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No. 202141
>>201764 >>202140 Thirding, fourthing, whatever all this.
When you watch Battle for Motorcity, Vega, and A Better Tomorrow; they really feel like one continuous story. Moreover, they seem to have a level of polish and depth lacking from most of the other episodes in the series. They actually treat themselves somewhat seriously, there's genuine tension, and the characters really shine. I think, and this is pure speculation mind you, that this because these general concepts were always there from the Ye Olde Pitch folder from when they were trying to get this sucker on MTV.
But when it came time to flesh out the rest of the cast, expand the world, and just do general stories... we run into problems. Really, Motorcity needed a talented story editor like... Marty Isenberg or... something to give the season an overall focus and to make sure each episode was contributing some piece of character development or plot important information to the audience.
For example, Giancarlo Volpe (director of the Green Lantern animated series) posted a plot matrix of the first season on his tumblr account. It breaks down the arcs of each character episode by episode and highlights the key information, interactions, and developments they should go through as the story progresses http://giancarlovolpe.tumblr.com/post/38643585142/story-matrix-green-lantern-the-animated-series
Motorcity doesn't have that. Some characters, like Dutch, get a lot of attention, information, and development focused on them whereas some get little or none. We've seen Dutch's parents and brother, he's gotten a girlfriend, Dutch learned leadership skills throughout the season which paid off in the finale. Meanwhile, we know nothing about Chuck's past, and he's still a goofy coward in the finale. A similar case with Texas.
Really, you need to have a plan. Great concepts, great characters, and great animation isn't enough. You can't throw the most expensive chocolate, best eggs, and premium flour in a bowl and magically expect cake to come out: you're going to need an equally good recipe to follow. Motorcity has no structure to follow and it feels half-baked.