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File 136414454749.png - (280.80KB , 740x490 , vlcsnap-2012-06-08-21h45m57s238.png )
206424 No. 206424
Scooby.Doo.Mystery.Incorporated.216 Aliens Among Us.SDTV.Xvid-[TT].avi

Scooby.Doo.Mystery.Incorporated.217 Horrible Herd.SDTV.Xvid-[TT].avi

Scooby.Doo.Mystery.Incorporated.218 Dance of the Undead.SDTV.Xvid-[TT].avi

Scooby.Doo.Mystery.Incorporated.219 The Devouring.SDTV.Xvid-[TT].avi

So is the reason this is being shuffled out the door in the dead of night because its ending or is there something else to the whole thing?
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>> No. 207504
That's my problem with What's New is that it's basically the original minus camp. I mean it was still campy, but it tried to imitate the original's "60's-ness" and it just didn't work.

Pup was fucking cheesy with a theme song to match, but I thought it was enjoyable in its own right. Then again, if I watched it today, I probably wouldn't be able to stand it.

I'm watching MI on Netflix, since I've never seen it, and even though it's kinda dark and violent compared to every other incarnation, for some reason it doesn't feel out of place here. The humor is still there, the formula hasn't changed, there's still a camp factor and the characters' are still how they've always been. Even the new characters are interesting. (Sheriff Stone is one of the best characters Warburton has ever done)

I haven't watched the whole series so I can't make a full judgment, but I feel that this should set the standard for future incarnations. On the other hand, I have no idea how they'd ever make another like it.
>> No. 207505
just to go ahead and add to the what's new hate wagon: what specifically irked me about that particular iteration was the style. I seriously hated the color palette and how lifeless everything was. Shaggy's shoes always come to mind as an example of what not to do.
>> No. 207515
>Everyone, get on the bandwagon!

Hated What's New. HATED it. Didn't much care for the original (probably because my local stations for some reason used massive blocks of scooby doo to fill up air time whenever kids might be watching, and the humor gets old when it's all that ever seems to be on), and What's New was basically a bad attempt to redo humor that I never found all that funny in the first place. Mystery Inc is Elder God (possessing an animal) Tier for being a Scooby Doo I actually enjoyed.

(Pup had its moments though, and Thirteen Ghosts has a place in my heart because, dude, VINCENT MOTHERFUCKING PRICE)
>> No. 207525
pretty much exactly how I feel.
>> No. 207529
Mystery Inc was Scooby Doo for people who couldn't fucking stand Scooby Doo when they were kids.
You will be missed, Best Doo. You did alright.
>> No. 207530
More like for people that liked it when they were kids but have no idea why they ever liked it in the first place.
>> No. 207541
I dunno, I never liked Scooby Doo to begin with but latched onto Mystery Inc immediately.
(Well, I did like Pup, but beside the point.)
>> No. 207595
File 136553510570.png - (716.79KB , 1275x714 , Scooby-Doo Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 4_17_10 PM.png )
"Even if you don't break the spell, even if you can't turn it all around by destroying that evil entity; I want you to know that having you as my son was the absolute best part of my life. You were always the best part of me."
>> No. 207597
Dangit. The links in the OP are blocked now.

Anybody know a good alternative download for the last episodes?
>> No. 207626
>gets REALLY dark towards the end

No kidding. You don't expect what is nominally a kids cartoon to have a character damning themselves for eternity.
>> No. 207627
Wait, what?!
>> No. 207630
When they unmask the fragment of El Aguirre as the Nightmare Freak, he explains that he wanted to stop them from freeing the trapped spirits because he and his men DESERVE to be there, being punished for the evil deeds they did after finding the sarcophagus.
>> No. 207631

Finished the first season as I'm marathoning this shit. And so far I am loving it. For the first time ever in a Scooby Doo show I feel myself caring about the characters and identifying with them. I mean, these dark undertones, violent action scenes, romance subplots, character development, continuity, jesus christ it doesn't even feel real. Like, this shouldn't be happening in the Johnny Test age we live in now.

My only problem with it, really, is Scooby himself. He feels kinda OOC. After the first 10 or so episodes he stopped talking in R's, something that made him iconic, and almost everything he said was serious business. There was almost no comic relief from him most of the time, and for a talking dog with a speech impediment, that just feels wrong.

And while I do prefer Casey's Shaggy over Matt, he's not bad. I liked his performance in the movies and he does a good job here too.
>> No. 207636
They got Casem to play Shaggy's dad, so I figure they still had a warm place for him in their hearts, he just didn't want to commit to a demanding role at his age.
>> No. 207681
I'm glad Scooby talking so much doesn't just bug me.
Somehow it feels weird.
>> No. 207721
Ohh for a another show delving into more Lovecraft horrors and similar things.
>> No. 208304
FINALLY spent the time to watch the second half of season two.

Final verdict: 10/10 Best Scooby Doo series ever.

Bear in mind, it was pretty much that back in season one, season two just confirmed it.

I only wish I had been able to watch the finale episodes right after the Two Best Friends playthrough of Eternal Darkness.
>> No. 208316
File 136662363513.jpg?spoiler - (110.83KB , 1280x720 , underachievers.jpg?spoiler )
Daphne's sisters kinda got the shaft in the new universe.
>> No. 208350
Attractive and rich is hardly a shaft.
>> No. 208369
Yeah, but they used to have careers.
>> No. 208400
And at least some of them were married. If they didn't have interesting careers they might not have met their partners, meaning that in the new universe they might end up eternally alone and unloved.

