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File 13942293607.png - (1.83MB , 1920x800 , rf birds everywhere.png )
224595 No. 224595
Just in case anyone cares.

Lewd material goes on /pco/, as always.
55 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 225134
For the fun of it?
Jesus man, you need the chill the fuck out.
>> No. 225138
While he got a little riled up he's not alone in going "dude wtf"
>> No. 225141
Thirded. It's borderline autistic.
>> No. 225142
Not him, but I am still confused.
What exactly is fun about this and why is it done publicly in our forums?
>> No. 225143
Ok, can we stop talking about the list we hate so much and instead simply go back to bird discussion?

Thank you.
>> No. 225155
What discussion? Is there some secret message encoded in the images used to converse?
>> No. 225188
File 139536764829.gif - (0.97MB , 167x200 , nyra.gif )
Ok, then just post more pictures.
>> No. 225322
File 139564428089.gif - (2.05MB , 425x239 , Tina-towel-cc.gif )
>> No. 225323
File 139564438129.gif - (2.56MB , 444x249 , Tina-motorcycle.gif )
>> No. 225394
File 139580604972.gif - (2.88MB , 295x224 , Margot-Mallard-join-in.gif )
>> No. 225395
File 139580620469.gif - (2.42MB , 299x227 , Margot-walking-toward-you.gif )
>> No. 225396
File 139580638390.gif - (2.96MB , 325x246 , Margot-walking-toward-plucky.gif )
>> No. 225397
File 139580646581.gif - (2.90MB , 230x174 , Margot-and-plucky.gif )
>> No. 225398
File 139580655314.gif - (1.11MB , 325x246 , Danforth-and-Margot-kiss.gif )
>> No. 225493
File 139603765844.png - (345.09KB , 583x375 , 5423.png )
>> No. 225508
So, no one saved this?
>> No. 225510
File 13960625285.png - (261.82KB , 516x426 , Screen Shot 2014-03-28 at 11_08_22 PM.png )
>> No. 225536
File 139616259859.png - (712.19KB , 1280x1310 , tumblr_n36cwp1kPQ1s7e5seo5_1280.png )
Fresh from the oven.
>> No. 225544
No matter which form he takes, he is NOT allowed to have a shirt.
>> No. 225548
The Goodfeathers?
>> No. 225562
Who is she?
>> No. 225563
She's from a Cuban Cartoon
LA PAVITA PECHUGONA Cancion In…youtube thumb
>> No. 225567
...What IS it with Communist countries and blatantly sexified furries?
>> No. 225568
They like importing and copying north american cartoons for a taste of freedumz.
>> No. 225597
Or they aren't so full of themselves and try to protect the children from the dangers of the female body, like Americans.
>> No. 225614
The real truth is somewhere in-between and a lot less complicated.

In some countries films and shows are not treated srsly by censors, not like dangerous poison threatening our children. To put it even simpler, in some places censors just don't give a crap.
>> No. 225618
You realize this level of sexualization he's talking about is just about the same level as any cartoon hottie, right?
>> No. 225634
I don't remember seeing something like that in an AMERICAN cartoon. Even that one woman in Anastasia is tamer.
>> No. 225640
Julie Bruin was blatantly about the boobs, for one example.
>> No. 225644
Not to that extent m8, NOT TO THAT EXTENT...
>> No. 225646
File 139637525248.jpg - (16.74KB , 217x162 , Tiny Toons - How I Spent My Vacation.jpg )
It's a over-exaggeration meant to be more comedic than sexual. Not unlike how bodybuilder-types in cartoons are 80% torso with tiny legs.

While this is a extreme case; cartoons used to do this lot more often; before Americans became over-sensitive about animated contain.

>>sorry for the non-bird related pic.
>> No. 225648
With that pic there, it was done because she was fat and by default fat women are more unattractive than slim ones. So them being in such situations is allowed, Disney did an example of that in the movie Black Cauldron with the fat witch having that singer in between her obese boobs when he was turned into a frog. A more recent example of "getting away with sensual" stuff is the lewd dance that the fat chick from Steven Universe did because she is fat and gross so there's no taboo there. Only the fetishists like that, the average guy won't care for a fat female.

