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204902 No. 204902
Previous thread: >>194356

So what did everyone think of last night's episode, Do or Diaper?
Love it? Hate it? Swearing to never watch the show ever again until next week?
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>> No. 210927
>they think the shitty subplot is over

upcoming episode synopsis: Mordecai tries to impress murgit's father, enjoy eternal forced shipping bullshit and eternal noepisodes for Eileen
>> No. 210934
But he's not helpful anymore. For a time he would pitch in with whatever scheme was going on but only because he'd get something out of it too.
In this episode he destroys the confidence Mordecai gained from Picking Up Margaret and continues to tease him about it, refuses to give them any time alone until threatened and bribed with snacks, and then just as it's coming he decides it's taking too long and heckles them. The attitude change was the only thing keeping this from being a return to season 2 Rigby.
I suppose it does make some kind of sense if his plan is now to get them together just so they'll break up, and since he knows so little about friendship and less about relationships this is the best he can do.
>> No. 211199
I wasn't sure what to expect as far as Margaret's family but they seriously nailed it when it came to her dad. Jennifer Hale was pretty cool as her mom.
This and Picking Up Margaret really make me want to see episodes where one of the other guys from the park goes and does their own thing, especially Pops. I can only imagine what kind of neat stuff he does in a day.
>> No. 211221
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>he wants an episode that isn't about Muscle Man or Margaret

>> No. 211560
Not much to say about The Last Laserdisc Player, other than it was spectacular.
>> No. 213774
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>Season 4 Finale Synopsis
>Steak Me Amadeus: Mordecai wants to ask Margaret to be his girlfriend
>> No. 213775
I thought they were ALREADY going steady hence the Friendzone episode and Margaret's dad's episode. The writers really suck. They go purposely out of their way to make Mordecai come off as Betacai.
>> No. 213776
80's style relationships.
>> No. 213785
I'm just annoyed because they've already fucking kissed twice and met the folks and I just can't fathom how they could possibly drag this shit out any further. And worst of all one of the episodes they "hyped" at comic con is about Rigby asking Eileen on a date so you know the whole retarded cycle is gonna repeat itself

Season 5 Opener: Mordecai wants to hold Margaret's hand but he's just so nervous and relatable :(
>> No. 214606

just saw Steak Me Amadeus

you won't have to worry about that
>> No. 215153
>Season 5 Opener: Mordecai and Rigby go on a road trip to return Margaret's sweater

You were saying?
I knew from the start the writers were trash and wouldn't actually get rid of this tumor of a subplot.
>> No. 215155
If this is true, fuck the writers. Regular Show got real stale this season. No one except this staff filled with hacks cares about Mordecai being this exaggerated loser of a beta for Margaret.

I don't think even the writers on Futurama exaggerated as much with Fry's relationship to Leela.
>> No. 215157
There is no way you're using the term "beta" unironically. Like....people that stupid don't actually exist, do they?
>> No. 215158
Its the easiest way to describe Mordecai's entire personality in regards to his subplot with Margaret. Not to mention it stings more to call a guy a beta than "spaghetti."
>> No. 215159
But it also makes you sound like a sexually frustrated retard. So there's a tradeoff.
>> No. 215163
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what was even the point of a season finale sendoff episode complete with forlon moping on the roof if she's right fucking back in the next episode? it was bad enough when I realized they'd been shoving this love story down our throats for months because they were trying to make it "sad" when she left, but it completely takes the damn sting off if you just bring her right back
>> No. 215165
Even if they didn't bring her back, Margaret is a shitty character. She's not funny or anything. She's up there like Wendy from Gravity Falls for being shit. Wendy however confuses me since she's worthless and yet they put her in the show's opening as if she amounts to much.

Anyways, you want a GOOD female whose absence would negatively a show's quality because she does add something? Look at The Looney Tunes Show Lola. Now she contributes to the comedy of the show. Female characters like Margaret or Wendy are just fail.
>> No. 215167
Wendy is actually pretty funny, it's Dipper who actually drains the fun out of anything to do with her but in such a way it feels organic for being 12 and too smart for your own good.

You are completely right about Margret though, she's a non-entity, she exists completely as a plot devise.

