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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138306419455.png - (148.56KB , 770x1090 , 20131029.png )
218177 No. 218177

151 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 220608
You will never be River City Ransomed.
>> No. 220609
I'm in the exact same boat, for the exact same reasons. Every artist that's actually worth a damn on that site would be better off going independent.
>> No. 220622
Who is this Josh "Petulant Manchild" Lesnick?
I only know about the guy who spawned that atrocity called Moon Over June.
>> No. 220629
Here is the thing

Josh has made a working business that supports these artists

The chances of them "making it" on their own without him are slim to none, most artists aren't able to hack it. Oh sure they'd be making commissions and other stuff. But long form quality porn comics? Nope.

So yeah Josh may be a bit of a tool but you're just using that as a justification not to give money to artists you like, because on internets that is the path of least resistance.
>> No. 220630

The guy who created Slipshine. Douche extraordinaire.


Sorry, but wanting to support artists I like is counterbalanced by NOT wanting to support douchebags and hacks. Especially since let's be real, Lesnick probably sees a bigger cut than any individual artist.
>> No. 220636
>The guy who created Slipshine. Douche extraordinaire.
Yeah, but could you be a bit more specific?
He also has some webcomics, I presume.
>> No. 220638
I'd also be interested in sordid details. The only thing I know about the guy is the time he tried to defend Moon Over June on Something Awful; it devolved into "bloo bloo you guys are all being mean".
>> No. 220639
File 138695847328.gif - (275.32KB , 375x2250 , girly_0368.gif )
He had a couple of now-concluded webcomics called Cutewendy and Girly. At the moment he's also involved with You Suck and "Princess Panic" (a game).
>> No. 220652
>Sorry, but wanting to support artists I like is counterbalanced by NOT wanting to support douchebags and hacks.
Only in the mind of someone who has more pride than he has respect for artists.
>> No. 220653
File 138696748096.jpg - (272.32KB , 792x1152 , 2013-12-13-26p78.jpg )
So, you won, yet you lost Radical?
>> No. 220654
Pride isn't always a bad thing, you know. Especially not in the "I'm not going to pay to eat earth off the ground" way.
>> No. 220656
This isn't "I'm not going to pay to eat dirt earth off the ground." It's "I'm not going to support an artist I like because an artist I don't like would also benefit from it."
>> No. 220657
how is it entitled to not want to give money to an artist you dislike
>> No. 220658
Yeah, I mean we all earn our money so it's up to us what it gets spent on.

Personally I don't get a slipshine subscription because it would only be for two comics by Skulloar and Cheezyweapon (yes I know but his insanity is something to behold) and both are people who often post pieces of their art on their blogs.
>> No. 220667

It's called 'voting with your wallet', and most people do this. Because of how Slipshine is set up, I can't use my wallet to vote for the artists I want without also voting for artists I would much rather vote against.

As a result, where normally there would be two considerations in whether I whip out my credit card - 'do I want to support this artist' and 'is this good value for my money' - there's only one. And if you're like me and only care even slightly about a few of the comics involved, Slipshine is not good value for money.
>> No. 220669
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>> No. 220672
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Money means nothing when it comes to a good brawl.
>> No. 220678
I like this princess, she has the smarts and the cutes as well.
>> No. 220717
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Goddamn it all my favorite father and adoptive daughter bros are mad at each other.
>> No. 220820
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Guest Poppy comic
>> No. 220829
>> No. 220831
File 138726301790.jpg - (148.58KB , 800x535 , nimonabanner.jpg )
>> No. 220858
File 138731919893.jpg - (264.71KB , 600x900 , ch08_48.jpg )
the most passive aggressive.
>> No. 220859
Where'd he get that round scar on his chest? It's been a while since I read through Unsounded and I can't remember if it happened to him during the story or if it's still unexplained. It's too conspicuous to not be at least tangentially important in some way...
>> No. 220871

It's not come up in the comic yet, but that's what remains of his wedding brand. In Alderode, when you get married, you get tied together through their weirdass khert, so that you can feel their heartbeat and the general direction they're in from you. The wedding brand goes out if one of the partners dies or leaves the country.

It hadn't been brought up yet, but it probably will in the future.
>> No. 220883
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Boycey? Who's this nerd supposed to.... EUSTACE?
>> No. 220959
File 138748240878.png - (108.04KB , 900x1850 , tomoyo395.png )
I was reminded Dan Kim exists.
Why was I reminded Dan Kim exists?
>> No. 220965
Say what you will about his writing and/or interests, but he does some of the best monochrome work in the webcomics world.
>> No. 220975

excuse you, thats a bold claim to make when jerkcity exists
>> No. 220992
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He said some of the best, not THE best. And I agree. He's pretty good.
>> No. 221019
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im doing a new thing where if you donate any amount (literally anything) you can get this wallpaper!! my tablet kinda...died. and ill need a new one before school starts.
so, if youre feeling it. id appreciate it.
>> No. 221021
File 138760267810.png - (1.08MB , 1125x1650 , 2013-12-20-page18SMACKDOWN.png )
will the dimensions fit my nexus tabby? Regardless I'm kicking a couple bucks your way.

And so not to Derail lets have some Poppy.
>> No. 221022
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if not chuck me an email w/ your resolution and ill whip one up for you!

anyone here but me reading judecca?

its very strange but very compelling
>> No. 221023
actually this works pretty well and looks nice transitioning between the panels. I keep it locked anything since I only use landscape for vids.
>> No. 221165
File 138785693350.jpg - (292.38KB , 792x1152 , 2013-12-23-26p81.jpg )
Ms. President!
>> No. 221170
Morbi is pretty lucky to get fans... like this
>> No. 221171
Yea the threads seem to go rather well on /co/ as threads following web comics go.
>> No. 221206
File 13879855695.png - (781.68KB , 1125x1650 , 2013-12-25-CHRIMBUS.png )
Oh its going to be a Merry Christmas to the Poppy Bros over on /co/. And since George does it so much better than anyone.

George Takei Oh Myyoutube thumb
>> No. 221208
I like her, she's nice and she DIGS GIANT ROBOTS, would vote for

Chicks Dig Giant Robotsyoutube thumb
>> No. 221226
She has epaulets and an eyepatch.

Of course she digs giant robots.
>> No. 221240
File 138813748625.jpg - (157.37KB , 700x1060 , ggmain20131227a.jpg )
Hang on, what-

>> No. 221241
Parental Possession: not just for Hetrodynes anymore!
>> No. 221245
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Wulfenbach what have you done.
>> No. 221253

You do realize Jerkcity uses Jim Woodring art created for an old MS chat app?
>> No. 221255

yeah jokes are hard for me to understand too
>> No. 221256
Are you saying Jim Woodring's contribution to Jerkcity, even if unintended, isn't the greatest monochrome work in webcomics?
>> No. 221258
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Aww shit son, she got recket!!!
>> No. 221260
Is it wrong to be overwhelmingly attracted to him?
>> No. 221261
course not everyone has a thing for Boris.
>> No. 221262
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This is the most important lesson.
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