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File 139061396513.jpg - (44.79KB , 533x786 , turtles poster 2014.jpg )
222465 No. 222465
We are on the brink of massive news flood so get ready.
And I will keep posting that manga.
144 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 225729
> Avatar getting good toys

Never. The shows have been cursed.
>> No. 225766
File 139674148033.jpg?spoiler - (498.59KB , 1500x1500 , 9UFZ0DI.jpg?spoiler )
And some HUGE lego movies imgs.
I like the look of the shredder's shoulder piece.
Very super~
>> No. 225767
File 139674160413.jpg - (214.00KB , 1500x1500 , YfJ5JlT.jpg )
And here is a REALLY close look off the movie Mikey lego minifig.
>> No. 225772
Oh dear.
>> No. 225774
God dammit Lego, I love you, but please stop whoring out to everyone! That only makes me love you less and less.
>> No. 225778
where the hell have you been, the tread on LEGO's pussy wore out years ago
>> No. 225784
File 139677329884.jpg - (128.69KB , 712x496 , LEGO-Ninja-Turtles-Movie-Big-Rig-Snow-Getaway-7911.jpg )
And with what?
(My guess is Crystal Skull.)
Because I dont mind the film based stuff.
Maybe because I played Star Wars with my Legos before they had official versions.
And I like the "boring" truck and van set.
They are more then meets the eye.
Like the Cobra van in Rise of Cobra.
Also Karai.
>> No. 225794
Even more pics was posted here:
>> No. 225801
The Best TMNT Character EVER! …youtube thumb
>> No. 225813
There is a subtle difference between making Star Wars sets and Michael Bay sets.
>> No. 225826
Yeah but it is where the movie stuff started if I remember right.
Then some Spiderman and Jurassic Park as part of the Lego Studio line.
Followed by Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Pirates of the caribbean, Prince of Persia, Lone Ranger and lastly Bay Turtles if I'm not forgetting some.
And you can still rip them all apart and make whatever ypu want so I dont really care that what they whre made from sucks.
>> No. 225841
Bay is always a different kind of whoring your shit out. It's like... well, a whore agreeing to do something with a feather for a John, and agreeing to do something with a live chicken.
>> No. 225914
File 139707848026.jpg - (353.88KB , 1500x1500 , 1VufAHF.jpg )
But Lego got both at the same time with that deal (or so I bet).
And this does look hype.
Now with Syringe Attack Karai.

Also we need to give Lego money for Turtles intill we get the old stuff.
Or try atlest...
>> No. 225915
TMNT is not a franchise that desperately needs people buying shitty product just to survive.
>> No. 226014
File 139723549924.jpg - (45.86KB , 500x353 , lego-studios-jurassic-park-iii-raptor-rumble.jpg )
But I heard it was selling badly and I want it to last intill it gets a game atlest before going the way of Spongebob Lego...
(also avatar lego, did not even make it out of the states, the poor thing...)
And the Bay Turtles sets are not that shit.
Just look at this Jurassic Park 3 set:

AND THOSE RAPTORS LOOK AWFUL and I could rant for hours but wont.

This is Turtles thread damn it.
>> No. 226072
Yes, I was not the only one with this idea.
>> No. 226164
File 139760866957.gif?spoiler - (2.00MB , 500x206 , 2014 movie splinter sword spin.gif?spoiler )
Found this.
He's so tiny~
>> No. 226165
File 139760884496.gif?spoiler - (753.40KB , 500x206 , 2014 movie cheapskate.gif?spoiler )
Okay this got me to feel some hype...
>> No. 226166
File 139760902683.gif?spoiler - (1.80MB , 500x206 , 2014 movie RAPH SMASH.gif?spoiler )
But then this reminded me off the lameness.
>> No. 226167
Stop deluding yourself. This movie is, factually, going to suck. There is literally no hope.
>> No. 226171
I know(even if I did not communicate that), but the skateboard would make a cool toy.
Also first look at Spinter.
Thats a most post.
>> No. 226173
Oh god it's so weird how much larger they are than a standard human being when most times April is as tall or taller than they are.
>> No. 226175
Especially with the nick turtles being the smallest ones yet.
Atlest the toys with be to scale now...
>> No. 226180
That camera shake every time one of them lands. These aren't giant alien robots guys, they are supposed to be NINJA.
>> No. 226181
I know.
The Nick ones actually have the look of Teenagers.

Which is actually kind of a rarity for this franchise.
>> No. 226187
File 139768183194.jpg - (109.77KB , 582x607 , old mike vs 2014 movie hater.jpg )
And it makes the bad guy look more imposing.
Like IDW newcomer Koya:

Also I found this old thing in Mirage's Michelangelo: The Third Kind #4.
Hilarious in hindsight!
>> No. 226189
Also look, its the Channel 6 News Van.
Neat I guess...
>> No. 226260
File 139784362912.jpg - (702.31KB , 1600x1237 , TMNT-30th-Anniv-Special_Cover-RE-Heroes-Haven.jpg )
Well thats alot of awesome.
>> No. 226263
File 139784688821.jpg - (227.44KB , 1069x1580 , 82043.jpg )
>> No. 226271
It is incredibly strange to see Ace Duck on that cover, rather than a character who at some point did anything.
>> No. 226293
Well he wrestled Leaderhead in space...
Eh, its probably just the artist having a soft spot for the toy.
Also did you see whos on the Hot Topic cover?
>> No. 226723
File 139863036673.jpg - (92.83KB , 612x527 , rahzar daliy life.jpg )
New episodes!
>> No. 226761
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -…youtube thumb
>> No. 226764
File 139871116284.jpg - (1.37MB , 1988x3056 , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 025-013.jpg )

Also clever set up IDW.
>> No. 226768
Um wait...
Oh Cool.
>> No. 226769
Aww helpful freezer kitty
>> No. 226770
File 139871586263.jpg - (102.23KB , 1280x720 , tumblr_n4qcxeipSN1rnvlipo6_1280.jpg )
From the recent Love Live episode: If TMNT were an idol group.
>> No. 226771
Though I see them having a be more Flamenco Girls mentality. Though Diamond is more Raph than Leo.
>> No. 226791
File 139874368675.png - (1.54MB , 1916x1076 , vlcsnap-2014-04-28-23h52m08s197.png )
she had a bit of jiggle going on here
>> No. 226903
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles O…youtube thumb
>> No. 226910
File 139897808062.jpg?spoiler - (26.66KB , 470x414 , Nick Bebop_bio_pu1.jpg?spoiler )
Playmates leaked this.
>> No. 226912
File 139897838763.jpg?spoiler - (39.00KB , 470x414 , Nick Rocksteady_bio_pu1.jpg?spoiler )
Yeah, R looks better then B but he could grow on me.
Looks like they will have some weird superpowered thing.
>> No. 226919
As long as they're entertaining and have good fight scenes, I'm all for it.
>> No. 226930
But they could look worse.
>> No. 226931
Reminding me a bit of the Neutrinos
>> No. 226951
Next episode up is
>The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman
Gee, I wounder what happens!
>> No. 226953
Stockman creates a new mutation that sees it as his father, but he rejects it.
>> No. 227016
File 139922086759.jpg - (1.25MB , 1912x1072 , tmnt shibari.jpg )
Well dang.
>> No. 227018
its like she's wearing nothing at all.
>> No. 227051
It's episodes like these that make me really frustrated with this show.

It took one drop of anti mutagen to fix April's dad.

1 drop.

They could have avoided the whole problem if they had been at all intelligent, but no, he have to have half an hour of slapstick pass the torch.
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