the academy Mako's family take to running an infant Clinic and Ryuko gets dragged into playing nursemaid to the tikes. All storm and bluster till one calls her "mama" then she softens and strengthens her resolve to give these kids the care she didn't have. Next gen of the line a whole coddle of adopted kids. Happy middle aged Ryuko surrounded by the storm that is her family.
>> No. 87960
The way you post all those run-ons and whatnot I can't tell if you're T4 under a different name or not.
>> No. 87961

Nia's death WASN'T kicking someone already down. It was to show that she and Simon had to accept that spiral power couldn't be used to solve all of their problems.

The whole point of the Anti-Spiral fight was to show that his brand of tyranny and oppression was wrong, and to preserve the peace of the universe Simon would accept full responsibility of his and humanity's power. Simon uncovered the same truth Lord Genome and the Anti Spirals themselves did. But rather than creating an oppressive regime he decided to let humanity regulate itself and put faith in them.

If he had used spiral power to save Nia or whatever then that'd have sent a different message entirely. Implying that he didn't CARE about the consequences of his actions and would use his powers for selfish reasons universe be damned. If Simon saved Nia then people would be rallying against the idea of Simon basically dooming everyone just so he could get some poontang.

And YES! This does go against the 'do the impossible' attitude of the first half of the series. Because the series CHANGED. The series EVOLVED. The series recognized where old values and ideals had to be abandoned to make way for new ideas. Evolution isn't always a progressive series of events where one part is objectively stronger than the other, it's about how one is better suited and adapted for certain environments. Simon recognized that he was a spiral warrior, and his power and strength was only valuable in certain situations.

It's why he didn't like his office job and was only happy when he was fighting in a mech. Because he was apart of an old regime and class that didn't need to exist anymore. Simon is a warrior and a hero, but you don't need warriors or heroes in times of peace.

I dunno I guess these are my own personal thoughts on the series. But I honestly felt like Nia's death was a legitimate ending for Simon. One that wasn't a HAPPY or even maybe a DESERVED end but one that was called for in the narrative leading up to the events. Gurren Lagann is a complicated show and not always told masterfully but I recognize and respect when it does something I can follow.

>> No. 87962
Agreed. Also, the entire point of the story was about each generation supplanting and improving upon the work of the previous. The death (or in Simon's case, self-imposed exile) of the Mega Heroes was part of this symbolism--Kamina dies and passes the torch to Simon. Nia dies, and Simon retires, passing the torch to Gimmy and Darry. Because it was a happy ending (albeit a bittersweet one), we can probably assume pretty safely that both Gimmy and Darry would grow up to be better than Simon and Nia.

Yeah, it sucks that Nia died young and Simon didn't get to spend that much time with her before it was time for them to pass on the baton, but that happened because they peaked early--they accomplished their Big Accomplishments in their youth. Meaning the ending of the show hit while they were still young, and thus when Nia had to die for the sake of the symbolism, she was still young.

I suppose you could've gotten away with giving them like a year before Time Caught Up With Her, but it would've muted the impact of their decision, and made it less an example of heroism on their parts to accept their fates, because they DID have that time together. That final bit was supposed to be the sacrifice that both characters were making--Nia in fading away, and Simon in allowing her to do so, rather than put the universe at risk for the sake of their own selfish motivations. And make no mistake, even though Simon would be doing it for Nia rather than for himself, it WOULD be selfish of him to endanger the universe for her, and both of them knew it. We generally see stories like this where the willingness to make the selfish decision is considered virtuous, but in this case they went against the grain to say something different: sometimes the most heroic thing you can do is surrender.

>> No. 87964
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>> No. 87965
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Surprised I'm not as bummed out about Senketsu dying and all as I thought I would, as much as I adored the little guy. Guess it was too predictable.
>> No. 87966
And this is like the third time he's been shredded. Granted, this time it's apparently permanent.
>> No. 87968
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>> No. 87970
Heh Life Fibers caused humans to evolved without nipples to keep people from chafing. Oh that would have been a fun way to play featureless chests.
>> No. 87982
Can't be T4. everything was spelled correctly.
>> No. 87985
I did kinda assume it was more of an outing when she started talking about dresses and accessorizing.
>> No. 87987
A date is just an outing with someone you want to kiss.
>> No. 87988
I want Ryuko in her Civies with the Sword Case Figma.

And I just thought of a way to do a second series. Large Scale Development of Artificial Life Fibers. Shit be getting Revengeance up in here which leads to a space mission to recover the remains of Senketsu.

Next a project to reweave him also getting all Mass Effect do a whole reweaving process and then we are off into space to stop the invasion of the other reap..er life fiber being things. So it would start Revengeance and then space mission recovery rebuild then leads into Mass Effect Space battle action to end the life fiber menace for the galaxy.
>> No. 87990
Guys did you know sometimes anime teases multiple pairings and then ends ambiguously in order to maximize on amount of people to sell merch too HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Anyway, the finale. I actually liked it a lot, though admittedly mostly because it hit pretty much everything on my final boss checklist:
[xxx]Boss is taken down through music based powerup using the OP/major insert song
[x]All powers are combined for last fight
[x]Everyone major pitches in directly

I think literally the only one it didn't hit was "hero and villain are left naked and powerless and resort to beating the SHIT out of each other with their bare hands," which in this case would have ideally happened on the moon.