Or perhaps I'm overthinking it.
>> No. 208407
where i could download whole first season?
>> No. 208412
According to their parents they hadn't met anyone in that Universe and Daph was the first looking to Marry.
>> No. 208416
A torrent of the season in HD is available:
>> No. 212274
So apparently, knowing that trying to top Mystery Inc may be impossible, the next Scooby project is apparently a Pup Named Scooby Doo puppet movie...

Scooby-Doo! Adventures: The My…youtube thumb
>> No. 212276
ohhh my mind is screaming and confused. Both horrified and intrigued. But overall the puppet work looks pretty damn good.
>> No. 212277
...I frickin' love this. I wouldn't dream they'd bring this back nowadays.

Fingers crossed for Red Herring.
>> No. 212356
Started on first season a few days ago. Is there someplace I can find all episodes for season two?
>> No. 212385
Well, you have to keep in mind that everyone in the original universe was brutally eaten or killed. So I'd say it's a comparative step up.
>> No. 212390
I rationalize it as They were awful people in the old universe so it was karma coming back on them. I think the two or three times one of them actually did anything on the show might even back that up.
>> No. 212393
So I got vauge spoilers for the ending

But I'm fine with it, since it made me want to finish the series
>> No. 212394
I forgot how much I enjoyed the fact that they turned the DJ from The Warriors into a main character.
>> No. 212395
They just did a "previouly on..." That was just a montage of Scooby and Shaggy eating. I love this show
>> No. 212396
also love: That this season SCOOBY DOO is the one with the girlfriend
>> No. 212447
So, one episode features:
Gay Dads
A firing Shotgun
An actual corpse
Nazi Robots
Supposed death of a major character

Good for Scooby Doo
>> No. 212450
Blue Falcon is DKR Batman while Dynamutt is the exact same. This show is perfect
>> No. 212638
Okay, this is just a me thing, but they just gave Scooby Fucking Doo Not only character development, but an actual purpose. This is a big deal for me, because the most boring part of Scooby Doo to me has always been Scooby.
>> No. 212639

>> No. 212640
>> No. 212711
>> No. 212724
That. Was an ending.

That I actually really, really liked. I mean, If you already go full supernatural then it's probably the best case ending. I especially liked how They explained and justified the scenario for the classic series
>> No. 212730
And the prophecy foretold by the gators came true. Wasn't onscreen but that was still brutal.
>> No. 212743
What Gator prophecy? Was it before Season 2 episode 6? Because it's been a while since I watched before that point.
>> No. 212744
In the episode with fake alligator smugglers, a neon sign breaks to say THE DOG DIES. It turns out to be an important piece of foreshadowing.
>> No. 212746
Oh YEAH! Thanks!
>> No. 215137
Finally confronted my own stupidity, and simply downloaded the complete first season from a certain bay. I could finally catch up.

Bump because the show is awesome.
>> No. 215170
File 137715114748.png - (0.96MB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2013-08-22-01h18m47s13.png )
Velma <3
>> No. 216036
I wtched the second season in a weekend since CN LA havent aired it yet (or i havent noticed....anyway).

Fucking loved it, the building towards the end was reasonable and I like how they drop the campy side for a more down to earth drama; something annoying in the early incarnations was the abscense of the consequences for their acts; they can mess with any "mystery" or forgery but they have small chances of someone being hurt. On this incarnation every step they do have a risk, and in more than one way.

Other thing I loved is the lesbifriends Marcy and Vilma, I know its a show for kids (or not so kids ) but was a interesting way to deal with the whole Shaggy affair; if only Vilma showed more grief in dat bridge....again in this incarnation the gang, all of them; have their hearts broken in some level.

I hope for future projects this seasons become cannon, Marcy included; because of how they present this story as a precuel NOW IT MAKES SENSE why they are so cool and uncaring on the previous incarnations: they have survived the end of their world literally, <spoilers>even vanished a toned down Lovecraftian Elder</spoilers> They have seen very hard shit and it have to take someting really really bad to make them shiver in fear again.

Hope they continue the Miskatonic Arc, on comics, on webcomic, animated series better.

Im shipping VilmaxHDW, I dont care if she has a ugly nose; as Vilma...I have noticed dat rack XD.
>> No. 216037
I wtched the second season in a weekend since CN LA havent aired it yet (or i havent noticed....anyway).

Fucking loved it, the building towards the end was reasonable and I like how they drop the campy side for a more down to earth drama; something annoying in the early incarnations was the abscense of the consequences for their acts; they can mess with any "mystery" or forgery but they have small chances of someone being hurt. On this incarnation every step they do have a risk, and in more than one way.

Other thing I loved is the lesbifriends Marcy and Vilma, I know its a show for kids (or not so kids ) but was a interesting way to deal with the whole Shaggy affair; if only Vilma showed more grief in dat bridge....again in this incarnation the gang, all of them; have their hearts broken in some level.

I hope for future projects this seasons become cannon, Marcy included; because of how they present this story as a precuel NOW IT MAKES SENSE why they are so cool and uncaring on the previous incarnations: they have survived the end of their world literally, <spoilers>even vanished a toned down Lovecraftian Elder</spoilers> They have seen very hard shit and it have to take someting really really bad to make them shiver in fear again.

Hope they continue the Miskatonic Arc, on comics, on webcomic, animated series better.

Im shipping VilmaxHDW, I dont care if she has a ugly nose; as Vilma...I have noticed dat rack XD.
>> No. 216452
File 137902852375.png - (593.12KB , 1280x720 , moe beyond belief.png )
Season 2, in case anyone was wondering/doesn't know how to use google:
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