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No. 78600
Since the thread (and fandom?)'s about dead, I'm just going to dump this link here:
That's my personal folder containing 237-ish MB of Hanna stuff. I haven't looked at in forever, but I know there's: 99% of the comic (good for icon makers/if the site dies), the "hidden" page sketches off Tessa's photobuckets (there SHOULD be the ones from the dropped storyline before Hanna goes to Ples's place, but no guarantees), a bunch of official arts and sketches, a metric assload of fanart (primarily Hanna/Zombie and Worth/Conrad, with a bunch of gen and a small helping of other pairings), and a couple dozen fanfics (Hanna/..., Con/Worth). LOTS of stuff came off these threads before they died/were archived, so lots of the old "classic" stuff. Otherwise idk what else is in there (in specific anyway)! It is a mystery to me as well. Enjoy!