Plus you say Americans got sensitive? They never stopped. The only reason they used anthro females back then was because giving human females notably sexy designs was sexist/insensitive/objectifying women, etc crap.
>> No. 225650
"Lewd" dancing is a league away from cleavage gags.

Since you brought it up, how often do see a fat female anymore? Or with noticeable curves in general?
Nowadays, most female characters are designed to be skinny with barely enough accents to say they are girls. They weren't all like Red Hot Riding Hood; but they didn't all same shapeless body-types either.
And this goes towards animated projects, as even if it's for the same age group, live-action shows can get away with stuff like talk of bras or showing a woman in something low cut.
>> No. 225657
Modern cartoons now rely on a variant of the Genndy Tartakovsky art style for the most part. Who he fuck finds the females in Gravity Falls attractive as they are drawn in the show? Most cartoons now are stuck with ugly geometric/angular stylized art styles because it saves money. I know a lot of people say that stuff like the females in Danny Phantom or Kimpossible look hot, but they're desperate fucks. Those angular boobs and such are a major turn off.

I miss the days when cartoons had more substantial, fully realized, and rounded designs like the way women were drawn in Gargoyles for instance.
>> No. 225692
File 139648028588.png - (865.41KB , 1280x720 , Pacifica 3.png )
It's a limitation of the media. You need simplistic character designs in order for animation to be fluid on a TV budget. Cartoons in the 80s and 90s had detailed models and usually had horribly sloppy animation with tons of errors.

Also, I would hardly call the Gravity Falls characters "angular".
>> No. 225931
File 139708908857.jpg - (27.78KB , 285x400 , War_of_the_Birds_-_Fuglekrigen.jpg )
>> No. 225941
I would watch a fansub of that.
>> No. 225969

I had the pleasure of watching an official dub (in my birth language, not in english, though I'm pretty sure it's a dub based on the english one).

It's kind of a weird movie, where the raven/vulture/eagle/whatever is treated as a tyrant simply for being a predator, and everything else is basically a revolution story.
>> No. 225998
File 139720045855.png - (478.05KB , 297x411 , rio_2_-_provar_vingarna_i_amazonas_iid0_mid202_pos.png )
It's finally here.
>> No. 226021
Just saw it.

It was wonderful.
>> No. 226023
I think that is the first poster I've seen acknowledging his offspring. Liking the Distressed Dad thing he's got going.
>> No. 226083
Well he's realizing that his grandkids are going to be inbred as fuck.
>> No. 226085
"But I'm a bird this kinda thing won't be a problem, will it."

Horrifying realization it might just turn his family line into generic mindless birds he starts looking into compatible close species for his kids while he has to deal with freaky birdman wanting "Pure Blues"
>> No. 226086
Tiago and Bia would make a cute incest couple when they grow up
>> No. 226095
File 139743846443.png - (455.82KB , 898x438 , rf bird you serious.png )
You are a sick sick fook. And not in a cute way either.
>> No. 226170
File 139763419373.png - (463.38KB , 500x604 , tumblr_n1tnwjbURe1qebsv0o1_500.png )
Would you a Roberto?
>> No. 226267
File 139785315275.jpg - (154.56KB , 567x848 , tmnt__koya_by_mooncalfe-d6y00bq.jpg )
And here is one for all who hate illogical boobs.
Becouse that a woman.
(see http://mooncalfe.deviantart.com/art/TMNT-Koya-419904422 )
And what a woman!
>> No. 227346
HEY! Where did everyone go? Helllllo...
>> No. 227347
File 140125012262.png - (766.07KB , 1600x667 , Linda.png )
Everyone's dead.

Here, have a picture of Linda's bare feet.
>> No. 227349
Dude... the site is being remade. Go to the new version, link is upstairs.
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