Remember on Hey Arnold when he spent two seasons trying to get a date with Ruth and when he finally succeeded it turned out she was an awful bitch he can't stand and he realizes the romanticized version of her he loved was imaginary? That to me is still the pinnacle of this same kind of tread except it had the balls to end it and the character grow from it.

So that kind of ruined me on these kind of relationships because it mattered, I like Regular Show but nothing from it will ever matter, it unfortunately has the worst points of being story driven and episodic.
>> No. 215168
Add in Kitty Katswell as also being very humorous. And yeah Hey Arnold was surprising with how it shattered some cliches.

I wish Regular Show would have done the same. RS isn't a bad show, but how it failed to stay fresh with originality only made its stagnant formula even more apparent and the end result of that is.....its flaws stand out much more to the point of being unbearable.

Its obvious the writers know dick shit about they're doing since they do nothing with Thomas or Eileen. Hell we haven't even seen the boss of the coffee shop/diner either.
>> No. 215169
We didn't even see Eileen, Margaret's supposed "best friend" in her sendoff episode (and I seriously doubt we'll see her in the premier) so why would you think we'd see her boss?
Even Eileen and Margaret being friends is just a tool to easily justify both girls being together for the shitty Double Date episodes, it isn't like they've ever been shown to have fun with eachother or have any common interests.
Mordecai is the only character that matters in relation to Margaret because she's the trophy girl for JG's self insert to win.
>> No. 215173
Wendy doesn't get to do enough in the most episodes, save for "The Inconveniencing", but at least Gravity Falls takes the time to demonstrate that she does have a life, friends, a family, interests, and daily activities outside of Dipper.

And while it was a brief moment, "Boyz Crazy" touched on the fact that Dipper's pursuit of Wendy was basically a selfish cause given that he's only thinking of his naive emotional satisfaction, rather than genuinely being concerned for her well-being. There's a difference between liking someone as an ideal and liking someone to the extent you want to spend long periods of time with them on equal footing as fellow-sentient creatures. Like your "Hey Arnold" example, Gravity Falls takes the time to remind the audience that crushes are real, flawed human beings that don't exist to pin all your hopes and dreams on. They have their own shit to deal with.

But the Regular Show can't seem to break out of the Courtly Love box. Margaret is just their to be Mordecai's dream-girl, with only lip-service character details propping her up and no plot potential out of her except to be pursued by Mordecai. Honestly, when has Margaret ever showed up in an episode and her purpose in that scene wasn't to do in some way to Mordecai's crush/feelings?
>> No. 215185
The show is basically an 80s love letter. Don't expect particularly deep relationship examples. It's all about the romantic side of portraying human relation, not the reality.
>> No. 215186
If it's not going to be deep or well written it could at least have the decency to be funny.
>> No. 215187
Or have the decency to end since its standard formula really felt stagnant and a major point against the show this season. Regular Show is a show that's being held on CN life support because CN knows its popular along with AT.

The only thing that will kill it at this point is notably lower ratings.
>> No. 215188
It must be doing something right if it's worth bitching this much about.
>> No. 215189
Bitching at a show is not a good thing. Look at Thundercats 2011, Korra Season 1, MLP Season 3 (particularly the finale).

I don't know about you but unless I hear outstanding things about the next RS season's individual episodes I'm not watching it. Or to put it another way, come next season I'm only going to watch episodes with notable good receptions.
>> No. 215192
Okay, but here's the thing: you're not dedicating whole threads to bitching about Two and a Half Men or Big Bang Theory, which are at least twice as terrible as this. So there must be something about this show that you still really like, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about it.
>> No. 215206
>>The show is basically an 80s love letter. Don't expect particularly deep relationship examples.