Overall I maintain its Imaishi's weakest series, but for all its flaws it hold to the Golden Rule: start strong, end strong. And it does end strong, in fact this is the second best end Imaishi's done, the only one that was better was Panty Stocking.

I enjoyed it, I'd probably recommend it to people if I saw they liked his other stuff/similar series.
>> No. 87992
Well yea probably equal groups want Gramako and others are looking for Ryako, why not make suggestive statues and and maximize profit, keep that Dosh incoming.
>> No. 87993
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-Rei is back, has set up shop in America, and seemingly posses the powers of Ragyo. She has 3 generals, because Four Symbols, and somehow Nui is getting revived.

-Shit goes monster of the week as their new covers start making people go monster!Ryuko.

-Ryuko and the gang go to America and makes a bunch of new friends buy having big dumb over the top fights with them.

-By chance, Gamagoori meets a possible brother/sister/whatever and ends up going on a road trip with Mako to meet dad.

-Takarda becomes a main character.

-Senketsu's pieces are either in orbit, have surfaced, or are in the villain's possession, and Ryuko can sense the pieces.
>> No. 87994
Eh its possible, I could see a kickapoo in the future for KLK Volume 2:Fashionistas Furies. Or if this thing proves crazy popular on the back end. But yea a Fear and Loathing style road trip with Mako, yep that is further breaking the boarders of reality.
>> No. 87995
>> No. 87996
Kickstarter maybe they could pull enough money for a another season.
>> No. 88003
Kickstarter is a terrible idea for any project that is above a million dollars. And a full anime season is probably something like 24 * 300 000$ at the very least (high quality stuff is easily one million per episode after all).
They can finance an OAV with it, but not a season of anything that will not look like crap.
>> No. 88005
Annnnd it just hit me that the transmitter was a penis and the cocoon a zygote.
>> No. 88006
Also, someone needs to make a picture of everyone enjoying a tea party with Soroi.
>> No. 88007

Ryuko being agog at being "home" in the mansion proper, awww that would be something.
>> No. 88008
Actually, I imagine that with REVOCS done for, Japan takes it and sells it off to cover rebuilding costs, leaving Satsuki with very little. She moves in with Ryuuko and Mako's family, who have set up a larger, but still back-alley, clinic in Osaka using seed money from Takarada funneled through the Beach Restructuring Conglomerate.

Soroi, of course, moves in with them and still serves Satsuki.
>> No. 88009
That works too wonder what would happen to the whole structure she'd built for students at the school, better uniforms and better life thing? It looked it might have just dissolved since she herself was just in a sundress at the end when she was out with Ryuko and Mako.
>> No. 88010
The school and entire city around it completely disappeared. If the ED is any indication, it looks like they sunk it.
>> No. 88011
Yea that seems like it would be the end solution to keep anyone from trying to make Artificial Life Fibers keeping all that tech and research out of the wrong hands. Course that would also mean that it just makes it likely they'll go to Ryuko's old Mansion and find the basement cleaned out and work from his notes and records.
>> No. 88015
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I'm posting this picture because of a single cosplay in it. I'll let you guess which one.
>> No. 88016
>That Gama

>> No. 88019

I think I see some Hammers in Two Star Mako's jacket. Damn then Gams on Gama
>> No. 88022
That has to be a body suit. Or something. Because otherwise, holy shit.
>> No. 88034
What if 4Kids dubbed KILL LA K…youtube thumb
>> No. 88036
That was awesome, would buy swedish subs and show it to dude for the lolz.
I am glad I was right about thinking that it would end in space and with everyone in nude.
>> No. 88055
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>> No. 88087
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>> No. 88088
I wonder if they're ever going to follow up on Rei. She was cute and hat a pretty neat design and powers, but they never even followed up on what happened to her corpse/whatever.
>> No. 88089
I'm pretty sure that she popped out of Ragyo when Ragyo was sliced up in the same way that people popped out of COVERS when they were destroyed or used the cannon thing, so she's probably very much alive.

As for the paper powers, she's probably related to the gals from Read or Die.

Also, there's some good material in freaky tantric mind sex when Rei and Nui merge with Ragyo.
>> No. 88090
Awww now I'm seeing some continuation where they encounter a person is wearing the bandana part of Senketsu over their face stitched up looking bloodshot and gnarly.
Ryuko cries out and runs for him only to have the person wearing Senketsu grab her by the throat and Senketsu growl not to follow before tossing her into a corner and running away.
>> No. 88095

Is this accurate?
>> No. 88137
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Polite sage, because there's not really anything to discuss, but this is just too cute to not be posted.
>> No. 88470
OST2 out motherfuckers!
Dat track 5.
>> No. 88479
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>Track 8
>Dat guitar
>> No. 88480
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>Instrumental Until My Body is Dry and Till I die
>> No. 88481
Anyone have a link?
>> No. 88482

I'm pretty sure everyone that's listening to it right now has a link, yeah.
>> No. 88484
MP3 ddl:
>> No. 88486
I dunno what this is. Probly flac

>> No. 88488
>> No. 88501
awwww, they are too adorable. Need OVA I want sister stuff. Both getting stubborn about doing stuff for each other and Mako playing ref to keep the family together.
>> No. 88504
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Kiss La Kissyoutube thumb

Stick it in.
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