A show can homage a articular era while cutting out the deadweight or modernizing certain storytelling/character aspects. Also, 80's romance movies/TV shows weren't universally shallow when it came to writing romance or central female love interests. John Hughes, the quintessential voice of popular 80's teen movies, knew how to write layered/funny/dynamic female characters with equally interesting relationship drama
>> No. 215207
Sorry, meant to quote
>> No. 215208
Because the Regular Show was once very good. And it could be good again, hell, it could be great again if it was willing to spice things up, trying new things, add new dimensions to characters, etc. But, like so many in this thread have already said, it has stagnated. The only real dynamic element at this point is Mordecai's relationship status with Margaret. But, again, Margaret isn't interesting/well written enough for me to care about her. And, quite frankly, neither is their relationship.
>> No. 215209
Lol at John Hughes movies being examples of layered, nuanced character relationships.
>> No. 215210
The show has honestly not changed that much.
We're just used to it.
>> No. 215215
This is a cartoon board retard of course there's not a BBT thread.
>> No. 215379
one of the other poster brought up a good point

wtf is Thomas's purpose in this show?
>> No. 215382
If it was up to me, I would have made Thomas' personality be a shifty liar and coward who when push comes to shove he'll come through. Think like Usopp from One Piece.

But alas the writers of RS aren't exactly resourceful.
>> No. 215384
I think he's just some in-joke.
>> No. 215389
Why present an in joke to people not in on it?
>> No. 215402
Lately his purpose seems to be jokes about how he's completely irrelevant.

Personally I think he's just another victim of this season underutilizing its cast and spamming the shit out of Muscle Man and Mordecai/Margaret. When was the last time Pops or Skips was the focus of an ep?
>> No. 215405
Pops I can't remember, think the Milk episode but that one was from S3 I think. And when you put it in context is shows how the writing team don't bother to get creative with Pops since the Milk episode was about how "different" "alienated" and unable to connect with the younger coworkers Pops felt and him keeping track of all the things he doesn't do with them. It felt like the episode was trying to further downplay Pop's involvement as part of the main cast since it ended with him finally doing something with the other characters and him seemingly just satisfied to leave it at that.

As for Skips and this recent season however? Skips' only episode I remember is the one about his stress.
>> No. 215406
Then it would stop being an in-joke, now wouldn't it?
>> No. 215453
>cross country travel to return a sweater instead of mailing it

nope that isn't stalkery at all
was there ever a reason given why they couldn't keep in touch by email or the phone like normal ass people?
>> No. 215454
>> No. 215923
My question is: Why didn't Mordecai just think to move out of state with Margaret? He doesn't really have much going for him where he is now and it probably wouldn't be that hard for him to find another McJob out of state.

And don't say he'd be abandoning Rigby because Rigby has even less going for him and would thus have no reason not to just move out with Mordecai.
>> No. 215933
Because you would have to be completely retarded to quit a fairly cushy job and move to a new state where you have no friends and no connections for a girl you stalked for a few years and dated for a week.

The point of the premier was Mordecai finally realizing that he was way too obsessed over some stupid girl he barely knows to a really unhealthy extreme.
>> No. 215940
the sweater ep wasn't too bad it was just making it the breakup official
>> No. 215941
And yet even though Mordecai did something unexpected (threw the sweater in the garbage), I still get this irritating feeling that the writers will still make Mordecai backpedal and go crawling back to Margaret the instant they feel like doing it like a bunch of hacks even though objectionably speaking, Mordecai moving on is the mature decision with his character.
>> No. 215942
I love that the other guys helped Mordecai through that shit. That and the Silver guy episode was pretty much something fun you'd see in the early seasons.
>> No. 215947
You know what I liked? Is that the coworkers at the park do indeed care about one another. They're like a family. They helped Mordecai get over being dumped. Even Benson was reaching out to his employee. Love those little details. Speaking of which in Silver Dude Benson behaved like a surrogate father to Mordecai and Rigby when they were asking for bonus pay for additional work. Instead of asking the normal questions, Benson outright asked "What game is it?" showing just how in tune he is with Mordecai and Rigby.

When you get down to it, I really love the cast of Regular Show. Very few characters are fumbled up.
>> No. 215953
Anyone else think that Regular Show would be better if it was marketed as being CN's prime time adult comedy cartoon like how The Simpsons is for FOX? They could go much further with the themes and ideas from axed storyboards, etc.

And they would not have to succumb to those bitches who were calling CN and forcing them to censor the show's season 1/2 episodes and all around watering down the following seasons.
>> No. 215960
We could stand to have less muscleman episodes though.
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